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Silent corticotroph adenomas (SCA) are rare pituitary tumors with histologic hallmarks of corticotroph differentiation, including ACTH immunoreactivity, but lacking clinical evidence of Cushing's syndrome. We report on four female patients, aged 19-66 years, each presenting with a nonfunctional macroadenoma. Leading symptoms were headache in two cases and visual field deficits in one. One patient was incidentally diagnosed while undergoing cranial MRI for an unrelated condition. Three patients had marked obesity; none of them presented constitutional signs of Cushing's syndrome. Serum cortisol levels were moderately elevated in the two patients systematically tested in this respect. Marginal to moderate hyperprolactinemia was present in two cases. Two patients also were shown to be deficient in either gonadotroph or thyrotroph axis, while a third had a combined insufficiency of both gonadotroph and thyrotroph axis. MRI scans revealed intratumoral hemorrhage and/or cystic change in three cases, as well as tumor-related occlusive hydrocephalus in one. The latter patient was biopsied only, while the remaining underwent gross total resection. Histologically, all four lesions were diagnosed as SCA subtype I displaying intense immunoreactivity for ACTH. In three tumors, scattered cells coexpressed PRL as well. In addition, Crooke's hyaline change was noted in a significant number of tumor cells and in residual non-neoplastic corticotrophs in one case each. With MIB-1 labeling indices of 1-3%, none of the tumors qualified as atypical adenoma. We conclude that SCAs are more likely to be discovered as expansile tumors, whose advanced local space-occupying character at surgery rather than an inherently aggressive growth potential may negatively influence the clinical outcome. Subtle morphologic evidence of corticotroph suppression in residual pituitary adjacent to tumor lends further support to literature data indicating minimal or intermittent functional activity in this tumor type.  相似文献   

Galanin is a neuropeptide that regulates the secretion of several pituitary hormones, including prolactin (PRL) and growth hormone (GH). Galaninlike immunoreactivity (Gal-IR) and galanin mRNA in the rat anterior pituitary is cell lineage specific, with predominant expression in lactotrophs and somatotrophs. The authors examined the cellular distribution of human Gal-IR in seven normal postmortem pituitaries and 62 pituitary tumors by immunoperoxidase staining. In contrast to the rat, Gal-IR in human anterior pituitaries was present in corticotrophs scattered throughout the gland, but not in lactotrophs, somatotrophs, thyrotrophs, or gonadotrophs. Distinct Gal-IR also was present in hyperplastic and neoplastic corticotrophs in 19 of 22 patients with Cushing's disease. In noncorticotroph cell tumors, unequivocal Gal-IR was present in 5 of 11 GH-secreting tumors associated with clinical acromegaly, 9 of 18 nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas, and 2 of 14 prolactinomas. Of these galanin-positive tumors, four of the five GH-secreting adenomas, six of the nine nonfunctioning adenomas, and both of the prolactinomas also contained adrenocorticotropic hormone immunoreactivity (ACTH-IR). Immunostaining and in situ hybridization on adjacent sections using an 35S-labeled probe complementary to human galanin mRNA demonstrated predominant galanin expression in normal corticotrophs. Immunoelectron microscopy confirmed the presence of Gal-IR in pituitary cells characteristic of corticotrophs in both normal and neoplastic pituitaries. Thus, as in the rat, galanin gene expression in the human pituitary is cell-type specific. Unlike the rat, however, human galanin gene expression is restricted to the corticotroph lineage. Studies of tumors confirmed the observed coexpression of galanin and adrenocorticotropic hormone. The divergent cell type specificity of galanin production in human and rat pituitaries reflects different patterns of gene activation in these two species. In addition, these results suggest that galanin in the human pituitary may participate locally in the regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.  相似文献   

Growth hormone (GH)- and prolactin (Prl)-producing pituitary adenomas were studied with immunoelectron microscopy using protein A-gold complex, and were compared with the normal pituitary gland. GH-producing cells were readily identifiable by numerous, uniformly dense, round secretory granules in both adenomas and normal pituitary gland. In contrast, Prl secretory granules in normal pituitary gland were much larger in size than the scarce, smaller, secretory granules of Prl-producing adenomas. Thus immunoelectron microscopic identification of Prl is more valuable for prolactinoma. With more specific antigens available as tumor markers, immunoelectron microscopy appears to be a powerful tool for tumor diagnosis.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined patients with functioning pituitary adenoma that underwent Gamma Knife radiosurgery (GKS). In particular, we assessed the effects of GKS on the growth and endocrinological response of the functioning pituitary adenoma. Forty-two cases of functioning pituitary adenoma treated with GKS were analyzed. The mean follow-up duration was 42.5 months (range 6 - 98), and the mean tumor volume was 1.4 cm(3) (range 0.1 - 3.8). Multiple isocenters, ranging from 1 to 6 in number (mean 2.7), were used. The tumor margin was covered by an isodose ranging from 50 to 90%. The margin dose was 18 to 40 Gy (mean 28.5) and the maximum dose varied from 35 to 80 Gy (mean 54.1). Tumor growth was controlled in 96.9% of the cases and tumor shrinkage occurred in 40.6% of the cases. Hormonal response was observed in 35 of the 42 (83.3%) patients after GKS, with a mean duration of 6.8 months. Sixteen of the 42 (38.1%) patients showed hormonal normalization, with a mean duration of 21 months. In our multivariate analysis, high integral dosage (p=0.005) and maximum dosage (p=0.001) correlated significantly with hormonal normalization. For patients with functioning pituitary adenoma, GKS can be effective in controlling tumor growth and inducing hormonal normalization, especially if patients are reluctant to undergo surgical resection, or are not able to undergo microsurgery under general anesthesia. It appears that early hormonal normalization can be induced by high maximum dosage (at least 50 Gy) and broad coverage of the target volume within the isodose curve, while keeping the maximum dose to the visual pathways below 9 Gy.  相似文献   

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which is a well-known regulator of gonadotroph function, has recently been considered to be a paracrine factor involved in the control of somatotroph, lactotroph, and corticotroph cells. GnRH action is initiated by binding to a specific cell surface receptor, the gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor (GnRHR), which is expressed by follicle-stimulating hormone/luteinizing hormone (FSH/LH) cells. Using in situ hybridization techniques, GnRHR messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) has recently been detected in normal human anterior pituitary gland and in various pituitary adenomas, including FSH/LH-cell, growth hormone (GH)-cell, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)-cell, and null-cell adenomas. However, immunohistochemical studies indicating the specific cell distribution of GnRHR in normal pituitary cells have never been reported. The aim of the present investigation was to evaluate the immunohistochemical expression of GnRHR in different types of normal pituitary cells and related tumors. Using double-label immunohistochemical techniques on formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissues and specific antibodies directed against pituitary hormones and GnRHR, we found GnRHR immunoreactivity not only in FSH/LH cells, but also in GH- and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) cells. GnRHR was detected in FSH/LH-cell, GH-cell, mixed GH- and prolactin (PRL)-cell, and α-subunit (α-SU)/null-cell adenomas. The findings of this study suggest that the interaction between GnRH and GnRHR may play a role in paracrine/autocrine regulation of different types of normal pituitary cells and pituitary adenomas. Received: 24 January 2000 / Accepted: 12 April 2000  相似文献   

1. Previous studies on the effect of preoptic and median eminence stimulation on the immunoreactive LRF content of pituitary stalk blood from pro-oestrous rats have been extended. Stimulation of the suprachiasmatic nuclei and anterior hypothalamic area produced increments in LRF which were 66 and 18% respectively, of that produced by preoptic stimulation, and 38 and 9%, respectively, of that produced by stimulation of the median emience. Stimulation of the amygdala and hippocampus had no effect. 2. The LRF response was not affected significantly when preoptic stimulation was accompanied by stimulation of the hippocampus. 3. In animals subjected to section of the dorsal afferents of the diencephalon, the LRF response to preoptic stimulation was similar to that in intact rats. However, the facilitatory effect of oestrogen on the LRF response to preoptic stimulation was significantly reduced in the roof sectioned compared with intact animals. The post-operative resumption of oestrous cycles was delayed but not abolished by dorsal deafferentation.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) induces endothelial cell proliferation and an increase in capillary permeability. Because the anterior pituitary gland and pituitary adenomas are highly vascular, expression of VEGF was examined immunohistochemically. Some normal pituitary cells stained positively for VEGF, and restaining for ACTH, prolactin, TSH, LH, FSH, and S-100 protein after VEGF staining revealed that almost all cells staining positively for ACTH also stained for VEGF. Only adenomas staining positively for ACTH stained for VEGF. These results suggest that VEGF is produced by normal pituitary cells and adenomas producing ACTH.  相似文献   

An 11-month-old neutered female weimaraner was humanely destroyed 6 days after an acute onset of neurological signs. At necropsy examination the pituitary gland was replaced by a large neoplastic mass that compressed and infiltrated the overlying hypothalamus. Small nodules were detected in the spleen, kidneys and stomach. Adrenal, thyroid and parathyroid glands were normal in size. The primary pituitary mass, visceral nodules and microscopical metastases detected within the ventricles and leptomeninges of the brain comprised polygonal, chromophobic neoplastic cells, which labelled strongly for adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) on immunohistochemical examination. These findings, in the absence of clinical or pathological evidence of pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism, support a diagnosis of endocrinologically-inactive ('silent') pituitary corticotroph (ACTH-containing) carcinoma.  相似文献   

To study the role of exogenous follicle stimulating hormone(FSH) in the attenuation of luteinizing hormone (LH) responseto luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) during ovulationinduction in women, 10 healthy post-menopausal women were treatedwith FSH (225 IU/day) for 5 days and normal saline (2 ml/day)for another 5 days. The two regimens were given consecutivelyin a 10 day experiment. The regimen for the first 5 days wasrandomly chosen and was given to the women in an alternate way.The response of LH to an i.v. injection of 10 µg LHRHwas investigated twice on day 1 (i.e. before the onset of treatmentand 12 h later) and once on days 2, 5 and 10 of the experiment(0900 h). Basal FSH and LH values before the onset of treatmenton day 1 were similar in the five women who started with thesaline and the five who started with the FSH regimen. BasalFSH values increased significantly during treatment with FSH,while LH and oestradiol values remained unchanged throught thewhole experiment. LH increment 30 min post –LHRH did notchange significantly either during the first 24 h or duringthe whole experiment regardless of the starting regimen. Theseresults demonstrate that in post-menopausal women the responseof LH to LHRH is not affected by exogenous administration ofFSH. It is suggested that exogenous FSH does not show activitieson gonadotrophin secretion similar to those ascribed to a gonadotrophinsecretion similar to those ascribed to a gonadotrophin surgeattenuating factor.  相似文献   

71 surgically removed pituitary adenomas with amyloid deposits were studied by light microscopical and immunohistological means. In none of the adenomas was there a predominance of amyloid deposits. There were no correlations between the extent or pattern of the deposits with either age, immunohistological hormone content or localization. Our results do not support either of the theories about the origin of amyloid--whether mesenchymal or produced by adenoma cells--in pituitary adenomas.  相似文献   

Acidophilic pituitary adenomas commonly produce growth hormone (GH) or prolactin (PRL), according to studies employing immunohistochemical and ultrastructural methods. To examine this question, in situ hybridization with oligonucleotide probes was done on routinely processed tissues received in the pathology laboratory to analyze for the presence of GH and PRL messenger RNA (mRNA) in 4 normal pituitaries, 10 prolactinomas, and 16 GH-secreting adenomas. Most acidophilic cells in normal pituitaries expressed either GH or PRL hormone and the respective mRNAs, but GH mRNA and PRL hormone were also detected in some of the same cells. Patients with a clinical diagnosis of prolactinoma had cells with only PRL mRNA in their tumors, while most (14 of 16) patients with a clinical diagnosis of acromegaly or gigantism had both GH and PRL mRNAs in their tumors. The GH adenomas varied in these studies. In situ hybridization was helpful in characterizing the adenoma from a patient with acromegaly who had immunoreactive PRL, but no immunoreactive GH in the resected tumor; in situ hybridization analysis revealed mRNAs for both GH and PRL in the same tumor cells. Our findings indicate that pituitary adenomas from patients with acromegaly commonly express PRL mRNA. It is concluded that in situ hybridization provides new information about the clinical biology and the histopathologic classification of pituitary adenomas.  相似文献   

Invasiveness of pituitary adenomas   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
528 biopsies from 396 pituitary adenomas were re-examined by light microscopy and checked for invasion of neighbouring tissues. The overall invasion rate was 41.9%. Highly differentiated ACTH-cell adenomas were invasive in 24.1%, undifferentiated mucoid-cell adenomas in 66.7%. The histological type of invasion was influenced by the adenoma type and by the invaded tissue. There was no obvious correlation between the adenoma type and the invaded tissue.  相似文献   

Immunostaining of CD markers in normal pituitary cells has been reported, but a study of these markers in pituitary adenomas has not been done. The expression of CD 3, CD 8, CD 15, CD 20, CD 30, CD 43, CD 45R0, CD 45 R, CD 79 α, and VS-38c was investigated in a collection of 65 pituitary adenomas of various types. CD 3 was present in 75%, CD 8 in 18.5%, CD 15 in 12.3%, CD 20 in 66.1%, CD 30 in 10.8%, CD 43 in 10.8%, CD 45 RO in 72.3%, CD 45 R in 16.9%, CD 79α in 0% and VS-38 c in 44.6%. Densely granulated GH cell adenomas expressed CD 3, CD 20, CD 45 RO, and CD 45 R, but no other markers. Sparsely granulated GH cell adenomas showed CD 3, CD 8, CD 20, CD 43, and CD 45 RO. Mixed GH/prolactin cell adenomas contained CD 3, CD 8, CD 20, CD 30, CD 45RO, CD 45 R, and VS-38c. Mammosomatotroph cell adenomas were positive only for CD 3, CD 8, CD 20, CD 43, and CD 45 RO. Prolactin cell adenomas expressed CD 3, CD 8, and CD 20. ACTH cell adenomas showed CD 3, CD 15, CD 20, CD 30, CD 45 RO, CD 45 R, and VS-38c. TSH cell adenomas contained CD 3, CD 8, CD 15, CD 20, CD 45 RO, and VS-38c. Gonadotroph cell adenomas were positive for CD 3, CD 8, CD 20, CD 45 RO, CD 45 R, and VS-38c. Alpha-subunit-only adenomas expressed CD 3, CD 8, CD 15, CD 20, CD 30, CD 45 RO, and VS-38c. Plurihormonal adenomas contained CD 3, CD 8, CD 20, CD 30, CD 43, CD 45 RO, CD 45 R, and VS-38c. Oncocytic adenomas were positive for all markers except CD 45 RA and CD 79 α. We conclude that the spectra of different adenoma types expressing CD markers varies greatly and that significant correlations do not exist, although noninvasive adenomas appear to express CDs more frequently than invasive adenomas. We have no clear-cut explanations for the various expressions and suggest that it may be a sign of local interactions between the immune system and pituitary adenomas.  相似文献   

24 cases of growth hormone(GH)-producing pituitary adenomas were studied with electron microscopy and immunoelectron microscopy by protein A-gold complex, 6 cases were identified as densely granulated GH adenoma and 15 cases as sparsely granulated GH adenoma, among which 4 cases were proved by immunoelectron microscopy to be containing granules with prolactin(PRL) activity simultaneously. Intracytoplasmic fibrous bodies were often seen in the sparsely granulated cells anyhow, not all those cells with fibrous bodies possess the secretory granules with GH activity, and fibrous bodies were also detected in some PRL cells of certain mixed type adenoma. This suggests that fibrous bodies might not be the specific morphological feature of pituitary growth hormone cell adenomas.  相似文献   

Pituitary adenomas are common neuroendocrine neoplasms arising from adenohypophysial cells. Recent progress in our understanding of pituitary tumorigenesis as well as pathways involved in molecular cytodifferentiation of the adenohypophysis has impacted on the classification of pituitary adenomas. The detailed comprehensive classification of pituitary adenomas is now well recognized to reflect specific clinical features and genetic changes that predict targeted treatments, as well as prognostic information for patients with pituitary adenomas. Therefore, the clinical responsibility of pathologists is not only limited to the distinction of pituitary adenomas from other sellar lesions, but also to provide a comprehensive subtype classification using appropriate ancillary tools. In this article, we highlight an approach to clinical diagnosis and pitfalls in the classification of these common neoplasms.  相似文献   

Summary Fifteen cases of pituitary adenoma, 14 of which were associated with hyperprolactinemia, were studied by observation and granule morphometry of electron micrographs, immunohistochemistry and sequential observation of in vitro release with regard to hormone production, storage and secretion. Adenoma cells of 6 cases with marked elevation of plasma prolactin were sparsely granulated, showed characteristic ultrastrucures including the presence of small secretory granules, well developed Golgi and rough membranes, misplaced exocytosis, and positive or negative immunostaining for prolactin. These adenomas also showed vigorous release of the hormone into the circulation and/or culture medium. In vitro studies showed that negative immunostaining of adenoma cells did not preclude the production and secretion of the hormone. One densely granulated adenoma containing cells with numerous lactotroph type granules showed moderate release of prolactin into the circulation. In an acromegalic case associated with both high plasma growth hormone and prolactin, some cells were shown by immunohistochemistry to store both hormones. There were 4 adenomas which could not be shown to produce, store and secrete prolactin by any method available.Abbreviations Used in this Paper ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone - -MSH -melanocyte stimulating hormone - hGH human growth hormone - hPRL human prolactin - LH luteinizing hormone - FSH follicle stimulating hormone - TSH thyroid stimulating hormone - TRH Thyrotropin-releasing hormone This work was supported in part by Grants-in-Aid for Cancer Research (No. 50-14) and for Specific Diseases (Disorder of Hypothalamic and Pituitary System) from the Ministry of Health and Welfare, and for Cancer Research (No. 401034) from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan  相似文献   

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