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好心情,是相当宝贵的."天的心情好了,天就晴朗了;水的心情好了,水就流淌了;花的心情好了,花就开放了;鸟的心情好了,鸟就飞翔了.打开心灵的天窗,让阳光漫步;  相似文献   

郭海婴 《长寿》2011,(12):1
秋天走了,带走了丰收和秋高气爽,但也送走了悲凉。冬天来了,带来了寒冷和枯萎,但也带来了银装素裹。人的一生,就像各个季节一样,有美好的,也有灰暗  相似文献   

乾隆是清代一位多才多艺的皇帝,在一年的春天,有一天春雷阵阵,下起开春后的第一场雨。乾隆帝忽来雅兴,率领诸大臣去御花园赏雨。雨下的越来越大,不大功夫竟将亭子外的小草淹没。乾隆见景生情,触动灵感,随口拈一谜语曰:"大了小了,小了大了,大了没有了。"请各位大臣来猜。等了很久,  相似文献   

俗话说,一勤天下无难事。但随着社会工作、生活节奏的加快,压力无处不在,好像"勤劳"的人越来越少了,做个勤劳的人也越来越难了。比如,很多人计划多,实施少;想的多,做的少,因为懒惰不断对自己"失望"。再比如,点外卖的人多了,做饭的人少了;举着手机看视频的人多了,读书的人少了;定制服务的人多了,打扫房间的人少了;打车的人多了,走路的人少了……  相似文献   

赵湘 《健康博览》2014,(11):1-1
若不是朋友先前详细描述他罹患重症,我断然不会认为他生病了。即便是躺在住院部的病床上,他依然谈笑风生,而专程去探望的我们显得小题大做,瞬间沦为肤浅社交。做了几台大手术,在生死线上拽回自己后,他轻描淡写地回顾了手术过程,就好像在渺无人烟的路上捡到一根树枝,只是寻常断枝残叶,顺眼望窗外秋日阳光下的金色草木,断了就断了,枯了就枯了,落了就落了,腐了就腐了,若再对自己苦苦相逼,就显得矫情。  相似文献   

昨晚给母亲打电话,听母亲说,我的一个远房奶奶快不行了。问母亲怎么回事,母亲说"人老了,骨头就脆了,下雨滑倒把腰摔骨折了。治了大半年了也不见好,一直躺在床上,现在天越来越热,身上的褥疮发了炎,昨天我过去看了看,病情越来越严重。"很多人,特别是偏远的农村,人们只知道人老了骨头脆了,却不知道骨头脆了是骨质  相似文献   

孙林 《健康生活》2012,(3):55-55
孩子终于断奶了,王婷也松了口气,可另外的烦恼又来了:如何避孕。本来就过早做了妈妈的王婷,如今可是提起怀孕就害怕。在哺乳期,听信别人说不需要避孕,结果却导致珠胎暗结而怀了“暗胎”,不得不做了“人流”手术终止妊娠;这回孩子断奶了,王婷又到一家诊所上了节育环,以为可以高枕无忧了,过了两个多月,觉得胃里不舒服,但想到已上了环,  相似文献   

郎艳秋  杨玉芹 《现代保健》2009,(36):133-134
目的 通过对142例门诊观察室患者的健康教育,使患者了解了所患疾病的病因、临床表现、发展、转归、治疗及一系列的康复保健知识,增强了患者预防疾病的能力,改变了不良习惯,增强了治愈疾病的信心,减少了医患纠纷,提高了护理质量。方法通过讲解、观看、宣传、教育等方法,对笔者所在医院142例门诊留观患者进行健康教育。结果提高了患者医疗保健知识和自我保护能力,减少了疾病的复发率,缩短了留观天数,促进了患者康复,同时也增强了护士责任心,密切了护患关系。提高了患者医疗保健知识和自我保护能力,减少了疾病的复发频率,缩短了留观天数,促进了患者康复,同时也增强了护士责任心,密切了护患关系。结论系统的健康教育手段,使门诊患者的护理工作由单纯的诊断、治疗服务向预防、治疗、护理、康复、保健的服务功能转变,通过向患者作健康宣教的形式,拉近了与患者之间的距离,改善了护患关系,使患者的满意度明显提高。  相似文献   

杨颖 《中国保健营养》2013,23(5):2529-2530
实施人性化护理,转变护理理念,实现以人为本,以病人为中心,最大限度地满足病人对护理服务需求的目标,极大地提高了服务质量,推动了服务站的整体发展.通过实施人性化护理服务,消除了许多服务死角,优化了服务流程,给患者提供了极大方便,患者满意度显著提高,取得了良好的社会效益和经济效益.  相似文献   

公立医院在经济活动中出现了一些偏差,不但影响了医院的形象,也损害了患者的合法权益。文章介绍了公立医院经济活动偏差的现状,分析了产生的原因,并提出了解决办法。  相似文献   

Functional dyspepsia (FD) is a common disorder of gut-brain interaction, characterised by upper gastrointestinal symptom profiles that differentiate FD from the irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), although the two conditions often co-exist. Despite food and eating being implicated in FD symptom induction, evidence-based guidance for dietetic management of FD is limited. The aim of this narrative review is to collate the possible mechanisms for eating-induced and food-related symptoms of FD for stratification of dietetic management. Specific carbohydrates, proteins and fats, or foods high in these macronutrients have all been reported as influencing FD symptom induction, with removal of ‘trigger’ foods or nutrients shown to alleviate symptoms. Food additives and natural food chemicals have also been implicated, but there is a lack of convincing evidence. Emerging evidence suggests the gastrointestinal microbiota is the primary interface between food and symptom induction in FD, and is therefore a research direction that warrants substantial attention. Objective markers of FD, along with more sensitive and specific dietary assessment tools will contribute to progressing towards evidence-based dietetic management of FD.  相似文献   

Social correlates of cognitive style in young children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examines several social correlates of field dependent #opFD#cp and field independent #opFI#cp children. Five-year-old kindergarten children's #op28,14 males and 14 females#cp cognitive style and social behaviors were assessed. The results challenged the theory as more FI children were not able to assume a role and solve a problem. In addition, the children's social competence showed that teachers perceived the more FD children as more socially competent. Teachers also perceived FD pairs of children where one child was accepted and the other was rejected as more socially competent. Both FD and FI children who were rejected as playmates by other children were found to engage in more social play. FD children more than FI children tended to play more in the different play areas. FD children's frequency of play related to the different play areas. When play areas and play behaviors were integrated, more relationships were found with Fl children than with FD children. FI children engaged in more physical, manipulative, and block play.  相似文献   

Background: The association between childhood food deprivation (FD) and health in later life has been extensively studied; however, studies on the association between childhood food deprivation and frailty are scarce. This study assessed the associations between childhood FD and the risk of frailty at middle-age and old age. Methods: Three waves of the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS), including 11,615 individuals aged over 45 years, were used for this research. Frailty was operationalized according to the FRAIL scale as a sum of fatigue, resistance, ambulation, illness, and the loss of weight. Childhood FD experiences and levels were measured by self-reported FD and historical content. Logistic mixed-effects models and proportional odds ordered logistic regression models were used to analyse the association between childhood FD and frailty. Findings: Childhood FD increased the odds of frailty at old age (1.30, 95% CI: 1.26–1.36). Compared with subjects with mild FD, those with extreme FD experiences had increased risks of frailty (1.34, 95% CI: 1.26–1.43). Subjects exposed to hunger at different ages all had an increased risk of frailty, and subjects who had FD during ages 6–12 (1.15, 95% CI: 1.09–1.22) were more likely to have an increased risk of frailty than those who had experienced FD in younger ages. The interaction of experience of FD at ages 0–6 and the experience of FD at ages 6–12 is not statistically significant after adjusting all covariates. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that childhood FD exerts long-lasting effects on frailty among older adults in China. The prevention of childhood FD may delay or even avert the emergence of frailty in people of middle-age and old age.  相似文献   

Development of folate deficiency (FD) was evaluated in weanling rats fed diets containing mixtures of free amino acids or of vitamin-free casein and gelatin as sources of dietary nitrogen. FD could be produced in 21 d with amino acid diets that promoted maximum growth rate, were completely devoid of folate and contained 1% succinylsulfathiazole. Growth retardation and blood dyscrasia associated with FD could not be demonstrated in rats fed diets containing casein and gelatin as nitrogen sources because the vitamin-free casein contained low but measurable levels of folate. The most effective protocol to produce experimental FD in rats is to feed a folate-free diet that otherwise supports maximum growth in young animals. Additional modifications such as use of methotrexate or amino acid-imbalanced or protein-deficient diets are unnecessary.  相似文献   

心理社会因素与大学生功能性消化不良   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
目的 描述合肥市大学生功能性消化不良(FD)患病率,探讨心理社会因素与FD的关系。方法 对合肥市2所大学576名一-三年级大学生进行问卷调查和临床诊断。选取FD病人44名,同时选取同班级、性别比例相同的44人为对照,评定生活事件、社会支持和特质焦虑等心理社会因素。结果 FD患病率为7.6%,经济状况、生活习惯在病例组和对照组间差异无显性。生活事件应激程度、应对方式评分,2组间差异无统计学意义,负性社会经历和特质焦虑评分病例组显高于对照组。结论 FD在大学生中十分常见,负性社会经历和特质焦虑与FD呈统计学关联。  相似文献   



Functional dyspepsia (FD ) is a debilitating functional gastrointestinal disorder characterised by early satiety, post‐prandial fullness or epigastric pain related to meals, which affects up to 20% of western populations. A high dietary fat intake has been linked to FD and duodenal eosinophilia has been noted in FD . We hypothesised that an allergen such as wheat is a risk factor for FD and that withdrawal will improve symptoms of FD . We aimed to investigate the relationship between food and functional dyspepsia.


Sixteen out of 6451 studies identified in a database search of six databases met the inclusion criteria of studies examining the effect of nutrients, foods and food components in adults with FD or FD symptoms.


Wheat‐containing foods were implicated in FD symptom induction in six studies, four of which were not specifically investigating gluten and two that were gluten‐specific, with the implementation of a gluten‐free diet demonstrating a reduction in symptoms. Dietary fat was associated with FD in all three studies that specifically measured this association. Specific foods reported as inducing symptoms were high in either natural food chemicals, high in fermentable carbohydrates or high in wheat/gluten. Caffeine was associated with FD in four studies, although any association with alcohol was uncertain.


Wheat and dietary fats may play key roles in the generation of FD symptoms and reduction or withdrawal eased symptoms. Randomised trials investigating the roles of gluten, FODMAP s (fermentable oligosaccharide, disaccharide, monosaccharide and polyols) and high fat ingestion and naturally occurring food chemicals in the generation of functional dyspepsia symptoms are warranted and further investigation of the mechanisms is now required.

倒班制护士功能性消化不良和功能性胃肠病的调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 调查倒班制护士功能性消化不良和功能性肠病的患病现况.方法 选择2006年在商丘市第一人民医院进行春季健康检查的139例倒班制护士和104例白班制护士,对两组对象分别进行消化系统症状调查表和相关心理情绪量表(抑郁和焦虑自评量表、护士工作压力源量表和工作疲倦感量表)的评估.结果 139名倒班制护士中有78例(56.12%)患有功能性胃肠疾患(FGD,包括功能性消化不良或功能性肠病),明显高于白班制护士(41例,39.42%),差异有统计学意义(χ2=6.633,p<0.01),但两组功能性消化不良和功能性肠病各亚型分布例数接近.患FGD的倒班制护士的SDS总分、SAS总分、护士工作压力源总分和工作疲倦感总分均明显高于无FGD组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05,P<0.01).倒班制护士中FGD与SDS总分、SAS总分、护士工作压力源总分和工作疲倦感总分均呈明显的正相关(P<0.05,P<0.01).倒班制护士中FGD的主要影响因素依次为护士工作压力源总分、工作疲倦感总分和SAS总分.结论 倒班制护士存在功能性消化不良和功能性肠病患病倾向,后者可能与倒班制护理工作劳累、应激和负性情绪有关.  相似文献   

目的探讨抑郁、焦虑与难治性功能性消化不良(functional dyspepsiaFD)的关系及抗抑郁药对其的疗效。方法对照620例常规治疗好转的FD患者与620例难治性FD患者,使用综合医院焦虑、抑郁量表(the Hospital anxietyand depressive scaleHADS)进行心理测评。用抗抑郁药阿米替林治疗并发抑郁和(或)焦虑的难治性FD患者,疗程为8周,治疗后行HADS评分。并记录评价治疗前后躯体症状情况。结果难治性FD患者抑郁和(或)焦虑患病率(91.9%)和HADS评分与对照组之间差异有非常显著性(P〈0.01),并发抑郁和(或)焦虑的难治性FD患者接受抗抑郁药治疗8周后,精神和躯体症状均有明显改善。结论难治性FD患者与抑郁、焦虑有关,抗抑郁药治疗能显著改善精神和躯体两方面症状。  相似文献   

In earlier work, we showed that low dietary folate induced intestinal tumors in BALB/c mice. In this study, our goal was to examine the effect of the same diets on a strain that is more resistant to tumorigenesis (C57Bl/6). We also questioned whether supplementation of the folate-deficient diet (FD) with betaine, an alternate methyl donor, would influence tumor formation. C57Bl/6 mice were fed the same diets [control diet (CD) with 2 mg folate/kg diet and FD with 0.3 mg folate/kg diet] as those in our previous study for 1 y, but they did not develop tumors. We also fed BALB/c mice the FD or FD supplemented with betaine for 1 y, but there was no change in tumor incidence. To determine the relative contributions of DNA damage and altered methylation patterns, we measured intestinal dUTP:dTTP ratios, phosphorylated histone H2AX (p-H2AX) staining, and global DNA methylation in both strains. Only BALB/c mice showed changes due to diet in dUTP:dTTP (from 2.19 +/- 0.20 in CD to 2.77 +/- 0.18 in FD; P = 0.05) and in p-H2AX staining (from 14.10 +/- 3.59% in CD to 22.40 +/- 2.65% in FD; P = 0.054). In BALB/c mice only, FD tended to have less (P = 0.06) global DNA methylation than CD. Although the FD increased plasma homocysteine and the betaine-supplemented FD lowered plasma homocysteine, the latter diet did not reduce tumor incidence. We conclude that plasma homocysteine is not likely to be associated with tumorigenesis in our model. However, DNA damage plays a critical role in initiating tumorigenesis when dietary folate is low and methylation changes may also be contributory.  相似文献   

新装修居室内甲醛污染检测结果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的 ]分析新装修居室内甲醛污染状况及特点 ,探讨室内甲醛浓度随装修完工后时间长短的变化规律。 [方法 ]检测分析厦门市区 10 1套居室的 3 91个采样点装修后室内空气中的甲醛浓度。[结果 ]在这些采样点中 ,空气甲醛浓度>0 10mg/m3 的超标者占 68 0 %,超标 2倍以上者 3 1 2 %;套房内空气甲醛浓度均值为书房 >卧室 >客厅 ;空气甲醛浓度的峰值不是出现在装修完工后的初期 ( 1个月内 ) ,而是出现在更后些时间段 ( 2~ 3个月 )。[结论 ]新装修居室的室内甲醛污染状况较为严重 (尤其是头 3个月 ) ,装修完 1年内都应注意室内的通风换气 ,以降低室内空气中的甲醛浓度  相似文献   

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