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在炎日中天,地裂水干之时,能呷上—口山野清泉,那感觉真是如浴甘霖,美不可言。泉水能解你的馋、解你的饥渴,救你的生命!但当你开怀畅饮时,曾否念及,咕噜入口的却是一瓶无色的毒汁!? 矿泉水之珍,珍在形之不易。亿万年的地壳运动,火山爆发,岩层风雨剥离,导致地表深处30~50米千疮百孔,雨水渗入,在特定地热、地压作用下,溶进了大量矿化物,才形成了矿泉水。因此,矿泉水就根据矿化物的成份、用途而分成了天然矿泉水与医用矿泉水两大  相似文献   

真的阳痿了?阳痿的结论其实并不好下。因为阳痿的病因很多.上面这些话就代表着阳痿的不同表现。阳痿的病因有先天因素、精神因素、生理因素、性技巧不足、病理因素、药物因素、环境因素等.其中的任何一种原因又可以细分出好几种来。  相似文献   

假,向来都是与真相对的。提起假,我们会想到假货、假装、弄虚作假等等。然而,也不是所有假的都是坏的。比如假发、假牙等,这些假的东西,却能够为很多人带来实实在在的好处。下面,我们就来谈谈假牙。  相似文献   

邬时民  杨满 《健康》2012,(4):6-8
蜂蜜市场:品牌多 差价大 前不久,笔者走访了几家漳市,在货架上看到各种蜂蜜应有尽有:槐花蜜、枣花蜜、椴树蜜、紫云英蜜等。笔者又在城乡的马路边,尤其是城乡结合部,看到有小贩售卖用旧瓶装的各种蜂蜜。这些蜂蜜价格都不贵,超市里的蜂蜜每500克价格一般在12元~35元之间。街上的游商售卖的蜂蜜价格更为低廉,菜花蜜每500克10元,枣树蜜15元,女贞子蜜25元。  相似文献   

尖锐湿疣是性传播疾病的一种,是由“人类乳头状瘤病毒”引起的,病变主要发生在男女生殖器、会阴、肛门部位。目前在国内性传播疾病中的发病率占第2位,尤其是女性多见。大多数患是由性传播的途径感染的。  相似文献   

本刊提醒:蜂胶具有一定的保健作用,可以提高人体免疫力,但并非人人适合吃,过敏体质、婴幼儿、孕妇等不适合吃蜂胶。日前,央视《每周质量报告》曝光蜂胶产品行业潜规则:近10年来,用树胶冒充蜂胶已成为各大厂家共同的"默契"。其中不乏名人代言的。  相似文献   

那天下班,回到家后我感觉疲惫极了。夜幕降临,我将身体轻轻地偎进明宇的怀里。"老公,抱抱我"我低声细语地呢喃着,渴望他回报以同样的温柔。明宇抱是抱了,可只抱了不到一分钟,他就突然放开我,说:"老婆,等一下,我把窗户关了!"说这话时,他眼睛里闪耀着那种熟悉的既兴奋又暧昧的光芒。我知道,那是他性爱神经的阀门又打开了。  相似文献   

父母常因孩子的颈部、颌下或大腿根部出现一些无痛性的小疙瘩而到医院咨询就诊,但经过全面检查,大多数孩子并没有患什么疾病,而是正常的淋巴结。 人体的淋巴结按其分布部位分为表浅与深部两部分。儿童时期是淋巴系统发育最旺盛的阶段,位于表浅部位的淋巴结大多都能在体表触及。据儿科医生统计,刚满月的健康婴儿中约有1/3可以在  相似文献   

目的观察冠心病基因检测与冠心病是否有关联性,以及关联程度如何。方法选取120例住院患者,其中60例为冠心病人,60例为非冠心病人。年龄40—65岁。冠心病为观察A组,非冠心病为对照B组,记录性别、年龄、冠心病家族史、高血压史、糖尿病史,并均抽血行冠心病基因检测。A组选1人和B组选1人按年龄相近、性别相同配对,共形成60对。开始进行1:1条件Logistic回归分析。结果冠心病家族史、高血压史、糖尿病史、以及冠心病基因检测与冠心病均有关联性。其中冠心病基因检测与冠心病的关联程度低于其他3个因素。结论冠心病基因检测与冠心病有关联性。  相似文献   

长期研究表明,冠心病的病理基础是冠状动脉粥样硬化,血中胆固醇水平增高是冠心病发病及其相关心血管病事件最重要的危险因素,冠心病病人需要长期调脂治疗.冠心病一级干预预防研究中,美国Framingham研究显示血清胆固醇每降低1%,冠心病的危险性可减少2%.  相似文献   

Hypertriglyceridemia and coronary heart disease   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The controversy over the role of diet in the development of coronary heart disease (CHD) continues. Most studies of dietary involvement have concentrated on the possible nutritional basis of the accepted risk factor - raised serum cholesterol. In animals, although high fat diets, particularly high saturated fatty acid diets, cause raised serum cholesterol levels, myocardial infarction rarely occurs. In human studies initial insight into the importance of dietary fat level and fatty acid composition was gleaned from international studies. Within population studies supported the association of raised serum cholesterol concentration with CHD in males up to 60years of age, and recognised the significance of the type of serum cholesterol, currently thought to be under genetic control. Although intervention studies have shown that high serum cholesterol levels can be reduced by dietary means, there has been no convincing evidence of a reduction in total mortality. An imbalance in the formation of inhibitors and promoters of platelet aggregation from polyunsaturated fatty acids in the diet is postulated as a possible nutritional basis for the formation of a thrombus in the coronary artery.  相似文献   

Alcohol and coronary heart disease   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The data on two questions are reviewed: does heavy alcohol intake increase the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD)? And, is moderate intake protective? Identified alcoholics and problem drinkers have an increased risk of CHD, and in Britain there is a correlation among 22 towns, between the proportion of heavy drinkers in a town and CHD mortality. Of seven longitudinal studies reviewed, one shows heavy drinkers to have an increased CHD incidence. An inverse association between alcohol consumption and CHD mortality is seen in international comparisons and in time trends in the USA. Of six case-control studies reviewed from England and the USA, all show an inverse association between CHD and alcohol consumption which persists after control for other risk factors. Longitudinal studies, in Japanese-Americans, white American men and women, British civil servants, Puerto Ricans, Yugoslavs and Australians, all show moderate drinkers to have a lower CHD risk than abstainers. Abstainers are likely to differ from moderate drinkers in a number of ways. To date it has not proved possible to show that any of these differences account for the higher CHD risk of abstainers. The apparent protective effect is not large (RR = 0.5) but the consistency of the association and the existence of plausible mechanisms increase the likelihood that the negative association is causal. However, if alcohol intake were to increase in the population the social and medical consequences would be large. An increased intake is therefore not recommended as a community measure for CHD prevention.  相似文献   

Alcohol and coronary heart disease   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The data on two questions are reviewed: does heavy alcohol intake increase the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD)? And, is moderate intake protective? Identified alcoholics and problem drinkers have an increased risk of CHD, and in Britain there is a correlation among 22 towns, between the proportion of heavy drinkers in a town and CHD mortality. Of seven longitudinal studies reviewed, one shows heavy drinkers to have an increased CHD incidence. An inverse association between alcohol consumption and CHD mortality is seen in international comparisons and in time trends in the USA. Of six case-control studies reviewed from England and the USA, all show an inverse association between CHD and alcohol consumption which persists after control for other risk factors. Longitudinal studies, in Japanese-Americans, white American men and women, British civil servants, Puerto Ricans, Yugoslavs and Australians, all show moderate drinkers to have a lower CHD risk than abstainers. Abstainers are likely to differ from moderate drinkers in a number of ways. To date it has not proved possible to show that any of these differences account for the higher CHD risk of abstainers. The apparent protective effect is not large (RR = 0.5) but the consistency of the association and the existence of plausible mechanisms increase the likelihood that the negative association is causal. However, if alcohol intake were to increase in the population the social and medical consequences would be large. An increased intake is therefore not recommended as a community measure for CHD prevention.  相似文献   

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