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Peer-led teaching is an established paradigm with benefits for student teachers, learners and the wider medical community. Students are increasingly taking ownership of such teaching, which has fuelled the creation of new peer-led medical education societies at universities around the UK. Students wishing to undertake such an endeavor must contend with concerns over the quality of peer-led teaching, logistical challenges, lack of senior support and difficulties accessing relevant resources to design and appraise their initiatives. Peer-led medical education societies represent a relatively novel concept, and students may struggle to find practical information on how to approach these challenges. We propose that these obstacles can be overcome by thorough event planning, understanding the role and features of high quality peer-led education in supplementing medical school curricula, maintaining a strong working relationship with local medical faculty, and learning from the wider medical education community.  相似文献   

On a daily basis, patients put their trust in the healthcare system for safe and high-quality healthcare. However, what evidence do we have as an educational community that our supervising faculty members are competent to fulfill this responsibility? Few, if any, requirements exist for faculty members to have continuous professional development in the field of medical education. Many faculty “love to teach”, however, this love of teaching does not make them competent to teach or assess the competence of trainees whom they supervise. Faculty members who have a significant role as a teacher in the clinical setting should be assessed with regards to their baseline competence in applicable teaching EPAs. When competence is reached, an entrustment decision can be made. Once proficient or expert, a statement of awarded responsibility (STAR) may be granted. The time has come to reach beyond the “standards” of the old adage “see one, do one, teach one” in medical education. In this personal view, the authors outline an argument for and list the potential benefits for teachers, learners, and patients when we assess clinical teachers using EPAs within a competency-based medical education framework.  相似文献   

In medical education programmes which rely on clinical teachers spread across diverse sites, the application of peer observation of teaching offers the potential of both supporting teachers and maintaining quality. This paper reports on a questionnaire survey carried out with general practitioner (GP) teachers of medical undergraduate students from King's College London School of Medicine at Guy's, King's College and St Thomas' Hospitals. The aim of the study was to determine GP teachers' views on a proposed programme of peer observation of their teaching. The majority of GP teachers identified benefits of the proposed scheme with 69% saying it would help improve the education of future doctors. However, despite seeing the benefits, less than half wished to take part in the programme. Two thirds cited time and paperwork as major disincentives to taking part and 62% said that they felt it would make them feel under scrutiny. No associations were found between measures of workload and willingness to take part. This suggests that a fundamental fear of scrutiny and criticism may be the main hurdle to be overcome in implementing the scheme. Imposing peer observation on GP teachers in the form proposed could create suspicion and distance between the university department and practice-based GP teachers and may even result in a loss of teachers. The introduction of peer observation is more likely to be successful if GPs' apprehensions are addressed. Using peer observation to strengthen the process of quality assurance may undermine its role in the support and development of clinical teachers.  相似文献   

As universities change the delivery of their medical undergraduate courses, many have started to develop the community as a learning resource. In Manchester, part of the rationale behind problem-based learning is that students become familiar with the tools for finding information. Within the medical school and its main teaching hospitals, students have access to varied information resources using IT. These are often less available from off-campus sites and particularly within general practice. Even where available, students may not use them. Initial evaluation suggests that IT facilities are particularly useful for students who have longer placements. However, students prioritize their use of time in the community and furnishing general practices with a computer and other IT equipment does not, in itself, promote use by the students unless there is a perceived need. Training and support within the practice needs to be undertaken to enhance the learning environment for the undergraduates.  相似文献   

Baozhi S  Yuhong Z 《Medical teacher》2003,25(4):422-427
To examine the differences between the content of curriculum of medical schools in China and the USA the authors compared the curricula of 82 Chinese and 125 American medical colleges. Great disparities were found in the framework of medical curricula, processes of teaching learning, types and numbers of preclinical courses, course hours, laboratory and practical training hours, and key disciplines of clinical practice. A significant difference was also found in the number of courses, lectures and laboratory and clerkship hours among Chinese medical colleges. The authors conclude that medical colleges in China should look again at the type of courses offered, revise curricular frameworks and reform the teaching learning process and approaches. New courses should be introduced, new content should be added to existing courses, and appropriate importance should be attached to clinical practice of subjects such as family and community medicine. To improve the quality of medical education, Chinese medical colleges need national medical education standards compatible with international standards.  相似文献   

Grant A  Robling M 《Medical teacher》2006,28(7):e192-e197
Following the publication of Tomorrow's Doctors and as a result of increasing numbers of students recruited to medical school it is necessary to involve more general practitioners (family physicians) in undergraduate medical education. Students have responded positively regarding experiences in general practices with a broad spectrum of clinical conditions to be seen and greater involvement in clinical decision-making. This action research study followed a small group general practice in South Wales through the required preparation for undergraduate medical education and its first year of teaching. Preparatory work for the practice focused mainly on summarizing patient notes, setting up a practice library and arranging accommodation for the students. Members of the Primary Health Care Team (PHCT) found that having students in the practice gave them a sense of achievement and enhanced self-worth. Individuals within the practice felt more confident in their professional role and the team ethic within the practice was strengthened. Doctors' anxieties regarding the adequacy of their clinical skills proved unfounded. Patients were reported to feel more included in their care and to have enjoyed hearing their condition being discussed with the students. Students valued the one-to-one teaching, seeing common illnesses and a variety of consulting styles. It is hoped that this paper will be of value to those responsible for recruiting GP practices into undergraduate teaching. It demonstrates benefits for the primary health care team in terms of improved morale and sense of professional self-worth. Patients felt more involved in their care. Generalization from these findings is limited by only one practice having been involved. Undergraduate teaching offers advantages, particularly in terms of professional self-esteem and team morale.  相似文献   

The increasing importance of primary care suggests an important role for the whole primary healthcare team in the education of 'tomorrow's doctors'. Few studies have evaluated the contribution and views of staff other than general practitioners. We used a questionnaire survey to elicit the perspective of 65 community-based nurses involved in a new undergraduate medical course. Some 67% of the cohort had already undertaken training to teach others, and were confident of their teaching skills but were overly reliant on the general practitioners for information, and on the goodwill of colleagues for time to teach. The findings suggest a need for structural changes in the process of multidisciplinary medical education, supporting the need for teaching commitments to be coordinated at practice rather than individual tutor level. The high level of professional development for teaching among community nurses suggests that there is a sound basis for encouraging such valuable professional input into medical education in the future.  相似文献   

This Guide explores emerging issues on the alignment of learning spaces with the changing curriculum in medical education. As technology and new teaching methods have altered the nature of learning in medical education, it is necessary to re-think how physical learning spaces are aligned with the curriculum. The better alignment of learning spaces with the curriculum depends on more directly engaged leadership from faculty and the community of medical education for briefing the requirements for the design of all kinds of learning spaces. However, there is a lack of precedent and well-established processes as to how new kinds of learning spaces should be programmed. Such programmes are essential aspects of optimizing the intended experience of the curriculum. Faculty and the learning community need better tools and instruments to support their leadership role in briefing and programming. A Guide to critical concepts for exploring the alignment of curriculum and learning spaces is provided. The idea of a networked learning landscape is introduced as a way of assessing and evaluating the alignment of physical spaces to the emerging curriculum. The concept is used to explore how technology has widened the range of spaces and places in which learning happens as well as enabling new styles of learning. The networked learning landscaped is explored through four different scales within which learning is accommodated: the classroom, the building, the campus, and the city. High-level guidance on the process of briefing for the networked learning landscape is provided, to take into account the wider scale of learning spaces and the impact of technology. Key to a successful measurement process is argued to be the involvement of relevant academic stakeholders who can identify the strategic direction and purpose for the design of the learning environments in relation to the emerging demands of the curriculum.  相似文献   

A department of medical education is becoming an essential requirement for a medical school. This publication is intended for those wishing to establish or develop a medical education department. It may also prove useful to teachers in medicine by providing information on how such a department can support their activities. This will vary with the local context but the principles are generalizable. Medical education departments are established in response to increased public expectations relating to healthcare, societal trends towards increased accountability, educational developments, increased interest in what to teach and how to educate doctors and the need to train more doctors. The functions of a department of medical education include research, teaching, service provision and career development of the staff. The scope of its activities includes undergraduate and postgraduate education, continuing professional development and continuing medical education. These activities may be extended to other healthcare professions. Flexibility is the key to staffing a department of medical education. Various contractual arrangements, affiliations and support from non-affiliated personnel are needed to provide a multi-professional team with a range of expertise. The precise structure of the department will depend on the individual institution. The name of the department may suggest its position within the university structure. The director provides academic leadership for the department and his/her responsibilities include promotion of staff collaboration, fostering career development of the staff and establishing local, regional and international links. Financial support may come from external funding agencies, government or university sources. Some departments of medical education are financially self-supporting. The department should be closely integrated with the medical school. Support for the department from the dean is an essential factor for sustainability. Several case studies of medical education departments throughout the world are included as examples of the different roles and functions of a department of medical education.  相似文献   

Experienced General Practitioners were asked about lasting value from GP Registrar training. Grounded theory was used to construct eight categories of training behaviours. In each category, dimensions spanned between learner-preferred behaviours and those the learners perceived as less helpful. Learners valued teaching based on evergreen approaches to problems. They welcomed exposure to a wide variety of styles and a safe, blame-free, environment, wherein to develop reflective practice. Modelling by trainers of personal development and team-skills has proved of lasting value in a changing world, particularly where change management is based on completed audit cycles. Help to see family medicine contexts of presenting problems enhanced Registrars' appetite for learning. Trainers centring education on learners, yet maintaining a sense of direction, are highly valued. General practice learners appreciate sensitive positive and negative feedback from their trainers. This work offers new possibilities for assessing and developing trainer behaviour.  相似文献   

Teaching professionalism: general principles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There are educational principles that apply to the teaching of professionalism during undergraduate education and postgraduate training. It is axiomatic that there is a single cognitive base that applies with increasing moral force as students enter medical school, progress to residency or registrar training, and enter practice. While parts of this body of knowledge are easier to teach and learn at different stages of an individual's career, it remains a definable whole at all times and should be taught as such. While the principle that self-reflection on theoretical and real issues encountered in the life of a student, resident or practitioner is essential to the acquisition of experiential learning and the incorporation of the values and behaviors of the professional, the opportunities to provide situations where this can take place will change as an individual progresses through the system, as will the sophistication of the level of learning. Teaching the cognitive base of professionalism and providing opportunities for the internalization of its values and behaviors are the cornerstones of the organization of the teaching of professionalism at all levels. Situated learning theory appears to provide practical guidance as to how this may be implemented. While the application of this theory will vary with the type of curriculum, the institutional culture and the resources available, the principles outlined should remain constant.  相似文献   

Medical education has evolved to become a discipline in its own right. With demands on medical faculties to be socially responsible and accountable, there is now increasing pressure for the professionalisation of teaching practice. Developing a cadre of professional and competent teachers, educators, researchers and leaders for their new roles and responsibilities in medical education requires faculty development. Faculty development is, however, not an easy task. It requires supportive institutional leadership, appropriate resource allocation and recognition for teaching excellence. This guide is designed to assist those charged with preparing faculty for their many new roles in teaching and education in both medical and allied health science education. It provides a historical perspective of faculty development and draws on the medical, health science and higher education literature to provide a number of frameworks that may be useful for designing tailored faculty development programmes. These frameworks can be used by faculty developers to systematically plan, implement and evaluate their staff development programmes. This guide concludes with some of the major trends and driving forces in medical education that we believe will shape future faculty development.  相似文献   

This AMEE Guide in Medical Education is Part 1 of a two part Guide covering the issues of Communication. This Guide has been written to provide guidance for those involved in planning the assessment of clinical communication and provides guidance and information relating to the assessment of various aspects of clinical communication; its underlying theory; its practical ability to show that an individual is competent and its relationship to students' daily performance. The advantages and disadvantages of assessing specific aspects of communication are also discussed. The Guide draws attention to the complexity of assessing the ability to communicate with patients and healthcare professionals, with issues of reliability and validity being highlighted for each aspect. Current debates within the area of clinical communication teaching are raised: when should the assessment of clinical communication occur in undergraduate medical education?; should clinical communication assessment be integrated with clinical skills assessment, or should the two be separate?; how important should the assessment of clinical communication be, and the question of possible failure of students if they are judged not competent in communication skills? It is the aim of the authors not only to provide a useful reference for those starting to develop their assessment processes, but also provide an opportunity for review and debate amongst those who already assess clinical communication within their curricula, and a resource for those who have a general interest in medical education who wish to learn more about communication skills assessment.  相似文献   

The notion of “threshold concepts” is being widely applied and researched in many disciplines but is rarely discussed within medical education. This article is written by three medical educators who regularly draw on threshold concept theory in their work. They explore here the nature of threshold concepts and describe how the theory can offer medical educators new perspectives in terms of how they design curricula, approach teaching and support learners.  相似文献   

Gibbs T  McLean M 《Medical teacher》2011,33(8):620-625
As new developments in medical education move inexorably forward, medical schools are being encouraged to revisit their curricula to ensure quality graduates and match their outcomes against defined standards. These standards may eventually be transferred into global accreditation standards, which allow 'safe passage' of graduates from one country to another [Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) 2010. Requiring medical school accreditation for ECFMG certification--moving accreditation forward. Available from: http://www.ecfmg.org/accreditation/rationale.pdf]. Gaining much attention is the important standard of social accountability--ensuring that graduates' competencies are shaped by the health and social needs of the local, national and even international communities in which they will serve. But, in today's 'global village', if medical schools address the needs of their immediate community, who should address the needs of the wider global community? Should medical educators and their associations be looking beyond national borders into a world of very unequal opportunities in terms of human and financial resources; a world in which distant countries and populations are very quickly affected by medical and social disasters; a world in which the global playing field of medical education is far from level? With medical schools striving to produce fit-for-purpose graduates who will hopefully address the health needs of their country, is it now time for the medical education fraternity to extend their roles of social accountability to level this unlevel playing field? We believe so: the time has come for the profession to embrace a global accountability model and those responsible for all aspects of healthcare professional development to recognise their place within the wider global community.  相似文献   

The Delphi technique is a method of collecting opinion on a particular research question. It is based on the premise that pooled intelligence enhances individual judgement and captures the collective opinion of a group of experts without being physically assembled. The conventional Delphi uses a series of questionnaires to generate expert opinion in an anonymous fashion and takes place over a series of rounds. The technique is becoming a popular strategy that straddles both quantitative and qualitative realms. Issues that are critical to its validity are the development of the questionnaire; definition of consensus and how to interpret non-consensus; criteria for and selection of the expert panel; sample size; and data analysis. The authors used the Delphi technique to assist with making recommendations regarding education and training for medical practitioners working in district hospitals in South Africa. The objective of this Delphi was to obtain consensus opinion on content and methods relating to the maintenance of competence of these doctors. They believe the experience gained from their work may be useful for other health science education researchers wishing to use the Delphi method.  相似文献   

Public hospitals serve as primary training sites for medical students. Public patients may therefore bear a disproportionate burden of medical student education. The purpose of this study was to critically examine the ethics of medical education in the public setting. Attitudes of first- and fourth-year students towards the role of public patients in medical education were elicited in focus groups. Inductive qualitative analysis was utilized to organize data into conceptual groups, which were then analyzed within an ethical framework. All patients have an equal obligation to participate in medical education. Students identified modifying factors that could affect a patient's obligation to educate future physicians. Available data highlight a concern that public teaching hospitals may provide a lower quality of care. If true, then the public teaching setting is creating an unfair burden upon that patient population who would then have a weakened obligation to participate in medical education.  相似文献   

Situativity theory refers to theoretical frameworks which argue that knowledge, thinking, and learning are situated (or located) in experience. The importance of context to these theories is paramount, including the unique contribution of the environment to knowledge, thinking, and learning; indeed, they argue that knowledge, thinking, and learning cannot be separated from (they are dependent upon) context. Situativity theory includes situated cognition, situated learning, ecological psychology, and distributed cognition. In this Guide, we first outline key tenets of situativity theory and then compare situativity theory to information processing theory; we suspect that the reader may be quite familiar with the latter, which has prevailed in medical education research. Contrasting situativity theory with information processing theory also serves to highlight some unique potential contributions of situativity theory to work in medical education. Further, we discuss each of these situativity theories and then relate the theories to the clinical context. Examples and illustrations for each of the theories are used throughout. We will conclude with some potential considerations for future exploration. Some implications of situativity theory include: a new way of approaching knowledge and how experience and the environment impact knowledge, thinking, and learning; recognizing that the situativity framework can be a useful tool to "diagnose" the teaching or clinical event; the notion that increasing individual responsibility and participation in a community (i.e., increasing "belonging") is essential to learning; understanding that the teaching and clinical environment can be complex (i.e., non-linear and multi-level); recognizing that explicit attention to how participants in a group interact with each other (not only with the teacher) and how the associated learning artifacts, such as computers, can meaningfully impact learning.  相似文献   


Teaching and learning practices often fail to incorporate new concepts in the ever-evolving field of medical education. Although medical education research provides new insights into curricular development, learners’ engagement, assessment methods, professional development, interprofessional education, and so forth, faculty members often struggle to modernize their teaching practices. Communities of practice (CoP) for faculty development offer an effective and sustainable approach for knowledge management and implementation of best practices. A successful CoP creates and shares knowledge in the context of a specific practice toward the development of expertise. CoPs’ collaborative nature, based on the co-creation of practical solutions to daily problems, aligns well with the goals of applying best practices in health professions education and training new faculty members. In our article, we share 12 tips for implementing a community of practice for faculty development. The tips were based on a comprehensive literature review and the authors’ experiences.  相似文献   

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