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目的了解老年人子女对老年人家庭护理服务的支付意愿,并探索其影响因素。方法采用条件价值评估法调查北京市三个街区320名老年人子女,调查问卷主要包括4个部分:对家庭护理服务及调查情况的描述;老年人子女的人口统计学资料;家庭护理服务的支付意愿;对问卷的理解程度。结果绝大多数的被调查者(有227例,占70.0%)愿意支付老年人家庭护理服务的相关费用;影响老年人子女对老年人家庭护理服务的需求和支付意愿的因素有:经济状况、健康意识、照顾老人经历(P0.05)。结论老年人子女对老年人家庭护理服务持肯定态度,但支付意愿受到多种因素影响,应采取国家和个人共同付费的收费方式。  相似文献   

万霞  贺亚楠  黄煊  赵晶晶  周兰姝 《护理研究》2013,27(11):977-979
[目的]了解上海市居家老年人对家庭护理服务的需求和支付意愿,探讨其影响因素。[方法]采用质性研究中的现象学研究法,对10名老年人进行半结构式访谈,并用现象学分析法进行资料分析。[结果]通过阅读、分析、反思、分类和提炼,萃取出人格特征、经济状况、服务可及性、传统文化、服务质量、身体状况、家庭支持7个影响因素。[结论]家庭护理服务提供者要充分考虑影响老年人对家庭护理服务利用和付费意愿的影响因素,为老年人提供方便可及的服务,从而拓展和推广老年人家庭护理服务市场。  相似文献   

[目的]了解老年人家庭护理服务支付意愿,探讨其影响因素。[方法]采用分层多阶段随机抽样法选取西部某省级城市280名城镇居家老年人进行问卷调查。[结果]愿意支付家庭护理费用的老年人占57.9%,对各类服务项目愿意支付的占比均达到或超过50%。文化程度、原从事工作、是否存在健康危险因素等是支付意愿的主要影响因素,家庭护理服务的内容与质量以及医疗护理服务机构的现状与可及性也成为愿意或不愿意支付费用的主要原因。[结论]城镇居家老年人虽存在较大的家庭护理服务需求,但受多种主客观因素影响,支付意愿不高,应尽快发展与完善老年人家庭护理服务体系。  相似文献   

梁燕  韩君  王君俏 《护士进修杂志》2020,35(16):1448-1451
目的了解社区老年人日间照护服务需求、支付意愿及其影响因素,为日间照护服务设计和价格制定提供参考。方法 2018年9-10月,通过入户问卷调查,分析社区老年人日间照护服务需求和支付意愿,通过Logisitc回归分析,探讨不同支付水平上影响老年人支付意愿的因素。结果 24.2%的老年人表示需要日间照护服务。就单项服务来说,需要助餐服务的比例最高(31.0%),其次是助洁(25.6%)、助浴(25.2%)、康复理疗(24.4%)和接送服务(24.0%)。愿意每月多付100元享受基本的社区日间照护服务者占60.0%,愿意每月多付300元享受基本的社区日间照护服务者占48.6%,愿意每月多付1 000元享受基本的社区日间照护服务者占22.1%。不同支付意愿水平下,影响支付意愿的因素存在差异。结论社区老年人存在日间照护服务需求且有一定支付意愿;日间照护服务需求和教育水平是影响支付意愿的重要因素;政府的托底保障政策可能对最低收入水平群体的支付意愿起到撬动作用;建议对社区日间照护服务采取分层定价策略,为不同支付能力和意愿水平的老年人提供多样化的日间照护服务。  相似文献   

老年人对专业家庭护理服务需求的质性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人口老龄化造成老年人对医疗资源的需求日益增加,老年卫生保健供需矛盾突出,已成为社会性问题。国外实践经验证明开展家庭护理是缓解老龄化社会矛盾的有效措施之一。然而我国的家庭护理刚刚起步还无成型的体系,人们对家庭护理知之甚少,政府也不了解人们尤其是老年人对家庭护理的需求,从而制约了家庭护理的发展。目前,对老年家庭护理的研究多以定量研究方式探究老年人的需求,未见对老年人家庭护理需求深层次探索的质性研究报道。因此,2005年10-11月本研究对10位居家老年人进行定性访谈,探讨老年人希望家庭护理为其提供的主要服务,现报道如下。  相似文献   

老年人社会支持性家庭护理服务需求的质性研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
目的了解和探讨上海市居家老年人对社会支持性家庭护理服务的需求。方法运用质性研究中现象学观点构成的方法,访谈家庭居住的10名老年人。结果老年人对家庭护理服务的认识不足,但对家庭护理服务的需求较多,希望得到如日托服务、心理咨询、志愿者服务、家政服务、法律援助等社会支持性服务。结论老年人对社会支持性家庭护理服务的需求主要集中在社会心理支持和社会政策资源支持两大方面。经济问题是制约老年人需求的重要因素,呼吁政府和社会关注老年家庭护理,加大对老年家庭护理的政策倾斜和资源投入。  相似文献   

目的了解老年人家庭照顾者对于支付老年人居家康复服务费用的意愿以及愿意支付多少费用,并探讨其影响因素。方法用条件价值评估法调查了上海市277名老年人家庭照顾者,调查问卷主要包括4个部分:对居家康复护理服务及调查情况的描述,照顾者对居家康复护理服务的支付意愿,照顾者社会经济学特征,对问卷的理解程度。结果绝大多数照顾者对居家康复护理服务持肯定态度,愿意支付一定费用的照顾者有182名(65.7%),159名(87.4%)对每次康复护理的费用愿意支付低于40元。影响照顾者对居家康复护理服务的因素有:年龄、家族疾病史、分担照顾责任的人数、是否和老年人共同居住、家庭人口数、家庭月收入(P<0.05)。结论照顾者对老年人居家康复护理服务持肯定态度,但支付意愿偏低,且支付意愿受到多种因素影响。  相似文献   

目的:了解晚期癌症患者家庭护理者的护理现状和需求,为提供给护理者所需的护理需求提供依据。方法:通过目的抽样法在佛山市某社区选取50例预计寿命6个月的癌症晚期患者的家庭护理者50名,对其进行面对面、半结构式访谈,对访谈过程中记录的资料采用现象学分析法分析。结果:通过对访谈资料的深入分析和研究并分类后,得到6个家庭护理服务的需求主题,其中护理者对提高患者生活质量存在需求、护理者对照护知识与技能存在需求、患者及其照顾者对社会支持存在需求3个主题受关注程度最高。结论:晚期癌症患者家庭护理中,应向护理者提供相关的护理知识和技能培训,提高患者的生活质量,并为患者提供足够的物质和情感支持。  相似文献   

目的:了解老年人家庭照顾者是否愿意支付照顾者社会支持性服务的费用;了解照顾者对社会支持性服务愿意支付费用的具体金额。方法:用条件价值评估法调查了277名老年人家庭照顾者。结果:①是否愿意支付:对总体支持服务有支付意愿的照顾者共190人(68.6%);愿意支付费用的照顾者对具体支持服务项目的支付意愿不同,按照人数从高到低顺序排在前5位的有:康复训练182人(65.7%)、就诊转诊178人(64.3%)、社区送餐171人(61.7%)、家居安全环境改造167人(60.2%)、日常生活活动(沐浴、穿衣、进餐、如厕等)166人(59.9%)。②具体支付金额:照顾者对社会支持性服务愿意支付不同程度的金额,总体来说,愿意支付的金额偏低,对总体支持服务的支付意愿为600~800元/月。结论:照顾者对社会支持性服务项目持肯定态度,对不同服务的需求各有侧重。卫生服务提供者应大力开展照顾者迫切需求、有支付意愿的支持服务项目,以更好地服务于广大老年人家庭照顾者。  相似文献   

目的 了解德阳市老年人对家庭护理服务的需求情况,为丰富老年护理服务体系提供数据支持,促进健康中国的发展.方法 2020年4月至6月采用问卷调查的形式,运用方便抽样法,选取德阳市5个社区及4个医院老年病科室的200名老年人进行调查.结果 德阳市老年人对家庭护理需求排列前5位的项目依次为健康咨询与指导、定期健康检查、饮食指...  相似文献   

Willingness to pay methods measure treatment preferences and also measure the burden of illness in economic terms. We used a contingent valuation method to measure migraine sufferers' willingness to pay (WTP) for acute medication for their most severe headache attacks, based on various profiles of treatment benefits and the characteristics of the migraine sufferer. Subjects were identified from a population-based database of migraine sufferers, previously recruited by random digit dialing. Telephone interviews (n = 1428) were used to gather demographic and headache characteristics. Subjects who met the International Headache Society criteria for migraine with or without aura and satisfied the other inclusion criteria based on telephone interview (n = 312) were invited to participate in a mailed questionnaire study. The questionnaire was mailed to the 310 subjects who agreed to participate and 201 (65%) surveys were returned. The survey included questions on the demographics, the migraine characteristics, and the psychological disposition of the respondents. WTP for an acute migraine treatment with 14 different hypothetical treatment profiles was explored. Responders and non-responders to the survey were generally similar. The newly designed WTP questionnaire had high internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha 0.90) and test-retest reliability (Spearman's correlation coefficients 0.71-0.77). Study subjects were willing to pay a median price of US 5 dollars for a migraine treatment that provided complete relief in 30 min and worked 100% of the time, with no side-effects and no headache recurrence. Median WTP decreased as treatment attributes deviated from this ideal. For example, WTP declined to a median of US 1 dollar for complete relief in 2 h and to US 0.25 dollars for complete relief in 4 h. All of the medication attributes powerfully influenced WTP. Several variables predicted WTP including current payment for medication, MIDAS (Grade III), and those with headaches of long duration. Subjects who employed a greater number of coping skills were less willing to pay. Patient demographics and migraine severity predict WTP, but treatment attributes were also important. As treatment improves, WTP for migraine medications is likely to increase.  相似文献   

通过介绍美国家庭护理服务的定义、服务内容、服务提供者,分析家庭护理需求评估体系和费用支付系统,学习美国较为完善的家庭护理服务模式为构建我国特色的老年家庭护理服务制度提供借鉴.  相似文献   

目的了解乌鲁木齐市养老机构老年人的现状,探讨养老机构入住老年人的医疗护理服务需求。方法对乌鲁木齐市8所养老机构的487名老年人进行问卷调查。结果入住养老机构老年人的自我保健知识的需求率为50.31%、疾病护理与健康指导的需求率为63.24%、医疗护理技术服务需求率为80.70%。结论入住养老机构的老年人对医疗护理服务需求程度较高,提示应该对养老机构老年人给予更多的支持与帮助,从而更好地满足他们的医疗护理服务需求,提高其生活质量。  相似文献   

An increase in the number of older people with dementia is currently a trend around the world. In low and middle countries, effective public health services are not yet well‐developed, and family care‐givers may be overwhelmed by the requirements of care. This paper has two purposes: to share findings from an ethnographic study about family dementia care practices in Brazil and to draw attention to the significance of the materiality of care practices in the family context. The study was conducted in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. We describe the care trajectory of one family and, analysing data using the insights of Actor Network Theory, show the significance of objects in a networked relation of care. In particular, we show how incontinence products such as adult diapers assume different positions in the network, acting as either mediator or intermediary of care in relation to other elements of the network composed of family members and their living situation, the person with dementia herself, the doctor, and Brazilian health policies. Although the diaper is often seen as an ordinary object for care providers, its participation in a care network shapes relations, activating conflict, financial constraint, and disciplining the body of the person with dementia.  相似文献   

Older people's willingness to use home care nursing services   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
AIM: This paper reports a study exploring willingness to use home care nursing services among older people and discussing the implications for long-term and home care nursing policies. BACKGROUND: The proportion of older people is increasing in all societies across the world. Correspondingly, Korean society has experienced a rapid growth in its population of older people, and this is expected to increase from 7.2% in 2000 to 14.4% in 2019. The government is in the process of developing publicly-financed long-term care for older people, and home care nursing services are expected to be provided as an element of this care. Methods. A cross-sectional study design was used, employing data from a nationally representative interview survey with 1834 respondents conducted during May and July, 2001. Univariate and logistic regression analyses were conducted. RESULTS: Willingness to use home care nursing services differed according to whether co-payment was required. About half the respondents answered that they would not use the services; 43% expressed a willingness to use them without co-payment; and 5% were very willing to use them even with co-payment. People with lower incomes showed greater willingness to use the services with no co-payment, while the high income group showed the greatest willingness under co-payment. Sex, living with adult children, living area, activities of daily living, and chronic conditions were associated with willingness. Older people who had known about or used home care nursing services previously showed greater willingness. CONCLUSIONS: Co-payment guidelines for minimizing unmet needs are required, especially for older people with low incomes. A positive evaluation from those who knew about or had used such services is expected to contribute to the use of home care nursing services by older people.  相似文献   

国内外家庭护理需求评估工具的研究现状与启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过介绍国内外家庭护理需求评估工具的研究现状和使用情况,分析其优点和不足,为我国家庭护理需求评估工具的研制提供参考和借鉴。探讨我国家庭护理需求评估工具研制思路,在明确界定我国家庭护理服务内容和范围的基础上,研制标准化、信息化、具有可操作性和实效性,与政府资源配置相适应的家庭护理需求评估工具。  相似文献   

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