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Highly purified coliphage Qbeta replicase when incubated without added template synthesizes self-replicating RNA species in an autocatalytic reaction. In this paper we offer strong evidence that this RNA production is directed by templates generated de novo during the lag phase. Contamination of the enzyme by traces of RNA templates was ruled out by the following experimental results: (1) Additional purification steps do not eliminate this RNA production. (2) The lag phase is lengthened to several hours by lowering substrate or enzyme concentration. At a nucleoside triphosphate concentration of 0.15 mM no RNA is produced although the template-directed RNA synthesis works normally. (3) Different enzyme concentrations lead to RNA species of completely different primary structure. (4) Addition of oligonucleotides or preincubation with only three nucleoside triphosphates affects the final RNA sequence. (5) Manipulation of conditions during the lag phase results in the production of RNA structures that are adapted to the particular incubation conditions applied (e.g., RNA resistant to nuclease attack or resistant to inhibitors or even RNAs "addicted to the drug," in the sense that they only replicate in the presence of a drug like acridine orange). RNA species obtained in different experiments under optimal incubation conditions show very similar fingerprint patterns, suggesting the operation of an instruction mechanism. A possible mechanism is discussed.  相似文献   

Vpr, an accessory gene product of HIV-1, has been reported in the plasma of HIV-1-positive patients, and exogenous Vpr induces the reactivation of viral production from latently infected cells and the apoptosis of T cells in vitro. These observations imply that Vpr is important in AIDS development, but the clinical relevance of the findings cannot be evaluated fully because the actual plasma Vpr concentration in HIV-1-positive patients is unknown. Here we generated two monoclonal antibodies against different portions of Vpr and successfully identified Vpr as a 14-kDa protein in HIV-1-positive patients. Semiquantitative analysis using a recombinant Vpr revealed that the concentration of Vpr in patient plasma was approximately 0.7 nM (10 ng/ml). Cross-sectional analysis of 52 HIV-1-positive patients revealed that the presence of Vpr detected in 20 patients was positively correlated with HIV-1 RNA copy number (p > 0.03), but not with the number of CD4(+) T cells. This is the first report demonstrating the actual amount of Vpr in HIV-1-positive patients, and the possible linkage of Vpr and viral titers indicates that it is important to continue to carry out the sequential analysis of Vpr, especially in clinical courses of HIV-1-positive patients. The threshold of viral titers, where Vpr appears in the patients' plasma, if present, contributes to better understanding the role of Vpr in AIDS pathogenesis.  相似文献   

We previously identified a group of long-term pediatric survivors who had acquired HIV-1 through maternal transmission; had not received antiretroviral therapy; are now >8 years old, in good health, and with no opportunistic infections; and have not failed to thrive, although they have greatly decreased numbers of blood CD4+ T cells (<500/mm(3)). All the children have elevated total serum IgE levels (210-2475 IU/ml) and make anti-HIV-1 IgE or IgE directed against non-HIV-1 specificities (radioimmunoassay, Western blot assay); they have no detectable antigenemia. We have now studied the ability of anti-HIV-1 IgE in serum obtained from these children to regulate (1) production of HIV-1 by interleukin 2/phytohemagglutinin (IL-2/PHA)-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) taken from HIV-1-seronegative donors and infected with a T cell-tropic clone of HIV-1, and (2) transmission of a primary HIV-1 strain from adult AIDS patients to uninfected IL-2/PHA-stimulated PBMCs (p24 core antigen production). High levels of HIV-1 production were observed when PBMCs were cultured for 5 days in the presence of HIV-1-seronegative donor serum that was either IgE positive or IgE negative (IgE, >100 or <100 IU/ml, respectively). HIV-1 production also was observed when PBMCs were cultured with HIV-1-infected donor serum that either contained IgE directed against non-HIV-1 specificities or was IgE negative; these levels were 40% less than those seen with sera from the HIV-1-seronegative donors. Far greater inhibition of virus production was observed if the serum in culture contained anti-HIV-1 IgE (>95%). Virus neutralization did not appear to account for the inhibition obtained with anti-HIV-1 IgE-containing serum because virus production was not suppressed in cultures to which serum was added immediately preinfection (<10%), but was strongly suppressed when serum was added 1.5 hr postinfection (>95%). The inhibition of virus production obtained with serum containing anti-HIV-1 IgE was reversed when (1) serum was depleted of IgE (immunoaffinity), but not when it was depleted of IgG (protein G-Sepharose) before inclusion in culture postinfection, (2) anti-IgE, but not anti-IgG, was included in culture, or (3) serum was heat treated before culture. The results indicate that serum from certain HIV-1-infected pediatric long-term survivors contains agents that inhibit HIV-1 production in vitro, and that these agents include anti-HIV-1 IgE. They suggest that a cytotoxic event, rather than virus neutralization, plays an important role in anti-HIV-1 IgE-mediated inhibition of virus production.  相似文献   

In Japan, the proportion of hemophiliacs infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is 40%, whereas more than 90% are infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV). To evaluate the immunological status of hemophiliacs infected with HIV-1, we investigated the pattern of cytokine production in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of HIV-1-seropositive and -seronegative hemophiliacs, HIV-1-seropositive non-hemophiliacs, and healthy individuals. The production of IL-18 and IL-1beta from PBMCs stimulated with Staphylococcus aureus Cowan strain 1 (SAC) in the HIV-1-seropositive hemophiliacs was significantly decreased in comparison with the other groups. On the other hand, IL-12 production in both HIV-1-seropositive groups was significantly lower than in HIV-1-seronegative groups. TNF-alpha and IL-6 production was similar among the four groups. In contrast, plasma levels of TGF-beta1 were increased in HIV-1-seropositive hemophiliacs, HIV-1-seropositive nonhemophiliacs, and HIV-1-seronegative hemophiliacs, with the highest levels being in HIV-1-seropositive hemophiliacs, suggesting that coinfection with HIV-1 and HCV increases the level of plasma TGF-beta in HIV-1-seropositive hemophiliacs. Treatment of PBMCs from healthy individuals with TGF-beta1 inhibited IL-18 and IL-1beta production without affecting IL-6, IL-10, or TNF-alpha production. Suppression of the expression of caspase 1 mRNA, which is known to be an IL-1beta-converting enzyme and which also cleaves the precursor of IL-18, was observed in the SAC-stimulated PBMCs from healthy individuals after treatment with TGF-beta1 and in the SAC-stimulated PBMCs from HIV-1-seropositive hemophiliacs, suggesting that the decreased production of IL-18 and IL-1beta in HIV-1-seropositive hemophiliacs may be related to the downregulation of caspase 1 mRNA induced by high levels of TGF-beta1 in plasma.  相似文献   

Phosphorothioate homo-oligodeoxynucleotides have recently been found to protect ATH-8 cells against the cytopathic effect of de novo infection by HIV. The effect is dose and chain-length dependent, with a maximum effect seen for 21-28-mers. We have now synthesized a series of phosphorothioate oligomers with mixed-based sequences and found that all of them have a dose-dependent cytoprotective effect that is maximal at an oligomer concentration of about 1-2 microM. The least effective sequences contain only A or T, and the most effective sequences have 40% GC content or greater. The results also confirm the length effect, namely that 21-mers are more cytoprotective than 14-mers.  相似文献   

Alpha-defensins are proteins exhibiting in vitro anti-HIV-1 activity that may protect against mother-to-child transmission of HIV-1 via breast milk. Correlates of alpha-defensins in breast milk and transmission risk were determined in a cohort of HIV-1-infected pregnant women in Nairobi followed for 12 months postpartum with their infants. Maternal blood was collected antenatally and at delivery for HIV-1 viral load and infant HIV-1 infection status was determined < 48 h after birth and at months 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12. Breast milk specimens collected at month 1 were assayed for alpha-defensins, HIV-1 RNA, subclinical mastitis, and CC and CXC chemokines. We detected alpha-defensins in breast milk specimens from 108 (42%) of 260 HIV-1-infected women. Women with detectable alpha-defensins (> or =50 pg/ml) had a median concentration of 320 pg/ml and significantly higher mean breast milk HIV-1 RNA levels than women with undetectable alpha-defensins (2.9 log(10) copies/ml versus 2.5 log(10) copies/ml, p = 0.003). Increased alpha-defensins concentrations in breast milk were also associated with subclinical mastitis (Na (+)/K(+) ratio > 1) and increased breast milk chemokine levels. Overall, 40 (15%) infants were HIV-1 uninfected at birth and subsequently acquired HIV-1. There was no significant association between month 1 alpha-defensins and risk of HIV-1 transmission. In conclusion, alpha-defensins were associated with breast milk HIV-1 viral load, chemokine levels, and subclinical mastitis, all of which may alter risk of infant HIV-1 acquisition. Despite these associations there was no significant relationship between breast milk alpha-defensins and mother-to-child transmission, suggesting a complex interplay between breast milk HIV-1, inflammation, and antiinfective factors.  相似文献   

Impact of HIV type 1 subtype variation on viral RNA quantitation   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
We evaluated the performance of three HIV-1 RNA quantitation methods (Amplicor HIV-1 MONITOR-1.0, NASBA, and Quantiplex HIV RNA 2.0 [branched DNA (bDNA)]) using plasma specimens (N = 60) from individuals from Asia and Africa infected with one of three HIV-1 subtypes (A, Thai B [B'] or E; N = 20 each). Our results demonstrate that of the 20 subtype A specimens, 19 were quantifiable by the bDNA assay compared with 15 by the MONITOR-1.0 and 13 by NASBA. Of those quantifiable, the mean log10 difference was 0.93 between bDNA and MONITOR-1.0 and 0.46 between bDNA and NASBA. For subtype B' specimens, the correlation among methods was better with only 2 specimens missed by NASBA and 3 by the bDNA assay. However the missed specimens had viral burden near the lower limit (1000 copies/ml) for these assays. For the 20 subtype E specimens, MONITOR-1.0 and NASBA quantified RNA in 17 and 14 specimens, respectively, as compared with 19 specimens quantified by the bDNA assay. The correlation among different assays, especially between bDNA/NASBA and MONITOR-1.0/NASBA, was poor, although the mean log10 difference for subtype E specimens was 0.4 between bDNA and MONITOR-1.0 and only 0.08 between bDNA and NASBA. The addition of a new primer set, designed for non-B HIV-1 subtypes, to the existing MONITOR assay (MONITOR-1.0+) resulted in RNA detection in all 60 specimens and significantly improved the efficiency of quantitation for subtypes A and E. Our data indicate that HIV-1 subtype variation can have a major influence on viral load quantitation by different methods. Periodic evaluation and modification of these quantitative methods may be necessary to ensure reliable quantification of divergent viruses.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV) RNA load was measured in paired samples of peripheral blood plasma and nasopharyngeal (NP) washes from 97 Thai subjects infected with subtype E or B. HIV RNA was quantifiable in 93% of peripheral blood plasma samples tested and was inversely correlated (rho =-0.524; p < 0.001) with CD4 absolute count. HIV RNA was quantifiable in 29% of NP samples tested, and the median value was less than that of plasma viral load. HIV RNA load in NP samples was correlated (rho = 0.388; p < 0.001) with viral load in peripheral blood. HIV RNA was not detected in NP washes from subjects with undetectable plasma viral load. Virus isolation attempts on two NP samples were negative. The results do not support local HIV production in the nasopharynx, but extend current knowledge of HIV shedding to include the NP compartment.  相似文献   

Heterozygosity for a C8524T transition in the protein C gene converting Ser270(TCG) to Leu(TTG) in the protease domain was identified in a family with venous thrombosis. The mutation was associated with parallel reduction in plasma levels of protein C anticoagulant activity and protein C antigen, which is consistent with a type 1 deficiency. Transient expression of mutant protein C cDNA in human kidney 293 cells and analysis of protein C antigen in culture media and cell lysates showed that the secretion of mutant protein compared with wild-type protein was reduced by at least 97% while the intracellular content of mutant and wild-type protein was similar. Northern blot analysis of total mRNA from transfected cells showed no reduction of the mutant protein C mRNA compared with wild-type protein C mRNA. Collectively, these results indicate that the Ser270Leu mutation in the affected family caused the plasma protein C deficiency and are consistent with a disease mechanism that involves synthesis of mutant protein followed by intracellular degradation before its secretion into the extracellular space. The mutation was not present in the parents of the proband, suggesting a de novo mutation. Non-paternity was excluded after the analysis of three intragenic protein C polymorphisms and six dinucleotide repeat allele sets located in five different chromosomes.  相似文献   

Thrombocytopenia is a common finding among HIV-1-infected individuals. In addition to their function in hemostasis, platelets have been found to play a role in host immune defenses and to directly interact with HIV-1. To explore the role of platelets in HIV-1 infection, we examined the relationship between platelet number and the natural history of HIV-1 disease in the well-characterized Hemophilia Growth and Development Study cohort. In a multivariate analysis platelets were found to be inversely related to plasma HIV-1 RNA with increasing platelets associated with lower plasma HIV-1 RNA levels (p < 0.001). Despite this, increasing platelet count was independently associated with enhanced risk of progression to AIDS and death (p < 0.001 for both). While there may be multiple explanations for these novel observations, they do generate hypotheses related to the potential influence platelets may have on the natural history of HIV-1 disease.  相似文献   

The HIV fusion inhibitor enfuvirtide (ENF/Fuzeon) targets the env gp41 transmembrane domain. Mutations in gp41 are associated with ENF resistance. We developed a prototype assay to genotype a 676-bp region spanning the heptad repeat domains (HR1 and HR2) of HIV-1 gp41. Plasma samples were collected from 126 HIV-1-infected blood donors in Cameroon, Brazil, Uganda, South Africa, Thailand, and Argentina. Based on analysis of gag p24, pol integrase, and env gp41 genes, the panel was composed of subtypes A/A2 (18), B (11), C (14), D (10), F/F2 (9), G (7), CRF01_AE (9), CRF02_AG (33), and recombinant strains (15). Genotyping was successful for 119 of the 126 samples (94.4%). Although numerous amino acid polymorphisms were detected in some samples, none had primary mutations associated with ENF resistance. The gp41 HIV-1 research reagents developed by Celera are useful tools for genotyping analysis of the gp41 region in diverse HIV-1 strains.  相似文献   

We have compared the performance of the NucliSens and the standard and modified HIV Monitor assays to quantify HIV-1 RNA plasma viral load in 12 tuberculosis patients infected with HIV-1 env subtype D (n = 3) and env subtype G (n = 9) in Ivory Coast. RNA was quantified in all nine subtype G specimens by the modified Amplicor HIV Monitor (mean, 4.6 log10 copies/ml; range, 3.1-6.3 log10/ml), in seven specimens by NucliSens (mean, 4.4 log10 copies/ml; range, 2.7-5.5 log10 copies/ml), and in 6 specimens by the standard Amplicor HIV Monitor assay (mean, 4.2 log10 copies/ml; range, 3.5-5.0 log10 copies/ml). All three subtype D samples were amplified by both the modified Amplicor HIV Monitor (mean, 4.5 log10 copies/ml; range, 3.8-5.1 log10 copies/ml) and NucliSens (mean, 3.8 log10 copies/ml; range, 2.8-5.0 log10 copies/ml); two samples were quantified by the standard Amplicor HIV Monitor assay (mean, 3.0 log10 copies/ml; range, 2.4-3.6 log10 copies/ml). Our preliminary results suggest that the modified Amplicor HIV Monitor can accurately quantify HIV-1 RNA viral load in persons infected with subtype D and G strains.  相似文献   

Longitudinal measurements of plasma HIV RNA were analyzed using novel segmented regression models for 62 men in the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study who at enrollment in 1985 were HIV seropositive and who had stable CD4+ lymphocyte counts and no clinical disease progression for a 6-year period between 1985 and 1991. Through 1996, 20 of the men developed clinical AIDS or died (late progressors) and 42 remained asymptomatic (nonprogressors). Using segmented regression model methods, we estimated, for each individual, the time when a change in HIV RNA trajectory was most likely to have occurred. Prior to this time, late progressors and nonprogressors had stable plasma HIV RNA levels, although the mean level in late progressors was 0.42 log10 copies/ml higher than in nonprogressors (p = 0.018). Furthermore, late progressors showed significant increases in HIV RNA levels of 0.23 log10 copies/ml/year (1.7-fold increase/year). This increase in HIV RNA in the late progressors began approximately 1.1 years prior to the onset of their decline in CD4+ lymphocytes, and 4.8 years prior to the onset of AIDS. These results provide evidence that an increase in the slope of plasma levels of HIV RNA is a sign of incipient progression of HIV disease.  相似文献   

Integrase inhibitor (INI) is a novel antiretroviral drug recommended for both treatment-naive and treatment-experienced HIV-1-infected patients. Limited data are available on INI resistance in Thailand, where HIV-1 subtype A/E predominates. We aimed to investigate INI resistance-associated mutations (RAMs) among treatment-naive patients and patients who experienced treatment failure with NNRTI-based or PI-based antiretroviral therapy (ART) in Thailand. One hundred and eight plasma samples of 58 treatment-naive and 50 treatment-experienced HIV-1-infected individuals were collected. The HIV-1 integrase coding region was sequenced. Polymorphisms were compared between subtype A/E and B circulating in Thailand and between treatment-naive and treatment-experienced groups. Resulting amino acids were interpreted for drug resistance according to Stanford algorithms. Ninety-seven samples were HIV-1 subtype A/E, 10 were subtype B, and one was subtype C. Age, gender, and CD4 cell counts were similar between treatment-naive and treatment-experienced groups, while the treatment-failure group showed a statistically significant longer awareness time of HIV-1 infection and lower viral load than the treatment-naive group. Major INI-RAM was not found in this study, but some minor INI-RAMs, such asV54I, L68I, L74M, T97A, and S230N, were found. Comparing INI-RAMs between subtype A/E and B, the prevalence of V54I and V72I was higher in subtype B than subtype E, while V201I was found in all sequences of subtype A/E. In subtype A/E, integrase polymorphisms were not different between treatment-naive and treatment-experienced groups. However, the number of amino acid substitutions was significantly higher in the treatment-experienced group (p=0.009). One NNRTI-based ART-treated patient was found to have potential low-level INI-RAMs. INI-RAMs are rare in both treatment-naive and treatment-experienced patients in Thailand. This suggested that INI should be active in patients who are naive to INI in Thailand.  相似文献   

In the present study, 277 clinical samples from untreated and treated HIV-1-infected patients with different clades were used to assess the agreement between the COBAS AmpliPrep/COBAS TaqMan HIV-1 test (CAP/CTM) and VERSANT HIV-1 RNA 3.0 Assay (bDNA). A qualitative comparison of the results of the two assays showed concordance for 255 positive and 15 negative samples (94.95%, kappa = 0.798). However, seven samples with viral loads close to the lower limit of detection for CAP/CTM were negative by bDNA. A significant correlation (r = 0.881, p < 0.001) was observed for 253 samples with viral loads within the dynamic ranges of the two assays, and Bland-Altman analysis showed good agreement (96.05%) between the two assays for these 253 samples [mean (+/-2 SD), 0.389(-0.385, 1.163)]. Furthermore, ART drugs had no impact on the performances of the two assays. For samples with different clades predominant in China, the fitted regression line differed significantly from the line of equality, although significant correlations (r = 0.850-0.891, p < 0.001) and good agreements (92.86-97.25%) were found for the two assays. The mean differences for clade B' and BC samples were significant (p < 0.01). Good precision for clade B' samples was achieved for the CAP/CTM (CV: 20.73%) and bDNA (CV: 12.19%) assays. Furthermore, for clades B', BC, and AE, both assays exhibited good linearities (r = 0.9773-0.9998). Thus, the CAP/CTM and bDNA assays could be useful for quantifying HIV-1 RNA in routine clinical samples and monitoring viral loads in treated and untreated HIV-infected patients in China.  相似文献   

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