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Paraneoplastic syndromes are a rare cancer complication with a frequent subacute evolution.


A 62-year-old man was admitted presenting with a cerebellar syndrome and orthostatic hypotension with dysautonomia. Anti-Hu antibody research was positive. A subcarinal adenopathy biopsy found out a small cell lung carcinoma. Despite a treatment with immunoglobulin and chemotherapy, the patient died suddenly, after a raise of dysautonomia symptoms.


Sudden death observations represent exceptional complications of paraneoplastic syndrome. They might be secondary to arrhythmias, ictal asystol or laryngospasm. Systematic research of paroxystic heart arrhythmias with holter-ECG in paraneoplastic syndrome may prevent sudden deaths.  相似文献   

Nephrotic syndrom is an association of proteinuria > 3 g/d or 50 mg/kg/d, an hypoalbuminemia < 30 g/L and a hypoproteinemia < 60 g/L. Primary etiologies are minimal glomerular injury, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis and non membranous glomerulonephritis. Secondary etiologies are diabetes, high blood pressure and amyloidosis. We present four cases about nephrotic syndrome after thromboembolic disease. In every case, patients show a pulmonary embolism symptomatic of a nephrotic syndrom, whose diagnostic could be delayed up to six months after first pulmonary symptoms. This raised the problem of renal biopsy in these patients who need anticoagulation. In minimal change nephrosis, without hematuria, high blood pressure or renal dysfonction, a corticosteroid therapy test could be done assuming that is corticosensitive minimal glomerular injury. In every case, anticoagulation course must be completed and maintained in case of patent nephrotic syndrom with an albuminemia under 20 g/L. In case of pulmonary embolism or deep vein thrombosis, idiopathic-looking, a nephrotic syndrome must be sought-after. The two diagnosis ways are the proteinuria on the urine dipstick and the hypoproteinemia on usual biology. The main mechanism is the coagulation factor leak, side effect of the nephrotic syndrom, notably because of the antithrombin III.  相似文献   

We describe a case of a young patient admitted for recurrent ischemic stroke caused by a papillary fibroelastoma of the mitral valve and a hyperhomocysteinemia. A papillary fibroelastoma is a benign cardiac tumor which can be associated with serious embolic complications. A moderate plasma level of hyperhomocysteinemia is considered as a risk factor of ischemic stroke. The authors suggest that this association increases the risk of ischemic stroke in their patient. The tumor was surgically removed to avoid new embolic events associated with a vitamin B supplementation. After surgery and acid folic supplementation, no recurrence was observed.  相似文献   

Papillary fibroelastoma is a benign primitive cardiac tumour, which can be associated with serious embolic complications. We report on a 37-year-old woman admitted for a cerebrovascular accident. Transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography revealed a small and pedunculated mass attached to the anterior mitral leaflet. Because of the severity of its symptoms and its high embolic potential, the tumour was surgically excised and histologically diagnosed as a papillary fibroelastoma. The postoperative period was uneventful and the patient was discharged at the third day. Papillary fibroelastoma must be surgically treated because of its high embolic potential and its severe prognosis.  相似文献   

Renal denervation using the technique of radiofrequency is used only recently for the treatment of resistant hypertension. Normally, it is done under general anesthesia because the ablation point technique is painful. We suggest an alternative to general anesthesia comprising an association of morphin 0.1 mg/kg IV to MEOPA (gas combining oxygen and azot protoxyd) delivered through an oxygen mask. Our series includes 12 consecutive patients treated between October 2011 and June 2013, the first five patients (group 1) have received only an hydroxizin and morphin sedation. Every five have felt the ablation painful, in two cases bearable pain (EVA < 5), in three cases intense (EVA > 5) pain leading to increasing doses of morphin, (total dose of 0.25 mg/kg in two cases, 0.17 mg in one case). For the seven following patients, a protocol including hydroxyzin, morphin and MEOPA given through a mask has been set up. Only one patient has felt a mild pain (EVA 5) leading to an increasing dose of morphin (total dose 0.17 mg/kg). None of the six other patients has felt any pain during the procedure. The average dose of morphin is 0.17 mg/kg in group 1, 0.11 mg/kg in group 2. This is a preliminary study; if confirmed, it will allow a lot of hospitals without on-site possibilities of general anesthesia, to realize such procedures. Conclusion: regarding pain, the procedure of renal ablation was well tolerated for six among seven patients receiving the association MEOPA and IV morphin. In contrast, in the five patients treated only with IV morphin, we observed a less good tolerance to pain and the need to increase the doses of IV morphin.  相似文献   

We report a 45-year-old woman who presented an acute generalized exanthematic pustulosis induced by hydroxychloroquine. Acute generalized exanthematic pustulosis is a severe eruption that is usually drug related. This side effect should be known as new therapeutic challenge would induce more severe clinical features.  相似文献   

Female infertility treated by ovarian stimulation can lead to arterial thrombosis particularly when ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome emerges. Myocardial infarction have been reported thrice, in one case even before artificial ovulation induction. A 25-year-old female with primary infertility underwent ovarian stimulation and eight days after ovulation induction and intra-uterine insemination suffered from a troponin positive non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction of the inferior wall. Coronary angiogram was normal and contrast-enhanced cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging confirmed the subendocardial inferior infarct. This protocol included sole triptorelin administration followed by 23 recombinant follicle stimulating hormone injections and concluded by recombinant choriogonadotrophin. There was no ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. Large biological screening did not retrieve any predisposition for arterial thrombosis. Clinical outcome was excellent. Despite weak causal link, we emphasize that chest pain during ovarian stimulation protocol should rise clinical concern for acute coronary syndrome.  相似文献   

We report two cases of pneumocystis pneumonia in patients receiving chemotherapy for breast cancer. These case series emphasize the frailty of the patients as the causative role for occurrence of this uncommon complication of chemotherapy in breast cancer. We remind the importance of screening for unusual adverse events in frail patients receiving chemotherapy.  相似文献   



Neuroborreliosis can be a difficult diagnosis which requires epidemiologic, clinical and biologic arguments.

Case reports

We report two patients who presented with a recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy with positive Lyme serology and favorable outcome after antibiotic therapy. In one case, a lymphocytic meningitis with intrathecal production of specific antibodies was evidenced.


Recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy is an uncommon manifestation of neuroborreliosis. Lyme serology is an important tool when neurologic disorder occurs because of an atypical course of Lyme disease.  相似文献   

Anaphylactoid reactions to iodine contrast media are rare but serious, possibly life-threatening and calling an appropriate and urgent care. The physiopathological mechanism of these reactions remains to be fully elucidated. This reaction is still mostly called “pseudoallergic” in the literature. However, recent papers emphasise that a true allergic process is more frequent than previously expected. They also insist on the interest of running allergy tests including skin testing. We report the case of an anaphylactic shock to iodine contrast media, occurring during coronary angiography. We performed an allergy check-up and found the culprit allergen. We also evidenced a cross-reaction to another contrast media from the similar group. On the other hand, there was no reaction to contrast media of other types. With these results, another coronary angiography could be performed without any adverse event. When hypersensitivity reactions to iodine contrast media occur, it is mandatory to perform a complete allergy check-up. This will help determine the precise mechanism of the reaction and find the culprit allergen.  相似文献   

Acute myocardial infarction due to simultaneous occlusion of two major coronary arteries is a rare phenomenon. We report a case of a 53-year-old man with many cardiovascular risk factors, who presented to the emergency with an acute coronary syndrome with ST segment elevation in anterior and inferior leads, complicated by atrioventricular block and cardiogenic shock. The coronary angiogram showed proximal occlusion of left circumflex artery and right coronary artery. Both arteries were treated successfully with thrombectomy followed by coronary stent implantation. Some similar cases have been reported, but the exact physiopathological mechanism is unknown. There is no clear strategy established for the therapeutic coverage, however, percutaneous revascularisation seems to be actually appropriated treatment.  相似文献   

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