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Szetu JL 《The Medical journal of Australia》2005,183(9):493; author reply 493-493; author reply 494

An analysis of the pathology reports of cancer at the Central Hospital, Honiara, Solomon Islands from 1970 to 1982 revealed that skin cancer, lymphohaemopoietic malignancy, cancer of the digestive organs and oral cancer were the most common cancers in males, and that cancer of the genito-urinary organs, skin cancer, breast cancer and lymphohaemopoietic malignancy were the most common cancers in females. Leukaemia and lymphoma were the most common cancers diagnosed in children. Although this is a selected series, there are definite similarities with cancer data reported from Papua New Guinea, and significant differences from patterns of cancer reported from Australia. Cancer of the mouth and liver appear to be more common in Solomon Islanders, and cancer of the large bowel and lung less common compared with Australians. These differences probably relate to the effect of different environmental agents. The present prospects for prevention and control of cancer in Solomon Islands is discussed.  相似文献   

A clinical study of the extent and nature of skin disease was undertaken among 10,224 Melanesians in the Western Province of the Solomon Islands. It was performed concurrently with a survey and selective mass treatment campaign for yaws which has reappeared in the area for the first time in 20 years. For children under 15 years old, prevalence rates for pyoderma and infectious yaws were 52% and 8.5%, respectively. Tinea versicolor was the commonest superficial dermatomycosis affecting nearly half of all adults seen. Glabrous skin (16% of all cases) and nails (25% of all cases) were the principle sites infected by the dermatophytes. Tinea imbricata, whilst uncommon, was restricted to small endemic foci. Pediculosis capitis was universal but scabies was present in only 4% of young children. Unfavourable environmental conditions and misconceptions about personal hygiene are important aetiological determinants. Education and motivation at a village level will be the mainstay of future control with specific therapy generally reserved for treponematoses, extensive dermatophytoses and scabies.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional survey of diabetes, hypertension, obesity and dietary patterns has been conducted in the Western Province of the Solomon Islands. Three groups--traditional and more urbanized Melanesians and semitraditional Micronesians--were compared. Abnormal glucose tolerance was rare (less than 1% over all) in Melanesians regardless of acculturation, but was present in 9.7% of adult Micronesians in whom it was associated with age; obesity; female sex; and a diet that was high in energy and refined carbohydrates. Hypertension, which was associated with advancing age and obesity, was recorded in 6.0% and 8.3% of traditional and partly urbanized Melanesians, respectively, and in 4.8% of Micronesians. Systolic and diastolic blood pressures correlated significantly with age for all except traditional Melanesian women among whom the association was limited to the systolic blood pressure only. Significant correlation coefficients were recorded between diastolic blood pressure and body mass index for both sexes and all groups, and between systolic blood pressure and body mass index for all women but only for Micronesian men. Dramatic differences in life-style and dietary patterns are described for rural and more urbanized Melanesians among whom the mean daily urinary sodium outputs were 67 and 119 mmol/L, respectively.  相似文献   

本文报道了登革热和登革出血热的研究简史、病原学、流行病学和防制,给登革热和登革出血热的预防控制提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

目的初步研究登革病毒1、2型单、双价病毒样颗粒(VLP)的免疫原性。方法表达纯化各型VLP,用纯化好的VLP免疫BALB/c小鼠,将BALB/c小鼠随机分PBS组、灭活DENV1、灭活DENV2、纯化VLP1、纯化VLP2、纯化VLP1+2组,以灭活病毒为阳性对照,PBS为阴性对照。ELISA法检测小鼠血清抗VLP抗体效价以及血清IFN-γ、TNF-α细胞因子水平,流式细胞术检测小鼠脾细胞CD4+细胞和CD8+细胞数。结果登革病毒1、2型单、双价VLP均能刺激免疫小鼠产生一定程度的抗血清效价,VLP1的抗体水平较VLP2的低,双价VLP组针对DENV2抗原的抗体水平上升明显,是单价VLP2的2~3倍;攻毒后,灭活DENV1和VLP2可以产生高水平的IFN-γ,分别为60和35pg/ml,双价VLP组的较低;VLP2组的TNF-α一直保持较高水平,双价VLP组中攻DENV2组的TNF-α水平较DENV1组高;三次免疫后,各实验组较之PBS组CD4+细胞的比例都有下降,而CD8+细胞变化不大,除灭活DENV1组有增加,其余各组都有减少。结论无论单、双价VLP均能刺激小鼠产生一定程度的体液免疫和细胞免疫反应,联合免疫有一定程度的协同性。  相似文献   

The genotypes of dengue viruses (DENV) isolated from patients with dengue in Jamaica during 2007 were determined using DNA sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of the C-prM gene junction. The 17 DENV analysed included strains of DENVserotypes 1 (DENV-1, n = 3), DENV-2 (n = 7) and DENV-4 (n = 7). All strains ofDENV-1 were classified as genotype III, while 1 of 7 strains of DENV-2 belonged to the Asian American/Asian genotype, genotype I/III (Jamaica genotype), 2 were genotype V, the American genotype and 4 strains clustered with reference strains belonging to genotype IV. The 6 DENV-4 strains from Jamaica and the control strain clustered together in a separate clade from Caribbean/American reference strains, which belong to genotype II and Asian strains, classified as genotypes I and III. There has been little evolution in the DENV-1 strains circulating in Jamaica over the years and this might reduce the risk of outbreaks due to this serotype. In contrast, the high genetic diversity in strains of DENV-2 viruses in circulation, the presence of more recently introduced genotypes and a new clade of DENV-4 might contribute to the epidemic potential of these DENV serotypes. These preliminary data clearly indicate the need to maintain laboratory surveillance, and other control measures against hyperendemicity of dengue in Jamaica.  相似文献   

Epidemics of dengue outbreak are frequent in south-east Asian countries. Dengue is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in this region. This prospective observational study was done at Dr BC Roy Memorial for Children during the outbreak in 2005 in Kolkata to know the clinical pattern of dengue cases and to find the possible markers of development of dengue hemorrhagic fever. Two hundred and eighty seropositive cases of dengue were included in the study. Among paediatric population, 5 to 10 years age group was most commonly affected. One-sixth of the cases were from villages indicating the extension of the epidemic in rural areas. Abrupt onset of high fever, non-purulent conjunctival injection, erythematous lips, flushed appearance, myalgia, arthralgia, headache and thrombocytopenia were the predominant features. Rhinitis and pharyngitis were rarely found. Prolonged fever more than 7 days, flushed appearance, pharyngeal congestion, shock evidence, serous effusion, bleeding manifestations, thrombocytopenia, elevated liver enzymes and elevated PCV were associated with development of dengue haemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome.  相似文献   

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