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A 71-year-old man underwent distal partial gastrectomy for gastric cancer. Four years after surgery, the tumor marker was elevated. Examinations by computed tomography (CT) revealed para-aortic lymphnode swelling and hydronephrosis. The patient treated oral administration of TS-1 (120 mg/day). After 3 courses of treatment of TS-1, progressive disease was observed. TS-1+CPT-11 (TS-1 120 mg/day day 1-14, CPT-11 100 mg/day day 1, 15) combination therapy was then chosen as second-line chemotherapy. After 5 courses of combination therapy, the tumor marker was decreased and para-aortic lymphnodes could not be detected by CT. Only grade 2 leukopenia was observed as an adverse event during the therapy. TS-1+CPT-11 combination therapy could be useful as the second-line chemotherapy for cases of TS-1 resistant recurrent gastric cancer.  相似文献   

Complete response in a case of recurrent gastric cancer treated with TS-1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We report the case of 72-year-old man with recurrent gastric cancer who was successfully treated with TS-1. We performed only non-curative operation because the tumor had infiltrated the pancreas head and aspiration pneumonia complications developed under the anesthetic. Abdominal CT revealed local recurrence and metastasis of the paraaortic lymph node after 3 months, so we started TS-1 chemotherapy. One course consisted of daily oral administration of 100 mg TS-1 for 4 weeks and withdrawal for 2 weeks. The recurrent lesions disappeared completely after 1 course. Furthermore, this therapy was continued for 3 courses without any side effects.  相似文献   

We treated a patient with multiple liver metastases arising from colon cancer in whom the metastatic tumors were responsive to treatment with the combination of TS-1 and CPT-11. The patient was a 71-year-old woman with cancer of the ascending colon and metastatic hepatic tumors. She had undergone surgery on July 28, 2004, and abdominal contrast CT scans obtained after discharge from hospital revealed numerous LDA (low-density areas) in both lobes of the liver. The patient was given ambulatory chemotherapy with TS-1 (120 mg/day on days 1-14) and CPT-11 (100 mg/day on days 1 and 8). After completion of 2 courses of chemotherapy, abdominal contrast CT scans revealed that most of the LDAs in both lobes of the liver had disappeared, and the patient was judged to have achieved PR. No adverse reactions were observed except for a slight decrease of WBC, and her chemotherapy is being continued at present. This case suggests that the combination of TS-1 and CPT-11 may be an effective form of chemotherapy for the treatment of colon cancer with multiple hepatic metastases.  相似文献   

The 3-drug regimen of CPT-11+5-FU+l-LV is generally used for metastatic and/or recurrent colorectal cancer. We have applied this treatment as the first-line intervention in our hospital. However,when the efficacy is reduced we try chemotherapy using CPT-11+TS-1 for 5 outpatients as second- or third-line chemotherapy. Decreased CEA levels were subsequently observed in 4 of 5 cases. In addition, 2 cases exhibited grade 1 or 2 adverse effects, but no case developed neutropenia. We could expect such effects even for patients after only 5-FU, and this treatment may be performed safely on ambulatory patients.  相似文献   

We report a successful case with irinotecan (CPT-11 60 mg/m2) + cisplatin (CDDP 30 mg/m2) chemotherapy (once in 2 weeks) for recurrent gastric cancer of the remnant stomach. A 77-year-old man was performed a distal gastrectomy for duodenal ulcer 42 years ago. He had a total gastrectomy for gastric cancer of remnant stomach when he was at 73 years old. After the surgery, we treated this patient with S-1 mono-therapy for five courses. However, we finished this treatment for lymph-node metastases. Next we treated him with CPT-11 + CDDP. An abdominal CT revealed a CR after 6 courses. We finished this treatment after 12 courses for anemia (grade 3). After the treatment, the metastatic lymph-nodes appeared in no change. So we considered that CR was continued for 3.5 years.  相似文献   

We report three successful cases with irinotecan (CPT-11 60 mg/m2) + cisplatin (CDDP 30mg/m2) chemotherapy (once in 2 weeks) where S-1 failed to respond to recurrent gastric cancer. Case 1: A total gastrectomy and splenectomy were performed for a cardiac gastric cancer (T3, N2, H0, P0, CY0, por 1, Stage IIIB). An abdominal CT revealed paraortic lymph node metastases 4 months after the surgery. No reductions were noted after S-1 monotherapy. We next treated this patient with CPT-11 + CDDP. An abdominal CT revealed a CRin after 11 courses. Case 2: A total gastrectomy, splenectomy and cholecystectomy were performed for a cardiac gastric cancer (T3, N3, H0, P0, CY1, tub1, Stage IV). After the surgery, we treated this patient with S-1 mono-therapy. However, we finished this treatment for abdominal recurrence. We next treated this patient with CPT-11 + CDDP. An abdominal CT revealed a CR after 24 courses. Case 3: A distal gastrectomy and cholecystectomy were performed for a pyloric gastric cancer (T2, N1, H0, P0, CY0, tub 2, Stage II). An abdominal CT revealed paraortic lymph node metastases 10 months after the surgery. We treated this patient with S-1 + paclitaxel (PTX) chemotherapy. No reductions were noted after 2 courses. We next treated this patient with CPT-11 + CDDP. An abdominal CT revealed a CR after 8 courses.  相似文献   

We report a case in which combination chemotherapy of TS-1 and paclitaxel was effective for gastric cancer with malignant ascites, metastatic ovarian cancer and hydronephrosis. Judging from the above issue, the stage was IV and the type was Borrmann 4. The chemotherapy schedule was adjusted at the patient' s request without hindering her activities of daily living. The patient was a 53-year-old woman who suffered from gastric cancer as having malignant ascites and metastatic ovarian tumor. As an outpatient, she was treated with combination chemotherapy of TS-1 and paclitaxel for 2 cycles. The ascites had remarkably disappeared after 2 cycles. The adverse event was alopecia (grade 2), but she could continue the chemotherapy as an outpatient treatment. After completing 5 cycles of chemotherapy, we recognized the primary tumor as an endoscopic complete response.  相似文献   

A patient is a 35-year-old man. By a diagnosis of descending colon cancer, descending colon ablative operation and D1 lymph node dissection were performed on April 22, 2004. It was P3H0N1SE, Stage IV in perioperative findings. Abdominal CT showed peritoneal dissemination of 1.7 cm at the right under the abdominal wall wound and 1.2 cm in the rectovesical pouch on May 18, 2004. CPT-11 + TS-1 combination chemotherapy was started on June 22nd. In the five weeks of the combination chemotherapy, continuous infusion of CPT-11 (150 mg/body day 1 and 15) was twice administered, and oral administration of TS-1 (120 mg/body/day) was given for 3 weeks (day 1-21). Peritoneal dissemination disappeared after the two-course end, and we judged it as CR. Furthermore, we were certain that we obtained CR after the three course end. The adverse event was only neutropenia of grade 1. The fourth course was not administered, but recurrence has not been observed. Abdominal CT showed no recurrence on March 3, 2005 since the combination chemotherapy ended 6 months ago.  相似文献   

A patient with recurrent gastric cancer which infiltrated the pelvic muscle after the treatment of paraaortic lymph node and ovarian metastases was successfully managed by a novel oral anticancer drug, TS-1. TS-1 was administered at a dose of 80 mg/day. One course consisted of two repetitions of consecutive administration of TS-1 for 14 days and withdrawal of TS-1 for 14 days. Adverse reactions were mild and the patient did not request hospitalization after two courses had been completed. Subjective symptoms such as difficulty in walking improved after one week and a partial response was obtained after 2 weeks of treatment. At the end of 4 courses we could remove an indwelling pyelocatheter for the ureter stricture. As of 14 months after the beginning of administration of TS-1, the patient is being treated as an outpatient and has attained a better QOL than before.  相似文献   

Chemotherapies for recurrent gastric cancer have not yet been established. Here we report a case of type 4 gastric cancer associated with lymphangitis carcinomatosis which became refractory to the previous chemotherapies. The case was a 40-year-old woman. She had been diagnosed with gastric cancer after a Krukenberg tumor operation. Chemotherapies (TS-1 plus CDDP as first-line, and TS-1 plus taxanes as second-line) were performed, and a partial response was achieved. Disease activity has been well controlled until this time. Since recurrence of left pleural effusion and lymphangitis carcinomatosis was recognized, we changed the chemotherapy TS-1 plus CPT-11. Pleural effusion decreased and lymphangitis carcinomatosis improved. The serum CA 19-9 level rose transiently after CPT-11 administration, and tended to fall at the second week of chemotherapy. However, the patient died 2 years 4 months after the onset. TS-1 plus CPT-11 combination chemotherapy would be effective for lymphangitis carcinomatosis and also useful as third-line chemotherapy for recurrent gastric cancer.  相似文献   

A 66-year-old woman (156 cm, 58 kg) underwent sigmoid colectomy for cancer. She was found to have simultaneous liver and peritoneal metastases at operation, which had not been detected with CT examination before operation. After operation, CT showed multiple liver metastasis and a high level of CEA and CA19-9 . Pathological findings were type 3, 30 x 20 mm, poorly-differentiated adenocarcinoma, se, ly 2, v 2, n 2 (+), ow (-), aw(-), H 3, P 0 (stage IV). Treatment of the patient consisted of daily oral administration of 80 mg TS-1 for 21 days and 60 mg CPT-11 on 1 day and 15 day as one course.After 2 courses, tumor sizes of liver metastases and the level of tumor markers became reduced.The current case suggested that the administration of TS-1 and CPT-11 may have a potent therapeutic efficacy in advanced colorectal cancer.  相似文献   

We treated hepatic metastasis of gastric cancer with CPT-11 therapy and obtained complete remission of the hepatic tumor that has been maintained for than 2 years postoperatively. The patient was a 71-year-old man with a history of angina pectoris. In 1988, gastric cancer was diagnosed, and he underwent distal gastrectomy at another hospital. In 2003, the patient began to suffer from regurgitation symptoms and presented to our hospital in October of the year. Remnant gastric cancer was diagnosed as a result of detailed investigation. Preoperative imaging revealed the presence of a solitary tumor (6 cm in diameter) in the posterior lobe of the liver, and it was confirmed to be a hepatic metastasis from the remnant gastric cancer by needle biopsy. We decided to treat this metastasis with postoperative systemic chemotherapy. Total resection of the remnant stomach was done in November 2003 and oral S-1 therapy was started 3 weeks after surgery. When the response of the hepatic metastasis was evaluated after the completion of 3 courses, the tumor showed enlargement. Therefore, his chemotherapy was changed to CPT-11. After a total 900 mg of CPT-11 had been administered, imaging studies confirmed disappearance of the hepatic metastasis. The patient remains disease-free and has no impairment of daily activities 2 years after resection of the remnant stomach.  相似文献   

TS-1 is a novel oral formation of 5-fluorouracil, developed using tegafur and two biochemical modulations. We report the case of a patient with multiple lymph node metastases from gastric cancer that markedly responded to TS-1. A 70-year-old man suffering from hematemesis was admitted to our hospital. Computed tomography showed advanced gastric cancer with huge lymph node metastases. After non-curative operation, he received adjuvant chemotherapy with TS-1 for 12 weeks. CT revealed that almost complete reduction of the metastatic nodes was obtained. No serious adverse reactions were observed.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of chemotherapy for metastatic gastric cancer has been already revealed. But a standard chemotherapy has not been established yet. New agents such as TS-1, CPT-11 and taxanes are improving the response rates and also the survivals for gastric cancer. Including these new drugs, several randomized phase III trials are ongoing in Japan. In the near future, the candidate for standard resume will be sent abroad. In this article, we described the current state of CPT-11 combined chemotherapy for gastric cancer. Among various CPT-11- combined chemotherapy, CPT-11 + TS-1 is the most effective and less toxic treatment.  相似文献   

We report a patient with multiple hepatic metastases and ovarian metastases of transverse colon cancer treated by combination of S-1 and CPT-11. The patient was a 51-year-old woman with cancer of the transverse colon and multiple hepatic metastases. She had undergone surgery. Resection of the transverse colon and left ovary was performed because left ovarian metastases were found during the operation. After the operation, the patient was given chemotherapy with S-1 (120 mg/body on days 1-14) and CPT-11 (150 mg/body on day 1). After completion of 11 courses of chemotherapy, abdominal CT scans revealed that the LDAs of the liver had disappeared, so the patient was judged to have achieved CR. No adverse event was observed. This case suggests that the combination of S-1 and CPT-11 may be an effective regimen for advanced colon cancer with multiple hepatic metastases.  相似文献   

A 70-year-old female, with type III gastric cancer underwent a staging laparoscopy in September 2004. Judging from the results of endoscopy, enhanced CT and staging laparoscopy, we finally diagnosed the patient with stage IV (T3N2MOHOP1CY1), and we started a combination chemotherapy of S-1 + CPT-11 (S-1: 80 mg/m2, day 1-21/35 days, CPT-11: 80 mg/m2, day 1, 15/35 days) from October 2005 to January 2007. Enhanced CT after 2 courses of the combination chemotherapy showed partial response (PR) in the primary lesion. PR continued up to the 13 courses. The CT and gastro fiberscope finally showed complete response (CR) with Group I in biopsy. During these procedures, the grade 3 of neutropenia, grade 1 of diarrhea and grade 1 of fatigue occurred as adverse events. In January 2007, Virchow and, abdominal lymph node metastases were detected, and that we judged the metastases as progressive disease (PD). Nevertheless, the second-line of paclitaxel chemotherapy (70 mg/m2, days 1, 8,15/28 days) has started and she was being judged PD after 2 courses, she died in April 2007.  相似文献   

A 78-year-old man was admitted to our hospital complaining of dysphagea on April 8, 2005. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopic examination showed type 2 esophageal cancer in the lower thoracic area and type 3 gastric cancer in the upper body. Computed tomography showed No. 3 lymph node swelling, but no distant metastasis. Surgery was contraindicated because of many complications, so the patient was given combined chemotherapy with TS-1 and low-dose cisplatin. Chemotherapy was started on April 18. After 2 courses of chemotherapy the esophageal lesion showed a complete response, and after 5 courses the gastric lesion evidenced a complete response.  相似文献   

We report a case of a 58-year-old man with advanced gastric cancer producing sialyl-Tn antigen (STN). Total gastrectomy with distal pancreatectomy and splenectomy was performed. Pathological staging was IV (T 3 N 2 CY1), and most of the cancer cells were strongly positive for anti-STN antibody on immunohistochemical stainings. Serum STN level before the operation was 2,500 U/ml, and the value significantly decreased to the normal range (< 45 U/ml) 2 months after the operation. Low-dose FP (5-FU+CDDP) followed by TS-1 alone (80 mg/day) had been performed as adjuvant chemotherapy. Jaundice appeared and the serum STN level increased again 22 months after the operation. He was diagnosed with a recurrence in the hilar lymph node of the liver. After implantation of expandable stent in the common bile duct, triweekly docetaxel therapy with TS-1 administration (day 1-14) has been performed. Three courses of this therapy have induced a complete response of the recurrent lymph node and the normalization of the serum STN value. No major adverse reaction to this therapy was observed. A complete response and good patient QOL have been achieved during follow-up 8 months after the administration of TS-1 with docetaxel. This case suggests that patients with recurrent gastric cancer who have undergone prior therapy with TS-1 alone could benefit from TS-1 with docetaxel therapy as a second line.  相似文献   

A no change (NC) status could be maintained in a patient with remnant gastric cancer for more than 500 days with low-dose TS-1. The patient was a 68-year-old woman who was found to have remnant gastric cancer during an endoscopic examination in follow-up on an outpatient basis after surgery for hepatocellular carcinoma in our department. Surgery was rejected as a treatment option because of severe liver dysfunction, and the patient was started on oral TS-1 80 mg/day. Both AST and ALT levels increased immediately after the start of TS-1, and TS-1 was discontinued until these levels improved. It was resumed at 50 mg/day, and there were no subsequent adverse reactions. Endoscopic examination on day 69 after the start of TS-1 showed that a partial response (PR) had not been achieved, but the lesion had shrunk. Endoscopy on day 454 after the start of TS-1 showed it had been possible to maintain a similar state. This was a rare case in which it was possible to achieve prolonged same status with low-dose TS-1.  相似文献   

We report a case of TS-1-resistant recurrent gastric cancer with lung metastasis responding to TS-1 and irinotecan (CPT-11) combination therapy. A 72-year-old man underwent total gastrectomy with pancreaticosplenectomy for advanced gastric cancer on October 18, 2001, and partial hepatectomy for postoperative liver metastasis on August 22, 2002. In March 2004, a chest computed tomography scan revealed metastatic lesions in the bilateral lungs, and he received a single administration of TS-1, resulting in partial response. After 13 courses, this therapy was discontinued due to progressive disease. Then,TS-1 and CPT-11 combination therapy was chosen as the second-line chemotherapy. After 4 courses, a partial response was obtained in lung metastasis, and thereafter has been maintained. He has been treated on an outpatient basis because of no grade 3 or severer adverse reactions. TS-1 and CPT-11 combination therapy could be a promising regimen as the second-line chemotherapy for gastric cancer resistant to TS-1.  相似文献   

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