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患者女,71岁,主因20 d前配助听器取耳印模后左耳疼痛于2009年10月28日入院.患者于入院前20 d选配助听器取左耳印模过程中,出现左耳剧烈疼痛,给予抗炎药物滴耳治疗10余天后无好转,遂就诊于我院门诊.患者否认中耳炎病史.  相似文献   

患者女,71岁,主因20 d前配助听器取耳印模后左耳疼痛于2009年10月28日入院.患者于入院前20 d选配助听器取左耳印模过程中,出现左耳剧烈疼痛,给予抗炎药物滴耳治疗10余天后无好转,遂就诊于我院门诊.患者否认中耳炎病史.  相似文献   

1病例报告患者,女,59岁,因"发现左中耳异物2d"入院。患者双耳反复流脓伴听力下降20余年,多次在耳鼻咽喉科检查均提示鼓膜紧张部大穿孔。半个月前验配助听器取左耳印模时,不慎将制印模材料落入中耳腔,患者听力损失较前加重,在外院门诊取出部分左耳印模后转入我科。耳内镜检查示:双侧鼓膜紧张部大穿孔,中鼓室黏膜肿胀,无明显充血及分泌物,左耳前上鼓室、残留鼓膜内侧见浅绿色异物,边缘呈不规则毛刺状。颞骨高分辨率  相似文献   

从二例耳印模断裂谈CIC助听器的印模技巧   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
因配完全耳道式(completely inthe canal,CIC)助听器,印模断裂留于深耳道中的病例并不多见,我院曾处理两例,现报导如下。1 临床资料 例1,女,45岁,因左耳感音神经性聋在某助听器验配店定做CIC助听器,在取耳印模时,印模断裂,残留于外耳道深部,一个月后,左耳道明显疼痛、红肿、流脓而来我院急诊。在局麻下用杯状钳从残留印模的边缘开始一点一点地咬碎钳出印模碎片,最后待残留印模松动时,再整块取出,最大一块约1cm×0.3 cm大小,已穿破鼓膜伸入鼓室,外耳道壁已有肉芽组织形成,感染明…  相似文献   

患者,女,23岁,因左耳听力下降伴流脓1月余,左耳痛1周于2010年2月3日人院.患者入院前1个月无明显诱因出现左耳听力下降并伴有流脓,余无特殊不适.就诊于我院诊断为"左外耳道炎、左外耳道骨瘤?",给予冰莲滴耳剂外用及阿奇霉素口服治疗,症状无改善.入院1周前患者感左耳疼痛,脓液较前增多,遂来院复诊,检查后以"外耳道肿物(左)"收入院.入院查体:左外耳道后壁见黄豆大肿物,质较硬(图1),有少许分泌物附着,蘸取分泌物做细菌培养(后结果提示:未见明显致病菌生长),鼓膜窥不清.  相似文献   

例1男,51岁,因突发左耳听力下降、耳鸣及耳内堵塞感1 d于2010年1月20日入院.例2男,47岁,因突发右耳听力下降、耳鸣及耳内堵塞感3 d于2010年2月10日入院.2例患者均自诉发病原因不明,发病前均无明显的全身不适感,无受凉或上呼吸道感染史.均能回乙发病的准确时间、地点.2例患者症状类似,均不伴有眩晕.查体:2例患者一般情况尚可,心、肺、腹、脊柱、四肢正常,神经系统无阳性体征.  相似文献   

有些耳鸣者戴助听器效果良好。这可能是由于放大了的外界噪声掩蔽的作用。报告一例61岁女性患者,为重度双侧感觉神经性聋及左耳耐受级降低。同时有重度双侧耳鸥,且夜间更重,影响睡眠。戴NHS耳后BE 12型助听器于左耳,对语言识别率无明显帮助,但耳鸣稍减轻。右耳用一高功率助听器Amplivox Powervox 1,语言识别率明显改善,该耳耳鸣完全消失。同时在左耳戴BE 12助听器,双耳鸣均消失。一周后复查,有持续长时间的后效抑制(residual inhibition),耳鸣未再发生。又一周后,右耳仍无耳鸣,左耳戴助听器时有轻度  相似文献   

1临床资料患者,女,46岁。于30年前无明显诱因出现左耳流脓,自行左耳点"抗炎类滴耳液"治疗后,症状有所缓解。此后左耳间断性流脓伴听力渐进性下降,每次左耳道点药及口服抗炎药物治疗后,左耳流脓可暂时缓解。于入院前20 d,左耳再次流脓,脓液为黄色黏稠状,伴左侧外耳道肿物。自述肿物生长迅速,20 d后突出于外耳道口;同时左耳听力进一步下降。我院检查后诊断为"慢性化脓性中耳炎(左)",收住院治疗。入院查体:左侧外耳道口  相似文献   

患者,女,67岁。因“左耳耳鸣,听力下降,伴耳部肿胀20d”就诊。患者于入院前20d无明显诱因出现左耳鸣,呈“咚咚”声,伴听力下降、耳胀、头晕等不适。曾到当地医院诊治,给予抗炎治疗,无好转,遂来我院。体检:一般情况可,左耳廓无畸形,左外耳道可见淡红色新生物,表面较光滑,充满外耳道,鼓膜不可见。  相似文献   

患者,女,65岁。因左耳反复流脓数十年,发现左外耳道肿物4月入院。患者从幼时起左耳反复流脓,听力逐渐下降,无耳鸣、耳流血、头痛。4月前发现左耳外耳道肿物,到北京某院诊断为慢性化脓性中耳炎。取外耳道肿物活检,病理报告为肉芽组织。患者因有血小板减少,活检时出血多,不?..  相似文献   

Marangos N 《HNO》2002,50(9):866-80; quiz 880-1

Up to now, the function of the middle ear muscles has mainly been investigated from an acoustical point of view. However, the primary function of the middle-ear muscles, namely the induction of ossicular movements, has never been investigated systematically. For this purpose, the displacements of the ossicles, as induced by simulated muscle contractions, were measured microscopically in 13 fresh temporal bone preparations. Both muscles move all ossicles. The tensor tympani muscle pulls the umbo inwards about 100 microns. Due to the gliding motion in the malleus-incus joint, the stapes is thus pushed inwards by at the most 10 microns and, additionally, displaced anteriorly, antagonistic to the pull of the stapedius muscle. This muscle pulls the stapes backwards, lifting the anterior crus outwards and pushing the posterior crus inwards. This reduces the pressure on the cochlear fluids significantly as compared to our former concepts of the movement of the footplate, tilting outwards as a whole around an axis at the posterior pole. Furthermore, this outward displacement of the stapes is not prerequisite for the outward movement of the malleus-drumhead complex, which typically appears at the contraction of the stapedius muscle. The basic motion of the stapes is the movement backwards, which is 5 times greater and which matches the anatomic direction of the pull of the stapedius muscle. This explains the otherwise unlogical position of the stapedius muscle parallel to the footplate. Due to the gliding movement in the malleus-incus joint, this motion changes at the umbo into outward rotation, counteracting the tensor tympani muscle.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Irradiation of the ear   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Cancer of the ear is an uncommon occurrence and rarely diagnosed early in its development. Routine biopsy of all granulomatous and neoplastic diseases of the ear is essential to early diagnosis. Polytomography is an aid in documenting the extent of the disease in bone. The surgical anatomy of the region of the ear imposes special disadvantages upon any type of surgical technique employed and supervoltage irradiation given. Temporal bone resection and its modifications, combined with irradiation, enhance the cure rate in the advanced cases and add significantly to the local control of this disease. A review of 273 cases is presented.  相似文献   

APPAIX A  BOUCHE J  BREMOND G 《Revue de laryngologie - otologie - rhinologie》1958,79(1-2):119; discussion 119-119; discussion 120

Lymphoma in the ear   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
BACKGROUND: Malignant tumors of the ear are rare. The most common malignant tumors are squamous cell carcinomas and adenocarcinomas. Lymphoma in the ear is rare. METHODS: We report 2 cases of a primary presentation of a lymphoma of the ear. The literature since 1947 is reviewed. RESULTS: An 83-year-old woman with an anaplastic large cell lymphoma of the skin of the external auditory meatus and a 75-year-old man with a B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of the mastoid process are presented. The literature review shows that only 16 cases of lymphomas of the ear have been reported so far. CONCLUSIONS: In a case of therapy-resistant otitis and/or peripheral facial paralysis malignancy should be excluded by computer tomography of the mastoid. For histopathological diagnosis unfixed specimens are preferable. Uniform treatment of lymphomas of the ear has not been established.  相似文献   

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