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Reactive oxygen and nitrogen molecules have been typically viewed as the toxic by-products of metabolism. However, accumulating evidence has revealed that reactive species, including hydrogen peroxide, serve as signaling molecules that are involved in the regulation of cellular function. The chronic and/or increased production of these reactive molecules or a reduced capacity for their elimination, termed oxidative stress, can lead to abnormal changes in intracellular signaling and result in chronic inflammation and insulin resistance. Inflammation and oxidative stress have been linked to insulin resistance in vivo. Recent studies have found that this association is not restricted to insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes, but is also evident in obese, nondiabetic individuals, and in those patients with the metabolic syndrome. An increased concentration of reactive molecules triggers the activation of serine/threonine kinase cascades such as c-Jun N-terminal kinase, nuclear factor-kappaB, and others that in turn phosphorylate multiple targets, including the insulin receptor and the insulin receptor substrate (IRS) proteins. Increased serine phosphorylation of IRS reduces its ability to undergo tyrosine phosphorylation and may accelerate the degradation of IRS-1, offering an attractive explanation for the molecular basis of oxidative stress-induced insulin resistance. Consistent with this idea, studies with antioxidants such as vitamin E, alpha-lipoic acid, and N-acetylcysteine indicate a beneficial impact on insulin sensitivity, and offer the possibility for new treatment approaches for insulin resistance.  相似文献   

Whether or not oxidative stress is the cause of the aging process, as proposed by the oxidative stress theory of aging remains unknown; but accumulated evidence overwhelmingly identifies increased oxidative stress with age as a source of damage to cellular structure and function. From an evolutionary perspective, the utilization of oxygen as a life supporting means makes oxidative stress an inescapable part of an organism's biological system. The inseparability of oxidative stress from the biological system can be viewed as an adaptive response that all aerobic organisms undergo to ward-off the potentially harmful effects of oxygen and its derivatives, including free radicals. The organism's adaptive mechanisms include an intricate network of defenses that regulate and guard against any over-acting oxidative reactions to ensure its survival. This review discusses and illustrates several adaptive responses at various levels (from gene regulation to physical exercise) that organisms use as part of their survival strategy.  相似文献   

Insulin resistance is a major causative factor for type 2 diabetes and is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Despite intense investigation for a number of years, molecular mechanisms underlying insulin resistance remain to be determined. Recently, chronic inflammation has been highlighted as a culprit for obesity-induced insulin resistance. Nonetheless, upstream regulators and downstream effectors of chronic inflammation in insulin resistance remain unclarified. Inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), a mediator of inflammation, has emerged as an important player in insulin resistance. Obesity is associated with increased iNOS expression in insulin-sensitive tissues in rodents and humans. Inhibition of iNOS ameliorates obesity-induced insulin resistance. However, molecular mechanisms by which iNOS mediates insulin resistance remain largely unknown. Protein S-nitrosylation, a covalent attachment of NO moiety to thiol sulfhydryls, has emerged as a major mediator of a broad array of NO actions. S-nitrosylation is elevated in patients with type 2 diabetes, and increased S-nitrosylation of insulin signaling molecules, including insulin receptor, insulin receptor substrate-1, and Akt/PKB, has been shown in skeletal muscle of obese, diabetic mice. Akt/PKB is reversibly inactivated by S-nitrosylation. Based on these findings, S-nitrosylation has recently been proposed to play an important role in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance.  相似文献   

M Fujiwara 《Immunology》1977,32(5):783-791
Tolerance inducibility was examined in various strains of mice by injecting aggregate-free HGG, followed by challenge with aggregated HGG plus LPS and by assessing spleen PFC numbers. Marked differences were shown between C57BL/6 and DDD mice. The antibody response to HGG was totally suppressed in C57BL/6 mice injected with 0-1 to 1 mg of aggregate-free HGG whereas little suppresssion was observed in DDD mice. Cellular mechanisms of the resistance to tolerance induction in DDD mice were explored. On the injection of 1 mg of aggregate-free HGG, spleen cells were only partially tolerized (at minimum, 21 per cent of control level on 5th day) and thymus cells were suppressed to 40 per cent of the normal responsiveness. No suppression was observed in bone marrow cells. Macrophages do not seem to play a decisive role in the resistance to tolerance induction in DDD mice as the injection of biofiltered HGG or the pretreatment with carrageenan did not ease the resistance. From these data, it was suspected that the resistance to tolerance induction to HGG in DDD mice might be due to the raised threshold of T cells for tolerance.  相似文献   

It is well established that oxidative stress is involved in several neurodegenerative disorders, including Alzheimer's disease (AD). Study of the induction and consequences of oxidative stress in the peripheral tissues of the familial AD patients can help to elucidate the inherent abnormalities and the mechanism of pathogenesis of this disease. AD fibroblasts have been used as a model to investigate the underlying mechanisms of oxidative stress. In our study, we used AD fibroblasts from six different donors who are either at high risk of developing AD or have already been diagnosed with AD to study the effect of oxidative stress in comparison with the effect on non-AD normal human fibroblast. Oxidative stress was induced by a brief exposure of the cells to 250microM H(2)O(2) followed by incubation in normal conditions. Neuronal loss due to oxidative stress is a characteristic of Alzheimer's patients; however, our results showed that AD fibroblasts were more resistant to oxidative stress compared to non-AD fibroblasts. Measurement of reactive oxygen species (ROS) indicated that AD fibroblasts produced more ROS than did non-AD NHF cells either in basal conditions or after induction of oxidative stress. Furthermore, we found that expression of p21 was significantly higher in AD cells than in non-AD cells and expression of Bax, a pro-apoptotic protein was downregulated/absent in AD cells during normal or under conditions of external oxidative stress. Further experiments revealed that mitochondria in AD cells moved to the peri-nuclear region following induction of oxidative stress. Thus, these results suggest that AD fibroblasts are chronically exposed to oxidative stress that may trigger senescent phenotype, making AD cell resistant to apoptosis by external oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Accumulating clinical evidence now links HIV protease inhibitors (HPIs) to the pathogenesis of insulin resistance, dyslipidaemia, lipodystrophy and atherosclerosis associated with highly active anti-retroviral therapy. Here we briefly describe the evidence for a distinct causative role for HPIs, and explore the cellular mechanisms proposed to underlie these side-effects. Acute inhibition of GLUT4-mediated glucose transport, and defective insulin signalling induced by chronic exposure to nelfinavir, are described as cellular mechanisms of insulin resistance. Interference with adipogenesis and adipocyte apoptosis and nelfinavir-induced activation of lipolysis are discussed as potential mechanisms of HPI-induced lipodystrophy. HPI-induced free radical production, apoptosis and increased glucose utilization in vascular smooth muscle cells are presented as possible novel mechanisms for atherosclerosis. Common pathways and cause-effect relationships between the various cellular mechanisms presented are then discussed, with emphasis on the role of insulin resistance, free radical production and enhanced lipolysis. Understanding the cellular mechanisms of HPI-induced side-effects will enhance the search for improved anti-retroviral therapy, and may also shed light on the pathogenesis of common forms of insulin resistance, dyslipidaemia and atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a complex metabolic disease that occurs when insulin secretion can no longer compensate insulin resistance in peripheral tissues. At the molecular level, insulin resistance correlates with impaired insulin signalling. This review provides new insights into the molecular mechanisms of insulin action and resistance in brown adipose tissue and pinpoints the role of this tissue in the control of glucose homeostasis. Brown adipocytes are target cells for insulin and IGF-I action, especially during late foetal development when insulin supports survival and promotes both adipogenic and thermogenic differentiation. The main pathway involved in insulin induction of adipogenic differentiation, monitored by fatty acid synthase expression, is the cascade insulin receptor substrate (IRS)-1/phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt. Glucose transport in these cells is maintained mainly by the activity of GLUT4. Acute insulin treatment stimulates glucose transport largely by mediating translocation of GLUT4 to the plasma membrane, involving the activation of IRS-2/PI3K, and the downstream targets Akt and protein kinase C zeta. Tumour necrosis factor (TNF-alpha) caused insulin resistance on glucose uptake by impairing insulin signalling at the level of IRS-2. Activation of stress kinases and phosphatases by this cytokine contribute to insulin resistance. Furthermore, brown adipocytes are also target cells for rosiglitazone action since they show a high expression of peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma, and rosiglitazone increased the expression of the thermogenic uncoupling protein 1. Rosiglitazone ameliorates insulin resistance provoked by TNF-alpha, completely restoring insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in parallel to the insulin signalling cascade. Accordingly, foetal brown adipocytes represent a model for investigating insulin action, as well as for the mechanism by which rosiglitazone increase insulin sensitivity under situations that mimic insulin resistance.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress is regarded as a causative factor in aging and various degenerative diseases. Here, we show the mechanism by which oxidative stress induces disruption of cell–cell junctions using retinal pigment epithelial cells. We demonstrated that reactive oxygen species (ROS)-mediated activation of Src kinase increases the tyrosine phosphorylation state of p120-catenin and rapidly triggers translocation of p120-catenin and internalization of N-cadherin from the cell–cell adhesion sites to an early endosomal compartment. Endosomal accumulation of p120-catenin resulted in stress fiber formation and cell–cell dissociation through the activation of Rho/Rho kinase pathway. However, these cytoskeletal remodeling and cell–cell dissociation induced by oxidative stress were transient, due to the activation of nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) and the expression of manganese superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD). Using the NF-κB specific inhibitor DHMEQ, we found that NF-κB is part of a negative feedback loop to control intracellular ROS levels. Finally, we demonstrated that H2O2 treatment alone does not induce the epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT) in retinal pigment epithelial cells, which can be induced by TNF-α treatment. These findings suggest that oxidative stress is a crucial factor to induce the cell–cell dissociation, an initial step of EMT, but does not provide sufficient signals to establish and to maintain the EMT.  相似文献   

Changes in gene expression represent a major protective mechanism, and enforced overexpression of individual genes has been shown to protect cells. However, no large-scale comparison of genes involved in mammalian oxidative stress protection has yet been described. Using filter microarray and restriction fragment differential display technology, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)-resistant variants of hamster HA-1 fibroblasts and human HL-60 promyelocytes were found to possess a surprising lack of commonality in specific modulated genes with the single exception of catalase, supporting the hypothesis that catalase overexpression is critical for resistance to H2O2. Comparison of two cell lines from the same species (hamster) selected with an exogenous oxidative stressing agent (H2O2) and an endogenous metabolic oxidative stressing agent (95% O2) also revealed little commonality in modulation of specific mRNAs with the exception of glutathione S-transferase enzymes and catalase. Acute oxidative stress in HL-60 led to the modulation of a limited subset of the genes associated with chronic oxidative stress resistance. Overall, these results suggest that mammalian resistance to oxidative and perhaps other stress does not require a significant number of common genes but rather only a limited number of key genes (e.g., catalase in our model systems) in combination with others that are cell type and stress agent specific.  相似文献   

Three distinct antioxidant pathways are considered through which iron-catalyzed oxidative stress may be regulated by nitric oxide (NO). The first two pathways involve direct redox interactions of NO with iron catalytic sites and represent a fast response that may be considered an emergency mechanism to protect cells from the consequences of acute and intensive oxidative stress. These are (i) NO-induced nitrosylation at heme and non-heme iron catalytic sites that is capable of directly reducing oxoferryl-associated radicals, (ii) formation of nitrosyl complexes with intracellular "loosely" bound redox-active iron, and (iii) an indirect regulatory pathway that may function as an adaptive mechanism that becomes operational upon long-term exposure of cells to NO. In the latter pathway, NO down-regulates expression of iron-containing proteins to prevent their catalytic prooxidant reactions.  相似文献   

 目的:研究姜黄素类化合物姜黄素(Cur)、去甲氧基姜黄素(DMC)和双去氧基姜黄素(BDMC)在秀丽隐杆线虫体内的抗氧化应激作用并探讨其作用机制。方法:应用胡桃醌诱导,观察姜黄素类化合物对线虫在氧化应激状态下生存率的影响;用分子探针2,7-二氯二氢荧光素二乙酸酯(H 2DCF-DA)观察姜黄素类化合物对线虫氧化应激状态下体内活性氧(ROS)的影响;应用荧光显微镜及图像软件分析姜黄素类化合物对线虫氧化应激相关蛋白谷胱甘肽S-转移酶4(GST-4)表达的影响。结果:经姜黄素类化合物预处理后,氧化应激条件下线虫的生存率明显提高;姜黄素类化合物显著抑制了氧化应激状态下线虫体内的ROS水平;在氧化应激条件下,Cur处理组及DMC处理组线虫的GST-4表达量均显著增高(P<0.05)。结论:姜黄素类化合物可能通过降低线虫体内的ROS水平、上调特定应激蛋白GST-4的表达而增强其抗氧化应激能力。  相似文献   

The involvement of the antioxidant enzymes catalase and glutathione peroxidase (both at 0.1 mg/ml) in defence against the genotoxicity of phosphamidon (80 microg/ml) and dieldrin (25 microM) was investigated in order to demonstrate that the two pesticides damage DNA through the generation of reactive oxygen species and therefore of oxidative stress. The pesticide genotoxicity was determined by the cytokinesis-block micronucleus test performed on primary mouse lung fibroblast cultures. Also, 3-aminotriazole (40 mM) and mercaptosuccinate (0.5 mM), inhibitors of catalase and glutathione peroxidase, respectively, were added to the cultures. Data indicate that catalase causes a decrease only in the damage induced by phosphamidon, while glutathione peroxidase protects against damage induced by both phosphamidon and dieldrin. Simultaneous treatment with antioxidant inhibitors and pesticides results in a decrease in micronucleus frequency and cell number, due to apoptotic death. Our results indicate that clastogenic DNA damage produced by the two pesticides is modulated by antioxidant enzymes and their inhibitors and thus could be due to oxidative stress induction.  相似文献   

The cytoskeleton is susceptible to oxidative stress and this occurs prior to membrane blebbing and cell lysis. Vimentin intermediary filaments in rheumatoid synoviocytes are more susceptible than in normal synoviocytes and this may have pathological significance. They are however no more susceptible to heat shock than other cell types.  相似文献   

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