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跟宝宝说性,在中国来说,是一件既尴尬又好玩的事情。下面是一位妈妈讲述的她家宝宝的可乐性教育事件,希望众妈妈看完笑过之后能有所领悟。  相似文献   

现在,不少父母都说自己的孩子越来越不听话,但是很少有父母会这样反过来想一想,自己对孩子说的话。中听”吗?是不是自己说的话让孩子产生了逆反心理,使孩子难以接受父母的好意呢?其实,这样的情况的确并不少见。  相似文献   

孩子的到来,会使一个家庭变得杂乱无章,孩子也会成为家庭爱护和关注的中心,这是无可厚非的。父母在教育孩子方面,时常举棋不定,一些旧的规矩已不适用,要求孩子绝对听话和顺从的教育方式已行不通了,而社会又没有提出更好的办法,那么,家长应该怎么办呢?  相似文献   

年幼的宝宝,对电插座、电线和开关都特别感性趣。为防止宝宝发生触电危险,可采取以下对策:  相似文献   

小宝宝一天天长大,开始学会各种“本领”.很多大人喜欢用自己的眼光去看宝宝的这些“本领”,并将其划到“学坏”的范畴,试图去阻止或改正.  相似文献   

小宝宝一天天长大,开始学会各种“本领”.很多大人喜欢用自己的眼光去看宝宝的这些“本领”,并将其划到“学坏”的范畴,试图去阻止或改正.  相似文献   

孩子的良好习惯并非一日形成,乃是在日常生活中逐渐养成的。现在的好多孩子对掉在地上的一角硬币不屑一顾,就是因平时在家里太浪费,不珍惜父母的辛勤劳动。但明理的妈妈教子有方,从小就不让宝宝忽视一个小硬币、一个旧玩具、一张白纸……  相似文献   

儿子晚我两年来加拿大。在他飞抵温哥华前一个月,我刚好读完作家刘绮芬的成名作《逃家》。对这名生于华裔移民家庭的少女逃离父母沦为雏妓的经历,不同年龄、不同阅历的读想必会有不同的感受。令我久久不能释怀的是  相似文献   

在日常生活中,不少年轻的父母,不让孩子在地上练习爬行,宁可自己抱着,生怕孩子爬行时弄脏手足或伤及身体。其实,只要细心照看,让孩子多练练爬行是大有益处的。  相似文献   

买车 邻居家的雷雷买了一辆可以自己开的电动小汽车,这让乐乐非常羡慕,于是总是缠着我们给他也买一辆。但我们前段时间刚刚给他买了一辆儿童自行车,再加上,老公一直认为这个比那种电动的好,骑自行车不仅可以锻炼孩子的平衡能力,更能起到锻炼身体的作用,倒是那种电动的,非常贵不说,对孩子也没有一点儿好处,所以我们拒绝了他的要求。  相似文献   

This is a research paper written by 3 midwife students in Kanazawa University. Their research is based on a survey of 88 elementary school girls, 86 junior high school girls, 145 senior high school boys and girls, and 85 teachers, concerning sex and sex education in Kanazawa City, Japan. The authors concluded that: 1) sex education should start from the first grade in the elementary school and the contents should be prepared according to their developmental stage and age; 2) the places of education should be both at school and at home; 3) the entire teachers of a school should take a college level course on sex education and at home, the educators should be guided by specialists and school teachers and they should be able to consult with children when needs arise; 4) the contents of sex education should be physiological facts of both male and female sex, anatomy of sexual organs, the values of life, and practical daily life in marriage; and 5) one should not use the title, sex education in the school, but instead wheneven the opportunity arises in any subject, teachers should educate children little by little, on human nature. In conclusion, the authors think that people's attitude towards sex education in both school and home is still conservative in the Kanazawa City.  相似文献   

J Ishihama 《Josanpu Zasshi》1979,33(7):430-438
The tendency to sex liberation has escalated the adolescent pregnancy into a modern social problem. A comparison of the data for adolescent pregnancy from US and from Japan is presented in this study. The definition of the adolescent pregnancy can be understood as a pregnancy under the age of 15 (US), or under 16 (Japan), or from the age of 13 to 16 (classification of teenager pregnancy by Hoffman). From the viewpoint of obstetrics, comparatively less problems are found in the adolescent pregnancy (90% natural birth; 4.5% miscarriage), but from the viewpoint of sociology, the unusual concept of pregnancy in those pregnant adolescents is noticeable: 10% think the baby inside their bodies are lovely; 18% felt happy to have the baby; but only 37% of them have acknowledged sex education. The contents of the sex education in Japan is comparatively nonexistent compared to other developed countries. A prudential policy and a completed system for the development of sex education in Japan are necessary. Practically, telephone consulting services, monthly meetings with specific topics, and special classes for pregnant students, are important subjects.  相似文献   

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