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《Journal of Crohn's and Colitis》2013,7(4):318-321
Autoimmune polyglandular syndromes are defined as a spectrum of association between 2 or more organ specific endocrinopaties and non-endocrine autoimmune diseases. Autoimmune polyglandular syndromes type 2 is characterized by the coexistence of adrenal failure with autoimmune thyroid disease and diabetes mellitus type 1. Inflammatory bowel diseases are rarely associated with these autoimmune disorders.Here, we report about a case of 33 years old male with known history of Crohn's colitis diagnosed in childhood. In 2003 the patient experienced sudden loss of hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, beard and body hair – alopecia universalis was diagnosed. At the age of 28, the patient was hospitalized with severe dehydration and clinical signs of ketoacidosis. Increased blood glucose (40 mmol/L), ketonuria and metabolic acidosis indicated diabetes mellitus type 1. In 2005, he had severe relapse of Crohn's disease and was treated with systemic corticosteroid. Although patient responded well to the induction therapy, fatigue, hypotension, bradycardia called for further investigations: free thyroxine – 6.99 pmol/L, thyroid-stimulating hormone > 75 U/ml, anti-thyroid peroxidase antibodies > 1000 U/mL, so diagnosis of Haschimoto thyroiditis was confirmed. Persistent hypotension and fatigue, recurrent hypoglycemic crises indicated a possible presence of hypo-function of adrenal glands. After complete withdrawal of corticosteroid therapy, low cortisol levels (69.4 nmol/L) and positive tetracosactide stimulation test proved adrenal cortex failure.Regardless of the intensive treatment for diabetes, hypothyroidism, adrenal insufficiency and Crohn's disease, it was extremely difficult to achieve and maintain control of all four diseases. 相似文献
Interferon α therapy has been reported to result in a variety of autoimmune side effects and to increase the risk of thyroid dysfunction. Autoimmune polyglandular syndromes are rarely described conditions characterized by the combination of at least 2 autoimmune endocrinopathies and nonendocrine autoimmunopathies, differing in the immunologic features of their pathogenesis. In light of research carried out in recent years, it seems that autoimmune polyendocrine syndromes occur much more frequently than previously estimated. In this article, the authors describe autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type 2 composed of autoimmune thyroid disease, Addison's disease and premature ovarian failure in a 37-year old woman after treatment of hairy cell leukemia with interferon α. Because of the underlying disorder, interferon α treatment had to be continued, and therefore the patient was prescribed with levothyroxine, hydrocortisone, fludrocortisone and oral contraceptives. Termination of interferon α therapy was associated with a spontaneous normalization of thyroid and adrenal functions, and therefore levothyroxine, hydrocortisone and fludrocortisone treatment was withdrawn. 相似文献
Autoimmune polyglandular syndrome is characterized by the coexistence of several autoimmune diseases, affecting predominantly the endocrine glands. Autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type III, as a subdivision of autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type II, is the co-occurrence of autoimmune thyroid disease with other autoimmune disorders without Addison disease. We present a rare case of autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type III in monozygotic twins. One of the twins also had autoimmune leukopenia. To our knowledge, leukopenia is the first mentioned coexistence in the literature of autoimmune polyglandular syndrome. 相似文献
Pelletier-Morel L Fabien N Mouhoub Y Boitard C Larger E 《Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan)》2008,47(21):1911-1915
Autoimmune hypercalcemia has been reported in only a few cases, and never in the context of autoimmune polyglandular syndrome. A patient with type 1, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, Graves' disease, and antiparietal cell antibodies presented with persistent hypercalcemia with inappropriate PTH secretion. Other causes of hypercalcemia were excluded. In this context of two associated organ-specific autoimmune diseases we searched for autoantibodies directed to parathyroid tissue and to calcium-sensing receptor. Anti-parathyroid autoantibodies were detected by indirect immunofluorescence on parathyroid adenomas, and autoantibody against a peptide of the extracellular domain of the calcium-sensing receptor were detected by immunoblotting. Autoimmune hypercalcemia may be another organ-specific feature of autoimmune polyglandular syndrome. 相似文献
Desmond A Schatz William E Winter 《Endocrinology & Metabolism Clinics of North America》2002,31(2):339-352
A high index of suspicion should be maintained whenever one organ-specific autoimmune disorder is diagnosed in order to prevent morbidity and mortality from the index disease as well as associated diseases. Further definition of susceptibility genes and autoantigens, and understanding of immune tolerance and the induction and propagation of autoimmune reactions should prove to be the best path to improved diagnostic and therapeutic modalities in the care of these patients. 相似文献
Dysphagia and vomiting are frequently present in untreated Addison's disease. These non-specific symptoms may be due either to the metabolic disorder and myopathy or to disorders associated with Addison's disease. We describe a patient with autoimmune adrenal failure as a feature of autoimmune polyglandular syndrome (APS) type II. This patient was referred initially because of megaoesophagus. The association of megaoesophagus with Addison's disease or any of the three types of APS has not previously been described in humans. The association of megaoesophagus and adrenal failure, however, is known to occur in Allgrove's syndrome, a disease with primary manifestation in childhood characterized by adrenal failure, achalasia and alacrimia. Moreover, there are several reports on the association of megaoesophagus with adrenocortical insufficiency and other autoimmune endocrine diseases in dogs.
Vomiting and dysphagia usually resolve with hormone substitution in patients with isolated Addison's disease. In our patient these symptoms disappeared in spite of the radiological persistence of megaoesophagus, which might have been overlooked if the diagnosis of Addison's disease had been made earlier. The occurrence of megaoesophagus might be more common than previously suspected and we suggest a systematic search for similar findings in other patients with autoimmune Addison's disease, even when minor dysphagia is present. 相似文献
Vomiting and dysphagia usually resolve with hormone substitution in patients with isolated Addison's disease. In our patient these symptoms disappeared in spite of the radiological persistence of megaoesophagus, which might have been overlooked if the diagnosis of Addison's disease had been made earlier. The occurrence of megaoesophagus might be more common than previously suspected and we suggest a systematic search for similar findings in other patients with autoimmune Addison's disease, even when minor dysphagia is present. 相似文献
C Schumann M Faust M Gerharz M Ortmann M Schubert W Krone 《Experimental and clinical endocrinology & diabetes》2005,113(5):302-307
The autoimmune polyglandular syndrome (APS) is characterized by a variable coexistence of several autoimmune diseases, affecting predominantly endocrine glands. In general two types of APS are distinguished. Type 1 APS is an autosomal recessive disorder often leading to insufficiency of the adrenal cortex, the parathyroid glands, and/or the gonads. This type of APS often affects the skin in form of chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis and ectodermal dystrophies (vitiligo, alopecia, keratopathy, dystrophy of dental enamel and nails). The second form of APS is a polygenic disease which usually involves the adrenal gland, the thyroid and the pancreatic beta-cells. In rare cases APS type 2 is associated with myasthenia gravis, autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura, Sjogren's syndrome or rheumatoid arthritis. Here we describe a case of APS with the unusual combination of type 1 diabetes, secondary adrenocortical insufficiency, growth hormone deficiency, and primary hypothyroidism associated with lethal idiopathic giant cell myocarditis. The combination of APS and idiopathic giant cell myocarditis which is a rare, frequently fatal autoimmune disorder of myocardium affecting most commonly young individuals has not been reported so far. 相似文献
Autoimmune polyglandular syndromes are rarely diagnosed conditions characterized by the association of at least 2 organ-specific autoimmune disorders. Very few cases of these syndromes have been described during pregnancy. The authors report a case of a patient diagnosed with autoimmune thyroiditis and a history of HELLP (hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelet) syndrome in a prior pregnancy. After increasing the levothyroxine dose, she developed Addisonian crisis. Normalization of adrenal cortex function resulted in the appearance of diabetes insipidus. This report shows that pregnancy may influence the course of preexisting endocrine disorders and lead to their unmasking. Although the risk of the development of autoimmune polyglandular syndromes during pregnancy is small, they may pose a serious health problem. The possible presence of these clinical entities should be considered in every woman with 1 or more endocrine disturbances. 相似文献
Koenig M Camdessanché JP Duband S Charmion S Antoine JC Cathébras P 《La Revue de médecine interne / fondée ... par la Société nationale francaise de médecine interne》2005,26(1):65-68
INTRODUCTION: Extrapontine myelinolysis is a well-known complication of hyponatremia and its treatment. It rarely occurs without central pontine myelinolysis, usually after overly rapid correction of hyponatremia. Its prognosis is considered poor. EXEGESIS: We report the case of a patient with autoimmune polyglandular syndrome with subacute adrenal failure responsible of severe hyponatremia. Despite a well-conducted treatment, the patient developed acute anxiety, catatonia, dysphagia and parkinsonism revealing extrapontine myelinolysis demonstrated on MRI. Outcome was favorable. CONCLUSION: Extrapontine myelinolysis may occur in the absence of central pontine myelinolysis despite a treatment of hyponatremia conducted according to published guidelines. Treatment should be extremely cautious when hyponatremia has been lasting for more than 48 hours. 相似文献
In many endocrine diseases we can find a heart disorder. We present a case of a young patient aged 34 years, who was examined for non-specific ST-T abnormalities on ECG and a new-diagnosed left ventricle dysfunction with suspicion to the acute coronary syndroma. However, this diagnosis wasn't verified. Endocrinological examination detected the Addison's disease and a severe hypothyreosis. After the hormonal substitution therapy was given, the patient became asymptomatic and the ECG- and echocardiographic changes disappeared. 相似文献
《Acute cardiac care》2013,15(1):23-27
AbstractType II autoimmune polyglandular syndrome (APS), a relatively common endocrine disorder, includes primary adrenal insufficiency coupled with type 1 diabetes mellitus and/or autoimmune primary hypothyroidism. Autoimmune serositis, an associated disease, may present as symptomatic pericardial effusion. We present a case of a 54-year old male with APS who developed pericarditis leading to cardiac tamponade with a subacute loculated effusion. After urgent pericardiocentesis intrapericardial pressure dropped to 0, while central venous pressures remain elevated, consistent with acute effusive constrictive pericarditis. Contrast computerized tomography confirmed increased pericardial contrast enhancement. The patient recovered after prolonged inotropic support and glucocorticoid administration. He re-accumulated the effusion 16 days later, requiring repeat pericardiocentesis. Effusive–constrictive pericarditis, an uncommon pericardial syndrome, is characterized by simultaneous pericardial inflammation and tamponade. Prior cases of APS associated with cardiac tamponade despite low volumes of effusion have been reported, albeit without good demonstration of hemodynamic findings. We report a case of APS with recurrent pericardial effusion due to pericarditis and marked hypotension with comprehensive clinical and hemodynamic assessment. These patients may require aggressive support with pericardiocentesis, inotropes, and hormone replacement therapy. They should be followed closely for recurrent tamponade. 相似文献
Oliva-Hemker M Berkenblit GV Anhalt GJ Yardley JH 《The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism》2006,91(8):2833-2838
CONTEXT: Autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type I (APS I) is characterized by multiple endocrine gland failures, with other manifestations such as gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms. OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to study the histopathological and immunological findings in the GI mucosa of a patient with typical features of APS I, malabsorption, and pernicious anemia. DESIGN AND PATIENT: Biopsies from the GI tract of a patient with APS I were immunostained with chromogranin for GI endocrine cells (GIECs). Blinded slides were graded for numbers of endocrine cells. Normal gastric mucosa was exposed to the patient's serum to test for circulating anti-GIEC and antiparietal cell antibodies using indirect immunofluorescence. SETTING: The study was conducted at the Departments of Pediatrics and Medical Gastroenterology in an academic medical center. RESULTS: The patient's GI mucosa demonstrated absence of GIECs throughout, including gastric gastrin-secreting cells, and her laboratory tests for serum gastrin levels were low normal. Both GIECs and parietal cells were absent in her gastric corpus. The patient's serum contained anti-GIEC antibody but no antiparietal cell antibody. CONCLUSIONS: These observations suggest that GIECs in APS I are subject to an autoimmune destruction that can cause widespread GIEC loss. This could explain the GI dysfunctions that are often noted in the syndrome including malabsorption and atrophic gastric changes with pernicious anemia. We also hypothesize that absence of gastric parietal cells may result mainly from hypogastrinemia that is mainly the loss of gastrin-secreting cells rather than from immune-mediated destruction of parietal cells like that seen in the atrophic gastritis associated with adult-onset pernicious anemia. 相似文献
自身免疫性多发内分泌腺病综合征Ⅰ型(APS Ⅰ)是一种罕见的由于自身免疫调节(AIRE)基因突变导致的常染色体隐性遗传病.其临床表现主要包括,原发性肾上腺皮质功能减退症、甲状旁腺功能减退症和慢性黏膜皮肤念珠菌病,三者中至少存在2个,同时也可能存在其他的内分泌或非内分泌疾病.其治疗主要包括激素替代、抗感染以及免疫抑制疗法,通常预后不佳.近30余年来中国共报道了17例APS Ⅰ患者,对其组成疾病种类及发病率、起病年龄、AIRE基因突变等进行总结,有助于为临床提供参考. 相似文献
Shimomura H Nakase Y Furuta H Nishi M Nakao T Hanabusa T Sasaki H Okamoto K Furukawa F Nanjo K 《Diabetes research and clinical practice》2003,61(2):103-108
A 57-year-old female was admitted to our hospital suffering from a lower lip tumor, small ulcers in the arms and alopecia of the head. Because she had type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) for the past 3 years, she was referred to our department of internal medicine for its treatment. Her endogenous insulin secretion was much decreased despite the short duration of diabetes. Glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies (GADA) and islet cell antibodies (ICA) were both positive. Therefore, she was diagnosed as having slowly progressive form of type 1 DM. Type 1 DM is sometimes complicated with autoimmune disorders. After further examinations, she was diagnosed as having Sj?gren's syndrome, Graves' disease and autoimmune neutropenia (AIN). According to the histological examinations of the lip tumor and peripheral site of the skin ulcer, the patient was diagnosed as having carcinoma spinocellulare and chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus. The examination also showed positive anti-intrinsic factor and anti-ribonucleoprotein (RNP) antibodies. She is a rare case of an autoimmune polyglandullar syndrome (APS) type 3 simultaneously manifesting these seven diseases with multiple autoimmune antibodies. 相似文献