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OBJECTIVE: To summarize comprehensive informa- tion concerning ethnomedicinal uses, phytochem- istry, and pharmacological activities of parsley. METHODS: Databases including PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar, and Web of Science were searched for studies focusing on the ethnomedicinal use, phytochemical compounds and biological and pharmacological activities of parsley. Data were col- lected from 1966 to 2013. The search terms were: "Parsley" or "Petroselinum crispum" or "Petroseli-num hortence". RESULTS: Parsley has been used as carminative, gastro tonic, diuretic, antiseptic of urinary tract, an- ti-urolithiasis, anti-dote and anti-inflammatory and for the treatment of amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, gastrointestinal disorder, hypertension, cardiac dis- ease, urinary disease, otitis, sniffle, diabetes and al- so various dermal disease in traditional and folklore medicines. Phenolic compounds and flavonoids particularly apigenin, apiin and 6-Acetylapiin, es- sential oil mainly myristicin and apiol, and also cou- marins are the active compounds identified in Petroselinum crispum. Wide range of pharmacolog- ical activity including antioxidant, hepatoprotec- tive, brain protective, anti-diabetic, analgesic, spas- molytic, immunosuppressant, anti-platelet, gastro- protective, cytoprotective, laxative, estrogenic, di- uretic, hypotensive, antibacterial and antifungal ac- tivities have been exhibited for this plant in mod- ern medicine. CONCLUSION: It is expectant that this study result- ed in improvement the tendencies toward Petrose- linum crispum as a useful and important medicinal plant with wide range of proven medicinal activity.  相似文献   

The genus Salvia (sage) belongs to the Lamiaceae and encompasses 900 species worldwide of which ca. 26 indigenous species are found in southern Africa. Salvia is the largest genus in this family and constitutes almost one quarter of the Lamiaceae. In South Africa, the majority of Salvia species are distributed predominantly in the Cape region. Salvia species are used in many parts of the world to treat various conditions. Many sages, if not all, form an integral part of traditional healing in South Africa particularly in regions where they occur in abundance. Several species are used to treat microbial infections, cancer, malaria, inflammation, loss of memory and to disinfect homes after sickness. Despite the extensive traditional use and the general interest in phytoconstituents of Salvia it remains ironic that research on the South African counterparts has until recently been neglected. The review aims to collate recent research results on the phytochemistry and pharmacological properties of indigenous species. Bio-active compounds with antiplasmodial and antibacterial activities have been isolated and structurally elucidated from Salvia chamelaegnea, Salvia radula and Salvia verbenaca. The essential oil composition of Salvia showed the dominance of monoterpene hydrocarbons, oxygen-containing monoterpenes and oxygen- containing sesquiterpenes. Salvia runcinata is identified as an alternative source of natural alpha-bisabolol. Many pharmacological activities are summarised (anti-oxidant, antimicrobial, antiplasmodial, analgesic, antipyretic, anticancer, anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive) as a first attempt to provide scientific support for past and present local traditional uses.  相似文献   


Ethnopharmacological relevance

The aerial parts of Senecio scandens Buch.-Ham. (family Asteraceae) have a long history in traditional Chinese medicine as a treatment for various ailments, such as bacterial diarrhea, enteritis, conjunctivitis, and respiratory tract infections.

Materials and methods

A bibliographic investigation of Senecio scandens was accomplished by analyzing secondary sources, including the Chinese Medicinal plantal Classics, the Internet (Google Scholar and Baidu Scholar), and scientific databases accepted worldwide (Pubmed, Scopus, Web of Science, SciFinder, and CNKI). These sources were scrutinized for available information about the uses of Senecio scandens in traditional Chinese medicine, phytochemistry, pharmacology, and toxicology.


Senecio scandens is a medicinal plant with a climbing woody stem. Phytochemical studies have shown the presence of numerous valuable compounds, such as flavonoids, alkaloids, phenolic acids, terpenes, volatile oils, carotenoids, and trace elements. Among them, PAs are the characteristic constituents, adonifoline is one of the index ingredients of Senecio scandens. Studies in modern pharmacology have demonstrated that extracts and compounds isolated from Senecio scandens show a wide spectrum of pharmacological activities, including anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anti-leptospirosis, hepatoprotective, anti-infusorial, antioxidant, antiviral, antitumoral, analgesic, mutagenic, and toxicological activities.


Phytochemical and pharmacological studies have demonstrated that the extracts of the plant possess various pharmacological activities that can be attributed to the presence of various flavonoids, phenolic acids, and alkaloids. Newer technologies for qualitative and quantitative methods of PAs need to be developed to obtain better accuracy and sensitivity. Due to the toxicity of PAs present in this medicinal plant, the regulations on PAs of Senecio scandens were varied among different countries and regions. In China, the PAs toxicity of Senecio scandens ranking criteria is not well defined in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2010, and there is no strict uniform requirement on the PAs in western countries. We propose that the use of Senecio scandens should be reevaluated based on a set of criteria, which includes risk–benefit analysis and severity of the toxic effects, clinical and preclinical data to ensure safe use while continuing to satisfy the need for access to the medicinal plant.  相似文献   


Ethnopharmacological relevance

Lonicera japonica Thunb. (Caprifoliaceae), a widely used traditional Chinese medicine, was known as Jin Yin Hua (Chinese: ), Ren Dong and Japanese honeysuckle. It was taken to treat the exopathogenic wind-heat, epidemic febrile diseases, sores, carbuncles and some infectious diseases. At the same time, Lonicera japonica could be used as healthy food, cosmetics, ornamental groundcover, and so on.

Aim of the review

The present paper reviewed the ethnopharmacology, the biological activities, toxicology and phytochemistry of Lonicera japonica.

Materials and methods

Information on Lonicera japonica was gathered via the Internet (using Google Scholar, Baidu Scholar, Elsevier, ACS, Medline Plus, CNKI and Web of Science) and libraries. Additionally, information also was obtained from some local books and brilliant scholars on ethnopharmacology.


More than 140 chemical compounds have been isolated, and the main compositions are essential oils, organic acids and flavones, etc. Lonicera japonica and its active principles possess wide pharmacological actions, such as anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, antioxidative and hepatoprotective activities.


As an important traditional Chinese medicine, further studies on Lonicera japonica can lead to the development of new drugs and therapeutics for various diseases, and how to utilize it better should be paid more attentions.  相似文献   


Ethnopharmacological relevance

Anemarrhena asphodeloides Bunge. (Asparagaceae) yields Anemarrhenae Rhizoma, which has a long history to be used as a traditional medicine to treat various ailments, like cold-induced febrile disease with arthralgia, hematochezia, tidal fever and night sweats by Yin deficiency, bone-steaming, cough, and hemoptysis. It is also used as an ingredient of healthy food, wine, tea, biological toothpaste. Its importance is demonstrated by large scale to treat kinds of diseases in eastern Asian countries. The aim of this review is to provide up-to-date information about phytochemistry, pharmacology, and toxicology of Anemarrhena asphodeloides based on scientific literatures. It will build up a new foundation for further study on mechanism and development of better therapeutic agent and healthy product from Anemarrhena asphodeloides.

Material and methods

All the available information on Anemarrhena asphodeloides was collected via electronic search (using PubMed, SciFinder Scholar, CNKI, TPL (www.theplantlist.org), Google Scholar, Baidu Scholar, and Web of Science).


Comprehensive analysis of the literatures searched through sources available above confirmed that the ethnomedical uses of Anemarrhena asphodeloides had been recorded in China, Japan, and Korea for thousands of years. The phytochemical investigation revealed the presence of steroidal saponins, flavonoids, phenylpropanoids, alkaloids, steroids, organic acids, anthraquinones, and others. Crude extracts and pure compounds from Anemarrhena asphodeloides exhibited significant pharmacological effects on the nervous system and the blood system. They also showed valuable bioactivities, such as antitumor, anti-oxidation, anti-microbial, anti-virus, anti-inflammation, anti-osteoporosis, anti-skin aging and damage as well as other activities.


In light of long traditional use and modern phytochemical and pharmacological studies summarized, Anemarrhena asphodeloides has demonstrated a strong potential for therapeutic and health-maintaining purposes. Both the extracts and chemical components isolated from the plant showed a wide range of biological activities. Thus more pharmacological mechanisms on main active compounds (TBII, TAIII, mangiferin and other ingredients) are necessary to be explored. In addition, as a good source of the traditional medicine, clinical studies of main therapeutic aspects (e.g. diabetes, Alzheimer?s disease, Parkinson?s disease, etc.), toxicity and adverse effect of Anemarrhena asphodeloides will also undoubtedly be the focus of future investigation.  相似文献   

Psidium guajava, is an important food crop and medicinal plant in tropical and subtropical countries is widely used like food and in folk medicine around of the world. This aims a comprehensive of the chemical constituents, pharmacological, and clinical uses. Different pharmacological experiments in a number of in vitro and in vivo models have been carried out. Also have been identified the medicinally important phyto-constituents. A number of metabolites in good yield and some have been shown to possess useful biological activities belonging mainly to phenolic, flavonoid, carotenoid, terpenoid and triterpene. Extracts and metabolites of this plant, particularly those from leaves and fruits possess useful pharmacological activities. A survey of the literature shows P. guajava is mainly known for its antispasmodic and antimicrobial properties in the treatment of diarrhoea and dysentery. Has also been used extensively as a hypoglycaemic agent. Many pharmacological studies have demonstrated the ability of this plant to exhibit antioxidant, hepatoprotection, anti-allergy, antimicrobial, antigenotoxic, antiplasmodial, cytotoxic, antispasmodic, cardioactive, anticough, antidiabetic, antiinflamatory and antinociceptive activities, supporting its traditional uses. Suggest a wide range of clinical applications for the treatment of infantile rotaviral enteritis, diarrhoea and diabetes.  相似文献   


Ethnopharmacological relevance

Harpagophytum procumbens subps. procumbens (Burch.) DC. ex Meisn. (Pedaliaceae) is an important traditional medicine growing in the Kalahari region of southern Africa where it is consumed as a general health tonic and for treating diverse ailments including arthritis, pain, fever, ulcers and boils.

Aim of the review

To provide a comprehensive overview of the ethnobotany, phytochemistry and biological activity of H. procumbens and possibly make recommendations for further research.

Materials and methods

Peer-reviewed articles on H. procumbens were acquired on Scopus, ScienceDirect and SciFinder, there was no specific timeline set for the search. A focus group discussion was held with different communities in Botswana to further understand ethnobotanical uses of the plant.


Harpogophytum procumbens is used for a wide variety of health conditions in the form of infusions, decoctions, tinctures, powders and extracts. In addition to the common local use for arthritis and pain, other ethnomedicinal uses include dyspepsia, fever, blood diseases, urinary tract infections, postpartum pain, sprains, sores, ulcers and boils. Scientific studies revealed that H. procumbens exhibits analgesic, anti-oxidant, anti-diabetic, anti-epileptic, antimicrobial and antimalarial activities amongst others. Iridoid glycosides and phenylpropanoid glycosides have been the focus of phytochemical investigations as the biological activity has been ascribed to the iridoid glycosides (such as harpagoside and harpagide), which are common in nature and are known to possess anti-inflammatory activity. In addition, it has been shown that the hydrolysed products of harpagoside and harpagide have more pronounced anti-inflammatory activity when compared to the unhydrolysed compounds. Harpagophytum zeyheri is a close taxonomic ally of H. procumbens but H. procumbens is the favoured species of commerce, and contains higher levels of the pharmacologically active constituents. The two are used interchangeably and H. procumbens raw material is often intentionally adulterated with H. zeyheri and this may impact on the efficacy of inadequately controlled health products. The main exporter of this highly commercialised plant is Namibia. In 2009 alone, Harpagophytum exports were worth approximately €1.06 million. The high demand for health products based on this plant has led to over-harvesting, raising concerns about sustainability. Although only the secondary tubers are utilised commercially, the whole plant is often destroyed during harvesting.


Harpagophytum procumbens is used to treat a wide range of ailments. Some of the ethnobotanical claims have been confirmed through in vitro studies, however, when the constituents deemed to be the biologically active compounds were isolated the efficacy was lower than that of the whole extract. This necessitates the use of a different approach where all the metabolites are considered using a robust method such as spectroscopy; the phytochemical data can then be superimposed on the biological activity. Furthermore, there is a need to develop rapid and efficient quality control methods for both raw materials and products because the orthodox methods in current use are time-consuming and labour intensive.  相似文献   


Ethnopharmacological relevance

Phyllanthus amarus Schum. &; Thonn. belongs to the family Euphorbiaceae is a small herb well known for its medicinal properties and widely used worldwide. P. amarus is an important plant of Indian Ayurvedic system of medicine which is used in the problems of stomach, genitourinary system, liver, kidney and spleen. It is bitter, astringent, stomachic, diuretic, febrifuge and antiseptic. The whole plant is used in gonorrhea, menorrhagia and other genital affections. It is useful in gastropathy, diarrhoea, dysentery, intermittent fevers, ophthalmopathy, scabies, ulcers and wounds.

Materials and methods

The present review covers a literature across from 1980 to 2011. Some information collected from traditional Ayurvedic texts and published literature on ethanomedicinal uses of Phyllanthus amarus in different countries worldwide.


Phytochemical studies have shown the presence of many valuable compounds such as lignans, flavonoids, hydrolysable tannins (ellagitannins), polyphenols, triterpenes, sterols and alkaloids. The extracts and the compounds isolated from P. amarus show a wide spectrum of pharmacological activities including antiviral, antibacterial, antiplasmodial, anti-inflammatory, antimalarial, antimicrobial, anticancer, antidiabetic, hypolipidemic, antioxidant, hepatoprotective nephroprotective and diurectic properties.


The present review summarizes information concerning the morphology, ecology, ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry, biological activities, clinical applications and toxicological reports of P. amarus. This review aims at gathering the research work undertaken till date on this plant in order to provide sufficient baseline information for future works and commercial exploitation.  相似文献   


Ethnopharmacological relevance

Safed musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum) is an eminent medicinal plant of India and considered as a ‘white gold’ or ‘divya aushad’ in Indian systems of medicine. In Ayurveda, Chlorophytum borivilianum belongs to the group of “Vajikaran Rasayana” corroborated to its rejuvenating, aphrodisiac, natural sex tonic properties and effective in alleviating sexual disorders. It is largely used as ethnic medicine by local healers of indigenous communities of India.

Materials and methods

A thorough bibliographic investigation was carried out by analyzing worldwide accepted scientific data base (Pub Med, SciFinder, Scopus and Web of Science), thesis, recognized books, non impact and non indexed journals.


Traditionally, Chlorophytum borivilianum is well known for treating male impotency in India. The multi therapeutic and nutritional importance of Chlorophytum borivilianum is attributed to the rich source of phytochemicals particularly saponins. Recently, Chlorophytum borivilianum has gained a well established domestic (Indian) and international market for being the herbal alternative of “Viagra” without any side effects. Under the trade name ‘Nai Chetna’, the state government of Gujarat, India, has launched a novel potency drug from Chlorophytum borivilianum. Modern pharmacological studies of Chlorophytum borivilianum have demonstrated a wide range of pharmacological activities, most importantly aphrodisiac, immunomodulatory and anticancer activities.


The increased commercial exploitation of Chlorophytum borivilianum and low productivity of this endangered plant has raised the concern over its conservation. It has been envisaged that efforts should be made to standardize, encourage and popularize the cultivation of Chlorophytum borivilianum as a commercial crop. The analysis of previous pharmacological investigations suggested lack of substantial scientific evidences in various studies and do not stand the test of critical assessment. Due to high economic value, Chlorophytum borivilianum has also encountered a problem of adulteration with closely resembling medicinally inferior species. The studies available on toxicity, safety and quality of Chlorophytum borivilianum are inadequate for providing information on commercial utilization. Thus, the present review summarizes comprehensive information on Chlorophytum borivilianum and possible scope for future research to fill the existing lacunae on its different aspects of the study.  相似文献   


Ethnopharmacological relevance

The resinous exudates of the Commiphora species, known as ‘myrrh’, are used in traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of trauma, arthritis, fractures and diseases caused by blood stagnation. Myrrh has also been used in the Ayurvedic medical system because of its therapeutic effects against inflammatory diseases, coronary artery diseases, gynecological disease, obesity, etc.

Aim of the review

Based on a comprehensive review of traditional uses, phytochemistry, pharmacological and toxicological data on the genus Commiphora, opportunities for the future research and development as well as the genus’ therapeutic potential are analyzed.


Information on the Commiphora species was collected via electronic search (using Pubmed, SciFinder, Scirus, Google Scholar and Web of Science) and a library search for articles published in peer-reviewed journals. Furthermore, information also was obtained from some local books on ethnopharmacology. This paper covers the literature, primarily pharmacological, from 2000 to the end of December 2011.


The resinous exudates from the bark of plants of the genus Commiphora are important indigenous medicines, and have a long medicinal application for arthritis, hyperlipidemia, pain, wounds, fractures, blood stagnation, in Ayurvedic medicine, traditional Chinese medicine and other indigenous medical systems. Phytochemical investigation of this genus has resulted in identification of more than 300 secondary metabolites. The isolated metabolites and crude extract have exhibited a wide of in vitro and in vivo pharmacological effects, including antiproliferative, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial. The bioactive steroids guggulsterones have attracted most attention for their potent hypolipidemic effect targeting farnesoid X receptor, as well as their potent inhibitory effects on tumor cells and anti-inflammatory efficiency.


The resins of Commiphora species have emerged as a good source of the traditional medicines for the treatment of inflammation, arthritis, obesity, microbial infection, wound, pain, fractures, tumor and gastrointestinal diseases. The resin of C. mukul in India and that of C. molmol in Egypt have been developed as anti-hyperlipidemia and antischistosomal agents. Pharmacological results have validated the use of this genus in the traditional medicines. Some bioassays are difficult to reproduce because the plant materials used have not been well identified, therefore analytical protocol and standardization of extracts should be established prior to biological evaluation. Stem, bark and leaf of this genus should receive more attention. Expansion of research materials would provide more opportunities for the discovery of new bioactive principles from the genus Commiphora.  相似文献   


Aims of the study

In South Africa, the genus Helichrysum is widely used in traditional medicine. The uses are well documented although renaming of species and the resulting confusing taxonomic nomenclature may cause uncertainty as to which specific species was referred to in some reports. The aim of this paper is to present a collated and coherent overview of the documented traditional uses of Helichrysum species and to update the botanical identity of previously studied species.

Materials and methods

Databases (Scifinder, ISI Web of Knowledge) and several books were used to collect in information on South African Helichrysum species.


The traditional uses, chemistry and biological activity of Helichrysum species have been summarized. It was attempted to give clarity as to exactly which species is refer to in the ethnobotanical literature.


Although a large number of ethnopharmacological uses have been documented and the chemistry of the genus has been studied extensively, only a few South African species have been investigated for their biological activity.  相似文献   


Ethnopharmacological relevance

Rheum australe D. Don (Polygonaceae) has been commonly used in traditional medicine for a wide range of ailments related to the circulatory, digestive, endocrine, respiratory and skeletal systems as well as to infectious diseases.

Aim of the review

To provide the up-to-date information that is available on the botany, traditional uses, phytochemistry, pharmacology and toxicology of Rheum australe. Additionally, to highlight the possible uses of this species to treat different diseases and to provide a basis for future research.

Materials and methods

The present review covers the literature available from 1980 to 2011. The information was collected from scientific journals, books, theses and reports via a library and electronic search (Google Scholar, Web of Science and ScienceDirect).


Ethnomedical uses of Rheum australe have been recorded from China, India, Nepal and Pakistan for 57 different types of ailments. The phytochemical studies have shown the presence of many secondary metabolites belonging to anthraquinones, stilbenes, anthrones, oxantrone ethers and esters, chromones, flavonoids, carbohydrate, lignans, phenols and sterols. Crude extracts and isolated compounds from Rheum australe show a wide spectrum of pharmacological activities, such as antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antimicrobial, antioxidant, anticancer, hepatoprotective and immune-enhancing activities, as well as a usefulness for improving renal function.


Rheum australe has been widely used source of medicine for years without any adverse effects. Many studies have provided evidence for various traditional uses. However, there is a need for additional studies of the isolated compounds to validate the traditional uses in human models. The present review on the botany, traditional uses, phytochemistry and toxicity has provided preliminary information for further studies and commercial exploitations of the plant.  相似文献   

The genus Artocarpus (Moraceae) comprises about 50 species of evergreen and deciduous trees. Economically, the genus is of appreciable importance as a source of edible fruit, yield fairly good timber and is widely used in folk medicines. The aim of the present review is to present comprehensive information of the chemical constituents, biological and pharmacological research on Artocarpus which will be presented and critically evaluated. The close connection between traditional and modern sources for ethnopharmacological uses of Artocarpus species, especially for treatment against inflammation, malarial fever, diarrhoea, diabetes and tapeworm infection. Artocarpus species are rich in phenolic compounds including flavonoids, stilbenoids, arylbenzofurons and Jacalin, a lectin. The extracts and metabolites of Artocarpus particularly those from leaves, bark, stem and fruit possess several useful bioactive compounds and recently additional data are available on exploitation of these compounds in the various biological activities including antibacterial, antitubercular, antiviral, antifungal, antiplatelet, antiarthritic, tyrosinase inhibitory and cytotoxicity. Several pharmacological studies of the natural products from Artocarpus have conclusively established their mode of action in treatment of various diseases and other health benefits. Jacalin, a lectin present in seeds of this plant has a wide range of activities. Strong interdisciplinary programmes that incorporate conventional and new technologies will be critical for the future development of Artocarpus as a promising source of medicinal products. In the present review, attempts on the important findings have been made on identification; synthesis and bioactivity of metabolites present in Artocarpus which have been highlighted along with the current trends in research on Artocarpus.  相似文献   


Ethnopharmacological relevance

Ficus religiosa L. (Moraceae) has been extensively used in traditional medicine for a wide range of ailments of the central nervous system, endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract, reproductive system, respiratory system and infectious disorders.

Aim of the review

To comprehend the fragmented information available on the botany, traditional uses, phytochemistry, pharmacology and toxicology of F. religiosa to explore its therapeutic potential and future research opportunities.

Materials and methods

All the available information on F. religiosa was collected via electronic search (using Pubmed, SciFinder, Scirus, Google Scholar, Agricola and Web of Science) and a library search.


Ethnomedical uses of F. religiosa are recorded throughout South Asia, where it has been used for about 50 types of disorders. Phytochemical research had led to the isolation of phytosterols, amino acids, furanocoumarins, phenolic components, hydrocarbons, aliphatic alcohols, volatile components and few other classes of secondary metabolites from F. religiosa. Fresh plant materials, crude extracts and isolated components of F. religiosa showed a wide spectrum of in vitro and in vivo pharmacological activities like, antidiabetic, cognitive enhancer, wound healing, anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial, antiviral, hypolipidemic, antioxidant, immunomodulatory, antiasthmatic, parasympathetic modulatory, esterogenic, antitumor, antiulcer, antianxiety, antihelmintic, endotheilin receptor antagonistic, apoptosis inducer and hypotensive.


F. religiosa emerged as a good source of traditional medicine for the treatment of asthma, diabetes, diarrhea, epilepsy, gastric problems, inflammatory disorders, infectious disorders and sexual disorders. Although many of the experimental studies validated its traditional medicinal uses, but employed uncharacterized crude extracts. Thus, it is difficult to reproduce the results and pinpoint the bioactive metabolite. Hence, there is a need of phytochemical standardization and bioactivity-guided identification of bioactive metabolites. The results of few pharmacological studies and bioactive metabolites already reported in F. religiosa warrant detailed investigation for its potential against cancer, cardiovascular disorders, neuroinflammatory disorders, neuropsychiatric disorders, oxidative stress related disorders and parasitic infections. The outcome of these studies will further expand the existing therapeutic potential of F. religiosa and provide a convincing support to its future clinical use in modern medicine.  相似文献   


Ethnopharmacological relevance

Polygonum cuspidatum Sieb. et Zucc. (Polygonum cuspidatum), also known as Reynoutria japonica Houtt and Huzhang in China, is a traditional and popular Chinese medicinal herb. Polygonum cuspidatum with a wide spectrum of pharmacological effects has been used for treatment of inflammation, favus, jaundice, scald, and hyperlipemia, etc.

Aim of the review

The present paper reviews the traditional applications as well as advances in botany, phytochemistry, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics and toxicology of this plant. Finally, the tendency and perspective for future investigation of this plant are discussed, too.

Materials and methods

A systematic review of literature about Polygonum cuspidatum is carried out using resources including classic books about Chinese herbal medicine, and scientific databases including Pubmed, SciFinder, Scopus, the Web of Science and others.


Polygonum cuspidatum is widely distributed in the world and has been used as a traditional medicine for a long history in China. Over 67 compounds including quinones, stilbenes, flavonoids, counmarins and ligans have been isolated and identified from this plant. The root of this plant is used as the effective agent in pre-clinical and clinical practice for regulating lipids, anti-endotoxic shock, anti-infection and anti-inflammation, anti-cancer and other diseases in China and Japan.


As an important traditional Chinese medicine, Polygonum cuspidatum has been used for treatment of hyperlipemia, inflammation, infection and cancer, etc. Because there is no enough systemic data about the chemical constituents and their pharmacological effects or toxicities, it is important to investigate the pharmacological effects and molecular mechanisms of this plant based on modern realization of diseases’ pathophysiology. Drug target-guided and bioactivity-guided isolation and purification of the chemical constituents from this plant and subsequent evaluation of their pharmacologic effects will promote the development of new drug and make sure which chemical constituent or multiple ingredients contributes its pharmacological effects. Additionally, chemicals and their pharmacological effects of the other parts such as the aerial part of this plant should be exploited in order to avoid resource waste and find new chemical constituents.  相似文献   

Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge, known as red sage or Danshen, is commonly applied in Chinese herbal therapeutics for various biological effects. In 25–220 C.E., the earliest Chinese Materia Medica referred to as Shengong's Classic of Materia Medica (Eastern Han Dynasty of China, 200 C.E.) initially documented Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge. Currently, Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge is one of the most frequently prescribed traditional Chinese medicines in clinics for antidiabetic, antianxiety, antihypertensive, antidepressant, antilipidemic, antiarrhythmic, and anticancer effects. Undoubtedly, it is best known for improving and promoting blood circulation;thus, its recommendation for use in cardiovascular disorders. Regarding this article, important information was sourced both manually and electronically using patent compendium and databases, including Google Scholar, herbal plant monographs, Hindawi, PubMed, Embase, CNKI, pharmacopoeias, Springer, etc. Well-concise details and discussions on the botany, traditional medicinal uses, chemical constituents-phytochemistry, pharmacokinetics, pharmacology, and toxicology information are presented. In perspective, understanding the comprehensive information of the above-stated fields with regards to Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge would yield an additional positive knowledge on areas that need urgent attention and identify gaps in research and safety for future consideration.  相似文献   

Benincasae Exocarpium (BE, Dongguapi in Chinese), as the dried outer pericarp of Benincasa hispida (wax gourd) in Cucurbitaceae family, is one of traditional Chinese medicines with the same origin as medicine and food. Up to now, 43 compounds were isolated from BE, including flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, phenolic acids, soluble fiber and carbohydrates. Modern pharmacological studies and clinical practice showed that BE has diuretic, hypolipidemic effects, hypoglycemic, antioxidant, antibacterial, and other effects. The folk uses, functional factors, pharmacological activities, patents and clinical applications of BE were reviewed in this paper. In addition, the paper also discussed the current problems for the further studies. The information summarized in this paper provides valuable clues for the comprehensive utilization of medicine and food resources and gives a scientific basis for the development of medicinal plants of BE.  相似文献   

Plants belonging to the genus Broussonetia (Moraceae), which grow naturally in Asian and Pacific countries, have long been used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat various conditions, particularly tinea, dysentery, hernia and oedema. Various parts of plants of this genus such as the fruits, bark, leaves, flowers and roots are used medicinally. According to Flora of China, the inner bark fibre is used in making paper, and the wood is used for furniture. Several active compounds including coumarins, polyphenols, alkaloids, flavonoids, glycosides, lignans and diterpenes have been isolated from the plants of this genus in the past few years, and some members of these constituents have been demonstrated to exert antioxidant, antiinflammatory, antiplatelet, antityrosinase, antimicrobial and antinociceptive effects. Antidiabetic and antitumoural properties seem possible, but need further support. Due to the lack of clinical trials, there are few published reports on target-organ toxicity or side effects. Currently, some East Asian nations such as China, South Korea and Japan have shown increased interest in these plants. This article reviews the phytochemical and potential beneficial therapeutic effects of plants of this genus reported since 2000.  相似文献   

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