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We investigated the ameliorating effects of the three groups of water-soluble polysaccharides, a mixture of crude polysaccharides (FA), acidic polysaccharide fractions (FA-A), and neutral polysaccharide fractions (FA-N), obtained from the hot water extracts of the fruit bodies of Auricularia auricula-judae Quel. In genetically diabetic KK-Ay mice from 6 to 11 weeks of age. Male mice were divided into five dietary groups: 1) control group, given a basal diet; 2) FA group, given an FA diet (15 g FA/kg diet); 3) FA-A group, given an FA-A diet (8 g FA-A/kg diet); 4) low FA-N group, given a low FA-N diet (2 g FA-N/kg diet); and 5) high FA-N group, given a high FA-N diet (8 g FA-N/kg diet). Compared with the control diet, FA supplementation had significant effects in lowering fasting and nonfasting blood glucose, HbA1c, urinary glucose, food intake, and water intake. FA administration also improved glucose tolerance to intraperitoneal glucose loading, but it did not affect the nonfasting insulin level. FA-N supplementation had dose-dependent effects in lowering fasting and nonfasting food glucose, insulin, HbA1c, urinary glucose, food intake, and water intake. However, the glucose tolerance was not ameliorated by either the low or the high FA-N diet. FA-A administration showed no beneficial effects in KK-Ay mice.  相似文献   

This study investigated the therapeutic effects of a malted barley extract (MBE) and of banaba extract on blood glucose, insulin, and other biochemical parameters in genetically diabetic mice (C57BL/KsJ(-) m (+/+) Lepr (db)). The mice were divided into three groups-control, MBE, and banaba-according to supplementation. Both MBE and banaba extracts were orally administered to the animals for 12 weeks at doses of 62.5 mg/kg of body weight and 0.8 mg/kg of body weight, respectively. The body and organ (liver and kidney) weights were not different among groups. Fasting blood glucose was significantly lower in the MBE group compared with the control (P < .05). Hemoglobin A1c content was significantly lower in the MBE group compared with either the control or banaba group (P < .05). There was no significant difference in the serum insulin level among groups. The glucose-6-phosphatase activity in kidney was significantly lower in both the MBE and banaba groups compared with the control group (P < .05), but there was no significant difference between the MBE and banaba groups. Therefore, the results of this study demonstrate that MBE alleviates many of the symptoms of diabetes in genetically obese mice and may offer promise as a therapeutic supplement for the normalization of blood glucose levels in humans with hyperglycemia and have beneficial effects in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A primary mechanism by which carbohydrates are thought to regulate satiety and food intake is through their effect on blood glucose. OBJECTIVES: The objectives were to describe the effect of defined carbohydrate preloads on food intake and blood glucose and to determine the association between food intake and blood glucose. DESIGN: Three experiments were conducted in which selected carbohydrates as 1255-kJ isovolumetric beverages were administered to young men after an overnight fast. Measurements of blood glucose and appetite were made at specified times during the next 60 min. Food intake was measured at 60 min. RESULTS: Glucose resulted in the highest glycemic response, which was followed, in order, by the responses to polycose, sucrose, amylopectin, a fructose-glucose mixture, and amylose. The high-glycemic-index preloads (glucose, polycose, and sucrose) resulted in lower mealtime energy intake during a test meal at 1 h, but the low-glycemic-index preloads (amylose, amylopectin, and a fructose-glucose mixture) did not. An inverse relation was observed between the blood glucose concentrations in the area under the curve and the subjective appetite (r = -0.23, P < 0.05) and food intake at 60 min (r = -0.24, P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Food intake and subjective appetite are inversely associated with blood glucose response in the 60 min after consumption of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates with a high glycemic index (glucose, polycose, and sucrose) suppress subjective appetite and food intake in the short term, but those with a low glycemic index (amylose and amylopectin) do not.  相似文献   

ObjectiveRecently, we reported that 40% ethanol fraction of hot-water extracts of adzuki (Vigna angularis; EtEx.40) suppressed the postprandial blood glucose level and serum insulin level in normal mice and streptozotocin-induced type 1 diabetic rats. The present study examined the hypoglycemic effect of EtEx.40 on blood glucose, insulin concentrations, organ weight, serum composition, and hepatic lipid content in spontaneously diabetic KK-Ay/Ta Jcl mice, a model for type 2 diabetes.MethodsTo investigate the prevention of type 2 diabetes by EtEx.40 ingestion, 4-wk-old non-diabetic KK-Ay mice were fed an AIN-76 diet containing 5000 mg of EtEx.40/kg of body weight per day (EtEx.40) or an AIN-76 diet without EtEx.40 for 8 wk. Furthermore, to investigate the improvement of type 2 diabetes, 7-wk-old diabetic KK-Ay mice were fed EtEx.40 for 4 wk.ResultsCompared with the control group, EtEx.40 supplementation had a significant effect in lowering blood glucose levels, water intake, serum insulin levels, urinary glucose, urinary microalbumin/creatinine ratio, liver triacylglycerol, and total cholesterol levels. Similar results were observed in 7-wk-old diabetic KK-Ay mice fed EtEx.40 for 4 wk. These effects were also found after short-term administration of EtEx40. Overall, EtEx.40 improved several diabetic symptoms in KK-Ay mice.ConclusionEtEx.40 obtained from hot-water adzuki extracts showed preventive and ameliorative effects on the progression of diabetes in genetically diabetic KK-Ay mice. In the present study, we conclude that the preventive and ameliorative effects by EtEx.40 were due to the modulation of blood glucose levels and the protective effect against oxidative damage in diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

目的 探讨同等热能的馒头与西瓜的餐后血糖反应。方法 随机选取空腹血糖< 11 .1mmol/L 的2型糖尿病患者25 例,分别在间隔1 周的两顿早餐仅给予热能相等的50 克馒头或611 克去皮去籽西瓜作为试验餐,比较进食两种食物后的血糖情况。结果 西瓜的餐后血糖高峰时间( 均在餐后半小时) 较多数馒头餐(22 例在餐后1 或1 .5 小时,3 例在餐后半小时) 明显提前,而两种食品的血糖高峰值与血糖曲线下面积无明显差异(P> 0.05)。结论 非严重高血糖的2 型糖尿病患者可吃少量西瓜,但必须扣除同等热能的粮食。  相似文献   

目的研究硒蛋白对糖尿病小鼠血糖、Ca2 转运及NO系统的调控作用。方法体重(203±17)g昆明种雄性小鼠,腹腔注射200mgkgbw,2%的四氧嘧啶造糖尿病(DM)模型。实验分6组正常对照组(Ⅰ)、正常 硒蛋白组(Se100μgkgbw)(Ⅱ)、糖尿病对照组(Ⅲ)、DM 硒蛋白低剂量组(Se100μgkgbw)(Ⅳ)、DM 硒蛋白高剂量组(Se300μgkgbw)(Ⅴ)、DM 亚硒酸钠组(Se100μgkgbw)(Ⅵ)。结果Ⅴ组血糖(204±63)mmolL明显低于Ⅲ组(453±33)mmolL,P<005;肾脏三磷酸腺苷酶(Ca2 ATPase)活性,Ⅴ组090±05明显高于Ⅲ组(035±01)μmol(h·mgprot),P<005;一氧化氮合酶(NOS)活性,Ⅴ组(250±43)Uml明显低于Ⅲ组(352±44)Uml,P<005。结论补硒剂量为Se300μgkgbw的硒蛋白能够显著的降低糖尿病小鼠血糖、提高肾脏Ca2 ATPase活性和降低血浆NOS活性。  相似文献   

偏钒酸钠降低糖尿病小鼠血糖及其对葡萄糖磷酸化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 通过研究偏钒酸钠对小鼠的血糖及葡萄糖磷酸化关键酶的影响 ,探讨偏钒酸钠降血糖作用的可能机制。方法 将糖尿病小鼠和正常对照小鼠 ,随机分为口服偏钒酸钠组和非口服偏钒酸钠组 ,分别饮用 2 0 0mg/L偏钒酸钠溶液和 80mmol/L的NaCl对照溶液 ,持续 5周。在实验第 0至 5周的每周末 ,对各组小鼠的血糖、肝脏葡萄糖激酶、肌肉己糖激酶以及胰岛素水平进行检测。结果 在给予偏钒酸钠前 ,糖尿病小鼠血糖水平明显高于正常对照组 ,服药 1周后 ,血糖值即由(18 77± 1 2 8)mmol/L下降至 (8 94± 0 94 )mmol/L ,接近正常水平 ;其肝脏葡萄糖激酶和肌肉己糖激酶的活性则显著升高 ,分别由 (1 2 9± 0 6 4 )mIU·min-1·mg-1蛋白质和 (1 93± 0 5 0 )mIU·min-1·mg-1蛋白质上升至 (15 36± 1 5 7)mIU·min-1·mg-1蛋白质和 (18 6 2± 1 71)mIU·min-1·mg-1蛋白质 (P <0 0 1) ;而在服药前后糖尿病小鼠的胰岛素水平差异均无显著性。上述作用在小鼠服药期间始终存在。相关分析显示 ,糖尿病小鼠的血糖水平与葡萄糖激酶和己糖激酶的活性呈显著的负相关性。结论 偏钒酸钠的降血糖作用并不依赖于体内胰岛素水平的增加 ;改善糖尿病小鼠体内不良的葡萄糖磷酸化过程 ,可能是偏钒酸钠降血糖作用的机制之一。  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of oral administration of the insulin-like growth factor-I-rich fraction (IGF-I-RF) from bovine colostral whey on the regulation of blood glucose levels in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic mice. We obtained a peptide fraction containing IGF-I (10 ng/mg protein) from Holstein colostrum within 24 h after parturition by using ultrafiltration. The blood glucose levels of STZ-induced diabetic mice fed with IGF-I-RF (50 μg/kg per d) were significantly reduced by 11 and 33 % at weeks 2 and 4, respectively (P < 0·05). The body weights of STZ-induced diabetic mice increased following the oral administration of the IGF-I-RF. The kidney weights of STZ-induced diabetic mice decreased significantly (P < 0·05) following the administration of the IGF-I-RF, and the liver weights of STZ-induced diabetic mice decreased significantly (P < 0·05) following the administration of 50 μg/kg per d of the IGF-I-RF. The present results indicate that the IGF-I-RF obtained from Holstein colostrum could be a useful component for an alternative therapeutic modality for the treatment of diabetes in insulin-resistant patients.  相似文献   

Zhang C  Bu Q  Zheng Y  Song B  Li W 《卫生研究》2011,40(4):505-506
目的分析山竹果壳提取物及倒捻子素对紫外线的防护作用,比较其与芦丁、纳米TiO2的抗紫外线防护作用。方法使用紫外可见分光光度计测定不同波长下及全波长扫描时山竹果壳正丁醇萃取物、倒捻子素、芦丁和纳米TiO2的紫外线吸收率。结果山竹正丁醇萃取物及倒捻子素浓度≥0.40mg/ml时具有很好的抗紫外线防晒作用,在低浓度(≤0.40mg/ml)条件下两者抗紫外线作用优于TiO2。结论山竹正丁醇萃取物及倒捻子素抗紫外线辐射作用优于纳米TiO2。  相似文献   

研究糖尿病小鼠血液、免疫及抗氧化功能的变化及降糖口服液的作用。测定血中白细胞、红细胞、血小板数及血红蛋白、胆固醇、甘油三脂、血钙含量;测定脾、胸腺脏器指数及吞噬率;测定心、肾、脾、肝微粒体、肝线粒体、胰腺、脑等脏器GSHpx、SOD活性及MDA含量。糖尿病小鼠血中血红蛋白含量及白细胞数下降,MDA含量升高,其中对肝线粒体、脾脏的影响较大,降糖口服液能明显逆转上述改变,并能提高正常小鼠的抗氧化功能、降低血中甘油三脂含量。降糖口服液不仅具有降糖作用,而且具有维持机体正常功能和延缓衰老的作用。  相似文献   

The effect of weaning male Wistar rats to AIN-93G diets based on casein (C) and soy protein (S) on blood glucose and food intake (FI) regulation was determined. In experiment 1, male Wistar rats (n = 21 per group) received either C or S AIN-93G diets for 7 weeks. In experiment 2, 3 groups of rats were formed (n = 21 per group). The C followed by the S diet group (CS) was weaned to the C diet for 6 weeks followed by the S diet for another 7 weeks. Diet sequence was the reverse for the S followed by the C diet group (SC). The control group (CC) received the C diet throughout 13 weeks. Body weight and cumulative FI were not affected by diet in either experiment. In experiment 1, in fasted rats, S preloads reduced FI for 1 hour more in the C diet group (P < .05), but response to C preloads was not affected by diet. A cholecystokinin A receptor blocker prevented FI reduction by S in rats fed C but not S diet (P < .05). At week 7, rats fed the S diet had higher plasma insulin (67%) (P < .005), glucose (30%) (P < .05) and homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance index (75%) (P < .005). In experiment 2, FI at weeks 6 and 12 was, again, suppressed most strongly by S preloads in rats fed the C diet (P < .05). At week 13, S and C preloads increased insulin and the insulin/glucose ratio (P < .05), but no differences were found due to preload or diet composition. In conclusion, differences in the effects of first diet exposure to the AIN-93G diets on blood glucose did not persist through either diet change or time. In contrast, protein composition of the most recent diet, but not time, affected FI regulation in response to protein preloads.  相似文献   

目的研究硒蛋白对糖尿病小鼠血糖、Ca2+转运及NO系统的调控作用.方法体重(20.3±1.7)g昆明种雄性小鼠,腹腔注射200mg/kgbw,2%的四氧嘧啶造糖尿病(DM)模型.实验分6组正常对照组(Ⅰ)、正常+硒蛋白组(Se 100μg/kgbw)(Ⅱ)、糖尿病对照组(Ⅲ)、DM+硒蛋白低剂量组(Se 100μg/kgbw)(Ⅳ)、DM+硒蛋白高剂量组(Se 300μg/kgbw)(Ⅴ)、DM+亚硒酸钠组(Se 100μg/kgbw)(Ⅵ).结果Ⅴ组血糖(20.4±6.3)mmol/L明显低于Ⅲ组(45.3±3.3)mmoi/L,P<0.05;肾脏三磷酸腺苷酶(Ca2+-ATPase)活性,Ⅴ组0.90±0.5明显高于Ⅲ组(0.35±0.1)μmol/(h·mg prot),P<0.05;一氧化氮合酶(NOS)活性,Ⅴ组(25.0±4.3)U/ml明显低于Ⅲ组(35.2±4.4)U/ml,P<0.05.结论补硒剂量为Se 300μg/kgbw的硒蛋白能够显著的降低糖尿病小鼠血糖、提高肾脏Ca2+-ATPase活性和降低血浆NOS活性.  相似文献   

目的探讨诺和龙对糖尿病患者餐后血糖、血脂及对糖化血红蛋白的影响。方法分析该院187例初诊2型糖尿病患者,随机分为治疗组96例给予诺和龙,对照组91例给予二甲双胍。比较两组餐后2h血糖(hPG)、糖化血红蛋白(HbA1c)、TC(血清总胆固醇),TG(血清甘油三酯)变化情况。结果治疗前两组2hPG、HbA1c、TC,TG水平变化无显著性意义(P>0.05)。治疗后两组2hPG、HbA1c、TC,TG水平变化具有显著性意义(P<0.05)。结论诺和龙治疗糖尿病疗效确切,值得临床推广使用。  相似文献   

The effect of exercise on food intake in men and women   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To study the effect of acute exercise on caloric intake in normal-weight young people, food intake was monitored in 10 men and 10 women during consecutive 5-d periods, one with and one without exercise. Food intake during the exercise period was compared with that during the control period. Caloric intake during the control period was 2467 +/- 165 kcal/d (means +/- SEM) for men and 1831 +/- 103 kcal/d for women. During the exercise period the men increased their caloric intake to 2658 +/- 188 kcal/d and the women's caloric intake remained unchanged, 1830 +/- 91 kcal/d. Caloric intake was not affected by sequence of treatment or duration of protocol. Men responded to 5 d of acute exercise with increased caloric intake (208 +/- 64 kcal/d), which was insufficient to compensate for the caloric cost of exercise (596 kcal/d above resting metabolic rate). Women did not change their caloric intake despite expending 382 kcals/d during exercise. Consequently, both normal-weight men and women were in negative caloric balance during the exercise period.  相似文献   

Pulses are low-glycemic appetite-suppressing foods, but it is not known whether these properties persist after being consumed as part of a meal and after a second meal. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of a fixed-size pulse meal on appetite and blood glucose (BG) before and after an ad libitum test meal (pizza) and on food intake (FI) at the test meal. Males (n = 25; 21.3 ± 0.5 years; 21.6 ± 0.3 kg·m(-2)) randomly consumed 4 isocaloric meals: chickpea; lentil; yellow split pea; and macaroni and cheese (control). Commercially available canned pulses provided 250 kcal, and were consumed with macaroni and tomato sauce. FI was measured at a pizza meal 260 min after consumption of the isocaloric meal. BG and appetite were measured from 0 to 340 min. The lentil and yellow pea, but not chickpea, treatments led to lower appetite ratings during the 260 min prepizza meal period, and less FI at the pizza meal, compared with macaroni and cheese (p < 0.05). All pulse treatments lowered BG immediately following consumption (at 20 min) (p < 0.05), but there was no effect of treatment on prepizza meal BG AUC (p = 0.07). Immediately after the pizza meal, BG was lower following the chickpea and lentil treatments, but not the yellow pea treatment (p < 0.05). Postpizza meal BG AUC was lower following the chickpea and lentil treatments than in the yellow pea treatment (p < 0.05). The beneficial effects of consuming a pulse meal on appetite, FI at a later meal, and the BG response to a later meal are dependent on pulse type.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study compared the effects of equal-energy portions of 7 different breads on feelings on fullness and subsequent ad libitum food intake. A satiety index score (SI) was calculated for each of the breads. DESIGN: Within-subject, repeated-measures design. SUBJECTS AND INTERVENTION: Ten healthy subjects participated in the study. Subjects fasted for > or =10 hours overnight and then reported to the research center the next morning, where they first completed baseline satiety ratings, gave a fasting blood sample, and then consumed a test bread. Additional finger prick blood samples and satiety ratings were collected at 15-minute intervals over 120 minutes, after which the subjects' ad libitum intake of food was recorded. A satiety index (SI) score was calculated for each test food by dividing the area under the 120-m satiety response curve (AUC) for the test bread by the satiety AUC for the reference bread (regular white bread) and multiplying by 100%. RESULTS: The mean SI scores for the breads ranged from 100% to 561%, with regular white bread having the lowest SI score. Mean SI scores were negatively correlated with energy intake at a test meal after 120 m (r=-0.88, P<.01, n=7) and total day energy intakes (r=-0.72, P<.05, n=7). The strongest predictor of the breads' SI scores was their portion size and thus energy density. The breads' glycemic responses were not significantly associated with fullness responses. APPLICATIONS: Ingredients and food processing methods are available for the production of palatable, high-satiety versions of processed foods, which may be useful for weight control diets. SI scores would be a useful addition to food labels to indicate which foods are less likely to be overeaten and could be used by dietitians to develop weight control plans to help reduce energy intakes without increased hunger.  相似文献   

The present study evaluated the anti-hyperglycemic and lipid-lowering properties of Emblica officinalis Gaertn. fruit in normal and diabetic human volunteers. The results indicated a significant decrease (P < 0.05) in fasting and 2-h post-prandial blood glucose levels on the 21st day in both normal and diabetic subjects receiving 1, 2 or 3 g E. officinalis powder per day as compared with their baseline values. Significant (P < 0.05) decreases were also observed in total cholesterol and triglycerides in both normal and diabetic volunteers on day 21 that were given either 2 or 3 g E. officinalis powder per day. However, diabetic volunteers receiving only 3 g E. officinalis powder exhibited a significant (P < 0.05) decrease in total lipids on day 21. Both normal and diabetic volunteers receiving 2 or 3 g E. officinalis powder significantly (P < 0.05) improved high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol and lowered low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol levels.  相似文献   

The present study evaluated the anti-hyperglycemic and lipid-lowering properties of Emblica officinalis Gaertn. fruit in normal and diabetic human volunteers. The results indicated a significant decrease (P < 0.05) in fasting and 2-h post-prandial blood glucose levels on the 21st day in both normal and diabetic subjects receiving 1, 2 or 3 g E. officinalis powder per day as compared with their baseline values. Significant (P < 0.05) decreases were also observed in total cholesterol and triglycerides in both normal and diabetic volunteers on day 21 that were given either 2 or 3 g E. officinalis powder per day. However, diabetic volunteers receiving only 3 g E. officinalis powder exhibited a significant (P < 0.05) decrease in total lipids on day 21. Both normal and diabetic volunteers receiving 2 or 3 g E. officinalis powder significantly (P < 0.05) improved high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol and lowered low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol levels.  相似文献   

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