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目的探讨牵引弓联合前方牵引对矫治安氏Ⅲ类错  相似文献   

目的探讨替牙早期及恒牙早期两个不同矫治时机对治疗安氏Ⅲ类错的影响。方法选择26例安氏Ⅲ类错牙合患者,牵引弓联合前方牵引6个月,术前术后进行头影测量分析。结果26例患者的上颌骨移位均有显著性变化,SNA增大2.2°±0.3°,A点前移3.3mm±1.3mm,上中切牙切端唇向移动3.8mm±1.2mm,其中替牙早期组表现更多的骨骼、更少的牙齿改变。结论牵引弓联合前方牵引是简便、有效的安氏Ⅲ类错治疗装置,在替牙早期比恒牙早期取得更为显著的治疗效果。  相似文献   

目的:观察联合应用前方牵引与快速扩弓矫治替牙期安氏Ⅲ类错牙合的颅颌面硬组织变化。方法:选择30例8~13岁安氏Ⅲ类错牙合患者,随机分为两组,每组15例,治疗组使用前方牵引器与扩弓器治疗,另一组作为对照组。在治疗前后分别拍摄头颅侧位定位X线片,进行头影测量分析。结果:治疗开始后6~12个月,治疗组Ⅲ类错牙合矫正,上颌骨前方生长明显增加,下颌骨向前方生长被抑制。上切牙牙轴唇倾,下切牙牙轴舌倾。结论:在替牙期联合应用前方牵引器与扩弓器治疗安氏Ⅲ类错牙合能刺激上颌骨前移,抑制下颌骨的前方发育,可有效矫治安氏Ⅲ类错牙合。  相似文献   

孙俊鹏 《口腔医学》2010,30(6):373-375
目的 采用前方牵引矫治替牙期骨性Ⅲ类错畸形并分析治疗前、后头影测量变化。方法 对26例替牙期骨性安氏Ⅲ类错患儿,使用口内垫活动矫治器配合双杆式可调式前方牵引进行治疗。治疗前、后头影测量并进行对比分析,通过观察颌面部软硬组织的变化,判断前方牵引的疗效。结果 所有患者均解除前牙反,上颌骨均有不同程度向前下向生长;下颌骨前部向前生长受到抑制并顺时针旋转,上、下颌骨间不调改善;软组织侧貌改变明显,面下1/3前后关系协调。结论 前方牵引矫治替牙骨性安氏Ⅲ类错的效果显著。?  相似文献   

牵引弓联合前牵引治疗安氏Ⅲ类错(牙合)畸形的临床分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨替牙早期及恒牙早期两个不同矫治时机对治疗安氏Ⅲ类错(牙合)的影响.方法选择26例安氏Ⅲ类错(牙合)患者,牵引弓联合前方牵引6个月,术前术后进行头影测量分析.结果 26例患者的上颌骨移位均有显著性变化,SNA增大2.2°±0.3°,A点前移3.3mm±1.3mm,上中切牙切端唇向移动3.8mm±1.2mm,其中替牙早期组表现更多的骨骼、更少的牙齿改变.结论牵引弓联合前方牵引是简便、有效的安氏Ⅲ类错(牙合)治疗装置,在替牙早期比恒牙早期取得更为显著的治疗效果.  相似文献   

目的:观察前方牵引在替牙期骨性Ⅲ类错牙合的应用及治疗前后的牙颌结构变化。方法:选择替牙期骨性Ⅲ类错牙合患者9名,应用前方牵引矫治前牙反牙合,正畸前后进行头影测量分析。统计学分析采用配对t检验。结果:SNA角增大4.2°,ANB角增加5.4°,NA-PA增加5.0°,A-VL增加6.1mm,SNB角减少1.2°,B-VL减少0.2mm,1-SN增加6.2°。结论:前方牵引可有效促进上颌骨向前生长,抑制下颌骨生长,同时可导致下颌骨向下向后旋转,上前牙唇倾,下切牙轻度舌倾。  相似文献   

目的:观察联合应用前方牵引与快速扩弓矫治替牙期安氏Ⅲ类错he的颅颌面硬组织变化。方法:选择30例8-13岁安氏Ⅲ类错he患者,随机分为两组,每组15例,治疗组使用前方牵引器与扩弓器治疗,另一组作为对照组。在治疗前后分别拍摄头颅侧位定位X线片,进行头影测理分析。结果:治疗开始后6-12个月,治疗组Ⅲ类错he矫正,上颌骨前方生长明显增加,下颌骨向前方生长被抑制。上切牙牙轴唇倾,下切牙牙轴舌倾。结论:在替牙期联合应用前方牵引器与扩弓器治疗安氏Ⅲ类错he能刺激上颌骨前移,抑制下颌骨的前方发育,可有效矫治安氏Ⅲ类错Ⅲhe。  相似文献   

目的:探讨替牙期重度骨性前牙反前方牵引治疗前后软硬组织的变化。方法:选择40例替牙期轻中度和重度骨性前牙反患者,单纯使用前方牵引器进行矫治。每例患者在矫治前后分别拍摄头颅定位侧位片,采用传统头影测量方法和Pancherz头颅参照系统对治疗前后的软硬组织变化进行分析比较。结果:前方牵引治疗结束后,两组患者前牙反解除,建立了正常的覆覆盖关系,磨牙关系基本中性,Ⅲ类骨面型明显改善。结论:①同时伴有上颌骨后缩和下颌骨前突的重度骨性前牙反病例,应早期进行前方牵引。②重度骨性前牙反前方牵引后,骨性变化(26%)明显小于轻中度组骨性变化(42%)。③单纯采用前方牵引治疗替牙期重度骨性前牙反病例,其软组织侧貌及骨骼改形均有显著性变化。  相似文献   

骨性Ⅲ类错是正畸治疗中难度最大的错畸形之一,随着个体的生长,畸形有逐渐加重的趋势。在替牙期采用前方牵引是一种较为有效的治疗手段,但在替牙早期,由于牙冠萌出不足及牙齿处于替换的不稳定状态,使牵引的口内矫治器部分制作较为困难,固位效果不佳,针对这一问题,我科采用新型的弹性材料,制作包绕上颌全部牙齿及牙槽骨的夹板式垫,取得较好的临床效果,现报道如下。1材料和方法1.1临床资料2004-09—2005-02到我院就诊的替牙期骨性Ⅲ类错病人7例,其中男4人,女3人,年龄6~10.2岁,均为前牙反,上颌相对下颌后缩,无明显的功能性前移位。1…  相似文献   

目的:评价改良固定反式双阻板矫治器(Twin- blockappliance,TBA)联合前牵治疗AngleⅢ类骨性前牙反的临床效果。方法:应用TBA联合前牵矫治骨性前牙反15例,对治疗前后临床表现及X线硬组织测量进行分析,并与前牵组进行比较。结果:经过3 ~5个月的治疗,患者侧貌外型明显改善,反覆盖反覆纠正。结论:反式TBA联合前牵引是矫治前牙反的理想装置,对上下颌骨作用均较大。  相似文献   

目的探讨弹性包绕式垫加前方牵引矫治替牙期骨性反的适用性及治疗前后的牙颌结构变化。方法选择替牙期骨性Ⅲ类错患者9例,平均年龄8.1±1.5岁,患者前牙反,上颌相对于下颌后缩,应用弹性树脂材料制作包绕上颌全部牙齿及部分牙槽骨的包绕式垫,中部连接螺旋扩弓器快速扩弓,加前方牵引矫治反。在头颅侧位片上测量矫治前后牙、牙槽骨及颌骨的变化。结果弹性包绕式垫固位良好,腭中缝在2~3周内打开,前牙反在6~11个月内解除;上颌骨前移,下颌骨轻度向下后旋转,SNA平均增大1.9°,ANB角平均增大2.8°;治疗后上切牙唇倾,下切牙舌倾。结论在替牙期采用弹性包绕式垫加前方牵引能够促进上颌骨生长,简便、有效地治疗替牙期骨性反。  相似文献   

A case report of a 7-year-old boy who had Class III skeletal pattern is presented. The maxilla was deficient in anteroposterior and transverse dimensions, causing a slightly concave profile, a crossbite relationship of most of the anterior and posterior teeth, and upper anterior crowding. The rapid palatal expansion therapy effectively uprighted the posterior segments and developed the arches. Alignment, leveling and development of a good functional occlusion was accomplished with the .022" x .028" standard edgewise appliance.  相似文献   

目的评价上颌前方牵引与Pendulum矫治器联合应用治疗恒牙早期前牙反的疗效。方法选择恒牙早期前牙反患者12例,其中男4例,女8例,年龄9~12岁,平均10.7岁,均伴有不同程度的上颌牙列拥挤。先采用上颌前方牵引治疗3~6个月,然后使用改良型Pendulum矫治器推上颌磨牙远中移动2~6个月,提供间隙供上颌牙列排齐,最后采用MBT直丝弓矫治技术完成治疗。通过头影测量分析评价治疗效果。结果矫治结束后,12例患者均建立正常覆、覆盖关系,ANB增加2.57°,前牙覆盖增加6.32 mm;上中切牙唇倾度增加8.58°,前移5.22 mm;上颌第一磨牙远中倾斜3.17°,远中移动2.87mm。结论对于伴有上颌拥挤的恒牙早期前牙反患者,上颌前方牵引联合Pendulum矫治器远中移动磨牙可以取得良好的疗效,但临床选择病例应慎重,避免上颌切牙过度唇倾。  相似文献   

目的:12例替牙期反病例,观察利用隐形矫治器加口内Ⅲ类牵引矫治替牙期功能性反的疗效。方法:选择利用隐形矫治器加下颌尖牙区和上颌第一磨牙区牵引钩,在口内进行颌间Ⅲ类牵引,矫治力大小根据病人的耐受力进行调整,约250~500 g。结果:12例病人均在5个月内完成矫治。矫治后前牙达到正常咬合,第一磨牙中性或基本中性关系。结论:带牵引钩的隐形矫治器颌间牵引,可有效矫治替牙期功能性反。是替牙期功能性反早期矫治的有效手段。  相似文献   

As an evaluation of treatment for anterior crossbite (Class I Malocclusion) in the mixed dentition, relationships were examined between the results of cluster analysis on the measured values before treatment and those on the changes caused by treatment. The following were the results of the present investigation. 1. The results of cluster analysis on the measured values before treatment were summed up into three groups; A1, A2, and A3. 1) Group A1 showing retrusion of the Maxilla and lingual version and lingual inclination of Maxillary anterior teeth. 2) Group A2 showing protrusion of the Mandible, lingual version of Maxillary anterior teeth, and lingual inclination of Mandibular anterior teeth. 3) Group A3 showing lingual version of Maxillary anterior teeth and labial version of Mandibular anterior teeth. 2. The results of cluster analysis on the changes caused by treatment were classified into three groups; V1, V2, and V3. 1) Group V1 showing labial version and labial inclination of Maxillary anterior teeth and lingual version and lingual inclination of Mandibular anterior teeth. 2) Group V2 showing protrusion of the Maxilla, labial version of Maxillary anterior teeth, and lingual version and lingual inclination of Mandibular anterior teeth. 3) Group V3 showing retrusion of the Mandible and labial version and labial inclination of Maxillary anterior teeth. 3. Relationships between Groups A1, A2, and A3 and those of V1, V2, and V3 may be summarized in the following. 1) Group A1 shows healing trend of Group V2. 2) Group A2 shows healing trend of either Group V1 or Group V3. 3) Group A3 shows healing trend of Group V1. The results shown above indicate that healing process is dependent upon many factors including a problem of mixed dentition, a problem of constructing dental arch and individual growth characteristics. Therefore, it is important for us to recognize the findings described above when treating anterior crossbite in the mixed dentition.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate dental arch changes that occurred during the mixed dentition in 30 normal occlusion children. Two analyses were done. The first one was at the age of early mixed dentition and the second at the age of late mixed dentition. Most width variables were greater in the males, and depth variables greater in the female subjects. A directionally larger left side of the maxilla and right side of the mandible were observed. Our findings indicate that most arch width dimensions are established in the early mixed dentition. We conclude that the period between the early and late mixed dentition is suitable for environmental factors to disrupt the ideal symmetrical developmental pattern because more growth and developmental changes occur after a relatively stabile period of deciduous dentition.  相似文献   

目的:探讨固定矫治器和功能矫治器矫治替牙期前牙反牙合的作用机理、矫治效果和适用范围。方法:41例替牙期前牙反牙合病例,其中21例使用2×4固定矫治技术治疗,20例使用功能矫治器治疗。对两组病例治疗前后X线头影测量指标进行分析。结果:固定矫治组可以通过牙槽骨改变解除前牙反牙合;功能矫治器组除牙性改变外还有骨骼改变。结论:早期固定矫治器配合Ⅲ类颌间牵引可以有效矫治替牙期牙性、功能性前牙反牙合,功能矫治器适用骨性或混合性反牙合病例。  相似文献   

The craniofacial and dental components of anterior crossbite children with a full primary dentition were investigated by means of a cephalometric and correlation study. A group of thirty-two Taiwanese children with anterior crossbite was compared to a group of thirty-two normal occlusion subjects. The facial profile polygon method was used for assessing morphological characteristics of craniofacial pattern. According to the results, early signs of anterior crossbite are present in the primary dentition. A smaller anterior cranial base, a retruded positioning of the maxilla and a smaller interincisal angle were found in the anterior crossbite children. A correlation analysis between all the cephalometric measurements was carried out, and the significance of the differences between correlation coefficients of the two groups was calculated. the normal occlusion group shows negative correlation between interincisal angle and FH-SGn angle. The anterior crossbite group shows positive correlation between FH-NPog angle and U1-FH angle.  相似文献   

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