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The effect of dose reduction on low-contrast detectability is investigated theoretically and experimentally for a production grade amorphous silicon (a-Si) x-ray detector and compared with a standard thoracic screen-film combination. A non-prewhitening matched filter observer model modified to include a spatial response function and internal noise for the human visual system (HVS) is used to calculate a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) related to object detectability. Other inputs to the SNR calculation are the detective quantum efficiency (DQE) and the modulation transfer function (MTF) of the imaging system. Besides threshold detectability, the model predicts the equivalent perception dose ratio (EPDR), which is the fraction of the screen film exposure for which the digital detector provides equal detectability. Images of a contrast-detail phantom are obtained with the digital detector at dose levels corresponding to 27%, 41%, 63% and 100% of the dose used for screen-film. The images are used in a four-alternative forced choice (4-AFC) observer perception study in order to measure threshold detectability. A statistically significant improvement in contrast detectability is measured with the digital detector at 100% and 63% of the screen-film dose. There is no statistical difference between screen-film and digital at 41% of the dose. On average, the experimental EPDR is 44%, which agrees well with the model prediction of 40%.  相似文献   

To compare the diagnostic quality of images obtained with a computed radiography (CR) system based on storage phosphor technology with that obtained with conventional screen-film systems, a dual-image recording technique was devised. With this technique, a CR imaging plate is placed behind a screen-film system in a conventional cassette. This makes it possible to obtain two images simultaneously, one from each system, in a clinical examination with the same patient positioning, the same degree of patient motion, the same geometric unsharpness, and no additional exposure. The modulation transfer functions (MTFs) of the CR system with and without the dual-image recording technique were greater at low frequencies, but lower at high frequencies, that the MTFs of the screen-film systems used. The noise Wiener spectra of the CR images at the plane of the imaging plate were greater than those of the screen-film systems, but were comparable to those of the screen-film systems at the plane of the printed film due to the reduction in image size. Clinical chest images obtained with the dual-image recording technique appeared comparable, probably because of the image size reduction and the use of mild unsharp mask processing.  相似文献   

A prototype amorphous selenium imaging plate system for digital radiography   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper summarizes the results of research and development of a prototype amorphous selenium digital imaging system. The first phase of this project consists of the preliminary design and fabrication of the system. In this system the conventional film-screen photon receptor is replaced by a charged amorphous selenium imaging plate. After exposure, the latent electrostatic image on the selenium surface is scanned with multiple microelectrometer probes forming a 1024 X 1024 X 12 bit digital image. The second phase investigates the system's physical imaging characteristics and clinical feasibility. X-ray exposure latitude comparable to 200-speed calcium-tungstate film-screen system are shown for three typical diagnostic kVp settings with total filtration of 3 mm aluminum and 9 cm Lucite. Using the modulation transfer function (MTF), resolving power of approximately 1.0 line pair per millimeter and detective quantum efficiency values of approximately 5% have been measured. The clinical evaluation consists of preliminary images of a 16-kg female dog and a 4.5-kg rabbit and comparisons to film-screen images are offered.  相似文献   

Flat-panel (FP) based digital radiography systems have recently been introduced as a new and improved digital radiography technology; it is important to evaluate and compare this new technology with currently widely used conventional screen/film (SF) and computed radiography (CR) techniques. In this study, the low-contrast performance of an amorphous silicon/cesium iodide (aSi/Csl)-based flat-panel digital chest radiography system is compared to those of a screen/film and a computed radiography system by measuring their contrast-detail curves. Also studied were the effects of image enhancement in printing the digital images and dependence on kVp and incident exposure. It was found that the FP system demonstrated significantly better low-contrast performance than the SF or CR systems. It was estimated that a dose savings of 70%-90% could be achieved to match the low-contrast performance of the FP images to that of the SF images. This dose saving was also found to increase with the object size. No significant difference was observed in low-contrast performances between the SF and CR systems. The use of clinical enhancement protocols for printing digital images was found to be essential and result in better low-contrast performance. No significant effects were observed for different kVps. From the results of this contrast-detail phantom study, the aSi/CsI-based flat-panel digital chest system should perform better under clinical situations for detection of low-contrast objects such as lung nodules. However, proper processing prior to printing would be essential to realizing this better performance.  相似文献   

Amorphous selenium is a material often used in the x-ray imaging system. The main application is in xeroradiography where the structure of the sensor is a layer of selenium on a conductive substrate. The signal is a charge density on the surface which is revealed by a toner or by electrostatic probe for digitalization. In the system described here, the sensor structure is different for the sensor is covered by an electrode, a thin layer of metal, which gives another interface. The reading system needs the scanning of a light beam and the resolution power depends on the size of the beam. It is easier to scan a light beam than electrostatic probes so a more compact system can be realized. In the process, there are two phases: the storage and the reading. The time spent between the two phases reduces the quality of the image, and an in situ reading system, integrated to the radiographic machine will be, for this reason, more efficient. Also, the sensor needs good memory effect. One has investigated different sensors based on a structure of a thin photoconductive layer between two electrodes to find a memory effect. We have already seen this phenomena in the Bi12 SiO20 (B. Richard, "Contribution à l'étude d'un procédé d'imagerie radiologique utilisant le photoconducteur BO12 SiO20," Ph.D. thesis, Paris, 1987). In amorphous selenium with some dopants and some type of metallic contact, the memory effect is important enough to realize a system. With 2 X 2 cm samples, a complete x-ray digital imaging system has been built.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The accuracy and the efficacy of radiological diagnosis depend, to a large extent, on the conditions under which radiographs and images are viewed. This mainly involves the luminance of the display devices and the ambient room illumination. We report a perceptual study to investigate the relationship between detectability and monitor luminance as well as ambient illuminance. A statistical test pattern was used in this study, and the test pattern was developed using Microsoft® Visual Basic 6. The test pattern contained a set of randomised contrast detail objects, that is, disks of different diameters (0.7, 1.0, 1.4, and 2.0 mm) and contrasts against a black background (2.7, 3.9, 5.5, and 7.8%), simulating lesions in digital images. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was used in this study. The results indicated that a set of optimal viewing conditions exists and that it has a significant effect on detectability performance.  相似文献   

L N Loo  K Doi  C E Metz 《Medical physics》1985,12(2):209-214
The signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) of simple radiologic patterns processed by the unsharp-masking technique were calculated on the basis of a statistical decision theory model that includes both the observer's visual transfer function and a noise component internal to his eye-brain system. For a variety of processing parameters, the contrast-detail diagrams predicted from this SNR agreed qualitatively with experimental results obtained in observer performance studies. Unsharp masking with a large mask and a large weighting factor improved the detection of square objects to a level comparable with that achieved by the overall contrast enhancement technique using a factor of 4. However, unsharp masking with a small mask and a large weighting factor can substantially degrade the detectability of these objects. The potential practical utility of the unsharp-masking technique is discussed.  相似文献   

Y Kume  K Doi 《Medical physics》1987,14(5):736-743
We are developing a digital x-ray imaging system using a multiple slit assembly (MSA) and an image intensifier (II)-TV digital system. The advantage of this approach is that the scatter from an object and the veiling glare in the II-TV system can be reduced significantly while the x-ray utilization is maintained much better than that with a single slit-beam technique. The quality of reconstructed images is related to many parameters such as the slit width, the lead spacer, the number of image frames, and the reconstruction algorithm. In this study, reduction of scatter and veiling glare was measured quantitatively, and image artifacts were analyzed. It was found that the fraction of scatter and veiling glare can be reduced to approximately 0.01-0.1 by use of the MSA imaging technique, and that the magnitude of the fractions is strongly dependent upon the slit width and the lead spacer of the MSA used. The artifacts are caused by inaccuracies in the slit width, lead spacer, and scan motion, and by undersampling of image data. The overlap scanning technique was effective in reducing the magnitude of these artifacts in the reconstructed image.  相似文献   

X-ray scatter fractions measured with two detectors are compared: a photostimulable phosphor system (PSP) and a conventional film-screen technique. For both detection methods, a beam-stop technique was used to estimate the scatter fraction in polystyrene phantoms. These scatter fraction measurements are compared to previously reported film-based measurements. Scatter fractions obtained with the PSP were in good agreement both with measurements using film as well as with most previously reported measurements. For the PSP measurements, repeatability was better than 1%. It was found that the PSP provides a precise x-ray detector for quantitative scatter measurement in digital radiography.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of structured background noise on the detectability of stenotic lesions. Digital subtraction angiographic (DSA) images of stenotic blood vessels were simulated and superimposed onto uniform noise samples. Eighteen-alternative forced choice (18-AFC) experiments were employed to determine the detectability of the stenotic lesion in the structured-noise background of a blood vessel. In this study, the dependence of detectability on lesion size, vessel size, and incident x-ray exposure was examined. Our results indicate that the presence of structured noise in an image will reduce the detectability of a lesion. However, the relative performance of an observer when the lesion size and incident exposure were varied was the same with and without the presence of the structured background. Thus, conclusions obtained previously with regard to changes in the detectability of a lesion in the presence of uniform background noise can be applied directly to conditions in which simple structured anatomic background is present.  相似文献   

M L Giger  K Doi 《Medical physics》1985,12(2):201-208
The effect of pixel size on the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and threshold detection of low-contrast radiologic patterns was investigated theoretically for digital radiographic systems. The SNR based on the perceived statistical decision theory model, together with the internal noise of the human eye-brain system, was calculated by using two-dimensional displayed digital signal spectra and noise Wiener spectra. Threshold contrasts were predicted from the calculated SNR for various combinations of object size and shape, pixel size, resolution, and noise. Predicted threshold contrasts agreed well with those determined experimentally in an observer performance study. The threshold contrast of small objects increased substantially as the pixel size increased beyond 0.2 mm. For pixel sizes of 0.1 and 0.2 mm, however, the threshold contrasts were similar. Since a digital system is not shift invariant, a range of threshold contrast results for a small object and a large pixel, depending on the alignment of the object position relative to the sampling coordinates.  相似文献   

Båth M  Sund P  Månsson LG 《Medical physics》2002,29(10):2286-2297
Two generations of a CCD-based detector system with lens-based optical coupling for digital chest radiography were evaluated in terms of presampling MTF, NPS, NEQ, DQE, linearity in response, and SNR over the detector area. Measurements were performed over a wide exposure range and at several different beam qualities. Neither the presampling MTF nor the DQE showed any general strong beam quality dependence, whereas the NPS and NEQ did when compared at specific entrance air kerma values. The exposure dependency for the DQE was found to be considerable, with the detectors showing low DQE at low exposures, and higher DQE at higher exposures. It was found that the second generation has been substantially improved compared to its predecessor regarding all the relevant parameters. The DQE(0) at an entrance air kerma of 5 microGy increased from 9% to 15%, mainly due to a better system gain (including optical coupling efficiency and matching of the energy of the emitted light photons to the sensitivity of the CCD camera). The first generation of detectors was found to have problems with bad peripheral resolution [MTF(muN/2) <0.1]. This problem was nonexistent for the second generation for which uniform resolution has been obtained [MTF(muN/2)=0.3]. A theoretical calculation of the DQE of two model systems similar to the ones evaluated was also performed, and the results were comparable to the experimentally determined data at high exposures. The model shows that both systems suffer from low optical coupling efficiency due to the large demagnification used. The main conclusion is that although the second generation has been improved, there is still a problem with low system gain leading to relatively modest DQE values, especially at low exposures.  相似文献   

H Fujita  K Doi  M L Giger 《Medical physics》1985,12(6):713-720
We devised a new, simple technique for measuring the modulation transfer function (MTF) of a digital imaging system by using an image of an angulated slit. With this technique, the "presampling" analog MTF, which includes the geometric unsharpness, the detector unsharpness, and the unsharpness of the sampling aperture, can be measured even beyond the Nyquist frequency. A single-frame image of a slightly angulated slit was employed in order to obtain Fourier transforms of line spread functions at different alignments. The presampling MTF was determined by averaging the two Fourier transforms which we obtained from two extreme alignments (center and shifted) of the slit relative to the sampling coordinate. The presampling MTFs of our digital subtraction angiographic system were determined in two orthogonal directions for three different image-intensifier modes.  相似文献   

Contrast-detail experiments were performed to optimize technique factors for the detection of low-contrast lesions using a silicon diode array full-field digital mammography (FFDM) system under the conditions of a matched average glandular dose (AGD) for different techniques. Optimization was performed for compressed breast thickness from 2 to 8 cm. FFDM results were compared to screen-film mammography (SFM) at each breast thickness. Four contrast-detail (CD) images were acquired on a SFM unit with optimal techniques at 2, 4, 6, and 8 cm breast thicknesses. The AGD for each breast thickness was calculated based on half-value layer (HVL) and entrance exposure measurements on the SFM unit. A computer algorithm was developed and used to determine FFDM beam current (mAs) that matched AGD between FFDM and SFM at each thickness, while varying target, filter, and peak kilovoltage (kVp) across the full range available for the FFDM unit. CD images were then acquired on FFDM for kVp values from 23-35 for a molybdenum-molybdenum (Mo-Mo), 23-40 for a molybdenum-rhodium (Mo-Rh), and 25-49 for a rhodium-rhodium (Rh-Rh) target-filter under the constraint of matching the AGD from screen-film for each breast thickness (2, 4, 6, and 8 cm). CD images were scored independently for SFM and each FFDM technique by six readers. CD scores were analyzed to assess trends as a function of target-filter and kVp and were compared to SFM at each breast thickness. For 2 cm thick breasts, optimal FFDM CD scores occurred at the lowest possible kVp setting for each target-filter, with significant decreases in FFDM CD scores as kVp was increased under the constraint of matched AGD. For 2 cm breasts, optimal FFDM CD scores were not significantly different from SFM CD scores. For 4-8 cm breasts, optimum FFDM CD scores were superior to SFM CD scores. For 4 cm breasts, FFDM CD scores decreased as kVp increased for each target-filter combination. For 6 cm breasts, CD scores decreased slightly as kVp increased for Mo-Mo, but did not change significantly as a function of kVp for either Mo-Rh or Rh-Rh. For 8 cm breasts, Rh/Rh FFDM CD scores were superior to other target-filter combinations and increased significantly as kVp increased. These results indicate that low-contrast lesion detection was optimized for FFDM by using a softer x-ray beam for thin breasts and a harder x-ray beam for thick breasts, when AGD was kept constant for a given breast thickness. Under this constraint, optimum low-contrast lesion detection with FFDM was superior to that for SFM for all but the thinnest breasts.  相似文献   

To determine if the improved contrast resolution of full-field digital mammography (FFDM) with reduced spatial resolution allows for superior or equal phantom object detection compared with screen-film mammography (SFM). Tissue equivalent breast phantoms simulating an adipose to glandular ratio of 50/50,30/70, and 20/80 were imaged according to each manufacturers' recommendation with four full-field digital mammography units (Fuji, Sectra, Fischer, and General Electric) and a screen-film mammography unit (MammoMatII 2000, Siemens, Munich, Germany). A total of 20 images were obtained in both hard- and soft-copy formats. For the purpose of soft-copy display, the screen-film hard-copy images were digitized with a 50 microm micron scanner. Six radiologists, experts in breast imaging, and three physicists, experts in scoring mammography phantoms, participated in a reader study where each reader scored each phantom for visibility of line-pairs and for 24 objects (fibers, clusters of specks, and masses). The data were recorded, entered into a database, and analyzed by a mixed-effect model. The limiting spatial resolution in line-pairs per millimeter visible with the digital units was less, regardless of display modality used, than that provided by the screen-film unit. The difference was statistically significant for the General Electric (p < 0.01) and Fuji digital mammography units (p = 0.03). With respect to the number of visible objects, a statistically significant higher number could be detected with the screen-film unit as compared to the Fischer (p < 0.01) and Sectra (p < 0.01) digital mammography units, but there was no significant difference between the other digital units and screen film. Overall, there was significantly better performance on the 50/50 phantom than with the 30/70 and 20/80 phantoms (p = 0.01, p < 0.01) for object visibility. For the digital mammography units, soft-copy display performed better than hard-copy display for the Fischer and Sectra images, but worse for Fuji and General Electric. In addition, soft-copy display of digitized screen-film images was significantly better than hard-copy display (p =0.02) of the original screen films for object visibility, but worse for spatial resolution. The higher contrast resolution of the FFDM units tested did not result in improved detection of line-pair resolution or objects in the phantoms tested versus screen-film mammography. The phantom performance of a digital mammography unit seems to be influenced by the type of detection task (line-pair resolution versus object visibility), the display modality (soft-copy versus hard-copy) chosen to score the phantoms, and the parenchymal pattern composition of the phantom.  相似文献   

Y Kume  K Doi  K Ohara  M L Giger 《Medical physics》1986,13(6):843-849
Single-frame images obtained with image intensifier (II)-TV digital systems contain a large amount of structure mottle. In the present study, we examined several II-TV digital systems by use of Wiener spectral analysis and noted considerable variation of the structure mottle over the wide spatial frequency range. We found that the structure mottle in these systems may originate in the input phosphor, the output phosphor, and/or the electronic components, and that the Wiener spectra of structure mottle seem to depend on the specific combination of these components. The results of observer performance studies indicated that structure mottle can significantly decrease the detection of low-contrast objects in a single-frame image when the exposure incident on the II is greater than approximately 0.1 mR. In addition, we showed that the structure mottle can be removed by subtraction of a uniformly exposed mask. This simple procedure will improve the quality of radiologic images obtained with II-TV digital systems. Note, however, that the structure mottle is largely eliminated by subtraction in digital subtraction angiography (DSA) images.  相似文献   

M L Giger  K Doi  H Fujita 《Medical physics》1986,13(2):131-138
We used Wiener spectral analysis in order to investigate the different noise sources and the effects of various parameters such as pixel size, image intensifier (II) field size, and exposure level on the noise in an II-TV digital system. The digital Wiener spectra in terms of relative x-ray intensity were determined directly from the digital noise data in terms of pixel values, by use of the characteristic curve of the imaging system. From averaged, subtracted, and/or combination images, the amount of structure mottle relative to the amount of quantum mottle was estimated. We found that a substantial amount of structure mottle was included in our II-TV digital subtraction angiography system, whereas the electronic noise of the TV system was quite small relative to the quantum and structure mottle. The effects of time jitter on the noise in single-frame images (consisting of multiple video frames) and in subtracted and averaged images were also investigated.  相似文献   

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