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Summary We investigated two putative K+ channel openers, pinacidil and BRL34915 (cromakalim), and demonstrated their vasorelaxant effectiveness on rat artery contractions induced by K+, tetraethylammonium (TEA), or norepinephrine. The K+ channel opener-induced decrease in tension was rapid, even when tension was stimulated by 100 mmol/l K+. Measurements of intracellular free Ca++ (activity) by ultra-high sensitivity digital imaging microscopy was carried out by briefly loaded fura2 (fluorescence ratio) quantitation in isolated, contracting cells of rat azygos vein. Submicron resolution was achieved by measuring cytoplasmic Ca++-sensitive fluorescence at each pixel, and size and intensity of areas with high Ca++ concentrations, called hot spots, were determined by a computer-generated, 3 algorithm. Hot spots, which most likely represent the sites of Ca++ release and re-uptake by Ca++-regulatory organelles, increased in size and intensity upon addition of K+ or norepinephrine, reaching an early peak prior to the whole cell average peak in cytoplasmic Ca++ activity. Both norepinephrine and K+-induced stimulation resulted in Ca++ activity increases that were primarily due to Ca++ release from storage sites. Reduction of free Ca++ activity to resting or lower levels occurred upon addition of pinacidil or cromakalim. Intracellular Ca++ decreases due to K+ channel openers appeared abruptly beginning at the central portions of the cells, resulting in a pronounced early drop in central Ca++ activity while elevated Ca++ levels persisted at the periphery. While this late stage residual of peripheral Ca++ appears to be a significant step in the vascular muscle relaxant action of both K+ channel opener drugs, the level of Ca++ at peripheral sites was greater in response to pinacidil than to cromakalim. The results of this study suggest that in addition to increasing K+ conductance, pinacidil and cromakalim cause 1) decreased Ca++ activity in central regions of the myocytes, and 2) a shift in Ca++ distribution to primarily subsarcolemmal sites. These observations lead us to hypothesize separate control of peripheral and central Ca++ activity within a vascular muscle cell, with Ca++ redistribution that can be altered by vasorelaxants. We suggest that intracellular Ca++ redistribution may contribute the membrane potential-independent part of the vasorelaxant action of the K+ channel openers.This study was supported by NIH grants HL38537 and HL38645, and Eli Lilly Co. P.E. was supported by the Swiss Foundation of Cardiology and by the SNF 32-029 975.90  相似文献   

Summary The cromakalim-induced effluxes of 42K+ and 86Rb+ were compared in rat aortic segments and in guinea-pig portal vein. In both vessels, low concentrations of cromakalim (0.1 M) increased the permeability to 86Rb+ 3–4 times less than that to 42K+; at 10 M the difference was about a factor of 1.3–2. In rat aorta, the threshold concentration of cromakalim for 42K+ efflux was 0.03 M; with 86Rb+ as the tracer ion it was 0.1 M. At similar concentrations, cromakalim relaxed the tension of aortic segments precontracted with 23 mM KCl (IC50 = 0.06 ± 0.01 M). However, no concomitant increase in 42K+ or 86Rb+ efflux could be detected from this stimulated preparation at these concentrations. In guinea-pig portal vein, 42K+ efflux measurements were performed in the presence and absence of the dihydropyridine Ca2+ entry blocker PN 200-110 (isradipine) yielding comparable results. In the presence of PN 200-110, where spontaneous activity and the K+ efflux associated with it were abolished, the threshold concentration of cromakalim for 42K+ efflux was 0.02 M as compared to 0.06 M for 86Rb+ efflux. In the absence of PN 200-110, spontaneous activity of the portal vein was inhibited by 70% and 90% at these concentrations. In double isotope experiments, the K+ channel inhibitor tetraethylammonium did not discriminate between the effluxes of 42K+ and 86Rb+ stimulated by cromakalim.It is concluded that in the two vascular tissues examined, cromakalim increased the permeability to 42K+ more than to 86Rb+, the difference being more marked at low cromakalim concentrations. The use of 42K+ as the tracer ion narrows the apparent gap between the concentrations of cromakalim which elicit vasorelaxant effects and those which induce an observable increase in K+ permeability; however a significant difference persists.Part of the data was presented at the Winter Meeting of the British Pharmacological Society London 1988 [Br J Pharmacol 93 (1988) p 19] Send offprint requests to U. Quasi at the above address  相似文献   

Summary The resting membrane potential of smooth muscle cells of the rabbit portal vein was –51.2 mV. LP-805 (8-tert-butyl-6,7-dihydropyrrolo[3,2-e] 5-methylpyrazolo [1,5-a] pyrimidine-3-carbonitrile) hyperpolarized the membrane to –62.3 mV (10 M) and inhibited the burst spike discharges as measured using the microelectrode method. In dispersed smooth muscle cells, LP-805 (10 M) generated an outward-current with a maximum amplitude of 68 pA at a holding potential of –40 mV in experiments using the voltage-clamp procedure. The reversal potential of the outward current evoked by LP-805 was –82 mV and this value was close to the equilibrium potential for K+ (–80 mV) in the present ionic conditions, suggesting that LP-805 activated the K+ channel. Generation of both the hyperpolarization and the outward c urrent by LP-805 was inhibited by glibenclamide ( 1 M). Using the cell-attached and cell-free patch-clamp (in the presence of GDP) procedures, the maxi-K+ channel current (150 pS) could be recorded in the absence of LP-805; application of LP-805 additionally opened a small conductance K+ channel current (15 pS) without change in the activity of the maxi-K+ channel. The maxi-K+ channel was sensitive to charybdotoxin (0.1 M) and to intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) concentration. The 15 pS channel was insensitive to [Ca2+]i and charybdotoxin, but sensitive to intracellular ATP concentration. Glibenclamide (> 1 M) inhibited the 15 pS K+ channel activated by LP-805. These actions of LP-805 on the maxi-K+ and 15 pS K+ channels are the same as those previously observed for nicorandil and pinacidil. Thus, LP-805 is a K+ channel opener with a chemical structure different from those of the known openers. Correspondence to M. Kamouchi at the above address  相似文献   

Summary The effects of the K+ channel opening drugs minoxidil sulphate and cromakalim, on 42K+ and 86Rb+ efflux and on vasorelaxation in rat isolated aorta, were compared. In rat aortic rings precontracted with noradrenaline (100 nmol/l), minoxidil sulphate and cromakalim concentration-dependently inhibited induced tension by up to 90%, with pD2 values of 7.35±0.1 and 7.17±0.1, respectively. Glibenclamide (300 nmol/l), produced 2200- and 19-fold rightward shifts in the concentration-relaxation curves to minoxidil sulphate and cromakalim, respectively, without an effect on the maximum relaxation.Both minoxidil sulphate and cromakalim increased the efflux of 42K+ and 86Rb+ from aorta in a concentration-dependent manner, with midpoints in the µmol/l range; the maximum efflux induced by minoxidil sulphate being approximately one tenth of that induced by cromakalim. The ratio of stimulated 86Rb+/42K+ efflux increased from 0.22 to 0.48 with increasing cromakalim concentrations, but was approximately constant (0.39) when the minoxidil sulphate concentration was varied. In the presence of minoxidil sulphate, the effects of cromakalim on 42K+ and 86Rb+ efflux were inhibited in a concentration-dependent manner, by up to 60%. In the continuing presence of cromakalim (300 nmol/l), minoxidil sulphate (10 µmol/l)-induced increases in 42K+ and 86Rb+ efflux were inhibited by 45%, whereas conditioning with cromakalim (1 µmol/l) inhibited the 86Rb+ efflux stimulated by additional superfusion of cromakalim (1 µmol/l) by 85%. Glibenclamide inhibited minoxidil sulphate (10 µmol/l)- and cromakalim (1 µmol/l)-induced increases in 42K+ and 86Rb+ efflux in a concentration-dependent manner with IC50 values of approximately 80 nmol/l.In conclusion, the efflux data suggest that considerable overlap exists between the channels opened by minoxidil sulphate and those opened by cromakalim in rat aorta. Minoxidil sulphate has a weak efficacy as a K+ channel opener, and may act to open a homogeneous population of K+ channels. In contrast, the actions of cromakalim (1 µmol/l) are associated with large increases in tracer efflux, which are probably mediated via a heterogeneous population of K+ channels. However, only a small proprtion of this induced efflux appears to be required for relaxation. The differential inhibition by glibenclamide of the vasorelaxant effects of minoxidil sulphate and cromakalim may result from (a) the partial agonist properties of minoxidil sulphate in opening K+ channels and/or (b) additional mechanisms of vasorelaxation, which differ in their sensitivity to glibenclamide. Send offprint requests to U. Quasi at the above address  相似文献   

The K+ channel openers activate ATP-sensitive K+ channels (KATP) in vascular smooth muscle and induce relaxation. In this study, the relationship between these two effects was examined in rings of rat aorta using levcromakalim and minoxidil sulfate as the openers and Ba2+ as the K+ channel blocker; K+ channel opening was assessed by determining the rate constant of 86Rb+ efflux from the preparation.Ba2+ inhibited the 86Rb+ efflux stimulated by levcromakalim in a noncompetitive manner with an IC50 value of 29 M and a Hill-coefficient of 1.2. At concentrations > 300 M, Ba2+ increased the tension of rat aortic rings concentration-dependently. Levcromakalim relaxed contractions to Ba2+ (0.5 and 1 mM) with potencies similar to those determined against KCl (25 mM) or noradrenaline as spasmogens (EC50 values 15–40 nM). The vasorelaxant effect against Ba2+ was inhibited by the KATP channel blockers, glibenclamide and tedisamil, and abolished in depolarizing medium (55 mM KCl). At 3 mM Ba2+, levcromakalim was still able to transiently induce complete relaxation; however, within 1 h oscillations in tension developed, leading to a stable level of only 15% relaxation. A similar level of relaxation was achieved against 10 mM Ba2+ whereas the combination of 0.5 mM Ba2+ and 3 M tedisamil blocked the relaxant effect of levcromakalim completely. With minoxidil sulfate as the KATP channel opener the results of the 86Rb+ efflux and tension experiments were similar to those obtained with levcromakalim.It is concluded that Ba2+ is more potent in inhibiting the K+ channel opening than the vasorelaxant effects of the openers. On the basis of the 86Rb+ efflux experiments it is estimated that at least 97% of the channels opened by the activators can be blocked without major effects on vasorelaxation suggesting a dissociation between the two effects. However, if the block is pushed to extremes ( 99.95%) the vasorelaxant effect of the openers is also abolished suggesting a link between both effects. This paradoxon remains to be solved.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of cromakalim were investigated in KCl-precontracted cat, rabbit, and rat isolated cerebral arteries with intact endothelium. Potassium induced contraction of all cerebral arteries studied, but exhibited marked vessel and species variation with no spasm to 20 or 30 mmol/l KCl in the rat basilar artery or 20 mmol/l KCl in the rabbit middle cerebral artery. On sustained tension to 20 mmol/l KCl, cromakalim induced concentration-related relaxation in the rabbit basilar artery and the cat basilar and middle cerebral arteries with Hill coefficients greater than unity. Cromakalim was more potent in the rabbit basilar artery precontracted with 20 or 30 mmol/KCl than in the rabbit middle cerebral artery or the cat basilar or middle cerebral artery. Elevation of the KCl concentration to 50 mmol/l inhibited cromakalim-induced relaxation and produced a decrease in the Hill coefficient. Preincubation of cerebral arteries with glibenclamide (100 nmol/l–1 mol/1) produced concentration-related inhibition of the cromakalim-induced relaxation in the rabbit basilar, cat basilar, and cat middle cerebral arteries precontracted with 20 mmol/l KCl. The degree of rightward shift of concentration-effect curves by glibenclamide was calculated at the EC25, EC50, and EC75 levels. A good correlation was observed between the shifts at the EC50 and EC50 levels. However, the shift in concentration — effect curves for cromakalim produced at the EC25 level was markedly less than the-EC50 or EC75 levels in the presence of 1 mol/1 glibenclamide. The pA 2 values for glibenclamide calculated at the EC50 level were 6.6 ± 0.09, 7.1 ± 0.1, and 6.5 ± 0.5 in the rabbit basilar, cat basilar, and cat middle cerebral artery, respectively. The slope of the Schild regression for the inhibitory effect of glibenclamide in the rabbit basilar artery was significantly greater than unity but did not differ from unity in cat cerebral arteries. Glibenclamide (1 mol/l) produced a similar degree of inhibition of the cromakalim-induced relaxation in the 30 mmol/l KCl precontracted rabbit middle cerebral artery and in the rabbit basilar artery exposed to 20 mmol/l KCl. In contrast, tolbutamide 10 mol/l was essentially inactive against the cromakalim-induced relaxation in all vessels studied. It is concluded that cromakalim produces concentration-dependent relaxations of rabbit and cat isolated cerebral arteries by a mechanism that is similar to that identified in peripheral vasculature and visceral smooth muscle. In this study we were unable to demonstrate effects of cromakalim on the KCl precontracted rat basilar artery, possibly due to the low sensitivity of this preparation to KCl. Send offprint requests to M. Wahl at the above address  相似文献   

Summary The effects of K+ channel openers, cromakalim and an acetoxyl derivative of KRN 2391 (Ki 4032), were studied on force of contraction, increases in intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) measured by fura-2 and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) production induced by the thromboxane A2 analogue, U46619, in canine coronary arteries. Upon single dose applications of U46619 at 300 nmol/l, phasic and tonic increases in [Ca2+]i and force were seen, which were almost abolished by cromakalim (10 mol/l) and Ki4032 (100 mol/l).In the absence of extracellular Ca2+, U46619 induced a transient increase in [Ca2+]i with a contraction. Cromakalim (0.01–10 mol/l) and Ki4032 (0.1–100 mol/l) concentration-dependently inhibited the increases in [Ca2+]i and contraction. The inhibitory effects of cromakalim and Ki4032 were blocked by the K+ channel blocker tetrabutylammonium (TBA) and counteracted by 20 mmol/l KCl-induced depolarization. Cromakalim and Ki4032 did not affect caffeine-induced Ca2+ release. Cromakalim reduced U46619-induced IP3 production significantly and TBA blocked this inhibitory effect. These results suggest that the hyperpolarization of the plasma membrane by K+ channel openers inhibits the production of IP3 and Ca 2+ release from intracellular stores related to stimulation of the thromboxane A2 receptor.Correspondence to T. Yanagisawa at the above address  相似文献   

Summary The effects of the K+ channel activators cromakalim, pinacidil, and nicorandil were investigated in endothelium intact, 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) precontracted rat isolated basilar artery. Cromakalim, pinacidil, and nicorandil produced concentration-dependent relaxation of rat isolated basilar artery precontracted with 5-HT with a rank order of potency of cromakalim > pinacidil > nicorandil. All compounds produced full or nearly full relaxation. The calculated Hill coefficients for cromakalim-, pinacidil-, and nicorandil-induced relaxation of 5-HT-precontracted rat isolated basilar artery were 2.20 ± 0.36, 1.30 ± 0.07, and 1.00 ± 0.01, respectively. Under conditions of increased tone produced by 50 mmol/1 KCl (which inhibits cromakalim-induced relaxation) pinacidil and nicorandil produced marked reversal of spasm, with pinacidil being more potent than nicorandil. In arteries precontracted with 5-HT, preincubation with glibenclamide (0.1–1 mol/1) produced concentration-related inhibition of relaxation with calculated mean pA 2 values (and slopes of Schild regression) ± SEM of 6.84 ± 0.20 (1.1 ± 0.20) against cromakalim, 6.60 ± 0.14 (0.95 ± 0.23) against nicorandil,and6.57 ± 0.26(1.04 ± 0.18) against pinacidil. For cromakalim, pinacidil, and nicorandil the slopes of Schild regression were not significantly different from unity. Tolbutamide 10 mol/l was without effect against the cromakalim-, pinacidil-, or nicorandil-induced relaxation. Tetraethylammonium (TEA; 1–10 mmol/l) produced noncompetitive inhibition of the cromakalim-induced relaxation, but appeared to produce competitive inhibition of the pinacidil- and nicorandil-induced relaxations. We conclude that cromakalim, pinacidil, and nicorandil produce relaxation of the 5-HT precontracted rat basilar artery by similar mechanisms to those identified in other peripheral vascular and visceral smooth muscle. Furthermore, pinacidil and nicorandil differ from cromakalim in possessing marked spasmolytic activity in 50 mmol/l KCl precontracted arteries. Send offprint requests to M. Wahl at the above address  相似文献   

In rat aortic rings, P1075, an opener of ATP-dependent potassium channels (KATP channels), produces relaxation and 86Rb+ efflux from preloaded tissues; the increase in 86Rb+ efflux qualitatively reflects KATP channel opening. In this study we have investigated the effects of protein kinase C modulation on the 86Rb+ efflux stimulating, the vasorelaxant and the binding properties of P1075. Phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate (PDBu), a direct activator of protein kinase C, inhibited the 86Rb+ efflux produced by P1075 with an IC50 value of 20±2nM. Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), another stimulator of protein kinase C, was 150 times weaker in this respect whereas 4α-PDBu, the inactive stereoisomer of PDBu, was ineffective. Staurosporine (300nM), an inhibitor of protein kinase C, induced a small but significant increase of P1075-induced tracer efflux and partially reversed the inhibitory effect of PDBu on P1075-stimulated tracer efflux. The vasorelaxant effect of P1075 was inhibited only to a moderate degree by PDBu at concentrations which inhibited P1075-induced 86Rb+ efflux to >90%; however, in the presence of PDBu, the relaxation kinetics of P1075 were increasingly slowed. The vasorelaxant effect of P1075 in the presence of PDBu was still sensitive to inhibition by glibenclamide (100nM), the standard inhibitor of the KATP channel openers. Specific binding of [3H]-P1075 to rat aortic rings was unaffected by PDBu and PMA even in the micromolar concentration range. The data show that stimulation of protein kinase C inhibits the K+ channel opening effect of P1075 in rat aorta and suggest that protein kinase C may exert a weak tonic inhibition on the KATP channels in this vessel under quasiphysiological conditions. At concentrations of PDBu which essentially abolished P1075-induced tracer efflux, the glibenclamide-sensitive vasorelaxant effect of P1075 was slowed down but not prevented; this supports earlier suggestions that K+ channel openers are also able to relax smooth muscle cells by a mechanism independent of KATP channel opening. Received: 11 March 1997 / Accepted: 12 May 1997  相似文献   

《Pharmaceutical biology》2013,51(6):760-765
Context: Wogonin is a flavone derivative isolated from Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi (Labiatae) root, which is a traditional Chinese drug used as an anti-inflammatory and for management of dysmenorrhea.

Objective: The effect of wogonin on the uterus has not yet been examined. We investigated the relaxant effects of wogonin on contractile activity of isolated uterine strips of rats.

Materials and methods: The effect of wogonin on spontaneous uterine contraction, and uterine contraction induced by agonists, K+-depolarization and oxytocin in Ca2+-free solution was observed. To clarify the type of potassium channel, we tested the effects of 4-aminopyridine, tetraethylammonium and glibenclamide.

Results: Wogonin reduced the contractile amplitude of uterine strip smooth muscle of rats in a dose-dependent manner. The concentration of wogonin for reducing the contraction amplitude by 50% (IC50) on spontaneous contractions was 60.5 μM. Wogonin also inhibited the contraction induced by three agonists (oxytocin, prostaglandin F and acetylcholine). For the uterine strips pretreated with oxytocin in Ca2+-free solution or K+-depolarization, wogonin showed relaxant effect on the induced uterine contractions. In addition, whereas the inhibitive effect of wogonin on the contraction of uterine smooth muscle in rats could be partly blocked by 4-aminopyridine and tetraethylammonium, it was not influenced by glibenclamide.

Discussion and conclusion: Wogonin significantly inhibited the contraction of rat uterine smooth muscle probably through the inhibition of the inflow of extracellular calcium into cells via cell membrane, and intracellular release of calcium ions. In addition, the relaxant effect induced by wogonin might be due in part to the opening of voltage-dependent and large conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels.  相似文献   

Previously it was shown that minK protein expression in uterus is regulated by estrogen. In the present study, we were interested in putative direct effects of estrogen on minK protein induced K+ currents (IminK) in Xenopus oocytes. Superfusion with 17--estradiol (1 M) resulted in an inhibition of minK-induced currents, but had no appreciable effects on the delayed rectifier and inward rectifier K+ channels Kv1.1 and Kir2.1, respectively. The inhibition of IminK by 17--estradiol was concentration-dependent, with an IC50 of approximately 0.5 M. In the presence of 17--estradiol, the conductance-voltage relationship was shifted to more depolarized potentials. IminK inhibition occurred also in the presence of the estrogen-receptor antagonist tamoxifen, suggesting that a mechanism independent of estrogen receptors is involved. The synthetic estrogen diethylstilbestrol (DES) also inhibited IminK but with a lower affinity (IC50 of 4.5 M), while cortisol and progesterone had only weak effects on IminK. In summary, the results indicate that estrogens directly inhibit IminK.  相似文献   

Large conductance voltage- and Ca2+-activated K+ (BK) channels are important in regulating detrusor smooth muscle (DSM) function. Here, we examined systematically how the BK channel pharmacological activation modulates DSM contractility. NS1619, a potent BK channel activator, was utilized as a pharmacological tool to investigate the effect of BK channel activation on rat DSM contractility. Isometric tension recordings of DSM strips isolated from rat urinary bladder were performed systematically under various experimental conditions. NS1619 (30 μM) substantially diminished DSM spontaneous contraction amplitude, muscle force integral, frequency, duration and muscle tone. This effect was blocked by iberiotoxin, a BK channel selective inhibitor. NS1619 inhibited the phasic and tonic contractions in DSM strips pre-contracted with either the cholinergic agonist, carbachol (0.1 μM), or the depolarizing agent, KCl (20 mM). In the presence of elevated KCl (60 mM KCl), the inhibitory effect of NS1619 was significantly reduced, indicating that BK channel activation is the underlying mechanism of NS1619 action. BK channel activation with NS1619 dramatically decreased the amplitude of electrical field stimulation (EFS)-induced contractions under a range of stimulation frequencies (0.5–50 Hz). In the presence of specific neurotransmitter inhibitors, BK channel activation with NS1619 significantly decreased both cholinergic and purinergic components of EFS-induced contractions. We conclude that BK channel activation with NS1619 significantly inhibited spontaneous, pharmacologically induced and nerve-evoked DSM contractions. Targeting the BK channel with selective openers may offer a unique opportunity to control DSM contractile activity, including pathophysiological conditions such as overactive bladder and detrusor overactivity, regardless of the underlying cause.  相似文献   

In order to discover an agent that can prevent spasm of the human radial artery, the aim of our study was to evaluate the effect of the K+ channel opener, pinacidil, on contractions in the radial artery. Contractions of the radial artery were evoked by exogenously applied noradrenaline or by electrical field stimulation (EFS, 20 Hz, neurogenic). Pinacidil induced concentration-dependent inhibition of both EFS- and noradrenaline-evoked contractions of the radial artery. Glibenclamide, a selective blocker of ATP-sensitive K+ channels (Kir6.x containing subunit) antagonized in the same manner the pinacidil-induced inhibition of neurogenic contractions and contractions evoked by exogenous noradrenaline. The inhibition of pinacidil relaxation by tetraethylammonium (TEA), a blocker of Ca-sensitive K+ (KCa) channels, was more pronounced in EFS-contracted preparations. A blocker of voltage-sensitive K+ (KV) channels, 4-aminopyridine (4-AP), inhibited pinacidil relaxation only in EFS-contracted preparations. In order to test the presence of different K+ channels, immunohistochemistry of K+ channels expression in the radial artery was performed. The vascular wall of the human radial artery showed variable positivity with the following applied antibodies: Kv1.2, Kv1.3, Kir6.1, and KCa1.1. The antibodies against Kv1.6, Kv2.1, and Kir6.2 channel subunits were completely negative. These results suggest that the inhibitory effect of pinacidil on contractions of the human radial artery might be postsynaptic and associated with opening of smooth muscle Kir6.1-containing KATP channels. TEA- and 4-AP-sensitive K+ channels may also contribute to pinacidil effect in the human radial artery.  相似文献   

We examined the different vasodilatory effects of the K+ channel openers levcromakalim and 5-amino-N2-[2-(2-chlorophenyl)ethyl]-N-cyano-3-pyridinecarboxamidine (KRN4884), and the Ca2+ channel blocker nifedipine in the rat aorta. KRN4884 (10–10-10–5 M) and nifedipine (10–10–10–5 M) produced concentration-dependent relaxation in the rat aorta precontracted by 25 mM KCl. The K+ channel blocker glibenclamide (1 M) inhibited the relaxation induced by KRN4884 but did not influence nifedipine-induced relaxation. KRN 4884 had almost no effect on contraction induced by 80 mM KCl, whereas nifedipine completely relaxed the muscle precontracted by 80 mM KCl, whereas nifedipine completely relaxed the muscle precontracted by 80 mM KCl. These results indicate that KRN4884 is a K+ channel opener. We investigated the relaxant effects of KRN4884 (10–10-10–5 M), levcromakalim (10–9-10–5 M) and nifedipine (10–9-10–5 M) on A23187 (1 M)-induced contraction. KRN4884 and levcromakalim had a potent relaxant effect but nifedipine only a weak effect on the smooth muscle contracted by A23187. Glibenclamide (1 M) inhibited the relaxation induced by KRN4884 and levcromakalim, but did not influence the nifedipine-induced relaxation. KRN 4884 (1 M) produced a larger relaxation of A23187-induced contraction but had little effect on the increase in intracellular [Ca2+] induced by A23187. These results suggest that KRN4884 is a specific K+ channel opener and its vasodilating mechanisms involve not only deactivation of Ca2+ channels but also a decrease in the Ca2+ sensitivity of contractile elements.  相似文献   

Kinetic studies of U-37883A (4-morpholinecarboximidine-N-1-adamantyl-N'-cyclohexyl-hydrochloride), a vascular ATP-sensitive K+ channel (KATP channel) blocker, were performed on pig urethral myocytes to investigate inhibitory effects on large-conductance intracellular Ca2+ -sensitive K+ channels (i.e., BKCa channels; 225 pS K+ channels) by use of single-channel recordings (outside-out and inside-out configuration). BKCa channels in pig urethral smooth muscles showed extracellular iberiotoxin (300 nM) sensitivity and voltage dependency. The alpha subunit of BKCa channel proteins was detected in the membrane fraction by use of Western blot technique. Application of U-37883A (> or =10 microM) reduced the activity of BKCa channels in a concentration-dependent manner, not only by decreasing mean openlife time but also by prolonging the mean closed time. These results shows that U-37883A affects channels other than the vascular KATP channel, and demonstrates how it inhibits the activities of BKCa channels in urethral smooth muscles.  相似文献   

Summary Effects of a vasodilator, nicorandil (2-nicotinamidoethyl nitrate) on four kinds for cardiac K+ channels were investigated in guinea pig ventricular and atrial cells using inside-out patch recording combined with oilgate concentration jump method.Nicorandil of 300 mol/l failed to affect the inward-rectifier K+ channel and the Na+-activated K+ channel. The open probability of the muscarinic K+ channel, when activated by the application of GTP, was not changed by the drug. Nicorandil selectively increased the open probability of the ATP-sensitive K+ channel that was partly suppressed by intracellular ATP. The median effective concentration (EC50) of nicorandil was 74 mol/l and Hill coefficient was 1.32 in the concentration-open probability relationship. The closing rate of the K+ channel by ATP was markedly delayed by the drug, whereas the open rate on removal of ATP was scarcely affected. Nicorandil had only little effect on this channel after run-down. It was concluded that nicorandil selectively activates the ATP-sensitive K+ channel mainly by modulating the ATP-dependent gate.Send offprint requests to M. Takano at the above address  相似文献   



To investigate the effects of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) on large-conductance Ca2+-activated K+(BKCa) channels and voltage-dependent K+ (KV) channels in rat coronary artery smooth muscle cells (CASMCs).


Rat CASMCs were isolated by an enzyme digestion method. BKCa and KV currents in individual CASMCs were recorded by the patch-clamp technique in a whole-cell configuration at room temperature. Effects of DHA on BKCa and KV channels were observed when it was applied at 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, and 80 μmol/L.


When DHA concentrations were greater than 10 μmol/L, BKCa currents increased in a dose-dependent manner. At a testing potential of +80 mV, 6.1%±0.3%, 76.5%±3.8%, 120.6%±5.5%, 248.0%±12.3%, 348.7%±17.3%, 374.2%±18.7%, 432.2%±21.6%, and 443.1%±22.1% of BKCa currents were increased at the above concentrations, respectively. The half-effective concentration (EC50) of DHA on BKCa currents was 37.53±1.65 μmol/L. When DHA concentrations were greater than 20 μmol/L, KV currents were gradually blocked by increasing concentrations of DHA. At a testing potential of +50 mV, 0.40%±0.02%, 1.37%±0.06%, 11.80%±0.59%, 26.50%±1.75%, 56.50%±2.89%, 73.30%±3.66%, 79.70%±3.94%, and 78.1%±3.91% of KV currents were blocked at the different concentrations listed above, respectively. The EC50 of DHA on KV currents was 44.20±0.63 μmol/L.


DHA can activate BKCa channels and block KV channels in rat CASMCs, and the EC50 of DHA for BKCa channels is lower than that for KV channels; these findings indicate that the vasorelaxation effects of DHA on vascular smooth muscle cells are mainly due to its activation of BKCa channels.  相似文献   

The effects of 1-ethyl-2-benzimidazolinone (1-EBIO) and riluzole on human prostate cancer cells, LNCaP and PC-3, were evaluated using rubidium (86Rb(+)) efflux and proliferation assays. 1-EBIO and riluzole evoked concentration-dependent increases in 86Rb(+) efflux from LNCaP and PC-3 cells that were sensitive to inhibition by intermediate-conductance Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channel (IK(Ca)) blockers clotrimazole and charybdotoxin. Blockers of large-conductance Ca(2+)-activated K(+) (BK(Ca)) channel, iberiotoxin, or small-conductance Ca(2+)-activated K(+) (SK(Ca)) channel, apamin or scyllatoxin, had no effect. Concurrently, both 1-EBIO and riluzole evoked concentration-dependent increases in proliferation from human prostate cancer cell lines (LNCaP and PC-3 cells). Clotrimazole and charybdotoxin, but not iberiotoxin, apamin or scyllatoxin, inhibited 1-EBIO- and riluzole-evoked increases in proliferation from LNCaP and PC-3 cells. N-(3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)-N'-(2-hydroxy-5-chlorophenyl)urea (NS-1608) and 2-amino-5-(2-fluorophenyl)-4-methyl-1H-pyrrole-3-carbonitrile (NS-8), BK(Ca) channel openers had no effect on LNCaP and PC-3 proliferation. These results demonstrate that IK(Ca) channels play an important role in the regulation of human prostate cancer cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Summary Single-channel K+ currents were recorded in cell-attached patches from slices of rat substantia nigra. On the somata of neurons in the caudal half of the substantia nigra pars reticulata a K+ selective channel with a unitary conductance of 71 pS (154 mmol/l K+ in pipette filling solution) was identified. The channel was activated both by application of diazoxide (300 mol/l) and by energy-depleting conditions (200 mol/l cyanide) and was reversibly blocked by tolbutamide (0.1–1 mmol/l). It is concluded that neurons in the substantia nigra pars reticulata of the rat contain a typical ATP-sensitive K+ channel the activity of which can be modulated by diazoxide and sulfonylureas.Correspondence to: C. Schwanstecher at the above address  相似文献   

Summary Effects of verapamil on the acetylcholine (ACh)-induced K+ current were examined in single atrial cells, using the tight-seal whole-cell clamp technique. The pipette solution contained guanosine-5-triphosphate (GTP) or guanosine-5-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (GTP-S, a non-hydrolysable GTP analogue). In GTP-loaded cells, ACh induced a specific K+ current, which is known to be mediated by pertussis toxin-sensitive GTP-binding (G) proteins. Verapamil (0.1–100 M) depressed the ACh-induced K+ current in a concentration-dependent fashion. In GTP-S-loaded cells, the K+ current remained persistently after wash-out of ACh, probably due to irreversible activation of G proteins by GTP-S. Verapamil (0.1–100 M) also depressed the intracellular GTP-S-induced K+ current. However, the magnitude of verapamil-depression of the K+ current in GTP-S-loaded cells was significantly smaller than that in GTP-loaded cells at concentrations between 1 and 10 M of the drug. From these results, it is suggested that verapamil may block not only the function of muscarinic ACh receptors but also of G proteins and/or the K+ channel itself and thereby depress the ACh-induced K+ current in isolated atrial myocytes.Supported by grants from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan and the Research Program on Ca Signal Control Send offprint requests to Y. Kurachi at the above address  相似文献   

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