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蚊类不仅吸血骚扰,而且是多种严重疾病的传播媒介,是最重要的医学昆虫之一。由蚊类传播的虫媒疾病有几十种,其中主要有乙脑、登革热、疟疾、丝虫病等。蚊媒性疾病严重危害着人的健康。多年来,科学工作者和昆虫学家对我国蚊类的区系分布及与疾病关系等方面做了大量的研究。本文就我国蚊类区系分布及与疾病关系的研究概况作一综述,以期为蚊媒疾病的进一步研究和防治工作提供参考。  相似文献   

我国蚊媒研究概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蚊类不仅吸血骚扰,而且传播多种严重疾病。本文就我国疟疾媒介鉴定及基因特征,登革热媒介白纹伊蚊基因特征与易感性做了综述,并就淋巴丝虫病媒介与乙脑媒介做了概要。  相似文献   

目的调查云南省玉溪市的杞麓湖、星云湖、抚仙湖、阳宗海4个重要高原湖泊湿地蚊类多样性。方法于2008年7月中旬应用紫外灯诱捕法在4个湖泊高原湖泊湿地临水域夜间捕蚊,进行分类鉴定,计算物种丰富度、物种多样性指数、均匀度指数、相对极低种类数(%)、种间相遇几率(PIE)、最大优势种及密度,并进行分析。结果共捕获蚊类2亚科5属12种94 469只。蚊类物种丰富度杞麓湖和阳宗海相对较高,星云湖和抚仙湖较低;物种多样性指数和种间相遇几率阳宗海和抚仙湖高,星云湖和杞麓湖的较低;蚊类群落的优势度指数杞麓湖最高,抚仙湖和星云湖次之,阳宗海最低。结论玉溪市4个重要高原湖泊湿地蚊种丰富,其多样性与自然环境条件和人类因素有关。  相似文献   

用重点普查与抽样调查相结合,对云南西部居民区进行长期蚊类标本采集,生态习性与疾病关系调查,获得了大量蚊类标本及生态地理资料,云南西部居民区蚊类属种众多,生态习性复杂多样,蚊类与疾病关系密切。  相似文献   

我国蚊类研究五十年   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
蚊类是危害人畜的重要医学昆虫,也是新中国成立后爱国卫生运动中“除四害”的主要害虫,以蚊媒和蚊媒病防制为核心,带动我国蚊类研究迅速发展,现将建国50年(1949~1999)间蚊类研究成就作评述。分类区系蚊虫分类区系研究是进行媒介判定和防制的重要基础,近50年的采集调查遍及全国各省区,积累了大量标本资料。我国蚊类记录由1949年的14属145种(亚种),迄1999年已增加为18属374种(亚种),蚊类属、种数比建国前有大幅度增加。其中包括已被初步确认的新种55个,霍蚊属Hodgesia和尤蚊属Uda…  相似文献   

目的了解海南省按蚊多样性。方法采用牛帐法于2011、2012年的4~6月在海南省11个市县的山区、丘陵及平原三类地形中选取33个村庄进行调查,计算不同市县及不同地形的按蚊多样性指数、均匀度指数、丰富度指数,并用SPSS统计软件进行分析。结果共捕获按蚊17种7 377只,以嵌斑按蚊所占比例最高,为44.76%(3302/7377),其次为中华按蚊,占24.51%(1808/7377)。不同市县、不同地形之间按蚊多样性指数、丰富度指数差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),但均匀度指数差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。在陵水、琼海、儋州、五指山、屯昌等市县均捕获微小按蚊,在海口演丰镇捕获嗜人按蚊。结论嵌斑按蚊及中华按蚊是海南省主要按蚊种类。微小按蚊的种群密度可能处于较低水平,分布点也可能在减少,而嗜人按蚊的分布点可能在扩大。按蚊多样性与自然环境条件和人类因素有关。  相似文献   

1990~1992年,我们在新疆南部地区(E72°~94°,N34°30′~43°20′)进行了蚊类区系调查,在30个县(市)的49个主要采集点共捕获蚊类成虫4730余只,幼虫1530余条,隶属蚊科5属23种。此次调查新增加的5种蚊虫中,有3个当地首次记录种(黑头伊蚊Aedes pullatus,黄色伊蚊Ae.javescens和迷走库蚊Culex vagans);1个新疆地区新记录种(黑海伊蚊Ae.cyprus)和1个中国新记录种玛丽伊蚊Ae.mariae。基本查清了南疆蚊类的种属组成和地理分布,调查结果表明,伊蚊属骚扰蚊亚属的蚊种在该地分布广、种类多、数量大,为塔里木盆地蚊类区系的重要特点。  相似文献   

蚊媒病毒研究概况与进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虫媒病严重危害人类健康,蚊媒病毒性疾病种类多,临床表现复杂且不典型。目前从蚊虫体内分离到的蚊媒病毒已有250余种,本文仅对一些重要的蚊媒病毒的研究作如下综述。  相似文献   

湖北地区蚊类区系研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
目的 研究湖北地区蚊类地理区划,确定湖北蚊类区系属性。方法分析已知蚊类的区系成分,并与邻近江西、湖南、河南地区蚊类区系比较。结果已发现蚊类11属75种,其中属于东洋界为主的52种,占69.3%;属于古北界为主的10种,占13.4%;广布两界13种,占17,3%。结论湖北地区蚊类区系应划归东洋界。  相似文献   

Zoonotic diseases are infectious diseases of humans caused by pathogens that are shared between humans and other vertebrate animals. Previously, pristine natural areas with high biodiversity were seen as likely sources of new zoonotic pathogens, suggesting that biodiversity could have negative impacts on human health. At the same time, biodiversity has been recognized as potentially benefiting human health by reducing the transmission of some pathogens that have already established themselves in human populations. These apparently opposing effects of biodiversity in human health may now be reconcilable. Recent research demonstrates that some taxa are much more likely to be zoonotic hosts than others are, and that these animals often proliferate in human-dominated landscapes, increasing the likelihood of spillover. In less-disturbed areas, however, these zoonotic reservoir hosts are less abundant and nonreservoirs predominate. Thus, biodiversity loss appears to increase the risk of human exposure to both new and established zoonotic pathogens. This new synthesis of the effects of biodiversity on zoonotic diseases presents an opportunity to articulate the next generation of research questions that can inform management and policy. Future studies should focus on collecting and analyzing data on the diversity, abundance, and capacity to transmit of the taxa that actually share zoonotic pathogens with us. To predict and prevent future epidemics, researchers should also focus on how these metrics change in response to human impacts on the environment, and how human behaviors can mitigate these effects. Restoration of biodiversity is an important frontier in the management of zoonotic disease risk.  相似文献   

As the world grows less biologically diverse, it is becoming less linguistically and culturally diverse as well. Biologists estimate annual loss of species at 1,000 times or more greater than historic rates, and linguists predict that 50-90% of the world's languages will disappear by the end of this century. Prior studies indicate similarities in the geographic arrangement of biological and linguistic diversity, although conclusions have often been constrained by use of data with limited spatial precision. Here we use greatly improved datasets to explore the co-occurrence of linguistic and biological diversity in regions containing many of the Earth's remaining species: biodiversity hotspots and high biodiversity wilderness areas. Results indicate that these regions often contain considerable linguistic diversity, accounting for 70% of all languages on Earth. Moreover, the languages involved are frequently unique (endemic) to particular regions, with many facing extinction. Likely reasons for co-occurrence of linguistic and biological diversity are complex and appear to vary among localities, although strong geographic concordance between biological and linguistic diversity in many areas argues for some form of functional connection. Languages in high biodiversity regions also often co-occur with one or more specific conservation priorities, here defined as endangered species and protected areas, marking particular localities important for maintaining both forms of diversity. The results reported in this article provide a starting point for focused research exploring the relationship between biological and linguistic-cultural diversity, and for developing integrated strategies designed to conserve species and languages in regions rich in both.  相似文献   

目的 对我国广东省野外采集的15种蚊虫雌蚊尾器进行形态和分类学观察并探讨其分类学意义。方法 自雌蚊腹部剪下腹节最后两节,经KOH浸泡过夜后,酒精脱水、二甲苯透明,加拿大树胶封片后显微镜下观察。结果 上述15种蚊虫形态分类学特征不同。结论 利用雌蚊尾器区分蚊虫种类是一种有效的分类学手段,在蚊虫调查研究中有分类学实用价值。  相似文献   

Ecologists and conservation biologists often study particular trophic groups in isolation, which precludes an explicit assessment of the impact of multitrophic interactions on community structure and dynamics. Network ecology helps to fill this gap by focusing on species interactions, but it often ignores spatial processes. Here, we are taking a step forward in the integration of metacommunity and network approaches by studying a model of bitrophic interactions in a spatial context. We quantify the effect of bitrophic interactions on the diversity of plants and their animal interactors, and we show their complex dependence on the structure of the interaction network, the strength of interactions, and the dispersal rate. We then develop a method to parameterize our model with real-world networks and apply it to 54 datasets describing three types of interactions: pollination, fungal association, and insect herbivory. In all three network types, bitrophic interactions generally lead to an increase of plant and animal spatial heterogeneity by decreasing local species richness while increasing β-diversity.  相似文献   

Evolutionary history and the effect of biodiversity on plant productivity   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Loss of biological diversity because of extinction is one of the most pronounced changes to the global environment. For several decades, researchers have tried to understand how changes in biodiversity might impact biomass production by examining how biomass correlates with a number of biodiversity metrics (especially the number of species and functional groups). This body of research has focused on species with the implicit assumption that they are independent entities. However, functional and ecological similarities are shaped by patterns of common ancestry, such that distantly related species might contribute more to production than close relatives, perhaps by increasing niche breadth. Here, we analyze 2 decades of experiments performed in grassland ecosystems throughout the world and examine whether the evolutionary relationships among the species comprising a community predict how biodiversity impacts plant biomass production. We show that the amount of phylogenetic diversity within communities explained significantly more variation in plant community biomass than other measures of diversity, such as the number of species or functional groups. Our results reveal how evolutionary history can provide critical information for understanding, predicting, and potentially ameliorating the effects of biodiversity loss and should serve as an impetus for new biodiversity experiments.  相似文献   

Natural ecosystems are characterized by striking diversity of form and functions and yet exhibit deep symmetries emerging across scales of space, time, and organizational complexity. Species-area relationships and species-abundance distributions are examples of emerging patterns irrespective of the details of the underlying ecosystem functions. Here we present empirical and theoretical evidence for a new macroecological pattern related to the distributions of local species persistence times, defined as the time spans between local colonizations and extinctions in a given geographic region. Empirical distributions pertaining to two different taxa, breeding birds and herbaceous plants, analyzed in a framework that accounts for the finiteness of the observational period exhibit power-law scaling limited by a cutoff determined by the rate of emergence of new species. In spite of the differences between taxa and spatial scales of analysis, the scaling exponents are statistically indistinguishable from each other and significantly different from those predicted by existing models. We theoretically investigate how the scaling features depend on the structure of the spatial interaction network and show that the empirical scaling exponents are reproduced once a two-dimensional isotropic texture is used, regardless of the details of the ecological interactions. The framework developed here also allows to link the cutoff time scale with the spatial scale of analysis, and the persistence-time distribution to the species-area relationship. We conclude that the inherent coherence obtained between spatial and temporal macroecological patterns points at a seemingly general feature of the dynamical evolution of ecosystems.  相似文献   

Biodiversity losses are a major driver of global changes in ecosystem functioning. While most studies of the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning have examined randomized species losses, trait-based filtering associated with species-specific vulnerability to drivers of diversity loss can strongly influence how ecosystem functioning responds to declining biodiversity. Moreover, the responses of ecosystem functioning to diversity loss may be mediated by environmental variability interacting with the suite of traits remaining in depauperate communities. We do not yet understand how communities resulting from realistic diversity losses (filtered by response traits) influence ecosystem functioning (via effect traits of the remaining community), especially under variable environmental conditions. Here, we directly test how realistic and randomized plant diversity losses influence productivity and invasion resistance across multiple years in a California grassland. Compared with communities based on randomized diversity losses, communities resulting from realistic (drought-driven) species losses had higher invasion resistance under climatic conditions that matched the trait-based filtering they experienced. However, productivity declined more with realistic than with randomized species losses across all years, regardless of climatic conditions. Functional response traits aligned with effect traits for productivity but not for invasion resistance. Our findings illustrate that the effects of biodiversity losses depend not only on the identities of lost species but also on how the traits of remaining species interact with varying environmental conditions. Understanding the consequences of biodiversity change requires studies that evaluate trait-mediated effects of species losses and incorporate the increasingly variable climatic conditions that future communities are expected to experience.

As worldwide biodiversity losses continue, understanding their effects on ecosystem functioning is critical to conservation and mitigation efforts (1). The relationship between biodiversity loss and ecosystem functioning has been studied extensively over the last two decades (25); past research has demonstrated that reduced species richness generally decreases ecosystem functioning, with much of this research effort focused on understanding productivity responses (3, 4).Most biodiversity–ecosystem functioning (BEF) studies (e.g., refs. 6 and 7) have employed randomized species loss scenarios, with the goal of isolating the effects of species diversity from species identity. Because real-world species losses are not random (8, 9), a growing number of studies have examined how ecosystem functioning responds to realistic biodiversity losses—directional, nested losses of species based on trait vulnerability to specific stressors such as temperature or precipitation changes. These studies have shown that the effect of realistic biodiversity loss on ecosystem functioning is often greater than that of randomized biodiversity loss (1016). A general explanation for the finding that realistic species losses cause greater declines in ecosystem functioning than randomized species losses is that entire functional groups are often lost with realistic diversity declines, leaving fewer niches occupied and leading to decreased complementarity and functional capacity (11, 12). However, the greater effect sizes of realistic biodiversity loss can also be viewed as a counterintuitive result: an alternate hypothesis is that the species remaining following a realistic reduction in diversity are those most suited to functioning highly in the new environment (17). For example, the species that remain following drought-induced diversity losses might be those with the highest functioning in drought conditions. This hypothesis predicts that realistic diversity losses would maintain or increase ecosystem functioning relative to randomized diversity losses. Distinguishing between these two hypotheses requires a more detailed understanding of how trait-based filtering impacts biodiversity losses and the subsequent effects on ecosystem functioning. While the BEF literature has long recognized that functional traits are a key aspect of understanding the effects of biodiversity loss, few studies have taken a trait-based approach, and several reviews have specifically called on researchers to examine the importance of functional effect and response traits on the outcomes of biodiversity loss (2, 18).Whether ecosystem functioning increases or decreases with biodiversity loss depends strongly on the relationship between functional traits that are subjected to trait-based filtering (response traits) and traits that influence ecosystem functioning (effect traits; refs. 2 and 19). If response and effect traits are strongly aligned, environmental changes and their effects on plant species could yield predictable effects on ecosystem functioning (20). For example, species responses to increased soil fertility (via response traits) should be positively correlated with productivity (via effect traits) (21). In contrast, weak relationships between response and effect traits reduce our ability to predict how environmental changes will impact the direction and magnitude of changes in ecosystem processes. For example, traits related to regeneration (e.g., dispersal and fecundity) strongly determine a species’ response to environmental stress but are more weakly linked to ecosystem processes (20). Thus, the loss of an entire response group may have limited impacts on a given ecosystem process. Arid systems provide an example of a weak relationship between response and effect traits: in these systems, plant species use contrasting strategies to deal with water stress (e.g., stress avoidance versus tolerance; ref. 22), resulting in communities with a wide range of life forms (e.g., woody or herbaceous) and phenologies. This, in turn, results in a wide range of impacts on ecosystem processes via the timing and magnitude of resource acquisition and tissue senescence (reviewed in ref. 23). Experiments incorporating realistic species loss designs across multiple years with varying environmental conditions are necessary to shed light on how response and effect traits mediate the influence of species losses on ecosystem functioning.We conducted a multiyear plant biodiversity manipulation experiment that compared a drought-based, realistic species loss scenario with randomized species losses. This study had two overarching goals. First, we aimed to understand how communities shaped by trait-based species losses function under varying environmental conditions. Do lower-diversity communities function better under the environmental conditions that led to diversity loss? Specifically, does filtering of response traits by drought lead to differences in ecosystem functioning under conditions of low versus high water availability? The answer to this question will help clarify how future realistic depauperate communities might function under future realistic climatic conditions. Second, we aimed to compare the functioning of communities subjected to trait-based filtering to the functioning of communities that lost diversity at random. These results will help clarify how previous randomized biodiversity experiments might inform predictions of ecosystem functioning in real-world biodiversity loss scenarios. In addition, this comparison allowed us to isolate the relationship between response and effect traits by understanding how the loss of traits versus the loss of species numbers influences ecosystem functioning.We examined the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning across a range of soil depths and across years that differed widely in precipitation. We examined two ecosystem functions—aboveground productivity (measured as peak aboveground biomass) and invasion resistance (measured as the inverse of peak exotic biomass)—selected for comparability with the existing body of BEF research and for their relevance to grassland ecosystem services. In addition, we quantified 12 functional traits for each of our experimental species. We hypothesized that if response and effect traits are aligned, communities formed by a realistic, drought-based diversity loss scenario should function at higher levels under water-limited conditions (low rainfall, shallower soil depth) than those generated by a randomized species loss scenario. We expected the inverse pattern if response and effect traits are not aligned.This study was conducted in a native-dominated serpentine grassland near San Jose, California, an annual-dominated system in which spatial heterogeneity (e.g., soil depth) and interannual climatic variability (especially rainfall) strongly shape community and ecosystem dynamics (24). Previous studies in this ecosystem type have demonstrated that small-scale variation in soil depth strongly influences functions such as plant growth (25), with deeper soils generally thought to provide greater access to resources such as water and nutrients (26). Coastal California experiences high interannual variation in climate conditions, with increasingly variable conditions predicted in the coming years as a result of climate change (27, 28). This interannual climate variation, most notably in rainfall, strongly influences plant community dynamics including invasibility (24, 29), an increasing threat to the conservation of the endemic-rich serpentine flora.We manipulated species richness, from 16 down to 2 species, in two ways. In one set of replicated plots, species composition at each species richness level was randomized; in another set of replicated plots, species composition in progressively less species-rich plots followed a realistic loss scenario based on long-term, drought-driven species loss observed over several decades at our field site (10).  相似文献   

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