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目的通过回顾性分析,探讨影响成人正畸治疗的相关因素。方法选取成人正畸患者213例,年龄18-49岁,对患者的就诊原因、拔牙模式及托槽选择进行回顾性分析。结果深圳市成人正畸患者当中,35岁以下的中青年患者较多,占总人数的80.28%;大专及以上学历者占64.79%;45.54%的患者寻求正畸治疗的目的是为了改善牙齿或面部的美观;将近40%的成人患者采取了不拔牙矫治;68.54%的患者选择使用金属矫治器,31.46%的患者选择使用陶瓷矫治器,其中,女性患者显著多于男性患者(P〈0.05)。结论成人正畸患者口腔情况复杂,就诊原因多样,矫治应因人而异。  相似文献   

成人牙周病正畸治疗的临床体会广东省深圳市福田人民医院(518033)陈进英本文旨在通过对40例使用固定矫治器治疗成人牙周病的病例进总结,分析影响牙周病正畸治疗结果的有关因素。资料与方法1.样本选择:40例牙周病,使用固定矫治器治疗的患者,男性14例,...  相似文献   

成人牙周病患者正畸治疗临床分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:探讨成人牙周病患者正畸治疗的临床疗效。方法:18例牙周病患者先行牙周病基础治疗,待牙周组织炎症消除后再行正畸治疗,并对牙龈炎的严重度、牙齿松动度、牙周袋深度和牙槽骨吸收度进行评价。结果:通过正畸治疗,牙周状况显著好转,关系及颜面均有明显改善。结论:成人牙周病患者正畸治疗能够基本达到个别正常,恢复咀嚼功能达到颜面美观的目的。  相似文献   

成人与青少年正畸治疗的对比性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 :分析成人与青少年正畸治疗的差异。方法 :成人组及青少年组病例各 33例 ,比较其疗程长短、托槽脱落情况及满意率。结果 :两组的疗程、病人的满意率无显著的差异性 ,但青少年托槽脱落次数明显多于成人。结论 :治疗条件相同的成人与青少年疗效基本相同。  相似文献   

熊梅 《口腔医学研究》2009,25(2):189-192
目的:观察成人正畸患者治疗前后生活质量的变化;分析OHIP(Oral Health Impcat Profile)对正畸治疗的应答性。方法:从正畸临床病人中随机挑选120位成人正畸患者,分别在正畸前后填写汉语化的OHIP问卷,并在治疗后对治疗结果的满意度进行自我评估。结果:治疗后患者的OHIP值比治疗前显著降低,几个域尤其是功能限制治疗前后均值也有显著变化。治疗前后OHIP均值差及统计效应值也与患者的自我满意度方向一致,呈渐进性变化。结论:OHIP对正畸治疗具有明显的应答性,提示关于生活质量的评估方法能用于评价成人正畸治疗效果。  相似文献   

成人与青少年正畸治疗的对比性研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的;分析成人与青少年正畸治疗的差异。方法:成人组及青少年组病例各33例,比较其疗程长短,托槽脱落情况及满意率。结果:两组的疗程,病人蟀无显著的差异,但青少年托槽脱落次数明显多于成人。结论:治疗条件相同的成人与青少年疗效基本相同。  相似文献   

成人正畸日趋增多。本文对成人正畸患者的牙周组织状态,成人牙周组织对正畸治疗的反应,以及成人牙周病的正畸治疗作一综述。  相似文献   

200例成人正畸治疗的临床观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
200例成人正畸治疗的临床观察陈扬熙,王昕,张孟萍为探讨成年人正畸治疗的适应证、疗程及矫治特点,作者通过200例成人正畸治疗的临床分析,将其归纳为三种类型进行探讨(附表)。第一类为局限性正畸矫治:即通常所称的小范围牙移动(MinorToothMove...  相似文献   

成人正畸的牙周组织特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
成人正畸日趋增多。本文对成人正畸患者的牙周组织状态,成人牙周组织对正畸治疗的反应,以及成人牙周病的正畸治疗作一综述。  相似文献   

成人牙周炎患者正畸后四种保持器的临床应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:研究成人牙周炎患者正畸后保持牙台稳定的有效方法,提高正畸治疗成功率。方法:40例成人牙周炎病例正畸完成后随机分成A、B、C、D四组,分别用四种保持器来维护疗效,A组应用钢丝联合光敏树脂固定保持器;B组应用Hawley活动保持器;C组应用夹板式可摘铸造保持器;D组应用固定桥保持器。比较治疗后3、6、12个月后牙周临床症状及X线片的改变。结果:D组菌斑指数、牙龈指数、龈沟出血指数、牙周指数及牙槽骨吸收程度明显低于其他三组。结论:成人牙周炎患者正畸完成后使用固定桥形式的保持器效果好。  相似文献   

This retrospective epidemiological study was undertaken to assess factors related to adult orthodontic treatment and to identify any associated trends. Case records of all patients (676) aged 18 years or over at the start of active orthodontic treatment at the Eastman Dental Hospital, London were examined. Variables associated with patients and their treatment (age, sex, source of referral, malocclusion, type of appliance, and interdisciplinary treatment including orthognathic surgery) were studied and the data analysed statistically. Findings revealed that the number of adult patients undergoing orthodontic treatment has increased significantly, especially since 1985. The age of the patients treated was also found to increase in recent years. The percentage of female patients (72 per cent) Class III malocclusions (21.6 per cent) and Class III skeletal bases (26.2 per cent) was higher than found in studies on children. Most of the treatments required fixed appliances and over half involved interdisciplinary treatment, with an increase in the percentage of orthognathic surgical cases. Surgery was significantly more common in males (P less than 0.01) and highly significantly associated with Class III malocclusions and skeletal III bases (P less than 0.001). Twenty-five per cent of adult patients were found to have had a previous course of orthodontic treatment though these patients were not significantly different from adult patients presenting for the first course of treatment.  相似文献   

正畸患者对矫治结果满意度的回顾性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 探讨错He畸形矫治结果与矫治前预测目标的协调性。方法 对1998年以来收治的138例错He畸形患者矫治后满意度进行回顾性分析。结果 本组138例中112例对矫治后面容满意,26例对矫治后面部美观效果不满意。结论 矫治前对矫治结果的预测和与患者的沟通十分重要。  相似文献   

Occlusal objectives in orthodontic treatment.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An attempt has been made to present a means for preventing the temporomandibular joint pain-dysfunction syndrome by treating to the terminal hinge position and using postreatment occlusal adjustment procedures. 1. Any postorthodontic patient who is not in centric relation and has occlusal interferences has the potential for temporomandibular joint pain-dysfunction syndrome symptoms to develop in the future. 2. The orthodontist should manipulate the mandible of every patient at each visit, placing the condyle in the terminal hinge position. He should close the mandible until initial tooth contact is reached and diagnose the patient's problems from this position and not from the centric occlusion position. 3. The case should be finished with the teeth in centric relation occlusion. 4. The orthodontist should equilibrate the occlusion of every completed case to eliminate the minute occlusal interferences which are always present. 5. The case treated to centric relation can be equilibrated effectively without mounting on an articulator. 6. If we have the concept of building an occlusion to fit the jaw mechanism, the temporomandibular joint pain-dysfunction syndrome can be virtually eliminated in the postorthodontic patient.  相似文献   

Orthodontics in combination with orthognathic surgery is a possibility today for correcting sagittal, vertical and transversal dysmorphosis. To do this, orthodontic preparation before surgery is necessary. In the sagittal plane, dental compensations should be removed. In the vertical plane, levelling of a severe mandibular SPEE curve should be accomplished postsurgically, and transverse coordination obtained. Orthodontic preparation is very specific to the type of dysmorphosis: class II malocclusion, class III malocclusion or in open bite. Postsurgical orthodontic treatment is used to finalize tooth alignment as in conventional orthodontics.  相似文献   

牙龈健康与美观是正畸治疗目标的重要组成部分。牙周组织健康为牙移动提供了基础,牙齿排列与龈缘 的细微变化可影响牙龈美观。治疗前对牙龈状况的评估是制订多学科联合治疗计划的基础,而研究正畸治疗对牙 龈的影响可为维护牙龈健康和改善牙龈美观提供依据。本文对正畸相关的牙龈健康与美观作一综述。  相似文献   

提要:正畸学作为颌面美学的一个重要组成部分,给许多牙颌畸形患者带来了福音。随着口腔正畸技术和人民生活水平的提高,接受正畸治疗的患者愈来愈多。其中成人患者比例不断增加。本文就成年人接受正畸治疗的相关因素进行综述  相似文献   

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目的研究影响成人患者接受正畸治疗的相关因素。方法随机选择2009年11—12月大连大学附属口腔医院正畸科接受治疗的成人患者400例,进行问卷调查。问卷内容包括患者的一般情况、治疗前及治疗过程中的感受、治疗对日常生活的影响及患者对医生和医院的要求与期望。将问卷数据分类并进行统计分析。结果与男性患者比较,女性患者认为颜面外观对结婚、职业、人际关系的影响更显著(P<0.05);女性在正畸治疗中对矫治器的颜色和外观以及医生的专业水平方面的要求更高(P<0.05)。对正畸治疗标准的评价中,女性更关注外观的改善和牙周的健康(P<0.05)。对日常生活的影响方面,女性患者认为对口腔卫生的影响较大(P<0.05),而男性则认为对社会交往的影响更为明显(P<0.05)。与≥25岁患者比较,<25岁患者认为戴用矫治器对日常生活中微笑的影响更显著(P<0.05)。结论不同性别和年龄的成人患者接受正畸治疗对相关因素的要求各有不同。  相似文献   

Imprecision in treatment response has been defined as inconsistent unpredictable results from the same treatment. Bias has been defined as systematic failure to achieve defined treatment goals. Concepts of imprecision and bias are applied to the results of a study of soft-tissue response to Class II treatment with edgewise and Herbst appliances.  相似文献   

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