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PURPOSE: To examine current trends in mental health care for vulnerable populations and suggest how advanced practice nurses (APNs) can incorporate mental health care into primary care practice. DATA SOURCES: Original research and evidence-based clinical articles, government publications, and professional practice guidelines. CONCLUSIONS: Vulnerable populations, such as racial and ethnic minorities, adults with chronic mental illness, the elderly, the incarcerated, and those living in rural areas have long been ignored as recipients of quality, integrated health care services. There is a compelling need for APNs to participate in the integrated delivery of physical and mental health care to all Americans, especially to vulnerable populations. IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: Under the umbrella of advanced practice nursing, a variety of nurse practitioners (NPs) and clinical nurse specialists (CNSs) can offer a holistic approach to the provision of evidence-based health care in a wide variety of settings to an array of vulnerable and underserved people. By serving on provider panels, partnering with consumer groups, and advocating for the unmet health needs of vulnerable populations, APNs can have a positive impact on the health care delivery system.  相似文献   

Primary care is developing rapidly with significant impacts on the nursing team. Such changes have brought inter-professional team-working into sharper focus, particularly community care and collaborative working. This paper: examines the nursing roles within a general practice; describes the perspectives of service users; identifies areas of change; clarifies core and specialist skills; defines new roles among the primary health care nursing team; proposes a new model of working; and identifies appropriate education. The project was set in a general practice in south-west England and used an action research methodology. The objectives were to create a change in practice and to develop and refine existing theory to underpin nursing roles. Throughout the research regular team meetings allowed reflection and discussion about research findings and progress. Data were collected from multiple sources, including team workshops, patient focus group interviews, and individual interviews with GPs, practice managers and area managers. Reflective diaries and a patient survey were also used. The analysis of the quantitative and qualitative data collected from patients formed a basis for practice development and facilitated the team's reflection on the areas of change. Overall high satisfaction with services and care was expressed in the patient interviews and the questionnaire. The themes from the data highlighted areas important for patients and helped in shaping the new roles and responsibilities for team members. Regarding the team perspective, the data indicated many areas that could be considered for development. The community nursing team decided to concentrate on three key areas: child health, leg ulcer management, and cardiovascular health. The research concludes that action research presents some problems and challenges but is a useful approach to developing team-working in primary health care.  相似文献   

This article describes a project that was designed to explore mental health issues arising in primary care, as a basis for understanding primary care professionals' mental health training needs. Whilst recent UK government initiatives, such as the National Service Framework for Mental Health, have emphasized the need to enhance mental healthcare in the general population, the capacity to respond effectively is likely to be dependent upon primary care professionals acquiring the relevant skills. To achieve this, a thorough understanding of the issues inherent in dealing with mental health problems in primary care is required. Given that the mental health issues facing primary care professionals may differ from those that confront mainstream mental health professionals, logic dictates that primary care professionals may require a discrete set of skills and a special approach to mental health training. The principal aim of this project was, hence, to identify mental health issues arising in clinical practice, as a first step towards identifying primary care training needs. A series of focus groups and semi-structured interviews was used to gather information about mental health issues arising in primary care, based on the experiences of primary care professionals and users' representatives. The findings suggest that primary care professionals are confronted by a wide range of mental health issues, many of which lie outside of the scope of the current National Service Framework for Mental Health. The article discusses the implications for mental health training in primary care practice and future research.  相似文献   

Population health is changing the focus of nursing practice as nurses are challenged to focus on health promotion and education for communities rather than limiting their practice to restorative care for individual acute care patients. This new focus is necessary to improve knowledge of maternal and infant health among vulnerable populations. One particularly vulnerable population is members of Old Order Mennonite communities, who frequently rely on self-trained local midwives in the community for home births and home remedies when caring for their infants. Providing evidence-based education to members of this isolated population can be a challenge because they do not typically access information outside of the community. The purpose of this article is to share the process of developing, publishing, and disseminating a culturally sensitive infant care manual for an Old Order Mennonite community using a community-based participatory model and to highlight the impact nursing outreach can have on improving health knowledge.  相似文献   

Non-communicable diseases, especially diabetes mellitus type two (DM2) constitute major health problems in Lebanon that have an adverse impact on health and health resources. Collaborative practice interventions may improve quality care of DM2 and reduce or delay complications. The purpose of this paper was to evaluate the impact of collaborative practice on the quality and cost of effective care for diabetic patients in a primary health care center. A chart audit review of 375 diabetic patients attending an inner city health center in Beirut (Lebanon) was conducted after three and a half years of collaborative practice intervention, which included guidelines for an interdisciplinary health team. Evaluation of the impact of collaborative practice was conducted on the process and outcome of care. The results indicated a high level of enthusiasm, support and the development of team spirit at the process level. At the outcome level there was improvement in documentation, increase in patient recruitment, increase in continuity of care, improvement of glycemic control and decreased cost. In conclusion collaborative practice interventions improved process and outcome variables for diabetic patients. It is suggested that this model could be developed for use in the care of other chronic diseases.  相似文献   

To reduce health inequalities and improve quality in health care, health policy initiatives in countries including New Zealand and the United Kingdom are expecting general practice to share responsibilities for a population approach to health care. This is giving increased emphasis to preventative care, including health promotion. Reasoned debate on this policy is overdue, not least in New Zealand, where clinicians within general practice appear to have been seduced by the lack of clarity in health policy into accepting this policy without question. They appear to disregard implications of the policy for redefining the nature and scope of their discipline (and of public health), including their own role as providers of personal care. This paper suggests that a population health approach is inappropriate in general practice when this approach weakens personal care and involves health promotion activity of unknown safety and effectiveness. The example of intentional weight loss to reduce overweight is used to illustrate these issues. We argue for a restricted range of general practice services.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To describe the attitudes, awareness and use of evidence across key professional groups working in primary care. METHODS: A postal questionnaire was sent to all lead/chairs, general managers, clinical governance leads, lead nurses, lead pharmacists and public health practitioners working in local health care cooperatives in Scotland. RESULTS: 289 (66.1%) health care professionals responded, ranging from 51% of general managers to 80% of lead nurses. All professional groups supported evidence-based practice. General practitioners (GPs) were less likely to agree that they had the skills to carry out literature reviews or appraise evidence compared to nurses and public health facilitators (36% vs. 75% vs. 80%; 51% vs. 64% vs. 70%). Access to the internet and bibliographic databases was good for all groups but GPs used a narrower spectrum of evidence-based journals, relying mainly on medical literature. Only nurses and public health practitioners appeared to have any understanding of qualitative research terms. Public health practitioners were also least likely to view guidelines or protocols developed by others as the best source of evidence for primary care. The major perceived barrier to practising evidence-based practice was time. Consequently the most important facilitator was protected time, but increased resources (financial and staff) and training were also cited. Professional groups other than GPs perceived inter-professional boundaries as a barrier and suggested multi-professional teamworking and learning as potential supports for evidence-based practice. CONCLUSIONS: While all professional groups welcome and support evidence-based practice, there are clear differences in the starting point and perspectives across the groups. These need to recognized and addressed to ensure that learning the skills of evidence-based practice and implementing evidence are effective. This will also enhance the ability of primary care organizations to develop robust mechanisms for supporting key aspects of clinical governance.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to elucidate the care of patients with asthma in primary health care from medical, patient self-management, health, quality of life, and health economic perspectives. METHODS: Asthma nurse practice (ANP), an alternative asthma self-management strategy, was compared with traditional asthma care in primary health care in southern Sweden regarding medical history, lifestyle, self-management, symptoms caused by asthma, effects on sick leave, state of health, quality of life and health care costs. The first part of the investigation comprised a retrospective study of a randomly selected sample of patient records of asthmatics (n=152). The second part, lasting 3 months, was prospective and included consecutive patients visits (n=347). RESULTS: The ANP approach showed better results in most of the evaluated outcomes such as asthma quality documentation and self-management and the number of asthma symptoms was significantly lower. From a health economic perspective the results were encouraging with respect to ANP. CONCLUSION: This alternative asthma strategy, ANP, improved asthma care in primary health care and resulted in economic advantages in the health care sector. However the result may only be generalized to other practices working with asthma nurses in the same way.  相似文献   

AIMS OF THE STUDY: To investigate the experiences and perceived influence of nurses serving on English primary care group boards. BACKGROUND: The development of the nursing workforce and nursing services in primary care have been piecemeal and nurses have not always contributed to policy development. The recent establishment of primary care groups (PCGs) in the United Kingdom (UK) potentially offers nurses the opportunity to take a concerted and strategic role in developing professional roles and planning service developments. RESEARCH METHODS: As part of a longitudinal study of a 15% random sample of English primary care groups, nurse board members were surveyed in the winter of 1999. One hundred and forty-four nurses were invited to return self-completion questionnaires. RESULTS: Completed questionnaires were returned by 106 of those invited to participate (73%). Respondents reported that combining their usual work with their role in the PCG was frequently difficult. Only 26% perceived that they had been well prepared for their new role. Compared with other board members [for example, general practitioners (GPs)], nurses perceived that their own influence was limited, with only a quarter rating the influence of nurses on decision-making as great. Most of the sample were feeding back information to other primary care and community nurses working in the locality and 52% rated communication with this wider constituency as good or better. Nurse board members were enthusiastic about their role and optimistic about the positive future impact of PCGs on health. CONCLUSIONS: PCGs are still at a relatively early stage in their development. It is still too early to assess their impact on nurses working in primary care and community settings. Board membership offers nurses a voice in local health policy development.  相似文献   

In this paper the thesis is advanced that the general practitioners can either be a powerful ally or a major roadblock in the development of primary health care in the spirit of the Alma-Ata Declaration. The role they will play depends on their interpretation of, and attitudes towards, the concept. In the first part of the paper, four common interpretations of primary health care (primary health care as a set of activities; as a level of care; as a strategy; and as a philosophy) are described. The second part identifies common misconceptions — traps into which the general practitioners may fall when taking their stand on primary health care. In the third part, a blueprint for transforming the current systems of primary medical care systems into primary health care systems is outlined. The final section suggests some concrete actions to be taken by the general practitioners in implementing this blueprint.  相似文献   

Body care is considered a key aspect of nursing and imperative for the health, wellbeing, and dignity of older people. In Scandinavian countries, body care as a professional practice has undergone considerable changes, bringing new understandings, values, and dilemmas into nursing. A systematic mapping review was conducted with the aims of identifying and mapping international nursing research on body care of older people in different institutionalized settings in the healthcare system and to critically discuss the dominant assumptions within the research by adapting a problematization approach. Most identified papers reported on empirical research with a biomedical approach focusing on outcome and effectiveness. Conceptual papers, papers with a focus on the perspectives of the older people, or contextual and material aspects were lacking. The research field is dominated by four dominant assumptions: Body care as an evidence-based practice, body care as a relational ethical practice, the body as a body-object and a body-subject, the objects in the body care practices as nonrelational materialities. Given the complexities of professional body care practices, there is a need for other research designs and theoretical perspectives within nursing that expand our understanding of body care taking into consideration the multiple social and material realities.  相似文献   

MAAGs were introduced as a result of the 1989 White Paper ' Working for Patients ', with the remit to direct, coordinate and monitor medical audit activities in general practice. They were funded through the new FHSA management budget and each MAAG was responsible to its own FHSA. They were accepted as a completely new institution as a part of the introduction of an innovative management structure in a reformed NHS. When viewed in an historical context, MAAGs can actually be seen as a part of an expanding culture of greater objectivity and critical analysis which has burgeoned in medical practice over the last two decades. Although MAAGs began with an educational role with uniprofessional medical audit, they have embraced multiprofessional clinical audit in primary care in the context of the wider aspects of quality in practice.
The last 20 years have seen the development of clinical guidelines, evidence-based medicine and application of business management theory to clinical quality. All these have reflected the increasing demand for explicit standards of care which has also formed the basis of clinical audit and MAAG activity. MAAGs should be seen as an inevitable concomitant of this historical trend to improve the application of scientific rigour in medical practice. With the adoption of clinical effectiveness, incorporating all these themes, as one of the NHS Executive's six medium-term priority areas, MAAGs are uniquely placed to act as agents of change to enhance the quality of primary health care.  相似文献   

There has been an exponential growth in the interest in evidence-based health care (EBHC) since the term was first coined. With this interest, discussions arise about potential challenges and limitations to the practice of EBHC including the need for developing new skills, the need to have access to evidence, and the scarcity of evidence in support of its practice. Some of these challenges have been met but there is still work to be done in this field. In particular, attention must be paid on ensuring ready access to high quality evidence for all end-users. This journal is attempting to meet this need for speech-language pathology.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe and analyse the content of mental health care from the practitioner's point of view. The specific aim of this paper was to outline the types of mental health care tools and the ways in which they are used by primary health care practitioners. The data were derived from interviews with doctors and nurses (n = 29) working in primary health care in six different health care centres of the Pirkanmaa region in Finland. The data were analysed by using qualitative content analysis. The tools of mental health care used in primary health care were categorized as communicative, ideological, technical and collaborative tools. The interactive tools are either informative, supportive or contextual. The ideological tools consist of patient initiative, acceptance and permissiveness, honesty and genuineness, sense of security and client orientation. The technical tools are actions related to the monitoring of the patient's physical health and medical treatment. The collaborative tools are consultation and family orientation. The primary health care practitioner him/herself is an important tool in mental health care. On the one hand, the practitioner can be categorized as a meta-tool who has control over the other tools. On the other hand, the practitioner him/herself is a tool in the sense that s/he uses his/her personality in the professional context. The professional skills and attitudes of the practitioner have a significant influence on the type of caring the client receives. Compared with previous studies, the present informants from primary health care seemed to use notably versatile tools in mental health work. This observation is important for the implementation and development of mental health practices and education.  相似文献   

Death literacy is defined as a set of knowledge and skills that make it possible to gain access to understand and act upon end-of-life and death care options. People, and communities, with high levels of death literacy have context-specific knowledge about the death system and the ability to put that knowledge into practice. Positioned within a public health framework, death literacy is considered an outcome of people's experiences of and learnings about, death and dying. Death literacy also appears to be a resource that individuals and communities can use for their own benefit strengthening their capacity for future caring. This purpose of this paper is to explore the concept of death literacy using the evidence from a 6-year research project. We do this by examining how it corresponds to, and differs from, existing concepts and practices such as death education, health literacy, and community development. Our aim is to introduce new thinking into public health approaches to palliative care, offer practice development pathways in this arena and propose that death literacy offers a useful conceptual framework for both describing and understanding the outcomes of a public health approach to palliative care.  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is to use three action research typologies to consider retrospectively, and understand, the processes of an empirical study. The typologies are used to plot the changing emphasis of collaborative action research with a primary health care team that addressed their health promotion practice. The study implemented self-efficacy theory into the health promotion practice of a primary health care team and developed a self-efficacy framework for smoking cessation. The framework had some success in aiding practitioners in their work despite the patients' disinterest in smoking cessation. Two action research types can be identified within the study, a technical/experimental approach which surrounded the use of a researcher-led theoretical agenda, whereas the research facilitation was informed by critical theory and was classified as an enhancement/empowering action research type. This paper demonstrates the conflicting natures of these types which, in this study, resulted in positive outcomes associated with the experimental/technical approach but only at the expense of professional empowerment. The findings of this study imply that theoretically-led empowering action research was an incompatible combination in this instance and this potential conflict needs to be addressed by researchers engaging in collaborative research relationships with practitioners.  相似文献   

purpose . To explore clinical challenges and research opportunities in one school-based clinic in a faculty practice model of health care delivery
client population . Ninth-through twelfth-graders at an Eastern urban high school, 80% of the students are from ethnic minorities
conclusions . Clinical, administrative, and research challenges need to be addressed on a larger scale through practice-based research networks across the country in order to have an impact on policy
practice implications . School-based care required integration of primary care and management of psychosocial and developmental needs. Practice in this setting includes primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention as intervention.  相似文献   

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