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The aim of this study was to study sugarmaldigestion/malabsorption in patients with functionaldyspepsia using H breath testing. End-expiratory breathH after separate 2 challenges with lactose (25 g), fructose (25 g), and sorbitol (5 g) were usedto determine malabsorption, as well as small boweltransit time (SBTT). Five hundred twenty patients withfunctional dyspepsia received all three challenges. Smaller groups were also tested after lactulose(10 g, N = 36) and glucose (50 g, N = 90) challenges.Fructose and sorbitol were closely linked with respectto absorption and malabsorption status. Only in the case of lactose maldigestion/malabsorption wasthere a greater than random prevalence of malabsorption(P < 0.001) for fructose and sorbitol. In contrast tolactose, ethnic origin did not influence fructose or sorbitol malabsorption, and femalespredominated among fructose and sorbitol malabsorbers.In Jews, the prevalence of lactosemaldigestion/malabsorption decreased in the age group of25-55 and subsequently rose after 55, while fructose and sorbitolmalabsorption decreased progressively with advancingage. With respect to small bowel transit time (SBTT), inthe case of sorbitol and lactulose, it was significantly greater (P < 0.05) than those for fructoseand lactose. Multiple sugar malabsorptions are commonwhen lactose maldigestion/malabsorption ispresent.  相似文献   

A lactose tolerance test was performed and small intestinal mucosal disaccharidase activity was determined in 12 patients operated upon for peptic ulcer who had lactose malabsorption. Most patients were misjudged, since they were considered to suffer from post-operative complaints (vagotomy diarrhoea, afferent loop syndrome, recurrent ulcer and dumping). Three patients did not develop symptoms of milk intolerance until immediately after an operation for peptic ulcer; in 3 other patients this operation exacerbated the existing symptoms after consumption of milk. Two patients had steatorrhoea, which disappeared or diminished when lactose excluded from the diet.  相似文献   

Serological testing is an important tool in the diagnostic work-up of suspected celiac disease. Our aim was to apply a decision analysis model to compare the costs of serological testing versus small bowel biopsy in the diagnostic work-up of celiac disease. A cost-minimization approach was employed. A decision analysis model with three diagnostic arms was designed using Data Version 3.5: anti-gliadin antibody versus endomysial antibody versus small bowel biopsy. Response to gluten-free diet was considered diagnostic of celiac disease; lack of response prompted a small bowel biopsy to definitively exclude celiac disease. Baseline probabilities were varied using sensitivity analysis. Sensitivity analysis revealed that the endomysial antibody strategy was least costly, provided the prevalence of celiac disease was less than 42%; above this anti-gliadin antibody became the most economical option. In conclusion, initial screening with endomysial antibody is the least costly strategy for diagnosing celiac disease in a low risk population. Antigliadin antibody becomes the cheaper strategy for higher risk populations.  相似文献   

Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) is associated with symptoms of laryngeal irritation such as throat pain, cough, and voice change. Currently, the two main diagnostic tools are laryngoscopy and reflux monitoring. On laryngoscopy, the signs most commonly used to diagnose LPR are erythema and edema of the larynx; however, these signs are not specific for LPR, may be associated with other causes, and may even be found in healthy individuals. In addition, pH testing has low sensitivity in diagnosing gastroesophageal reflux disease-related laryngeal findings. Proton pump inhibitor (PPI) therapy remains the cornerstone of treatment. The current management recommendation for this group of patients is empiric therapy with twice-daily PPIs for 1 to 2 months. In the majority of those who are unresponsive to such therapy, other causes of laryngeal irritation are considered. Surgical fundoplication is most effective in those who are responsive to acid-suppressive therapy.  相似文献   

Background: Lactase activity declines with age in rats, but it is not clear whether this model is also shared by humans. Few studies have evaluated lactose intolerance and malabsorption in the elderly and no definite conclusions can be drawn. The aim of our study was therefore to verify the impact of age on lactose intolerance and malabsorption. Methods: Eighty-four healthy subjects took part in the study. Thirty-three were < 65 years, 17 were between 65 and 74 years and 34 were > 74 years. All the subjects underwent a preliminary evaluation of intestinal gas production capacity and oro-cecal transit time by H 2 /CH 4 breath test after lactulose. After a 3-day period, an H 2 /CH 4 breath test after lactose was performed. The occurrence of intolerance symptoms during the test and in the 24 h after the test was recorded. Results: Breath H 2 and CH 4 excretion parameters at fasting and after lactulose did not differ between the three groups. Cumulative breath H 2 excretion after lactose was higher in subjects > 74 years than in subjects < 65 years and in subjects aged 65-74 years, while no difference was found between the latter two groups. In subjects > 74 years, the prevalence of lactose malabsorption was higher than in the other two groups, while no significant difference was observed between subjects < 65 years and subjects aged 65-74 years. Within the malabsorber subjects, the prevalence of lactose intolerance was higher in subjects < 65 years than in those aged 65-74 years and in those aged > 74 years. No significant difference was found between the latter two groups. No difference was found between the three groups in terms of daily calcium intake and a significant negative correlation between symptom score and daily calcium intake was only found in the group of subjects aged < 65 years. Conclusions: As age increases, the prevalence of lactose malabsorption shows an increase while the prevalence of intolerance symptoms among malabsorbers shows a decrease. Accordingly, daily calcium intake was similar among the adults and elderly studied.  相似文献   

Lactose malabsorption (LM) may be secondary to several small bowel diseases, and small intestinal overgrowth (SIBO) may be one of them. We looked for a correlation between symptomatic diverticular disease of the colon and LM and assessed whether this correlation may be related to SIBO. Ninety consecutive patients (pts; 39 males, 51 females; mean age, 67.2 years; range, 32–91 years) affected by symptomatic uncomplicated diverticular disease of the colon were evaluated to assess orocecal transit time (OCTT), SIBO, and LM by lactulose and lactose H2 breath test (H2-BT) at entry and after 8 weeks of treatment. OCTT was delayed in 67 of 90 pts (74.44%). Fifty-three of 90 pts (58.88%) showed SIBO, and OCTT was normal in 23 of 90 pts (25.56%). LM was diagnosed in 59 of 90 pts (65.55%): 49 of 59 (71.74%) were simultaneously affected by SIBO and delayed OCTT (and thus 49 of 53 pts [92.45%] with delayed OCTT and SIBO were affected by LM); 3 of 59 pts (5.09%) showed only delayed OCTT; 7 of 59 pts (11.86%) did not show either SIBO or delayed OCTT. The association of LM and SIBO was statistically significant (P < 0.001). Seventy-nine of 86 pts (91.86%) showed normal OCTT, while OCTT remained prolonged but shorter in the remaining 7 pts (8.14%). SIBO was eradicated in all pts completing the study, while a new lactulose H2-BT showed persistence of SIBO in one pt with recurrence of symptomatic diverticular disease. Forty-seven of 59 pts (79.66%) had a normal lactose H2-BT (P < 0.002), while 12 of 59 pts (20.34%) showed persistence of LM. LM disappeared in 46 of 49 pts (93.88%) concurrently with normalization of OCTT and eradication of SIBO (P < 0.002); it also disappeared in 1 of 3 pts (33.33%) previously affected by delayed OCTT (without SIBO) and LM concurrently with normalization of OCTT. On the contrary, it persisted in all pts with normal OCTT and absence of SIBO. Moreover, it persisted also in the pt with recurrence of symptomatic diverticular disease and persistence of SIBO. In conclusion, most pts affected by symptomatic uncomplicated diverticular disease of the colon showed LM, and in more than 70% of cases it disappeared after successful treatment of the colonic disease.  相似文献   

The effects of oral enzyme replacement therapy on breath hydrogen excretion and symptoms after milk ingestion were studied in lactase-deficient patients. Sixteen symptomatic patients underwent interval hydrogen breath tests using whole milk as substrate. Each study was repeated with the addition of 250 mg of β-D-galactosidase derived from Aspergillus oryzae (Lactrase) given orally with the milk. Subsequently seven of those 11 patients who did not normalize their hydrogen excretion with 250 mg of Lactrase were available to be restudied with a 500-mg dose. Mean cumulative and peak hydrogen excretions were calculated for the baseline (milk alone), 250 mg, and 500 mg Lactrase groups. Significant (p ≤ 0.05) decreases in cumulative and peak hydrogen excretion were noted between the 500 mg Lactrase versus the baseline group, but not between the 250 mg versus baseline group. Five of the 16 (31%) symptomatic lactase-deficient patients normalized their hydrogen excretion after 250 mg of Lactrase; four of seven (57%) who bad not normalized on 250 mg, normalized their hydrogen excretion with 500 mg of Lactrase. A different pattern was observed in the incidence of symptoms. Five of the nine patients (56%) whose hydrogen excretion normalized with the addition of Lactrase at either dosage became asymptomatic after milk ingestion; in addition, three patients who did not normalize their hydrogen also became asymptomatic. We conclude that oral Lactrase in sufficient dosage temporarily reverses lactose malabsorption in some patients.  相似文献   

Several reports have indicated that fecal elastase-1 (EL-1) determination is a new, sensitive, and specific noninvasive pancreatic function test; however, very few patients with malabsorption due to small intestine diseases have been included in the previous studies. The aim of the study was to compare the diagnostic accuracy of fecal EL-1 and fecal chymotrypsin (FCT) in distinguishing between pancreatic maldigestion and intestinal malabsorption. Three groups of subjects were studied: group A included 49 patients with known cystic fibrosis (25 males, median age 5 years); group B included 43 subjects with various small intestine diseases (17 males, median age 6 years); and group C included 45 children without any history of gastrointestinal disease (22 males, median age 5 years). In all patients, stools were collected for 72 h on a standard diet and fecal EL-1, FCT, and steatocrit tests were performed. Both EL-1 and FCT were below normal limits in all CF patients with pancreatic maldigestion not treated with pancreatic enzyme (100% sensitivity for both assays); El-1, but not FCT, was also below normal in all the CF patients with pancreatic maldigestion treated with pancreatic extracts. Both EL-1 and FCT values in the CF group were significantly lower than in subjects with various small intestinal diseases and in children without any history of gastrointestinal disease (P < 0.0001). FCT, but not EL-1, values showed an inverse statistically significant correlation with steatocrit values in the whole CF group (P < 0.001); FCT was below normal in three of four CF patients with steatorrhea on pancreatic enzyme therapy. Both EL-1 and FCT had 100% specificity when calculated in children without any history of gastrointestinal disease; in contrast, specificity was 86% for EL-1 and 76% for FCT if we considered the control group with small intestinal diseases: low EL-1 was observed in two cases of intestinal giardiasis, two cases of short bowel syndrome, one case of celiac disease, and one case of intestinal pseudobstruction; FCT was abnormal in four cases of intestinal giardiasis, three cases of celiac disease, one case of short bowel syndrome, one case of Crohn's disease, and one case of intestinal pseudobstruction. Diagnostic accuracy was 92% for fecal EL-1 and 82% for FCT. Steatocrit values were over the normal limit in 11 patients with small intestine diseases; in 7/11 of these patients at least one of the pancreatic test results was below the normal limit. In conclusions, in patients with CF, fecal EL-1 determination is not more sensitive than FCT in identifying pancreatic maldigestion; however, fecal EL-1 assay is more specific than FCT determination in distinguishing pancreatic maldigestion from intestinal malabsorption.  相似文献   

Lactose malabsorption is characterized by adeficiency of mucosal lactase. As a consequence, lactosereaches the colon where it is broken down by bacteria toshort-chain fatty acids, CO2, andH2. Bloating, cramps, osmotic diarrhea, and other symptoms ofirritable bowel syndrome are the consequence and can beseen in about 50% of lactose malabsorbers. Having madethe observation that females with lactose malabsorption not only showed signs of irritable bowelsyndrome but also signs of premenstrual syndrome andmental depression, it was of interest to establishwhether a statistical correlation existed betweenlactose malabsorption and mental depression. Thirtyfemale volunteers were analyzed by measuring breathH2 concentrations after an oral dose of 50 glactose and were classified as normals or lactosemalabsorbers according to their breath H2concentrations. All patients filled out a Beck'sdepression inventory questionnaire. Of the 30 femalevolunteers, six were lactose intolerant (20%) and 24were normal lactose absorbers (80%). Subjects with lactosemalabsorption showed a significantly higher score in theBeck's depression inventory than normal lactoseabsorbers did. The data thus suggest that lactosemalabsorption may play a role in the development of mentaldepression. In lactose malabsorption high intestinallactose concentrations may interfere with L-tryptophanmetabolism and 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin)availability. Lactose malabsorption should be considered inpatients with signs of mental depression.  相似文献   

Fifty-one adult patients with coeliac disease, verified by a proximal small-intestinal biopsy, were investigated. Before treatment with a gluten-free and low-lactose diet 52% showed a slight rise in blood glucose during the lactose tolerance test. Seventy-nine per cent of these patients had watery stools, and 88% had three or more bowel movements a day—statistically significantly different from the coeliac patients with a normal lactose tolerance test. After treatment 12% had a flat lactose tolerance curve. Half of them (6%) had specific lactase deficiency. This is approximately the incidence of lactose malabsorption in the general Danish population. The small-intestinal disaccharidases and alkaline phosphatase levels were severely depressed before treatment. After treatment the activities increased, but not to normal. We conclude that lactose malabsorption is a clinically important condition in many patients with untreated coeliac disease, giving rise to more frequent and more watery stools. In well-treated coeliac disease lactose malabsorption is not commoner than in the general population. The lactose activity in a proximal intestinal biopsy specimen was found to be an unreliable indicator of lactose malabsorption in coeliac disease.  相似文献   

【】:目的:评价尿液监测分析在并发脓毒症及疑似尿路感染(Urinary Tract Infection,UTI)的血液透析(Hemodialysis,HD)患者诊断的灵敏性、特异性及预测正确性,阐述其诊断价值。方法:选取2011-2015年入院诊断为脓毒症及疑似尿路感染的HD患者175例,进行回顾性调查分析研究。采用尿液分析的4个参数,即脓尿、细菌尿、白细胞酯酶(Leukocyte Esterase,LE)阳性及亚硝酸盐阳性,来阐述尿液分析在脓毒症及疑似UTI的HD患者中诊断价值。结果:不同判断水平脓尿与尿培养阳性(P<0.05)及细菌生长≥105 CFU/ml存在显著相关性(P<0.05),而与脓毒症无相关性。当尿细菌培养阳性(≥105CFU/mL)时,尿监测分析在脓尿>10 WBC/HPF 的灵敏度及特异性分别为84%和38%(P<0.05),而脓尿>50 WBC/HPF的灵敏性和特异性分别为63%和61%(P<0.05)。同时,细菌尿及LE阳性与患者尿培养阳性存在相关性。结论:尿液监测分析对并发脓毒症及疑似UTI的HD患者,并不是可靠的诊断工具,故尿液培养是必需的。对于HD患者,临床上应该保持高度怀疑那些初始阶段症状不明显的潜在感染源。  相似文献   

Aim of the present study was to investigate the diagnostic yield of the lactate-stress-test in unselected patients with suspected respiratory-chain disorder (RCD). Serum lactate was determined before, during and after a 15-minute, constant 30W workload on a bicycle in 48 controls and 160 patients with suspected RCD. 122 had definite RCD 38 neurological disorders other than RCD. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and pre-test likelihood of the test was 69, 74, 89, 42 and 76 % respectively. In conclusion, the lactate-stress-test proved a powerful tool to assess impaired oxidative metabolism in RCDs.  相似文献   

The presence of bile acid malabsorption was studied in 24 patients with chronic diarrhoea without established cause despite extensive investigations. Bile acid absorption was evaluated with the 75Se-homocholic acid taurine (SeHCAT) test. A therapeutic trial of cholestyramine was performed in 11 patients. Fourteen of the patients (58%) showed evidence of bile acid malabsorption. Of the 11 patients who were treated with cholestyramine, 3 had no improvement of their diarrhoea and also had a normal SeHCAT test result. Of the other eight patients, who also had pathologic SeHCAT test result, five improved on treatment, whereas three had no change of their diarrhoea. Seven of the 24 patients had a previous history of cholecystectomy. Four of them showed bile acid malabsorption; three of these were treated with cholestyramine and responded favourably. The results suggest that bile acid malabsorption may be common in chronic diarrhoea patients but may not always be the primary cause of diarrhoea.  相似文献   



To assess the diagnostic value of the chest radiograph for the diagnosis of pneumonia in bedridden patients, using non-contrast-enhanced high-resolution chest computed tomography (CT) as the gold standard.


We prospectively evaluated bedridden patients hospitalized with moderate to high clinical probability of pneumonia. Chest radiographs were interpreted in a blinded fashion by 3 observers and classified as definite, normal, or uncertain for pneumonia. Chest CT was obtained within 12 hours of chest radiograph. We applied Bayesian analysis to assess the accuracy of chest radiograph in the diagnosis of pneumonia.


In a 5-month period, 58 patients were evaluated, 31 (53%) were female. Their chest radiographs were interpreted as negative, uncertain, or positive for pneumonia in 31 (53%), 15 (26%), and 12 (21%) patients, respectively, while CT confirmed pneumonia in 11 (35%), 10 (67%), and in 10 (83%). The sensitivity of the chest radiograph to diagnose pneumonia was 65%, the specificity was 93%, the positive and negative predictive values were, respectively, 83% and 65%, while the overall accuracy was 69% (95% confidence interval, 50%-79%).


In bedridden patients with suspected pneumonia, a normal chest radiograph does not rule out the diagnosis, hence, a chest CT scan might provide valuable diagnostic information.  相似文献   

To assess the diagnostic value of fasting serum total bile acids (STBA) in liver disease, STBA together with serum bilirubin (BIL), serum alkaline phosphatase (AP), and serum aspartate aminotransferase (ASAT) were measured in 66 consecutive patients who had a liver biopsy. Twenty-four of the patients who had normal liver histology all had normal STBA values (< 8 μmol/l). In the remaining 42 patients with abnormal liver histology STBA values were elevated in 21, corresponding to a sensitivity of 0.50. The same figures for BIL, AP, and ASAT were 0.52, 0.76, and 0.79, respectively. The predictive values of elevated (PVpos) and normal (PVneg) STBA for disclosing or excluding liver disease, respectively, were not better than the figures for BIL, AP, and ASAT. None of the tests were suited for distinguishing among various liver diseases. It is concluded that STBA had no diagnostic advantage as compared with the commonly used liver function tests BIL, AP, and ASAT.  相似文献   

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