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Book reviewed in this article:
Progressive Muskeldystrophie, Myotonie, Nyasthenie . Edited by E. K uhn .
Current Xtdies in Hemophilia. Proceedings of the 3rd Congress of the World Federation of Hemo philia. Paris, September 7–9, 1965. Edited by J. P. S ooller and F. Josso.
Origins of Man . By J. B uettner -J anusch .
Genetics of Interracial Crosses in Hawaii . By N. E. M orton , C. S. C hung ; and M.-P. MI.
Mental Deficiency: the Changing Outlook . Edited by A nn M. C larke and A. D. B. C larke .
Cranial Morphology in Down's Syndrome. A Comparative Roentgencephalometric Study in Adult Males . By E rik K isling .
Advances in Blood Grouping , volume II. By A. S. W iener and M. S hapiro .
The Language of Life. An Introduction to the Science of Genetics . By G eorge and M uriel B eadle .
The Control of Environment . Edited by J. D. R oslansky .  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1977,41(2):269-275
Thomas Hunt Morgan. Pioneer of Genetics. By I an S hine and S ylvia W robel . 1976.
Modern Biology and Its Human Implications. B y J. A. V. B utler . 1976.
Human Haemoglobin Variants and Their Characteristics. By H. L ehmann and P. A. M. K ynoch . 1976.
Teratology and Congenital Malformations: A Comprehensive Guide to the Literature. Edited by L ois W einstein .
Colour Vision Deficiencies. Volume III. Edited by G. V erriest . Modern Problems in Ophthalmology. Volume 17.
Down's Anomaly. Second edition. By G. F. S mith and J. M. B erg .
Human Biology. Second edition. By G. A. H arrison , J. S. W einer , J. M. T anner and N. A. B arnicot .
The HLA System. An Introductory Survey. By A. S vejgaard , M. H auge , G. J ersild , P. P latz , L. P. R yder , L. S taub N ielsen and M. T homsen .
Foundations of Mathematical Genetics. By A. W. F. E dwards .
Humangenetik: Ein kurzes Handbuch. Band III/3. Hämatologie. Edited by P eter E mil B ecker .
Handbook of Statistical Distribution. B y J. K. P atel , C. H. K apadia and D. B. O wen .
Exercises Programmés de Génétique Médicale. By P. J albert , B. S ele , J. F eingold .
Patterns of Sexuality and Reproduction. By A lan S. P arkes .  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1980,43(4):429-431
Book reviewed in this article:
Genetic Epidemiology . Edited by N ewton E. M orton and C hin S ik C hung
Evolutionary Biology . Volume 11. Edited by M. K. H echt , W. C. S teere and B. W allace
Clinical Atlas of Human Chromosomes . By J ean D e G rouchy and C atherine T urleau
Myotonic Dystrophy . By P. S. H arper . Eastbourne: W. B. Saunders.  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1976,40(2):259-261
Book reviewed in this article:
Genetics of Man . By F. C larke F raser & J ames J. N ora .
Abberration du chromosome Y en pathologie médico-légale . By M. B enezech .
Benchmark Papers in Genetics , Vol. 3. Demographic Genetics . Edited by K enneth M. W eiss & P aul A. B allonoff .
Genetics of Man . By P aul A mos M oody .  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《Annals of human genetics》1966,29(4):411-417
Book reviewed in this article:
Problems of Radiation Genetics . By N. P. D ubinin .
Introduction to Medical Genetics . By V. P. E phroimson .
Genetics and the Epidemiology of Chromic Diseases . Edited by J. V. N eel , M argery W. S haw and W. J. S chull .
The Molecular Basis of Heredity . By A. B. P eacocke and R. B. D rysdale .
Diffusion Models in Population Genetics . By M otoo K imura .
Human Genetics and its Foundations . By M aurice W hittinghill .
Gregor Mendel: Experiments in Plant Hybridisation (with commentary and assessment by the late Sir R onald F isher ). Edited by J. H. B ennett .
Genetics land Prehistory . The Rede Lecture 1965. By G avin de B eer . Cambridge University Press. Pp. 37. 5s.
Embryologie. Ein Lehrbuch auf allgemein biologischer Grundlage . 2nd edition. By Prof. Dr D ietrich S tarck .  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1967,30(4):403-410
Book reviewed in this article:
Karyotype, Meiosis and Spermatogonia in a Sample of Men Attending an Infertility Clinic . By B. K jessler .
Commentary on R. A. Fisher's Paper on The Correlation Between Relatives on the Supposition of Mendelian Inheritance . By P. A. P. M oran and C. A. B. S mith .
Experiments in Plant Hybridization by G. Mendel
Advances in Teratology , vol. 1. Edited by D. H. M. W oollam .
Genetic and Allied Effects of Alkylating Agents . By A nthony L oveless .
Vererbung von Hautkrankheiten , vol. VII. Edited by H. A. G ottron and U. W. S chnyder .
Review of the Proceedings of a Symposium on Tissue Typing held at Strasbourg , 1965. By the International Society of Blood Transfusion.
The Evolution of Genetics . By A rnold W. R avin .
Group Representations and Applied Probability . By E. J. H annan . London: Methuen.
Die Chromosomemtruktur des Nenschen in Mitosis und. Meiosis . By P. E berle .  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1964,28(1-3):317-318
Book reviewed in this article:
Papers on Human Genetics. Edited by S amuel H. B oyer , IV. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall Inc. and London: Prentice-Hall International. 1964.
Methodology in Basic Genetics. Edited by W alter J. B urdette . Holden-Day, Inc. 1963.
The Process of Evolution. Edited by P. R. E hrlich and R. W. H olm . New York, San Francisco, Toronto and London: McGraw-Hill. 1963.
Teaching Genetics. Edited by C. D. D arlington and A. D. B radshaw . Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd Ltd. 1963.
Principles of Numerical Taxonomy. By R. R. S okal and P. H. A. S neath . San Francisco and London: W. H. Freeman and Company. 1963.
General Physiology of Cell Specialization. Edited by D aniel M azia and A lbert T yler . 1963. New York, McGraw-Hill
Die angeborenen Stoffwechselanomalien. Grundlagen. Klinik. Therapie. By K. S chreier , in collaboration with H. M attern , U. P orath and J. S pranger , and with a contribution by H.-G. L asch . Stuttgart: Georg Thieme. 1963.
Proceedings of the 4th Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability , vol. iv , Biology and Problems of Health. Edited By J erzy N eyman . Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. 161.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book review in this Article
The Pancreas in Connection with the Epigastric Unit Edited by V.Becker & K. Hubner.
The Semiotics of Cellular Communication in the Immune System Edited by E.E.Sercarz, F.Celada, N.A.Mitchison & T.Tada.
Pathology of Tumours of the Nervous System 5th edition. D.S.Russell & L.J.Rubinstein.
Gastrointestinal Pathology: An Atlas and Text C.M.Fenoglio-Preiser, P.E.Lantz, M.B.Listrom, M.Davis & F.O.Rilke.
An Atlas of Gross Pathology C.D.M.Fletcher & P.H.McKee.  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1967,31(2):209-213
Book reviewed in this article:
Protein Biosynthesis and Problems of Heredity, Development and Ageing . By Z h . A. M edvedev .
The Development of Sex Differences . By E leanor E. M accoby .
Rece. lzt Advances in, Biological Psychiatry . Vol. IX. Edited by J. W ortis .
Chromosomes Today . Vol. 1. Edited by C. D. D arlington and K. R. L ewis .
Chromosome Manipulations and Plant Genetics . Edited by R. R iley and K. R. L ewis .  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1979,42(4):533-536
Book reviewed in this article:
Bisocial Man. Studies related to the interaction of biological and cultural factors in human populations. Edited by D. B rothewell .
Extranuclear Genetics. By G eoffrey B eale , F.R.S. and J onathakn K nowles
Chromosomes Today. Volume 6. Edited by A. de la C hapelle and M. S orsa .
Molecular Structure of Human Chromosomes: Chromosomes in Biology and Medicine. Edited by J. J. Y unis .  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
The Genetics of Gastro-Intestinal Disorders . By R. B. M connell .
Race and Modern Science . Edited by R. E. K uttner .
Recent Results in Cancer Research . Volume XII. Hereditary Factors in Carcinoma . By H enry T. L ynch .
Prevention of Cancer. Pointers from Epidemiology . By R ichard D oll .
Lékàská Genetika (Medical Genetics ). By M. & C car; erny .
Malformations associées de la téte et des extrémités . By P. T ridon and M. T hiriet .  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1962,25(4):417-422
Book reviewed in this article:
Hemoglobin and its Abnormalities. By V ernon M. I ngram .
The Metabolic Basis of Inherited Disease. Edited by S tanbury , J. B., W yngaarden , J. B. & F redrickson , D. S. B lakiston .
L'Hérédité en Ophtalmologie. By J. F rançois .
Human Genetics. By C. C. L i .
Morbus Haemolyticus neonatorum im Abo-system. By Dr med. K. F ischer .
The Scientific Basis of Medicine: Annual Reviews , 1961. British Postgraduate Medical Federation. University of London.
Cell Heredityj . By R uth S ager and F rancis J. R yan .  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1973,36(3):363-366
Book reviewed in this article:
Human Cytogenetics. Volume I. General Cytogenetics. By J ohn L. H amerton .
Human Cytogenetics. Volume II. Clinical Cytogenetics. By J ohn L. H amekton .
Mendelian Inheritance in Man , 3rd edition. By V. A. M c K usick .
Humangentik. Ein kurzes Handbuch in fünf Bänden. Edited by P. E. B ecker .
Vol. 1/2 (1969). Merkmale des Gesichts. Schmecken und Riechen. Merkmale der Gliedmassen. Papillarleisten. Psychologie. By H. v. B racken , G. J örgensen , L. L oeffler , H. O epen , H. R itter , J. S chaeuble , F. S chwarzfischer and G. Z iegelmayer .
Vol. 1/4 (1972). Blutgruppen. By H. H elmbold , F. S chwarzfischer and F. V ogel .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article:
Psychophysiology: Systems, Processes, and Applications
Reviewed by E ward S. K atkin
Psychophysiology: Systems, Processes, and Applications . Edited by M.G.H. Coles. E. Donchin, and S.W. Forges.
Biofeedback; Studies in Clinical Efficacy
Reviewed by J. M ichael L acroix and P eggy V oorneveld
Biofeedback: Studies in Clinical Efficacy . Edited by J.P. Hatch, J.G. Fisher, and J.D. Rugh.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Chromosome Techniques, Theory and Practice . By A run K umar S harma and A rchana S harma .
Genetics Today. Proceedings of the XIth International Congress of Genetics, The Hague, The Netherlands, september 1963. Edited by S. J. G eerts .
Methods and Goals in Human Behavior Genetics . Ed. by S teven G. V andenberg .
The Gene Concept . By N atalie B arish .
Ethnic Affinities of the Rabha . By B huban M. D as .
The Effects of Inbreeding on Japanese Children . By W illiam J. S chull and J ames V. N eel .
General Genetics , 2nd edition. By A. M. S rb , R. D. O wen and R. S. E dgar .  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1955,20(4):361-365
Book reviewed in this article:
Man's Capacity to Reproduce. The Demography of a Unique Population. By J. W. E aton and A.J.M ayer
The Challenge of Man's Future . By H arbison B rown
Biometrika Tables for Statisticians , vol. 1. Edited by E. S. P earson and H. O. H artley
Statistical Theory of Extreme Values and Some Practical Applications.
Probability Tables for the Analysis of Extreme-value Data.
Animal Cytology and Evolution. By M. J. D. W hite
Traité de Génétique. By PH. L'H éritier  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1980,44(2):223-228
Book reviewed in this article:
Advances in the Study of Birth Defects. Volumes 1 and 2. Edited by T. V. N. P ersaud
Genetic Mosaics and Chimeras in Mammals. Basic Life Sciences. Volume 12. Edited by L. B. R ussell .
Selection in One- and Two-locus Systems. By T. N. N agylaki .
Advances in Human Genetics. Volume 9. Edited by H. H arris and K. H irschhorn .
Genetic Aspects of Affective Illness. Edited by J. M endlewicz and B. S hopsin
Human Genetics. Problems and Approaches. Edited by F. V ogel and A. G. M otulsky .  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1969,33(1):109-114
Book reviewed in this article:
Down's Anomaly. By L. S. P enrose and G. F. S mith .
Genetic and Environmental Influences on Behaviour. Ed. by J. M. T hoday and A. S. P arkes .
'New Aspects of Human Genetics.' Ed. C. E. F ord and H arry H arris .
Eugenics and the Progressives. By D. K. P ickens .
Population Genetics. By W. J. E wens .
An Enquiry Concerning Growth, Disease and Ageing. By P hilip R. J. B urch .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Annals of human genetics》1963,27(4):427-432
Book reviewed in this article:
Psoriasis: Prevalence, Spontaneous Course and Genetics. By G unnar L omholt (1963).
Senile Dementia: a Clinical, Sociomedical and Genetic Study. By T age L arsson , T orsten S jögren , and G eorge J acobson , with the assistance of G ota S jögren .
Dystrophia Myotonica and Related Disorders. By J. E. C aughey and N. C. M yrianthopoulos .
The Biology of Mental Defect. By L. S. P enrose . Third Edition. London: Sidgwick and Jackson.
Le Emoglobine Umane. Biochimica, Genetica, Popolazionistica Patologia e Clinica. By E. S ilvestront and I. B ianco .
Repair from Genetic Radiation Damage and Differential Radiosensitivity in Germ Cells. Edited by F. H. SOBELS.
Tables for Testing Significance in a 2times2 Contingency Table. Compiled by D. J. F inney , R. L atscha , B. M. B ennett and P. H su , with an Introduction by E. S. P earson .
Family and Mental Health Problems in a Deaf Population. Edited by J. D. R ainer , K. Z. A ltschttler and F. J. K allmann with assistance of W. E. D enning .  相似文献   

《Annals of human genetics》1975,38(4):507-512
Book reviewed in this article:
The Genetic Basis of Evolutionary Change. B y R. C. L ewontin .
Lea Nouveaux pygmalions: awe confins de la génétique humaine. By J ean de G rouchy .
Methods and Theories of Anthropological Genetics. Edited by M. H. C rawford and P. L. W orkman .
Colour Vision Deficiencies: II. Proceedings of the Second Symposium of the International Research Group on Colour Vision Deficiencies, Edinburgh 1973. Edited by G. V erriest .  相似文献   

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