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We evaluated the usefulness of detection systems and diagnostic decision support systems for bioterrorism response. We performed a systematic review by searching relevant databases (e.g., MEDLINE) and Web sites for reports of detection systems and diagnostic decision support systems that could be used during bioterrorism responses. We reviewed over 24,000 citations and identified 55 detection systems and 23 diagnostic decision support systems. Only 35 systems have been evaluated: 4 reported both sensitivity and specificity, 13 were compared to a reference standard, and 31 were evaluated for their timeliness. Most evaluations of detection systems and some evaluations of diagnostic systems for bioterrorism responses are critically deficient. Because false-positive and false-negative rates are unknown for most systems, decision making on the basis of these systems is seriously compromised. We describe a framework for the design of future evaluations of such systems.  相似文献   

The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has played a critical lead role over the past two years in fostering activities associated with the medical and public health response to bioterrorism. Based on a charge from Secretary Donna Shalala in 1998, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is leading public health efforts to strengthen the nation's capacity to detect and respond to a bioterrorist event. As a result of our efforts, federal, state, and local communities are improving their public health capacities to respond to these types of emergencies. For many of us in public health, developing plans and capacities to respond to acts of bioterrorism is an extension of our long-standing roles and responsibilities. These are stated in the CDC Mission Statement: to promote health and quality of life by preventing and controlling disease, injury, and disability, and the Bioterrorism Mission: to lead the public health effort in enhancing readiness to detect and respond to bioterrorism. CDC's infectious diseases control efforts are summarized below: --Initially formed to address malaria control in 1946; --Established the epidemic Intelligence Service in 1951; --Participated in global smallpox eradication and other immunization programs; --Estimated 800-1,000 + field investigations/year since late 1990s; --New diseases: Legionnaire's Disease, toxic shock syndrome, Lyme disease, HIV, hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, West Nile, etc. -- Today: focus on emerging infections and bioterrorism. Over the past 50 years, CDC has seen a decline in the incidence of some infectious diseases and an increase in some, whereas others continue to present on a more unpredictable basis (i.e., hantavirus). Outbreak identification, investigation, and control have been an integral part of what we do for more than 50 years. We estimate that 800 to 1,000 field investigations have occurred every year since the late 1990s. Today, however, we have a new focus on emerging infectious diseases and bioterrorism.  相似文献   

The development and diffusion of health-related technologies constitute an extremely complex process. This article examines the phenomenon of technological innovation; discusses the factors determining the diffusion of high, medium, and low technologies; and suggests strategies for controlling the diffusion of these technologies. A research program is also proposed that should improve our understanding of the process of development and diffusion of health-related technologies.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the changes in the competitive and regulatory environment and examines the impact of those changes on the relationships between hospitals and physicians. Transaction cost economics (TCE) provides a conceptual framework for examining the emergence of closer linkages between hospitals and physicians than the traditional independent hospital and medical staff organisations. TCE predicts that as investments in support of transactions become more specialised, closer linkages are more efficient. To illustrate, two case studies of successful hospital-physician joint ventures are presented. The first case study describes a joint venture between hospitals and physicians to purchase durable medical equipment. The second case describes the breakdown of an informal arrangement and the subsequent formation of a joint venture to organise a clinical programme. The discussion reports the rationale for choosing these structural arrangements and their key features, pointing out how TCE would account for the decision to establish a joint venture. The conclusion discusses the implications of this argument for the strategic decisions of health care managers.  相似文献   

Following the Anthrax bioterrorism attacks in the US in 2001, the Korean government established comprehensive countermeasures against bioterrorism. These measures included the government assuming management of all infectious agents that cause diseases, including smallpox, anthrax, plaque, botulism, and the causative agents of viral hemorrhagic fevers (ebola fever, marburg fever, and lassa fever) for national security. In addition, the Korean government is reinforcing the ability to prepare and respond to bioterrorism. Some of the measures being implemented include revising the laws and guidelines that apply to the use of infectious agents, the construction and operation of dual surveillance systems for bioterrorism, stockpiling and managing products necessary to respond to an emergency (smallpox vaccine, antibiotics, etc.) and vigorously training emergency room staff and heath workers to ensure they can respond appropriately. In addition, the government's measures include improved public relations, building and maintaining international cooperation, and developing new vaccines and drugs for treatments of infectious agents used to create bioweapons.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Advances in information technology mean that it is now possible to provide contextually relevant, evidence-based information during the course of the consultation. As a consequence, the practitioner has to consider the new information (from the computer) in the situation of the present consultation and in the light of his or her own experience. This task has to be carried out in a short time, in the presence of the patient. METHOD: Drawing on experience of the development of one decision support system, this paper places that task for the practitioner in an educational framework. We begin by reviewing theories of professional experience and knowledge and go on to look at schema theory and the role of cognitive dissonance and reflection in learning. CONCLUSION: This paper considers the provision of real time decision support in the light of learning and the experienced practitioner. We conclude that framing the implementation of decision support in this way provides useful insights. The key process is learning by the practitioner, in the course of the consultation. This process should be supported by decision support and information support software. There are implications here for the design of such software, and also for the way in which practitioners are trained to use it.  相似文献   

Data from public health surveillance systems can provide meaningful measures of population risks for disease, disability, and death. Analysis and evaluation of these surveillance data help public health practitioners react to important health events in a timely manner both locally and nationally. Aberration detection methods allow the rapid assessment of changes in frequencies and rates of different health outcomes and the characterization of unusual trends or clusters.The Early Aberration Reporting System (EARS) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention allows the analysis of public health surveillance data using available aberration detection methods. The primary purpose of EARS is to provide national, state, and local health departments with several alternative, aberration detection methods. EARS helps assist local and state health officials to focus limited resources on appropriate activities during epidemiological investigations of important public health events. Finally, EARS allows end users to select validated aberration detection methods and modify sensitivity and specificity thresholds to values considered to be of public health importance by local and state health departments.  相似文献   

After the human anthrax cases and exposures in 2001, the Illinois Department of Public Health received an increasing number of environmental and human samples (1,496 environmental submissions, all negative for Bacillus anthracis). These data demonstrate increased volume of submissions to a public health laboratory resulting from fear of bioterrorism.  相似文献   

The model for the practice of dietetics recently adopted by the CDA board of directors clarifies how the different facets of dietetics are interrelated and part of a common definition of dietetics. It is our hope that this discussion will help us to move beyond the question of identity we often feel in our profession and will stimulate debate and the development and testing of alternate models; this should further clarify the essence of dietetic practice and enable us to continue to improve our unique and common contribution towards the provision of quality nutritional care to the population.  相似文献   

The City of Milwaukee Health Department piloted a short-term, near real-time syndromic surveillance and communication tool by using an existing secure regional Internet infrastructure. Voluntary, active syndromic case reporting by hospital Emergency Departments was combined with other data streams, including clinical laboratory reports of communicable disease, hospital emergency room diversions, ambulance runs, medical examiner reports of unusual or suspicious deaths, poison control and nursing hotline call volumes, and pharmacy over-the-counter sales. These data were aggregated into a "Surveillance Dashboard" format that was used to communicate community syndromic health trends to hospitals, Emergency Departments, and other providers using a secure Internet technology. Emergency Departments at 8 area hospitals reported a total of 314 cases meeting syndromic criteria from 26,888 patient encounters. Participants were satisfied with data entry and communications. All participating Emergency Departments received e-mail and text pager alerts sent by the Milwaukee Health Department. No unexplained findings or suggestions of an early outbreak were reported through syndrome surveillance for the 4-week duration of the project. Similar surveillance and communications systems could provide multiple benefits to Emergency Department workflow and management, as well as to public health and emergency response.  相似文献   

公共卫生决策数据元概念框架的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的建立公共卫生决策数据元(指标)概念框架,确定框架的维度、子维度及其关联关系。方法应用文献分析法和概念分析法确定概念框架的结构、维度和子维度。概念框架是建立在健康影响因素模型的基础上,总体框架遵循科学性、实用性、关联性、系统性和可扩展性的5个原则。维度和子维度的确定依照概念化、目标化、独立性和数目不宜过多的4个原则。维度间的关系则根据公共卫生的特点和公共卫生理论确定。结果提出了健康结果、非医学健康因素、公共卫生系统绩效、公共卫生系统资源、社区特征和保障体系5个维度和20个子维度组成的概念模型,并说明了维度间的相互关系。健康结果维度包括健康状态、人体功能和死亡3个子维度;非医学健康因素的4个子维度是健康行为、生活和工作条件、个人资源和环境因素;公共卫生系统的绩效包括有效性、可及性、效率、安全性和反应性;公共卫生资源包括机构资源、人力资源、财政资源、设施资源和信息资源;社区特征和保障体系维度由社区特征、公共卫生政策法规和保障体系组成。结论作为对公共卫生系统的抽象,概念框架全面地反映了公共卫生系统的组成和复杂的公共卫生过程。可指导公共卫生系统指标体系、乃至公共卫生信息系统的建立。概念框架与以结构、过程、条件和结果所组成的卫生服务质量评价模型相吻合。  相似文献   

The anthrax attack in 2001 created new challenges to health educators working on the response effort in New Jersey. Never before had there been a need for educating a group of people who had been exposed to a biological weapon. Coming on the heels of the catastrophic World Trade Center collapse on September 11, 2001, the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services was entrenched in the response to, and management of, the anthrax attack that placed a heavy emphasis on educating the postal workers of the United States Postal Service Trenton Processing and Distribution Center. This article provides an account of the preparation and delivery of educational materials and activities in the midst of a biological emergency, emphasizes the role health educators play in responding to bioterrorism events, and encourages health educators to become involved in bioterrorism preparedness efforts.  相似文献   

Measurements of physical and social phenomena are often used in the decision-making process despite the error introduced by human and context variation. It would be advantageous to a decision maker to know the sources and magnitudes of such errors in using a measurement system or in choosing among alternative measurement systems. This paper describes an approach to determining the reliability of a measurement procedure called generalizability (G) theory. G theory uses the results of a random-effects analysis of variance to estimate the magnitude of error variability associated with each of several potential sources. These estimates can then be used to calculate a number of indices which typify the amount of precision provided by a measurement system in a particular context of usage. The major concepts of G theory are described and illustrated in the context of evaluating a radiologic total lung capacity measurement system.  相似文献   

Brand teams charged with the commercialization of pharmaceutical products in the pipeline operate in an uncertain environment. Market, customer and competitive interrelationships undergo changes, often in ways that are unpredictable with conventional research practices. This article describes a framework whereby such uncertainty can be managed more effectively in the context of ongoing business needs.  相似文献   

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