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Alterations of serotonin transporters (SERT) are implicated in a large number of psychiatric conditions. (11)C-(+)-6beta-(4-Methylthiophenyl)-1,2,3,5,6alpha,10beta-hexahydropyrrolo[2,1-a]isoquinoline ((11)C-McN 5652) was the first PET radiotracer successfully developed as a SERT imaging agent. Recently, (11)C-3-amino-4-(2-dimethylaminomethylphenylthio)benzonitrile ((11)C-DASB) was introduced as an alternative to (11)C-McN 5652. Comparative evaluation of (11)C-DASB and (11)C-McN 5652 in baboons indicates that (11)C-DASB is associated with (a) lower nonspecific binding in the brain, (b) higher plasma free fraction, and (c) faster plasma clearance and brain uptake kinetics, enabling measurement of SERT parameters in a shorter scanning time. The purpose of this study was to compare these 2 agents in healthy humans. METHODS: Six healthy volunteers underwent 2 PET scans on the same day, one with (11)C-DASB and one with (11)C-McN 5652, in counterbalanced order. Regional distribution volumes (V(T)) were derived for 16 brain regions by kinetic analysis using the arterial input function. RESULTS: Both (11)C-DASB and (11)C-McN 5652 displayed similar patterns of accumulation: highest levels in the midbrain, thalamus and striatum; intermediate in the limbic regions; low in the neocortex; and lowest in the cerebellum. (11)C-DASB cerebellar V(T) (10.1 +/- 2.0 mL g(-1)) was lower than that of (11)C-McN 5652 (20.8 +/- 3.6 mL g(-1)), indicating lower nonspecific binding. As a result, regional specific-to-nonspecific equilibrium partition coefficients (V(3)") of (11)C-DASB were higher compared with those of (11)C-McN 5652 (for example, midbrain V(3)" of (11)C-DASB and (11)C-McN 5652 were 2.04 +/- 0.44 and 1.20 +/- 0.34, respectively). The plasma free fraction was 8.9% +/- 1.6% for (11)C-DASB and was not measurable for (11)C-McN 5652. In contrast to the situation observed in baboons, plasma clearances of both compounds were similar in humans, and the minimal scanning times required to derive time-invariant distribution volumes in all regions were comparable for both tracers (95 min). CONCLUSION: With the exception of the scanning time, predictions from baboon studies were confirmed in humans. The higher specific-to-nonspecific ratios of (11)C-DASB are a critical advantage. This property will be especially important for the measurement of SERT in regions with moderate density, such as the limbic regions, where alterations of serotonin transmission might be associated with anxiety and depression.  相似文献   

11C-Labeled 3-amino-4-(2-dimethylaminomethylphenylsulfanyl)-benzonitrile (DASB) is a selective radioligand for the in vivo quantitation of serotonin transporters (SERTs) using PET. The goal of this study was to provide dosimetry estimates for 11C-DASB based on human whole-body PET. METHODS: Dynamic whole-body PET scans were acquired for 7 subjects after the injection of 669 +/- 97 MBq (18.1 +/- 2.6 mCi) of 11C-DASB. The acquisition for each subject was obtained at 14 time points for a total of 115 min after injection of the radioligand. Regions of interest were placed over compressed planar images of source organs that could be visually identified to generate time-activity curves. Radiation burden to the body was calculated from residence times of these source organs using the MIRDOSE3.1 program. RESULTS: The organs with high radiation burden included the lungs, urinary bladder wall, kidneys, gallbladder wall, heart wall, spleen, and liver. The activity peaked within 10 min after the injection of 11C-DASB for all these organs except two--the excretory organs gallbladder and urinary bladder wall, which had peak activities at 32 and 22 min, respectively. Monoexponential fitting of activity overlying the urinary bladder suggested that approximately 12% of activity was excreted via the urine. Simulations in which the urinary voiding interval was decreased from 4.8 to 0.6 h produced only modest effects on the dose to the urinary bladder wall. With a 2.4-h voiding interval, the calculated effective dose was 6.98 microGy/MBq (25.8 mrem/mCi). CONCLUSION: The estimated radiation burden of 11C-DASB is relatively modest and would allow multiple PET examinations of the same research subject per year.  相似文献   

PET studies of the serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, or 5-HT) transporter are increasingly using (11)C-3-amino-4-(2-dimethylaminomethylphenylsulfanyl)benzonitrile (DASB). We noted that the percentage of unmetabolized (11)C-DASB is often lower at 2 min after injection than at 12 min. We hypothesized that this is due to initial "trapping" of the unmetabolized (11)C-DASB compound in the lung, a major 5-HT transporter site and dose-limiting organ. To determine whether binding to an extracranial pool of 5-HT transporters contributes to the lower initial level of unmetabolized (11)C-DASB, we examined the effects of sertraline. METHODS: Eleven healthy volunteers had 2 (11)C-DASB PET scans on the same day, and 6 of the 11 had a third scan after sertraline administration. The unmetabolized (11)C-DASB fraction was measured in arterial plasma as a function of time and was fit with 2 exponentials with no damping, power function damping, or no damping with the first point removed. RESULTS: Power function damping best fit the data as assessed by visual inspection and residuals and resulted in greater distribution volumes than did no damping with the first point removed. Test-retest reproducibility improved when power function damping was used, as compared with no damping with the first point removed. Oral sertraline raised the 2-min unmetabolized (11)C-DASB percentage. CONCLUSION: Measurement and fitting of early metabolism time points improves curve fitting, significantly affects volume-of-distribution determination, and improves test-retest reproducibility. Saturation of lung 5-HT transporters by sertraline prevents the initial trapping of (11)C-DASB. Initial trapping of high-affinity radioligands may be important in the quantification of the binding of other ligands with a high concentration of binding sites in the lungs.  相似文献   

There has been considerable interest in the development of a PET radioligand selective for the serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine [5-HT]) transporter (SERT) that can be used to image 5-HT neurons in the living human brain. The most widely used SERT radiotracer to date, trans-1,2,3,5,6,10-beta-hexahydro-6-[4-(methylthio)phenyl[pyrrolo-[2,1-a]isoquinoline ((+)-(11)C-McN5652), has been successful in this regard but may have some limitations. Recently, another promising SERT radiotracer, 3-(11)C-amino-4-(2-dimethylaminomethylphenylsulfanyl)benzonitrile ((11)C-DASB), has been described. The purpose of this study was to compare and contrast (+)-(11)C-McN5652 and (11)C-DASB under various experimental conditions. METHODS: Radioligand comparisons were performed in a control baboon, a baboon with reduced SERT density ((+/-)-3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine [MDMA] lesion), and a baboon with reduced SERT availability (paroxetine pretreatment). Under each of these experimental conditions, repeated (triplicate) PET studies were performed with each ligand. RESULTS: Both radiotracers bound preferentially in brain regions known to contain high SERT density. For both ligands, there was a high correlation between the amount of regional brain ligand binding and the known regional brain concentration of SERT. Binding of both ligands was decreased after MDMA neurotoxicity (reduced SERT density), and (+)-(11)C-McN5652 and (11)C-DASB were comparably effective in detecting reduced SERT density after MDMA-induced 5-HT neurotoxicity. Pretreatment with paroxetine dramatically altered the metabolism and kinetics of both tracers and appeared to displace both ligands primarily from regions with high SERT density. Compared with (+)-(11)C-McN5652, (11)C-DASB had higher brain activity and a faster washout rate and provided greater contrast between subcortical and cortical brain regions. CONCLUSION: (11)C-DASB and (+)-(11)C-McN5652 are suitable as PET ligands of the SERT and for detecting MDMA-induced 5-HT neurotoxicity. (11)C-DASB may offer some advantages. Additional studies are needed to further characterize the properties and capabilities of both ligands in health and disease.  相似文献   

The radiotracer 3-amino-4-(2-dimethylaminomethyl-phenylsulfanyl)-benzonitrile labelled in the N-methyl position (11C-DASB) is a selective radioligand for the in vivo quantification of serotonin transporters (SERTs) using positron emission tomography (PET). The current study quantified the distribution of activity in two rhesus monkeys after the injection of approximately 333 MBq (9 mCi) 11C-DASB. Whole-body images were acquired at 22 time points for a total of 120 min following injection of the radioligand. Source organs were identified at each time point from both tomographic images (using multiple regions of interest on each tomograph for each organ) and a single planar image (using a single region of interest for each organ). The peak activities in planar images in the five identified source organs (expressed as per cent injected dose (ID)) were lungs (24% ID at 1.5 min), kidneys (6.5% ID at 4 min), liver (8% ID at 3 min), brain (4% ID at 5 min) and spleen (0.42% ID at 3 min). Mono-exponential fitting of activity overlying the bladder suggested that approximately 14% of activity was excreted via the urine. The radiation burden to the body was calculated from residence times of these source organs and then scaled to corresponding human values. The calculated effective dose from tomographic and planar images was 6.0 and 6.4 microGy x MBq(-1) (22.3 and 23.7 mrad x mCi(-1)), respectively. The planar analysis was much easier to perform, and generally yielded slightly higher (i.e., more conservative) estimates of radiation burden than the tomographic analysis. The estimated radiation burden of 11C-DASB is relatively modest and would allow multiple scans per research subject per year.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the reliability of 2'-methoxyphenyl-(N-2'-pyridinyl)-p-18F-fluoro-benzamidoethylpiperazine (18F-MPPF) PET binding parameter's quantification via a test-retest study over a long-term period. METHODS: Ten healthy volunteers underwent 2 dynamic 18F-MPPF PET scans in an interval of 6 mo. As a methodologic control, 10 simulated datasets, including interindividual functional and anatomic variabilities, were also used to assess the measurement variations in the absence of intraindividual variability. Indices of tracer binding were computed using 2 different models: (a) the simplified reference tissue model (SRTM) and (b) the Logan graphical model. The SRTM allows computing the binding potential (BP) index and plasma-to-brain transport constants (R1, k2). The Logan model evaluates the distribution volume (DV). For both methods, cerebellum was taken as the reference region. From both models, binding indices were calculated with time-activity curves extracted from regions of interest, on one hand, and for each voxel to perform parametric images on the other hand. RESULTS: Reliability indices--that is, bias, variability, and intraclass correlation (ICC)--indicated a good reproducibility: the BP percentage change in mean between test and retest is close to 1% in rich regions and 2% in poor regions. The typical error is around 7%. Mean ICC is over 0.70. The DV percentage change in the mean is +/-2.5%, with a typical error close to 6% and an ICC over 0.60. CONCLUSION: Our results show a good reliability, with a reasonable level of intraindividual biologic variability that allows crossover studies with 18F-MPPF in which small percentage changes are expected between test and retest measurements, in group studies and for single subject assessment.  相似文献   

(11)C-N,N-Dimethyl-2-(2-amino-4-methylphenylthio)benzylamine ((11)C-MADAM) is a newly synthesized radioligand with high selectivity and specificity for the serotonin transporter (5-HTT) in a monkey model. The purpose of this study in humans was to examine the suitability and potential of (11)C-MADAM for quantitative PET studies of 5-HTT in applied clinical studies on the pathophysiology and treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders. METHODS: PET examination was performed on each of 9 male subjects after intravenous injection of (11)C-MADAM with high specific radioactivity. Radioactive metabolites in plasma were determined with high-performance liquid chromatography. A metabolite-corrected arterial input function was used in kinetic 2- and 3-compartment analyses. Cerebellum was used as the reference region in a cross-validation of 6 reference tissue approaches. RESULTS: The highest radioactivity concentration was detected in the raphe nuclei, followed consecutively by the striatum, hippocampal complex, cingulate cortex, neocortex, and cerebellum. The time-activity curve for the fraction of unchanged (11)C-MADAM in plasma was best described by a sigmoid function. After 50 min, the fraction was 40%. The labeled metabolites were more polar than the mother compound. The compartment model approaches converged, and could describe the time-activity curves in all regions. The total volume of distribution (V(t)) was similar to the regional distribution volumes obtained by the linear graphic analysis. The binding potentials (BPs) for 6 different approaches yielded similar values in all regions but the raphe nuclei, where the 2 equilibrium methods provided lower values. CONCLUSION: The regional binding distribution of (11)C-MADAM is consistent with postmortem data acquired with (3)H-MADAM as well as with that of other reference ligands in vitro. The time-activity curves were well described by current major quantitative approaches. The suitability of the cerebellum as a reference region for nonspecific (11)C-MADAM binding could be confirmed, thus paving the way for experimentally less demanding approaches, such as the simplified reference tissue model, for applied clinical studies.  相似文献   



We aimed to investigate the association between genetic factors of SNPs dopamine transporter (DAT) and serotonin transporter (SERT) availabilities in healthy controls.


The study population consisted of healthy controls with screening 123I-FP-CIT single-photon emission computed tomography. Specific binding of 123I-FP-CIT regarding DAT and SERT was calculated using a region of interest analysis. VOI template was applied to measure specific binding ratios (SBRs) of caudate nucleus, putamen, striatum, midbrain, and pons.


One hundred sixty healthy controls (male 106, female 54, 61.0?±?11.5 years) were included in this study. Sex difference did not exist in DAT availabilities of caudate nucleus (p?=?0.5344), putamen (p?=?0.5006), and striatum (p?=?0.5056). However, male subjects had higher SERT availabilities of both midbrain (p?=?0.0436), and pons (p?=?0.0061). Therefore, we analyzed the effect of SNP on DAT availabilities of subjects in all, and that on SERT availabilities of males and females separately. None of 19 SNPs included in this study showed the effect on DAT availabilities. However, rs591323 in Fibroblast Growth Factor 20 on chromosome 8 had a significant impact on SERT availability of both midbrain (p?=?0.0056) and pons (p?=?0.0007).


SNP rs591323 of risk loci for Parkinson’s disease is associated with SERT availability of healthy male subjects.

We have characterized the interaction of the serotonin transporter ligand [3H]-N,N-dimethyl-2-(2-amino-4-cyanophenylthio)-benzylamine (DASB) with rhesus monkey brain in vitro using tissue homogenate binding and autoradiographic mapping. [3H]-DASB, a tritiated version of the widely used [11C] positron emission tomography tracer, was found to selectively bind to a single population of sites with high affinity (K(d)=0.20+/-0.04 nM). The serotonin transporter density (B(max)) obtained for rhesus frontal cortex was found to be 66+/-8 fmol/mg protein using [3H]-DASB, similar to the B(max) value obtained using the reference radioligand [3H]-citalopram, a well-characterized and highly selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (83+/-22 fmol/mg protein). Specific binding sites of both [3H]-DASB and [3H]-citalopram were similarly and nonuniformly distributed throughout the rhesus central nervous system, in a pattern consistent with serotonin transporter localization reported for human brain. Regional serotonin transporter densities, estimated from optical densities of the autoradiographic images, were well correlated between the two radioligands. Finally, DASB and fluoxetine showed dose-dependent full inhibition of [3H]-citalopram binding in a competition autoradiographic study, with K(i) values in close agreement with those obtained from rhesus brain homogenates. This side-by-side comparison of [3H]-DASB and [3H]-citalopram binding sites in rhesus tissue homogenates and in adjacent rhesus brain slices provides additional support for the use of [11C]-DASB to assess the availability and distribution of serotonin transporters in nonhuman primates.  相似文献   

The reproducibility of (+/-)-alpha-[11C] dihydrotetrabenazine (DTBZ) measures in PET was studied in 10 healthy human subjects, aged 22-76 y. METHODS: The scan-to-scan variation of several measures used in PET data analysis was determined, including the radioactivity ratio (target-to-reference), plasma-input Logan total distribution volume (DV), plasma-input Logan Bmax/Kd and tissue-input Logan Bmax/Kd values. RESULTS: The radioactivity ratios, plasma-input Bmax/Kd and tissue-input Bmax/Kd all have higher reliability than plasma-input total DV values. In addition, measures using the occipital cortex as the reference region have higher reliability than the same measures using the cerebellum as the reference region. CONCLUSION: Our results show that DTBZ is a reliable PET tracer that provides reproducible in vivo measurement of striatal vesicular monoamine transporter density. In the selection of reference regions for DTBZ PET data analysis, caution must be exercised in circumstances when DTBZ binding in the occipital cortex or the cerebellum may be altered.  相似文献   

A good correlation was found between relative uptake of 99Tcm dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) and relative 131I orthoiodohippuric acid clearance in a group of 100 consecutive patients without evidence of renal failure. In the majority, attenuation correction was found to make no significant difference to relative function measurement. Those in whom it did could be readily identified by inspection of the posterior DMSA images at the time of examination. Two hundred patients were reviewed in whom serial studies had been performed over the previous 5 years. Differences in relative function greater than 5% indicated a high probability that a real change in renal function had occurred. We conclude that whilst renography and DMSA scintigraphy yield complementary information, relative function (L/L + R) can be measured equally well by either method, and the results are sufficiently reproducible to be clinically useful.  相似文献   

IntroductionFluorine-18 labeled 2β-carbomethoxy-3β-(4-chlorophenyl)-8-(2-fluoroethyl)nortropane ([18 F]FECNT) binds reversibly to the dopamine transporter (DAT) with high selectivity. [18 F]FECNT has been used extensively in the quantification of DAT occupancy in non-human primate brain and can distinguish between Parkinson's and healthy controls in humans. The purpose of this work was to develop a compartment model to characterize the kinetics of [18 F]FECNT for quantification of DAT density in healthy human brain.MethodsTwelve healthy volunteers underwent 180 min dynamic [18 F]FECNT PET imaging including sampling of arterial blood. Regional time-activity curves were extracted from the caudate, putamen and midbrain including a reference region placed in the cerebellum. Binding potential, BPND, was calculated for all regions using kinetic parameters estimated from compartmental and Logan graphical model fits to the time-activity data. Simulations were performed to determine whether the compartment model could reliably fit time-activity data over a range of BPND values.ResultsThe kinetics of [18 F]FECNT were well-described by the reversible 2-tissue arterial input and full reference tissue compartment models. Calculated binding potentials in the caudate, putamen and midbrain were in good agreement between the arterial input model, reference tissue model and the Logan graphical model. The distribution volume in the cerebellum did not reach a plateau over the duration of the study, which may be a result of non-specific binding in the cerebellum. Simulations that included non-specific binding show that the reference and arterial input models are able to estimate BPND for DAT densities well below that observed in normal volunteers.ConclusionThe kinetics of [18 F]FECNT in human brain are well-described by arterial input and reference tissue compartment models. Measured and simulated data show that BPND calculated with reference tissue model is proportional to BPND calculated from the arterial input model.  相似文献   

Two novel radioligands, N,N-dimethyl-2-(2-amino-4-methoxyphenylthio)benzylamine (DAPP) and (N,N-dimethyl-2-(2-amino-4-cyanophenylthio)benzylamine (DASB), were radiolabeled with carbon-11 and evaluated as in vivo probes of the serotonin transporter (SERT) using positron emission tomography (PET). Both compounds are highly selective, with nanomolar affinity for the serotonin transporter and micromolar affinity for the dopamine and norepinephrine transporters. Six volunteers were imaged twice, once with each of the two radioligands. Both ligands displayed very good brain penetration and selective retention in regions rich in serotonin reuptake sites. Both had similar brain uptake and kinetics, but the cyano analogue, [11C]DASB, had a slightly higher brain penetration in all subjects. Plasma analysis revealed that both radiotracers were rapidly metabolized to give mainly hydrophilic species as determined by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. Inhibition of specific binding to the SERT was demonstrated in three additional subjects imaged with [11C]DASB following an oral dose of the selective serotonin reuptake blocker citalopram. These preliminary studies indicate that both these substituted phenylthiobenzylamines have highly suitable characteristics for probing the serotonin reuptake system with PET in humans.  相似文献   

Two novel radioligands, N,N-dimethyl-2-(2-amino-4-methoxyphenylthio) b enzylamine (DAPP) and (N,N-dimethyl-2-(2-amino-4-cyanophenylthio) benzylamine (D ASB), were radiolabeled with carbon-11 and evaluated as in vivo probes of the serotonin transporter (SERT) using positron emission tomography (PET). Both compounds are highly selective, with nanomolar affinity for the serotonin transporter and micromolar affinity for the dopamine and norepinephrine transporters. Six volunteers were imaged twice, once with each of the two radioligands. Both ligands displayed very good brain penetration and selective retention in regions rich in serotonin reuptake sites. Both had similar brain uptake and kinetics, but the cyano analogue, [11C]DASB, had a slightly higher brain penetration in all subjects. Plasma analysis revealed that both radiotracers were rapidly metabolized to give mainly hydrophilic species as determined by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. Inhibition of specific binding to the SERT was demonstrated in three additional subjects imaged with [11C]DASB following an oral dose of the selective serotonin reuptake blocker citalopram. These preliminary studies indicate that both these substituted phenylthiobenzylamines have highly suitable characteristics for probing the serotonin reuptake system with PET in humans.  相似文献   

Parametric imaging of serotonin transporters (SERT) with 11C-labeled 3-amino-4-(2-dimethylaminomethyl-phenylsulfanyl)benzonitrile ([11C]DASB) PET is a useful data analysis tool. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the reproducibility of measurements of SERT binding potential (BP) and relative blood flow (R1) by a 2-parameter multilinear reference tissue parametric imaging method (MRTM2) for human [11C]DASB studies. METHODS: Eight healthy subjects (3 men, 5 women; age, 26 +/- 9 y) underwent 2 [11C]DASB PET scans separated by 1 h on the same day (dose, 703 +/- 111 MBq). Parametric images of BP and R1 were generated by MRTM2 using the cerebellum as a reference region. The k'2 (clearance rate constant from the reference region) required by MRTM2 was estimated by the 3-parameter MRTM. Reproducibility of BP and R1 measurements was evaluated by calculating bias (100 x (retest - test/test), variability (SD of the bias), and reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient = rho) for several representative regions of interest (ROIs). BP and R1 were estimated for ROI time-activity curves fitted by MRTM2 and were compared with those based on the parametric images. RESULTS: The test-retest (0.066 +/- 0.013/0.06 +/- 0.011 min(-1)) MRTM k'2 reproducibility was excellent with small bias (3%) and variability (6%) and high reliability (0.95). Retest BP values were consistently lower than those of test BP values in all regions (a mean negative bias of approximately 6%; P < 0.001). The test-retest BP variability was relatively small, ranging from 4% to 13%, with rho ranging from 0.44 to 0.85. In contrast to BP, test-retest R1 values were similar with negligible bias of < or =0.1%. The test-retest R1 variability was excellent and smaller than that of BP ranging from 3% to 6%, with rho ranging from 0.58 to 0.95. BP and R1 values estimated by the ROI time-activity curve-fitting method were slightly lower ( approximately 3% and approximately 1%, respectively) than those by the parametric imaging method (P < 0.001). However, the test-retest bias and variability of BP and R1 were very similar for both ROI and parametric methods. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that [11C]DASB parametric imaging of BP and R1 with the noninvasive MRTM2 method is reproducible and reliable for PET studies of SERT.  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to assess the reliability and reproducibility of angular and linear measurements of conventional and digital cephalometric methods.


A total of 13 landmarks and 16 skeletal and dental parameters were defined and measured on pre-treatment cephalometric radiographs of 30 patients. The conventional and digital tracings and measurements were performed twice by the same examiner with a 6 week interval between measurements. The reliability within the method was determined using Pearson''s correlation coefficient (r2). The reproducibility between methods was calculated by paired t-test. The level of statistical significance was set at p < 0.05.


All measurements for each method were above 0.90 r2 (strong correlation) except maxillary length, which had a correlation of 0.82 for conventional tracing. Significant differences between the two methods were observed in most angular and linear measurements except for ANB angle (p = 0.5), angle of convexity (p = 0.09), anterior cranial base (p = 0.3) and the lower anterior facial height (p = 0.6).


In general, both methods of conventional and digital cephalometric analysis are highly reliable. Although the reproducibility of the two methods showed some statistically significant differences, most differences were not clinically significant.  相似文献   

Abnormal brain regional densities of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine [5-HT]) transporters have been reported in postmortem studies in several neuropsychiatric conditions, such as major depression and schizophrenia. trans-1,2,3,5,6,10-beta-Hexahydro-6-[4-(methylthio)phenyl]pyrrolo-[2,1-a]-isoquinoline ([11C]McN 5652) is the first PET radioligand successfully developed to label 5-HT transporters in the living human brain. The purpose of this study was to develop an imaging protocol and analytic method to measure regional 5-HT transporter binding potential (BP) with [11C]McN 5652 in humans. METHODS: The arterial input function and brain uptake of (+)-[11C]McN 5652 and (-)-[11C]McN 5652, the active and inactive enantiomers, respectively, were measured in 6 healthy volunteers. Results: (+)-[11C]McN 5652 concentrated in brain regions rich in 5-HT transporters (midbrain, thalamus, basal ganglia, and medial temporal lobe structures), whereas the uptake of (-)-[11C]McN 5652 was more uniformly distributed. Total distribution volumes (V(T)) were derived using kinetic 2-compartment analysis and graphic analysis. V(T) derived by both methods were highly correlated. (+)-[11C]McN 5652 regional V(T) ranged from 18 +/- 2 mL/g in the cerebellum to 46 +/- 13 mL/g in the midbrain. (-)-[11C]McN 5652 regional VT ranged from 10 +/- 2 mL/g in the cerebellum to 14 +/- 3 mL/g in the thalamus. (+)-[11C]McN 5652 V(T) were higher than (-)-[11C]McN 5652 V(T) in all regions, including the cerebellum, a region devoid of 5-HT transporters. Blocking experiments were also performed in baboons with saturating doses of citalopram and in humans with nonsaturating doses of paroxetine. Cerebellar and neocortical (+)-[11C]McN 5652 V(T) were unaffected by pretreatment with 5-HT transporter blockers. In areas of high receptor concentration (midbrain, caudate, and thalamus) 5-HT transporter blockers decreased (+)-[11C]McN 5652 V(T) to the level of cerebellum (+)-[11C]McN 5652 V(T). CONCLUSION: These experiments indicate that the use of the difference between (+)- and (-)-[11C]McN 5652 V(T) to define specific binding to 5-HT transporters leads to an overestimation of specific binding. 5-HT transporter BP was derived as the difference between the regional and cerebellar (+)-[11C]McN 5652 V(T). BP values were in good agreement with the distribution of 5-HT transporters in the human brain, except for regions of relatively low 5-HT transporter concentration, such as the prefrontal cortex, where no specific binding was detected using (+)-[11C]McN 5652. (+)-[11C]McN 5652 is an appropriate radiotracer to quantify 5-HT transporters in regions with relatively high concentration of 5-HT transporters, such as the midbrain, thalamus, and basal ganglia, and should prove useful in elucidating abnormalities of 5-HT transmission in neuropsychiatric conditions.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To validate a noninvasive quantitative MRI technique, the K(i) perfusion method, for myocardial perfusion in humans using (13)N-ammonia PET as a reference method. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ten healthy males (64 +/- 8 years) were examined with combined PET and MRI perfusion imaging at rest and during stress induced by dipyridamole in order to determine the myocardial perfusion reserve. Myocardial and blood time concentration curves obtained by Gd-DTPA-enhanced MRI and (13)N-ammonia PET were fitted by a two-compartment perfusion model. RESULTS: Mean perfusion values (+/-SD) derived from the MRI method at rest and at hyperemia were 80 +/- 20 and 183 +/- 56 mL/min/100 g, respectively. The same data for PET were 71 +/- 16 and 203 +/- 67 mL/min/100 g. A linear relationship was observed between MRI and PET-derived myocardial perfusion reserve for regional and global data. Linear regression for the global absolute perfusion reserve gave a correlation coefficient of 0.96 (P < 0.004, y=0.83x-6.9). A good agreement between the two methods to determine low or high perfusion reserves was found. CONCLUSION: Our data provide validation of the perfusion marker K(i) derived by the MRI method as a quantitative marker for myocardial perfusion in healthy humans.  相似文献   

2-((2-((Dimethylamino)methyl)phenyl)thio)-5-(123)I-iodophenylamine ((123)I-ADAM) is a new radiopharmaceutical that selectively binds the central nervous system serotonin transporters. The purpose of this study was to measure its whole-body biokinetics and estimate its radiation dosimetry in healthy human volunteers. The study was conducted within a regulatory framework that required its pharmacologic safety to be assessed simultaneously. METHODS: The sample included 7 subjects ranging in age from 22 to 54 y old. An average of 12.7 whole-body scans were acquired sequentially on a dual-head camera for up to 50 h after the intravenous administration of 185 MBq (5 mCi) (123)I-ADAM. The fraction of the administered dose in 13 regions of interest (ROIs) was quantified from the attenuation-corrected geometric mean counts in conjugate views. Multiexponential functions were iteratively fit to each time-activity curve using a nonlinear, least-squares regression algorithm. These curves were numerically integrated to yield source organ residence times. Gender-specific radiation doses were then estimated with the MIRD technique. SPECT brain scans obtained 3 h after injection were evaluated using an ROI analysis to determine the range of values for the region to cerebellum. RESULTS: There were no pharmacologic effects of the radiotracer on any of the subjects, including no change in heart rate, blood pressure, or laboratory results. Early planar images showed differentially increased activity in the lungs. SPECT images demonstrated that the radiopharmaceutical localized in the midbrain in a distribution that is consistent with selective transporter binding. The dose-limiting organ in both men and women was the distal colon, which received an average of 0.12 mGy/MBq (0.43 rad/mCi) (range, 0.098-0.15 mGy/MBq). The effective dose equivalent and effective dose for (123)I-ADAM were 0.037 +/- 0.003 mSv/MBq and 0.036 +/- 0.003 mSv/MBq, respectively. The mean adult male value of effective dose for (123)I-ADAM is similar in magnitude to that of (111)In-diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (0.035 mGy/MBq), half that of (111)In-pentetreotide (0.81 mGy/MBq), and approximately twice that of (123)I-inosine 5'-monophosphate (0.018 mGy/MBq). The differences in results between this study and a previous publication are most likely due to several factors, the most prominent being this dataset used attenuation correction of the scintigraphic data. Region-to-cerebellum ratios for the brain SPECT scans were 1.95 +/- 0.13 for the midbrain, 1.27 +/- 0.10 for the medial temporal regions, and 1.11 +/- 0.07 for the striatum. CONCLUSION: (123)I-ADAM may be a safe and effective radiotracer for imaging serotonin transporters in the brain and the body.  相似文献   

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