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网络虚拟性爱利弊分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
呼勤 《中国性科学》2009,18(8):44-45,48
虚拟性爱是在网络上进行虚拟的性活动交流,它主要是利用互联网的网上聊天功能,借助语言、声音、图像的表达和沟通来实现。网络性爱是性得不到满足的替代性补偿,网络的匿名性、互动性、便捷性促使其流行。虚拟性爱尽管被认为可以解决性压抑问题,减少性病的传播,降低性源犯罪,但如果掌握不了度,它就很可能对个人和社会带来危害。因此,有关部门应该对网络虚拟性爱予以规范和管理。  相似文献   

关注网络虚拟性爱研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
唐芹 《中国性科学》2005,14(6):31-32
由于互联网的普及,在青少年中对性的认识,已经逐渐摆脱封闭、神秘的状态,逐渐发展得更加开放。现在值得研究的是,性行为的解放似乎比性观念的变革还要加速,其中网络起着不可替代的“催化剂”作用。性已经成为互联网上的主题之一,网络性爱也应当成为一个新的研究课题,尤其是在对青少年的性教育中有特殊意义。但在我国大陆的性科学研究中,目前对网络性爱的关注程度似乎非常不足。  相似文献   

性爱与死亡是生物进化的两个基本机能,也是人类社会得以延续和维持的两个基本因素。本文从死亡与性爱的相互关系。性爱导致死亡的机制模式以及死亡意识对性爱的影响等三个方面对人类性爱与死亡关系问题加以论述,试图阐明这样一个观点,即性爱固然可以给人类带来繁衍后代和享受愉悦的益处,但也可导致许多死亡事件的发生,反之死亡又会为人类的性爱罩上文明的光环。  相似文献   

马克思和恩格斯在其著作、手稿及书信中,运用辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的科学方法,对性爱、婚姻和家庭问题进行了多角度的深入分析,并提出了许多精辟的观点。系统地、准确地理解马克思和恩格斯有关性爱、婚姻和家庭问题的观点在理论上是极为重要的。本文根据马克思、恩格斯的原意,系统地整理了马克思和恩格斯有关性爱、婚姻和家庭问题的观点,并将所选取的论述,归纳成4个条目:性爱、婚姻、家庭、其它。  相似文献   

女性性爱意识问题最能反映一个时代女性意识的觉醒程度,女性性爱意识的现代觉醒是"五四"女性主体性觉醒的一个重要内容,在《卷葹》中冯沅君用文学之笔强烈表达了五四时期现代女性的自我意识增强,向往人格自由,对自由的性爱、情爱的大胆追求,争取平等做人的权利。  相似文献   

人格,是一个有别于其他人的比较稳定的心理特征的综合.性对人格发展的影响历来是医学家、人类学家和社会学家所关注的中心.而"淑女人格"则是指夫妻性爱过程中女性呈现出一种大家闺秀或是小家碧玉式的贤淑,温良而恭谦,礼让而被动,甚至表现出胆怯、迟疑或退缩,从而造成夫妻性爱质量不高,进而引起性功能障碍.  相似文献   

目的:探讨更年期怎样影响了性爱;对于更年期的性爱,不同的应对将对未来数十年的性爱有怎样的影响,怎样做才会有完满的更年期呢。方法:将妇女一生的性爱分为可生殖期、更年期、非生殖期3个不同阶段,并且将可生殖期性爱特性与更年期的改变进行比较、演绎。结果:动物的反射排卵比人类的周期排卵存在明显的生殖优势。作为一种代偿机制,人类以卵巢自主分泌与性相关的雄激素(T)与雌激素(E_2)来进行匹配,由T与性欲成正相关,在排卵期时,正好对应T的峰值,从而具备了“生殖提示”的功能,弥补了精子与卵子难以结合的劣势。同时,E_2的消长还为性爱提供了充足的润滑,使得“想做爱随时都能做”成为了可生殖期性爱的基本特性。更年期到来前,经历了30余年的代偿运行,“想做就能做”的认知,奠定了充分的“性爱自信”。特别是因更年前期促卵泡激素(FSH)增高,会产生短暂的过度润滑期,更加强化了“想做就能做”的认知。由于代偿机制并非渐近撤出,一旦卵泡停止生长,就会出现断崖式分泌停止,造成阴道干涩,从而引起性伴侣双方严重不适,并且极易造成性交疼痛,引起“性爱自信”危机。更年期性爱特性是:润滑的主要方式将由自主分泌向反射分泌转换,不少人会误认为机能老化,而放弃性生活。结论:应加强更年期性教育及治疗干预,防止更年期性功能随生殖功能同时消失。  相似文献   

2008年1月,香港知名艺人陈冠希分别与钟欣桐、张柏芝等7人的自拍裸体照、性爱照被泄漏,网友在互联网上疯狂传播.2008年2月,个别未成年人模仿陈冠希动作的不雅照片在网络上出现.建议家长和学校因势利导将"艳照门"事件引入青少年性教育,向他们灌输正确的道德价值观,让他们了解社会规范,学会自我保护的方法,很有可能将坏事变成好事.  相似文献   

向一个异性求爱,首先要知道怎样使对方产生性的欲望.而要达到激发性欲望的目的,这就是一门艺术.那么,作为人类历史上最早产生的语言艺术之一的民歌,对性爱表达有着怎样的艺术追求呢?为此,本文从陕北民歌性爱表达艺术之一--质朴和热烈以及陕北民歌性爱表达艺术之二--有声有色地唱出男女之"大礼"两个方面对陕北民歌中性爱表达的艺术进行了探讨.  相似文献   

1什么是特殊性爱人类性爱是一种最伟大、最高尚、最文明的行为,是大自然赋于的本能,是人类寻求自身阴阳平衡的过程,是一种最快乐、最幸福的精神享受,是整个生命过程中最闪亮、最精彩、最可留恋的憧憬,其内容十分丰富,学问极其深奥。特殊性爱则是人类性爱中极其罕见的一颗奇艳异彩、晶莹瑰丽的明珠。这里要研究探讨的就是具有特殊生理结构和特殊性功能的异性结合的性爱,因为这种性爱在性爱过程中表现得十分离奇和特殊,所以我把这种性爱称为特殊性爱。2特殊性爱的发现2.1秘情存疑揭谜我在《中国性科学》杂志2005年第6期“对后倒子宫女性特殊性…  相似文献   

目的分析陕西省2004-2010年梅毒、淋病、尖锐湿疣、生殖器疱疹病例报告构成及其原因,促进临床医生按照卫生部有关标准正确诊断报告病例。方法采用构成比分析中国疾病预防控制系统陕西省报告性病疫情资料。结果 2004-2010年梅毒正确报告(报告确诊病例即实验室诊断病例,下同)率为73.37%,淋病正确报告率为67.20%,生殖器疱疹和尖锐湿疣正确报告率分别为99.81%和99.84%,梅毒、淋病误报率较高。结论临床医生必须按照卫生部有关标准正确诊断和报告梅毒、淋病、尖锐湿疣、生殖器疱疹病例,以便疾病控制部门掌握其流行情况,为制定防治措施提供依据。  相似文献   

目的对比研究不同供皮区的真皮下血管网密度及其对保存真皮下血管网皮片移植质量的影响。方法选择由锁骨区和侧胸区两个不同部位供皮的保存真皮下血管网皮片,分别对其真皮下血管网密度进行对比分析。同时对38例锁骨区供皮及158例侧胸区供皮的保存真皮下血管网皮片移植病例进行疗效对比观察。结果①锁骨区皮片的真皮下血管网密度比侧胸区皮片的密度高。②在受区血运条件相同的情况下,含有高密度真皮下血管网的锁骨区保存真皮下血管网皮片移植,其成活质量优于密度较低的侧胸区皮片。结论含高密度真皮下血管网皮片的移植,更易成活,质量更高。用于面部皮肤缺损的修复,具有皮瓣移植之功效,而无臃肿之弊。  相似文献   

Ichthyoses are a group of genetic disorders with defective cornification, clinically characterized by scaling of the skin. Additionally, distinctive cutaneous inflammation can often be observed. For most of the patients these diseases lead to a significant restriction in quality of life. The diagnostic criteria include clinical and histological findings, often confirmed by specialized tests. Because many of the ichthyoses are extremely rare, their accurate diagnosis is often carried out in specialized centers. We summarize isolated vulgar and congenital ichthyoses both with and without associated symptoms and focus on the common genetic changes and their clinical phenotype. Specific therapies are still not available for most of these genetic disorders. The use of different topical agents (e. g. urea, retinoids and salicylic acid) and baths followed by mechanical keratolysis (sometimes in combination with systemic retinoids) reduce symptoms. Patients with uncommon congenital ichthyoses often benefit from interdisciplinary management which involves specialized dermatological centers. In this first part of the paper the vulgar ichthyoses as well as the diagnostic and therapeutic options are discussed. The second part focuses on the congenital ichthyoses and their differential diagnosis.  相似文献   

Congenital ichthyoses are a group of genetic disorders with defective cornification, clinically characterized by scaling of the skin. Additionally, distinctive cutaneous inflammation can often be observed. For most of the patients these diseases lead to a significant restriction in quality of life. The diagnostic hallmarks are discussed. The diagnostic criteria include clinical and histological findings, often enhanced or confirmed by specialized tests. Because many of the congenital ichthyoses are extremely rare, their accurate diagnosis is often carried out in specialized centers. After discussing the vulgar ichthyoses as well as the diagnostic and therapeutic options in part one, in this second part we review congenital ichthyoses both with and without associated symptoms, focusing on the common genetic changes and their clinical phenotype. Specific therapies are still not available for most of these disorders. The use of different topical agents (e. g. urea, retinoids and salicylic acid) and baths followed by mechanical keratolysis (sometimes in combination with systemic retinoids) reduce skin symptoms. Patients with uncommon congenital ichthyoses often benefit from interdisciplinary management which involves specialized dermatological centers.  相似文献   

保存真皮下血管网皮片阴道再造术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的探讨应用保存真皮下血管网皮片再造阴道的技术及其效果。方法对12例先天性无阴道女性,在尿道膀胱与直肠之间形成人造阴道腔穴后,将10cm×10cm的菱形保存真皮下血管网皮片,皮片创面朝外,缝成筒状,移植于该腔穴内的穴壁。阴道筒腔内填以碘仿纱条,2周后拆线。结果移植皮片全部成活。其中3例出现表皮水泡,经换药后愈合。随访1~10年,再造的阴道微红柔软、有弹性和伸延性、光滑、无挛缩、性生活正常。结论应用保存真皮下血管网皮片移植作为再造阴道的衬壁,是一种行之有效的阴道再造方法,此法优于McIndoa中厚植皮术,术后不需长期佩带阴道模具,其技术可供临床医生选择采用。  相似文献   



Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors, biologics, and phosphodiesterase-4 (PDE-4) inhibitors are recent therapies for alopecia areata (AA)—albeit, knowledge gaps exist for these agents' relative efficacy.


We determined the relative efficacy and safety of monotherapy with the aforementioned agents in adults with AA.


The literature was systematically searched; we used data from randomized trials that investigated the agents' efficacy—as per Severity of Alopecia Tool (SALT) scores. Bayesian network meta-analyses were used to determine relative efficacy and safety. Effect modification was determined using a generalized linear model on aggregate data; evidence quality was evaluated.


Based on the surface under the cumulative ranking curve estimates obtained from multiple efficacy endpoints, regimens with the highest likelihood of achieving percent reduction in SALT scores, as well as a minimum 90%, 75% or 50% reduction in SALT scores are (in alphabetical order) baricitinib 4 mg once daily (QD), brepocitinib 60/30 mg QD, deuruxolitinib (CTP-543) 12 mg twice daily (BID), ritlecitinib 200/50 mg QD, ruxolitinib 20 mg BID and tofacitinib 5 mg BID. In contrast, dupilumab subcutaneous injections administered weekly and apremilast 30 mg BID were less likely to be effective. Discontinuation due to any adverse event was the least likely with oral JAK inhibitors, and more likely with dupilumab and apremilast.


Our results support the conduct of high-quality comparative trials to determine whether JAK inhibitors are more effective and safer than PDE4 inhibitors.  相似文献   

Background The dermatoscopic diagnosis of basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is based on well‐known specific criteria. Despite the fact that a pigment network is considered a negative feature for the diagnosis of BCC, its detection in a BCC context has been reported in 2·8% of cases. Objectives To determine whether pigment networks or network‐like structures might represent a pitfall for the correct diagnosis of BCC. Methods Dermatoscopic images of 412 histopathologically proven BCCs were analysed retrospectively. Results Pigment network or network‐like structures were detected in 14 of 412 (3·4%) BCCs. Nine of 14 BCCs presented a typical pigment network, due to the association of a BCC lesion with a naevus, solar lentigo or actinic keratosis; two BCCs located on the face showed a pseudonetwork, and three of 14 lesions displayed a network‐like structure characterized by light‐brown irregularly meshed short linear structures, histopathologically related to a hyperpigmentation of the basal layer of the epidermis. Conclusions The presence of a pigment network in the context of a BCC is uncommon, and it usually reflects the association of BCC with a solar lentigo, naevus or a specific location of the lesion on photodamaged skin.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The intra-dermal capillary network can be easily assessed by a computerized videomicroscope system. Nevertheless, finding capillary loops automatically in an image is a difficult yet important first step in order to achieve microcirculation analysis. METHODS: A detection system was tested by combining videocapillaroscopy and principal component analysis (PCA). Our goal was to build a generic detector of capillary associated with a retinally connected neural network filter. The filter examines small windows of an image, and decides with this detector whether each window contains a capillary or not. RESULTS: Comparisons with manual detections showed that the system has a detection rate of 82% on test set A containing 100 good-quality images of the scalp. A detection rate of 65% was obtained on test set B containing 50 images with noisy background and large artifacts. The performance was increased by a color detector with a detection rate of 71% on the last test. These results correspond to a false detection rate lower than or equal to 10%. CONCLUSION: This neural filter system is capable of real-time processing; it recognizes capillaries anywhere in an image, and operates successfully under wide range of lighting and noisy conditions.  相似文献   

兰州市120急救网络资源调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2008年9~10月,甘肃省紧急医疗救援中心对兰州市的“120”急救网络进行了现场调查和问卷调查。结果发现,该网络所属22家医疗单位(1家急救中心,9家直属分中心,10家依托型分站,9所网络医院)仅能覆盖4个城区,而3个远郊县和红古区仍未被覆盖。22家单位中,17家(77.3%)有专职院外急救人员:有专职院外急救人员者的平均急救反应时间和平均急救反应间期分别为2.9min和12.2min,均显著短于无专职院外急救人员者(分别为4.9min和17.1min)。平均急救半径为4km。院外急救人员共176人,其中98人(55.7%)为临聘人员,86.4%的年龄在30-40岁,68.8%的学历在本科以上,76.7%的职称为住院医师,18.8%为主治医师,4.5%为副主任人医师和主任医师。每10万人拥有救护车2.4辆,床位13.0张,专职人员9.5人。兰州市的急救资源分布极不均衡,因为急救不能带来经济效益,依托型医院多不愿作投入,政府在这方面的投入也很不足。  相似文献   

The intermediate filaments of epithelial cells are formed by keratins, a family of structurally related proteins, which are expressed in pairs of acidic (type I) and basic (type II) polypeptides in a tissue- and differentiation-specific manner. Mutations in the genes encoding several keratins have been implicated in the pathogenesis of diseases of keratinization. We report molecular analysis of two patients with the rare autosomal dominant disorders bullous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma (BCIE) and ichthyosis bullosa of Siemens (IBS). Previous studies have shown that these genodermatoses are due to mutations in the KRT1 and KRT2E genes, respectively. We report a new amino acid substitution mutation in codon 155 of KRT1 (valine to aspartic acid) in the conserved H1 domain of the protein in the patient with BCIE. We also report a novel amino acid substitution mutation in codon 192 of KRT2E (asparagine to lysine) in the conserved 1A helix initiation peptide of the protein in the patient with IBS. Our results demonstrate that these mutations are deleterious to keratin filament network stability and lead to specific clinical inherited disorders of keratinization.  相似文献   

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