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The purpose of the current study was to examine preservice teachers' predictions and perceptions of students with special needs' levels of mastery of specific music education concepts and actual grades achieved by these students using alternative assessments and testing accommodations within two subpopulations: students with emotional and/or behavior disorders (EDBD) and students with acute cognitive delays (ACD). The preservice teachers predicted students within the EDBD class would achieve a significantly higher level of mastery of the music concepts than students within the ACD classroom. After the field experience, however, the preservice teachers' perceptions of all students' levels of mastery increased from prediction scores overall. Additionally, preservice teachers were able to execute testing accommodations and implement successful alternative assessments which gave empirical data on the students' levels of mastery of the music education concepts within the curriculum. Implications for music therapists, as consultants in special education, are discussed.  相似文献   

AimTo reveal the prevalence of nursing students with special educational needs in Japan.MethodA mail survey of 833 nursing programs was conducted. Nurse educators were asked to report on their program's profiles and the number of extremely difficult students who belonged to the March 2011 class of graduates. They were also asked to fill a modified questionnaire developed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology about each extremely difficult student.ResultsAmong the 14,325 students enrolled the class of 2011, 146 students (1.02%) were identified as having one or more special educational needs for “listening,” “speaking,” “reading,” “writing,” “math,” “reasoning,” “inattentiveness,” “hyperactivity/impulsivity,” or “social interaction/restricted interests.” The most prevalent need was “social interaction/restricted interests,” followed by “listening” and “inattentiveness.” These students had the most difficulty participating in “nursing care for patients during clinical practicum.”ConclusionThe proportion of nursing students with special educational needs is small but may have a large impact on the clinical practicum. Evaluation and support systems at multiple levels, including entrance examinations, course placement, and special educational programs, are warranted.  相似文献   

Clearly, one of the goals of nursing education is to enhance the empathic functioning of nursing students. In this study we examined one major component of empathic functioning — accuracy of empathic perceptions — in both undergraduate (n = 66) and graduate nursing students (n = 50) We predicted that actual ability (Kagan's Affective Sensitivity Scale) and self-perceived ability would vary as a positive function of educational level. The results supported the first prediction, even when the effects of the subjects' age and amount of prior nursing experience were controlled. Self-perceived ability, however, was not reliably related to educational level, although it did relate to actual ability. Compared with students in other “helping” professions, the students in this study appeared relatively empathic. Finally, students' perceptions of their difficulty in detecting and handling other particular feeling states suggest that nursing needs to take a more “affect-specific” approach to empathic functioning.  相似文献   

Nursing students with tendencies toward developmental disorders or special educational needs could face difficulties while studying nursing. The study examined the behavioral traits of nursing students with special educational needs who graduated in Japan in March 2011. Nurse educators from 341 programs provided information concerning students who had been identified as difficult to teach while enrolled in nursing programs. Behavioral traits were examined in students with special educational needs (n = 139) and those who did not have special needs but were identified as difficult to teach by the nurse educators (n = 84). The most prevalent behaviors in students with special needs were “making excessive excuses” in unstressful situations and “lapsing into silence” under stressful circumstances. The number of students with special needs who were prone to “blaming others” and “disappearing” was higher relative to that of students without special needs under unstressful circumstances. Under stressful circumstances, “blaming others,” “disappearing,” and “staying at home” were reported more frequently for students with special needs than they were for students without special needs. Nurse educators should pay attention to these behaviors in students facing difficulties while studying nursing.  相似文献   

As children are prepared to function as independently as possible in least restrictive environments, it is important to ensure that they will have the skills necessary to avoid danger and to react appropriately when dangerous situations occur. This article presents the results of a national survey that asked special education teachers their opinions of which safety skills are most critical for instruction at various ages. The lists generated may serve as a base from which to develop individualized safety skills curricula, to increase the awareness of instruction in safety skills, and to promote further research.  相似文献   

李锐  庄红 《天津护理》2005,13(4):187-188
目的:进一步完善培养护生综合能力的临床带教模式。方法:采用数字表随机分组,将护生分为试验组和对照组。实验组实施“专人带教”、“程序带教”与培养护生综合能力融为一体的带教方案,严格监控带教过程。对照组用传统的带教方案,实施整体护理目标实习带教。结果:护生综合能力(理论、技能)考核成绩,病人对护生护理质量的满意率,护生对带教质量的评价,实验组均高于对照组。结论:课题实施的带教方案在培养护生综合能力方面明显优于传统带教方案。  相似文献   

目的 调查护理本科学生通识教育知晓率及其对通识教育课程的需求情况.方法 采用通识教育调查问卷对437名护理学专业学生进行现场调查.结果 78.5%学生未听说过通识教育,不同年级学生的通识教育知晓率比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).88.1%学生认为开展通识教育是必要或可行的,不同年级的学生对于开展通识教育必要性认知情况比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).68.0%学生认为通识教育有助于培养其综合能力,其中61.7%学生认为通识课程开设应不增加学业负担.在通识教育课程需求方面,49.7%学生关注于人生与价值观主题;47.4%学生希望能进行全程自由选修;58.6%学生倾向于专题系列讲座式的通识教育课程;45.5%学生希望采用递交学习报告形式进行通识教育课程考核,仅5.3%同学选择闭卷考试.结论 学生通识教育知晓率低,且存在通识教育认同和通识教育课程选课意愿之间的矛盾.建议加强通识教育的宣传和引导;在通识教育改革中,要处理好新开通识教育课程与学生学业压力之间的关系;依据学生需求,合理设置通识教育课程体系,推进通识教育课程改革,进一步理清通识教育与专业教育之间的关系.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify, from the personal perspective of students with disability, their needs for physical and social accommodations in upper secondary schools specially adapted for students with severe physical disabilities. The study also aimed to identify those areas of student-environment fit which were most often achieved. Forty-eight students in four schools in Sweden were assessed by occupational therapists using the School Setting Interview. Forty-seven students reported needs for accommodations in the school setting. The study indicates that schools generally were able to meet the students' accommodation needs in the physical environment. The schools also met students' accommodation needs for field trips, sport activities and assistance. Student-environment fit in occupations requiring reading, remembering and speaking was unsatisfactory. Accommodations on a general, group and individual level are highlighted and discussed. The study recommends that occupational therapists become more involved and offer society their expertise in barrier removal to a greater extent.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Despite advances in the assessment and management of children's pain, children with profound special needs are especially vulnerable to poor pain management. Their underpinning condition often severely compromises their ability to express pain through the usual verbal and behavioural routes. The lack of any appropriate framework for assessment results in a suboptimum and inaccurate approach to an important aspect of their care. PURPOSE: The purpose of the study was to explore the ways in which parents of children with profound special needs assess and manage their children's pain. METHODS: Qualitative case study design underpinned the study using guided interviews with the 15 parents/carers (of 12 children aged 5-16 years with profound special needs). ETHICAL APPROVAL: Ethics Committee approval was gained. FINDINGS: A number of themes emerged from the data including learning to live with pain, dealing with uncertainty, expression of pain and making decisions. CONCLUSIONS: Parents felt that their child had learned to live with significant levels of chronic and acute pain. Assessment of pain was an uncertain and complex process requiring parents to draw on skills and knowledge developed over a number of years. Parents used different strategies for both the assessment and management of pain based on an intimate knowledge of their child's usual nonpain state. Even with a limited repertoire of behaviours available to them, children were able to express pain. Parents often felt isolated in relation to pain management and under-used as a resource by health professionals.  相似文献   

Most information concerning teachers' attitudes regarding inclusion is dated. The present study used the interview methodology to examine issues prevalent in previous studies (e.g., support services) and issues not yet studied (e.g., parent contact, effects on teachers). Research questions focused on (a) information, support, resources, and placements; (b) parent contact and involvement; (c) outcomes on students with disabilities, typical students, and teachers; and (d) teachers' advice. Individual interviews were conducted with 43 teachers (16 elementary, 15 orchestra, & 12 band). Perceived emotional content for teachers' responses was also assessed. Results show that teachers have generally positive attitudes concerning inclusion and their access to support. Attitudes were also positive regarding outcomes for both students with and without disabilities. Several differences and consistencies among the groups lead to questions that merit the study of possible relationships among variables (parent contact, type of support, teacher attitudes).  相似文献   

方秀华 《护理研究》2005,19(8):1686-1687
卫生部要求整体护理实践能力综合考核(以下简称综合考核)列人中等护理专业毕业考试科目中,这是中等护理教育发展的一项重要举措,突出考查护生运用知识分析和解决护理问题的能力,体现了系统化整体护理的要求,反映了培养现代护理人才的发展方向。我院从2003年开始,对中等口腔专业护理毕业生进行综合考核,并对考核情况做了较全面的分析,针对综合考核中存在的主要问题,提出了改进意见和措施。现介绍如下。  相似文献   

Stubbs T 《Nursing times》2005,101(45):34-36
AIM: To gain insight into patients' and nurses' perception of the benefits of music therapy during critical illness. METHOD: The patients received music therapy on two prescribed occasions for 30 minutes each day. Unstructured interviews were conducted with five patients and four nurses and analysed according to Burnard's framework (1991). RESULTS: Patients can and do recall listening to music, even when they have been sedated and ventilated. They related to the music that they were listening to and some experienced imagery concerning the music. The nurses found it useful as an aid to wean patients off the ventilator, helping to keep them calm and focused. CONCLUSION: The study concluded that music is useful not only for relaxing patients but also in some cases 'relocating' them from the critical care area to the place where they would normally be listening to the music.  相似文献   

This study surveyed nursing program faculty about their perceptions, knowledge, and concerns regarding nursing students with disabilities. Surveys were completed by 88 faculty members in eight programs. Faculty members rated the extent to which they perceived that individuals with different types of disabilities had the ability to be nursing students and professionals; their level of knowledge about how to teach and accommodate students with disabilities; and their level of concern regarding nursing students with disabilities. On a scale from 1 (strong agreement) to 6 (strong disagreement), faculty members' mean ratings of the ability of individuals with disabilities to be successful nursing students and professionals, were 3.2 and 3.4, respectively. On a scale from 1 (low) to 6 (high), faculty members' mean ratings of their knowledge and concerns related to students with disabilities were 2.7 and 4.0, respectively. These results suggest nursing faculty need training regarding nursing students with disabilities.  相似文献   

Structured interviews with 40 teachers of deaf primary school pupils and a matched control group of 40 other teachers examined their respective perceptions of the problems and prospects of educating deaf pupils in Nigeria. The greatest challenge identified by the teachers was society's weak acceptance of the legitimacy of deaf education and the greatest prospect was the high achievement motivation of deaf pupils.  相似文献   

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