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Sacroiliac joint malposition is one of the main causes evoking lumbocrural pain. Because its clinical symptoms are similar to those induced either by lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion or by ankylosing spondylitis (AS) at the early stage, and because X-ray results taken at its early stage were not evident for differentiating the diseases,  相似文献   

<正> 国内许多资料认为神经系统是针感反应的物质基础,也有认为针感的产生与血管有一定的关系。我们用儿茶酚胺荧光和胆碱酯酶组织化学方法观察了皮下组织中小血管周旁大量神经分布,对它们做了定性和相互关系的研究,曾提出过用这些方法所反映出的神经和经络实质,针刺原理的关系。国内外都有资料强调针刺针麻效应都产生于穴位深部组织,多在肢体肌肉内。因此观察骨骼肌,关节囊等深部组织神经分布就很必要,我们特别重视了与血管有关的神经。材料和方法  相似文献   

为了解胸腰椎压缩程度、筋伤状况与腰背痛之间的关系.选择56例单纯性稳定型胸腰椎压缩性骨折患者,采取早期垫枕静卧、腰背臀痛点分理揉按、适时功能锻炼和中药热熨等治疗,以椎体的压缩程度、腰背臀痛点的压痛程度以及腰背痛程度为观察指标,评价治疗效果和分析探讨骨折、筋伤与腰背痛之间的关系.结果腰背痛程度与胸腰椎的压缩程度不成正比,而与腰背臀部痛点的多少及压痛程度成正比,腰背疼痛程度随腰背臀痛点压痛程度的减轻而改善,与压缩椎体的恢复程度不成正比.说明胸腰椎发生压缩性骨折的同时,腰背部筋伤已客观存在,是引起伤后腰背痛的主要原因.注重早期筋伤治疗,有助于消除腰背疼痛、减少后遗腰背痛的发生.  相似文献   

Objective: The author treated a case of Meniere disease of influenza which was healed by the acupuncture therapy of tri-jiao and quintuple puncture on the head.Methods: This example was a woman of 63-years-old farmer.Her first visit was in March of 2013.She said she got Meniere disease after virus encephalitis and influenza had not been healed.She had symptoms of dizziness, tinnitus, nystaxis,.nausea and vomiting.She felt the house and the surrounding scenery were in turn, and she would feel better if she closed eyes and lay on bed, but when she opened eyes and walked would feel bad again.She felt her ears being blocked, and astasia, and lower limbs were all shaking.The author treated the disease with the acupuncture therapy of tri-jiao and quintuple puncture on the head, twice a week.Results: The disease has been healed after 26 times of treatment.After treatment, dizziness, tinnitus and deafness disappeared in a short time.Her hearing restored to the normal level.Conclusion: The curative effect is satisfied.  相似文献   

中风患者髋关节置换术后并发症的原因及预防   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨中风患者行人工髋关节置换术后产生并发症的预防措施。对采用人工髋关节置换术治疗的15例患者术后1年内出现并发症的原因进行了分析。结果显示疗效满意或比较满意的14例中术后发生并发症者9例,其中中风复发1例,小腿深静脉血栓形成2例,异位骨化2例,髋痛3例,股骨干骨折1例,认为中风患者行髋关节置换手术并发症多,医患双方重视,积极应用中医药防治手段,加强康复锻炼是术后养活并发症的有效措施。  相似文献   

Objective: Women are disproportionately affected by chronic pain and chronic stress, both of which represent significant public health problems.Chronic pain and stress often co-occur which can exacerbate the deleterious effects of each.Conventional treatment modalities(SSRIs, analgesics) have potentially serious side effects, especially when taken long term.The purpose of this study was to assess objective(including biomarkers) and subjective assessment of pain and stress improvement in women over an 8-week course of acupuncture treatment.Methods: Study design: case series of 3 women.Enrollment criteria: 3 women(ages 30-65) were recruited from large acupuncture practice.Must report:(1) consistent pain for 3+ months,(2) VAPS 6,(3) Cohen Perceived Stress Scale(PSS)21.Protocol: 3 women were assessed, treated, and prospectively followed weekly for 8 weeks.TCM principles and differential diagnoses were employed.Individualized treatments were used; needles were left in place for 30 min, with De-qi.At baseline, week 4, and week 8, diurnal cortisol(8 am and 4 pm) was assessed(buccal swab) and CBC(for ESR) and CRP were evaluated based on blood analysis.PCORI measures were evaluated weekly.Results: All women reported subjective improvements in pain and reduction of stress(self-report VAPS and PSS).Several PCORI measures trended in appropriate direction.Biomarker measures were more stable, although suggestive(reduction in inflammatory markers, and modified diurnal cortisol patterns).Conclusion: This small case-series pilot study demonstrated clinical and patient-centered improvements in pain and stress reduction and suggestive biomarker findings.Implications for clinical practice and future research designs will be discussed.  相似文献   

采用自拟活骨通痹灵等系列中药内服、神农元气袋Yong熨、动态式髋关节模造、手法按摩松解等方法,收治股骨为缺血性坏死486例,治愈343例,好转14 3例。临床观察结果表明上述三联闻法,具有改善血液循环,促进骨组织再生及对髋关节的塑形和模造作用。从而缩短了疗程,降低了骨坏死致残率,达到了髋关节功能之目的。  相似文献   

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