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Deep vein thrombosis and malignancy: a surgical oncologist's perspective   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Oncology patients are at increased risk of developing deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and its potentially fatal sequel, pulmonary embolism. This is due to multiple factors, including the presence of the malignancy itself, comorbid factors and therapy-related interventions. Issues that are peculiar to venous thrombosis in the oncology setting are discussed, based on a MEDLINE search of the English literature. These include the need to screen for malignancy in idiopathic DVT, a high index of suspicion for venous thrombosis in the cancer patient, the use of vena cava filters, and the anti-neoplastic effects of heparin. Asian patients appear to have a lower incidence of DVT compared to Caucasians. A recommended regimen for prophylaxis of DVT must take into account the varying thrombosis risk associated with different malignancies. Cancer patients not undergoing abdominal, pelvic or orthopaedic surgery (e.g. mastectomy) should use elastic compression stockings and be mobilized early, whereas low-molecular-weight heparin should be given to those undergoing more major surgery. In advanced malignancy, treatment of DVT palliates symptoms. These patients may need long-term anticoagulation with warfarin.  相似文献   

The authors compare two successive series of surgically treated phaeochromocytomas. The first series consisted of 18 patients treated by laparotomy. During the immediate postoperative course, one patient died, 10 patients developed complications and 11 patients required blood transfusion. One patient died later from a recurrence. In the following series, 17 patients were operated by lumbotomy, which was bilateral in three cases. The mortality was nul, two patients developed complications and three patients required transfusion. Although successive series must be compared very cautiously, lumbotomy is justified by the surgical simplicity and the decreased morbidity. It is only possible as a result of the progress in medical imaging, particularly computed tomography, meta-iodobenzylguanidine isotope scans and magnetic resonance imaging.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: In at least half of patients with iliofemoral deep vein thrombosis post-thrombotic syndrome develops when only anticoagulant therapy is given. We combined thrombolysis, applied under ischemic conditions,with surgical thrombectomy to restore patency and valve function. The technique and the short-term and long-term results in 2 patient series are reported. METHODS: A catheter was inserted into a foot vein of the thrombosed leg, and the limb was excluded from the circulation with a pneumatic cuff placed on the thigh with the patient under general anesthesia. Urokinase (0.5 million-3 million IU) and heparin were infused and allowed to act for 30 minutes while the pelvic axis was cleared with a Fogarty catheter through an inguinal venotomy. The external iliac vein was then clamped and the cuff removed. Thrombi that detached from the wall were flushed out with reactive hyperemia and squeezed out with manual leg compression. The blood was retrieved, washed, and transfused back into the patient. Various additional procedures were performed to secure outflow. Two patient series are reported: 1 with 12 consecutive patients and 1 with 21 patients who were successfully treated 6 to 10 years previously. Follow-up data were obtained for all patients after 1 year and for 18 of 21 patients after 6 to 10 years. Patency and valve function were assessed with duplex scanning or venography. Studies of blood coagulation and the kinetics of urokinase were performed in 5 additional patients. RESULTS: Vein patency and valve function were restored in all consecutive patients. At 1 year none of the 33 patients had had recurrence, and none showed clinical signs of post-thrombotic syndrome. At 6 to 10 years 3 of 18 patients had experienced another venous thromboembolism, but none in the treated leg. Sixteen legs were asymptomatic without compression therapy, and 2 had venous claudication. Coagulation studies showed a trace concentration of urokinase and a mild decrease in fibrinogen in the systemic circulation. The concentration of urokinase in blood collected from the treated leg was only 1% of that infused. CONCLUSION: Regional thrombolysis combined with surgical thrombectomy is relatively easy to perform and seems safe. Vein patency and valve function were restored, and post-thrombotic syndrome was prevented. Additional procedures to overcome pelvic vein obstructions were required in 11 of 33 patients (33%). The procedure should be tested against standard anticoagulation therapy in patients with acute iliofemoral thrombosis.  相似文献   

In a series of 18 patients delayed embolectomy of the limb was performed 8-63 days after embolism had occurred. Three patients died (2 of them after amputation), and 7 limbs were amputated after surgery. In 10 instances blood flow was fully restored by the operation. Analysis of the 18 cases leads to the conclusion that the success of delayed embolectomy where neuromuscular function is intact depends primarily on surgical technique. Direct embolectomy by local or regional exposure of the obstructed arterial level is shown to produce better results than conventional (distant) balloon catheter embolectomy by proximal incision. This is thought to be due to increased mural adherence of the embolus, with secondary thrombus formation after a delay of 8 days or more. A plea is therefore made for a more aggressive surgical attitude to delayed arterial embolization. Provided that preoperative arteriography has localized the obstructive level and that the patient's general condition allows major vascular surgery, direct removal of the embolus and secondary thrombi by open exposure of the obstructed artery is recommended.  相似文献   

介入联合手术治疗急性下肢深静脉血栓形成   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
目的 探讨急性下肢深静脉血栓形成介入联合手术治疗方法.方法 2002年1月至2004年12月对42例急性下肢深静脉血栓形成患者,首先经健侧股静脉置入下腔静脉滤器,再切开患侧股静脉,远端血栓以挤压法驱出,近端髂静脉内血栓以Fogarty导管取出,球囊扩张左髂静脉狭窄,最后做临时性股动静脉瘘,术后3个月结扎.结果 40例治疗成功,37例髂静脉狭窄,7例放置支架;随访34例,3~32个月.26例患肢肿胀消失,8例有不同程度的下肢肿胀,4例复发,随访时血管造影20例,14例血管形态良好,3例呈血栓后综合征表现,3例血管闭塞.结论 本方法创伤小,恢复快,疗效好,多数患者能耐受.  相似文献   

A new technique extending the incision used for thoracic outlet decompression with a subclavicular approach to the first rib is presented. After the first rib and scalenotomy are removed, the subclavicular incision is continued into the sternum medially and superiorly to the sternal notch. This gives easy access to the innominate-subclavian-axillary vein segment. Eight patients with extensive chronic fibrotic obstruction of the subclavian-innominate vein segment underwent operation with this technique. It allows placement of either long patches of saphenous vein to reestablish normal caliber or replacement, as is our choice, with a small-sized cryopreserved descending thoracic aortic homograft. The operation is carried out in an extrapleural plane preserving the sternoclavicular joint, avoiding the deformity caused by transclavicular techniques. Repair of the sternotomy creates a stable incision. Follow-up to 14 months shows patency of the venous channel with no complications. This surgical approach is recommended to solve the problem of satisfactory exposure of the subclavian-innominate venous channel after decompression of the thoracic outlet. (J Vasc Surg 1998;27:576-81.)  相似文献   

Prophylaxis of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a serious matter as the source of pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE) in hospitalized patients. Leg DVT is classified into three groups: iliac, femoral and calf types. Among them, calf type DVT is closely connected with PTE. Especially, soleal vein is the most frequent site of thrombi formation occurring with venous stagnation. Although most cases of soleal vein thrombosis are resolved soon without specific treatments: in around 20% of cases the thrombosis propagates to the proximal drainage vein as float thrombi e.g. from peroneal vein and posterior tibial vein to popliteal vein. Thereafter, the organization of thrombi leads to venous valve insufficiency, so-called postthrombotic syndrome. As a result, it worsens blood stagnation and induces recurrent thrombi formation. The broad prophylaxis of DVT in the soleal veins for inpatients is the most important point in the initial stage of hospitalization.  相似文献   

Until basic knowledge of fracture anatomy and stability includes experiments with comminuted anterior column injuries, posterior column injuries, and these injuries in combination with ligament and capsular injuries, and until the long-term implications of the long fusion in an otherwise healthy patient are fully known, clinicians making decisions about individual patients must assemble all the variables that bear on the patient's ability to heal and become fully functional again before making a decision about surgical stabilization of the thoracolumbar fracture. An assessment of plain roentgenograms, tomograms, and CAT scans and an understanding of the anatomy of the fracture site provide essential but insufficient data for clinical decisions about patients.  相似文献   

Thrombosis of mesenterial veins was found to develop in 30 women and 28 men of the average age of 51 +/- 2.1 years. It was established that case history of ischemic heart disease, diseases of the liver, spleen, thrombotic lesions of vessels of different localization and splenectomy should be taken for conditions predisposing to the development of mesenterial vein thrombosis. Treatment of occlusive lesions of mesenterial veins must include not only resection of the infarction portions of the intestine, but also correction of protein-electrolytic disorders, nitrogenous and carbohydrate metabolism as well as liver function.  相似文献   

目的 加深对急性肠系膜上静脉血栓形成(AMVT)导致急腹症严重性的认识,探讨提高疗效的措施。方法 对13例AMVT临床特点、治疗方法和效果进行分析比较。结果 入院均诊断为急腹症,但术前能确诊仅2例,拟诊1例,行小肠部分切除11例,其中小肠广泛切除3例,仅作剖腹探查2例。治愈10例,死亡3例。随诊3个月~14年,无复发,无短肠综合征发生。结论 AMVT临床表现无特异性,术前确诊困难。腹痛与腹部体征不符、WBC大于20×10~9/L时应警惕本病。彩色多普勒对诊断有较大帮助。充分认识此病,争取早期诊断及时手术是提高疗效关键,术后抗凝溶栓可防止复发。  相似文献   

Unicoronal synostosis. A surgical intervention.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Computer-assisted medical imaging technology provides useful tools for the in vivo study of congenital craniofacial deformities. Using these tools, a standardized operation for infants with nonsyndromal unicoronal synostosis has been shown to consistently normalize orbital dimensions and decrease exocranial base angulation. Normalization of endocranial base angulation is less consistent. The plasticity of the infant's cranial base after cranial vault surgery suggests a locus of the primary pathology at a site other than the cranial base.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: Symptomatic central venosus obstruction (CVO) in dialysis patients with arteriovenous fistulas (AVFs) leads to significant morbidity and patient inconvenience. We evaluated the results of surgical and radiological interventional treatment of symptomatic central venous obstruction. METHODS: Clinical data, site and length of vein obstruction, type and outcome of intervention were obtained from patient records. Patency rates of radiological and surgical treatment were calculated using Life Table survival analysis. RESULTS: In 28 patients with VH, 45 interventions (percutaneous intervention 30; surgical reconstruction 10; AVF closure five) were performed. Mean vessel obstruction length was 4.9 cm, mainly localized in the subclavian vein (55%). Initial clinical success rate of PTA and surgery was 92%, with complications after percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) on six occasions. Restenosis after PTA was observed in 39%. One-year primary and secondary patency after PTA was 50 and 63%, respectively. One-year primary patency after surgical reconstruction was 75%. CONCLUSION: Symptomatic CVO in dialysis patients with AVFs can be treated with a high success rate through radiological intervention. Surgical reconstruction is an appropriate alternative method in case of failed PTA.  相似文献   

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