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OBJECTIVES: To assess the distribution of personal exposures to nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in school children, and to investigate factors that might influence personal exposure. METHODS: NO2 exposures were assessed by use of passive diffusion tubes for 46 children aged 9-11 years, selected from two Southampton schools. The tubes were worn for seven days, and parallel measurements were made with static samplers in the child's kitchen, living room, classroom, and playground. Information about potential exposures was collected by questionnaire. RESULTS: Personal exposures to NO2, averaged over seven days, ranged from 11 to 257 micrograms/m3 (6 to 137 ppb) with a geometric mean of 36 micrograms/m3 (19 ppb). Exposures correlated with concentrations of NO2 recorded in the home, but the relation was far from exact. Factors associated with increased personal exposure included the use of gas appliances in the home, living with one or more smokers, and travel to school by means other than a car. However, together these variables only explained a small part of the variation in personal exposures. CONCLUSIONS: These findings reinforce the need for personal monitoring of exposure in studies investigating potential health effects of NO2 in children.  相似文献   

Seven persons volunteered to perform 25 common activities thought to increase personal exposure to volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) during a 3-day monitoring period. Personal, indoor, and outdoor air samples were collected on Tenax cartridges three times per day (evening, overnight, and daytime) and analyzed by GC-MS for 17 target VOCs. Samples of exhaled breath were also collected before and after each monitoring period. About 20 activities resulted in increasing exposure to one or more of the target VOCs, often by factors of 10, sometimes by factors of 100, compared to exposures during the sleep period. These concentrations were far above the highest observed outdoor concentrations during the length of the study. Breath levels were often significantly correlated with previous personal exposures. Major exposures were associated with use of deodorizers (p-dichlorobenzene); washing clothes and dishes (chloroform); visiting a dry cleaners (1,1,1-trichloroethane, tetrachloroethylene); smoking (benzene, styrene); cleaning a car engine (xylenes, ethylbenzene, tetrachloroethylene); painting and using paint remover (n-decane, n-undecane); and working in a scientific laboratory (many VOCs). Continuously elevated indoor air levels of p-dichlorobenzene, trichloroethylene, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, carbon tetrachloride, decane, and undecane were noted in several homes and attributed to unknown indoor sources. Measurements of exhaled breath suggested biological residence times in tissue of 12-18 hr and 20-30 hr for 1,1,1-trichloroethane and p-dichlorobenzene, respectively.  相似文献   

目的了解长沙地区居民主要饮水暴露参数情况,为评价长沙地区居民对水中化学污染物暴露和健康风险评价提供依据。方法于2011年11月—2012年5月采用多阶段整群随机抽样的方法,从长沙市随机选取所辖的两个地区中18岁及以上居民进行主要饮水暴露参数的调查,并通过问卷调查和标准量具相结合的方法进行入户调查,获得当地居民的饮水情况。结果长沙地区居民饮用水源主要以自来水和泉水为主,分别占49.7%,24.9%,饮水量中位数为1 575 ml/d,居民夏季饮水量(2 180 ml/d)春、秋季(1 400 ml/d)冬季(1 225 ml/d),男性饮水量(1 650 ml/d)高于女性(1 475 ml/d),饮水量随年龄的增大而增加,60岁及以上居民饮水量最高(1 875 ml/d),18~44岁居民饮水量最低(1 500 ml/d),城市居民饮水量(1 600 ml/d)高于农村居民(1 555 ml/d),饮水量随体质指数(BMI)的升高而增加,超重人群(BMI≥24.0 kg/m2)的饮水量最高(1 555 ml/d),偏瘦人群(BMI18.5 kg/m2)的饮水量最低(1 400 ml/d),高中毕业人群饮水量最多(1 650 ml/d),本科及以上人群饮水量最低(1 450 ml/d),且饮水量在不同性别、年龄、城乡、BMI、文化程度和季节等因素中存在统计学差异(P0.05)。结论长沙地区居民饮水量受性别、年龄、城乡、BMI、文化程度、季节等因素的影响,在评价人体对水中污染物暴露和健康风险应综合考虑各因素条件下的饮水量。  相似文献   

目的探讨乌鲁木齐市居民健康素养影响因素,为制定健康教育工作计划提供依据。方法采用多阶段随机抽样方法抽取乌鲁木齐市24个街道办或乡(镇)15~69岁的常住居民。用中国健康教育中心编制的中国公民健康素养调查问卷,以自答问卷的方式进行调查,通过单因素分析和有序多分类Logistic回归分析,探讨乌鲁木齐市居民健康素养的影响因素。结果共调查2500人,回收有效问卷2425份,有效回收率为97%。单因素分析显示不同地区、性别、年龄、民族、文化程度和职业的居民健康素养等级构成差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。有序多分类Logistic回归分析显示.影响乌鲁木齐市居民健康素养的主要因素是性别(OR=1.18)、年龄(OR=0.72)、民族(OR=0.73)、文化程度(OR值分别为2.86、1.89、1.42)。结论在制定乌鲁木齐市居民健康教育和健康促进策略时,应关注高年龄段、男性、少数民族和低文化水平的居民。  相似文献   

Air pollution remains a leading cause of many respiratory diseases including chronic cough. Although episodes of incidental, dramatic air pollution are relatively rare, current levels of exposure of pollutants in industrialized and developing countries such as total articles, diesel exhaust particles and common cigarette smoke may be responsible for the development of chronic cough both in children and adults. The present study analyses the effects of common environmental factors as potential causes of chronic cough. Different PubMed-based researches were performed that related the term cough to various environmental factors. There is some evidence that chronic inhalation of diesel can lead to the development of cough. For long-term exposure to nitrogen dioxide (NO2), children were found to exhibit increased incidences of chronic cough and decreased lung function parameters. Although a number of studies did not show that outdoor pollution directly causes the development of asthma, they have demonstrated that high levels pollutants and their interaction with sunlight produce ozone (O3) and that repeated exposure to it can lead to chronic cough. In summary, next to the well-known air pollutants which also include particulate matter and sulphur dioxide, a number of other indoor and outdoor pollutants have been demonstrated to cause chronic cough and therefore, environmental factors have to be taken into account as potential initiators of both adult and pediatric chronic cough.  相似文献   

The US Environmental Protection Agency's (US EPA) Detroit Exposure and Aerosol Research Study (DEARS) deployed a total of over 2000 nitrogen dioxide, NO(2,) passive monitors during 3 years of field data collections. These 24-h based personal, residential outdoor and community-based measurements allowed for the investigation of NO(2) spatial, temporal, human and environmental factors. The relationships between personal exposures to NO(2) and the factors that influence the relationship with community-based measurements were of interest. Survey data from 136 participants were integrated with exposure findings to allow for mixed model effect analyses. Ultimately, 50 individual factors were selected for examination. NO(2) analyses revealed that season, exposure to environmental tobacco smoke and residential gas appliances were strong influencing factors. Only modest associations between community-based measures of nitrogen dioxide and personal exposures impacted by various exposure factors for heating (r=0.44) or non-heating seasons (r=0.34) were observed, indicating that use of ambient-based monitoring as a surrogate of personal exposure might result in sizeable exposure misclassification.  相似文献   

To investigate whether tonsillar size was related to human morphology, age or duration of disease, 100 consecutive patients undergoing tonsillectomy for recurrent tonsillitis were investigated. The lengths, widths and volumes of each resected tonsil were measured and compared with patient characteristics ascertained on the day before surgery. The volume of tonsillar tissue was directly related to height (p = 0.46, P less than 0.001) and weight (p = 0.45, P less than 0.001) and age, but at any age (or body size) there was a wide range of tonsil size. A weak inverse relationship was found with the duration of recurrent tonsillitis. Tonsil size is of no relevance in the assessment of recurrent tonsillitis or adenoid hypertrophy.  相似文献   

This study finds that consumers take dietary supplements to improve their physical health and gain peace of mind. Several factors influence the consumption of dietary supplements, but the advice of a physician underlies most consumer behavior. Few dietary supplement users over-consume these types of products, but those who do could be partaking in potentially dangerous consumption practices. More importantly, those who consume multivitamins, concentrates, and herbs/flowers/ roots express different consumer behaviors from those who only take multivitamins and concentrates. Conclusions are drawn in light of the media's impact on the behaviors of dietary supplement consumers.  相似文献   

目的通过调查社区人群甲状腺结节的患病情况,了解其流行病学特征。方法 2012年9—10月采取分层随机抽样方法抽取天津市4个区县成年常住居民506人,以问卷调查个人基本情况,采用直接滴定法检测家中食盐碘(n=225)含量,采用分光光度测定方法检测尿碘(n=506)含量,采用B超仪测量甲状腺情况。以logistic回归分析甲状腺结节的相关因素。结果居民碘盐覆盖率为77.78%,合格碘盐食用率为70.22%;男、女尿碘中位数分别为152.1和160.2μg/L;共检出138例甲状腺结节,患病率为27.27%,标化患病率为19.11%,其中男35例,女103例;多因素logistic回归显示,女性甲状腺结节发生概率明显高于男性(P0.01),B型性格者甲状腺结节发生概率高于A型性格(P0.05),甲状腺结节与是否食用碘盐无关。结论天津市甲状腺结节患病率与国内外其他地区处于相似水平,女性、B型性格易发甲状腺结节。  相似文献   

Outdoor, indoor, and personal exposure to VOCs in children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We measured volatile organic compound (VOC) exposures in multiple locations for a diverse population of children who attended two inner-city schools in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Fifteen common VOCs were measured at four locations: outdoors (O), indoors at school (S), indoors at home (H), and in personal samples (P). Concentrations of most VOCs followed the general pattern O approximately equal to S < P less than or equal to H across the measured microenvironments. The S and O environments had the smallest and H the largest influence on personal exposure to most compounds. A time-weighted model of P exposure using all measured microenvironments and time-activity data provided little additional explanatory power beyond that provided by using the H measurement alone. Although H and P concentrations of most VOCs measured in this study were similar to or lower than levels measured in recent personal monitoring studies of adults and children in the United States, p-dichlorobenzene was the notable exception to this pattern, with upper-bound exposures more than 100 times greater than those found in other studies of children. Median and upper-bound H and P exposures were well above health benchmarks for several compounds, so outdoor measurements likely underestimate long-term health risks from children's exposure to these compounds.  相似文献   

l目的:了解桐乡市居民高血压流行情况及其影响因素,为制订防治策略提供参考。方法:采用多阶段分层随机抽样的方法,抽取桐乡市18岁及以上的常住居民开展慢性病流行现状调查,分析高血压患病流行情况及相关影响因素。结果:高血压患病率为41.50%,标化率为34.04%;男女性患病率差异无统计学意义;增龄、高血压家族史、高体质指数、高HDL为高血压危险因子;控制增龄因素后,体质指数、血糖与收缩压有一定的线性相关,体质指数、血糖、糖化血红蛋白与舒张压有一定的线性相关。结论:应加强对桐乡市居民的血压、血糖和体重监测,开展患者及高危人群健康教育与干预。  相似文献   

目的 了解武汉市流动人口、农村居民和城市居民的饮酒行为及影响因素。方法 采用多水平分层空间随机抽样方法,利用电脑语音辅助问自答卷技术(简称ACASI)对武汉市18~45岁1 135名流动人口、1 145名农村居民和1 249名城市居民进行问卷调查。利用χ2检验和广义线性模型进行多因素分析。结果 流动人口、农村居民和城市居民的现在饮酒率分别为39.21%、40.44%和45.32%,城市居民饮酒率最高(χ2 = 10.36,P = 0.006)。总体来看,女性(OR = 0.35,95%CI: 0.28~0.45)、认为饮酒危害大(OR = 0.72,95%CI: 0.64~0.81)、劝酒不会喝(OR = 0.57,95%CI: 0.52~0.64)是现在饮酒的保护因素;年龄较大(OR = 1.04,95%CI: 1.02~1.05)、现在吸烟(OR = 1.30,95%CI: 1.03~1.64)、工作需要饮酒(OR = 1.77,95%CI: 1.42~2.21)、社交需要饮酒(OR = 3.53,95%CI: 2.85~4.37)、男性好友饮酒人数较多(OR = 1.43,95%CI: 1.28~1.60)是现在饮酒的危险因素,三人群和总人群的影响因素有异同之处。结论 三人群饮酒率较高,其中城市居民饮酒率最高,社交需要是三人群现在饮酒的重要危险因素,应对各人群开展有针对性的干预措施。  相似文献   

目的 了解我国北方地区冬季的饮水率状况,并与该地区夏秋季研究结果对比,探讨饮水率的季节差异性.方法 2009年2-3月,采用问卷调查与实际测量相结合的方法,在夏秋季对河南泌阳调查的2500人基础上抽取1000人对冬季饮水情况进行研究,主要包括居民的直接饮水和食物间接饮水的摄入情况,并与夏秋季结果进行比较.结果 该地区居民冬季总饮水率均值为1507.9 ml/d,比夏秋季低44.6%,直接饮水率和间接饮水率均值分别为224.1、1283.9 ml/d,分别比夏秋季低78.2%,24.5%,且均具有季节性差异,同时在城市和农村居民中也有显著的季节性差异.结论 进行饮水健康风险评价时需考虑季节因素对饮水率的影响,该地区居民冬季饮水率的研究结果可应用于具有与河南泌阳类似的地理、气候或生活习惯特点的城市或其他国家和地区.  相似文献   

北京市朝阳区居民健康素养及其影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解居民健康素养水平及其影响因素。方法采用多阶段分层抽样方法抽取北京市朝阳区15~69岁居民1 028人,以《中国公民健康素养——基本知识与技能(试行)》为框架,使用经专家论证及预试修改完善后编制的问卷进行入户调查,应用非条件Logistic回归分析健康素养的影响因素。结果朝阳区居民健康素养具备率为21.21%。科学健康观、安全与急救、传染病预防、信息的获取与应用、基本医疗、慢性病预防和日常保健七类健康问题素养具备率由高到低依次是59.05%、55.84%、41.34%、27.53%、27.14%、10.31%和6.61%。基本知识和理念、健康生活方式与行为和基本技能3方面素养具备率分别是25.58%、18.09%和32.20%。多因素Logistic回归分析显示,农村和文化程度低是影响居民健康素养的因素(P0.01)。结论朝阳区居民健康素养水平有待提高,应对城乡居民和不同文化程度人群开展针对性的健康教育,重点对不良生活方式与行为进行干预。  相似文献   

目的了解深圳市居民重点食源性寄生虫感染现状及影响因素,为制定防治策略提供依据。方法采用随机分层抽样的方法,对全市各区的抽样点的居民进行华支睾吸虫、广州管圆线虫血清学检查和流行病学调查,华支睾吸虫血清学阳性者加做病原学检查。结果共检测血清1 671份,总感染率为14.18%;男性感染率为17.00%,女性为10.94%;31~40岁人群感染率最高为19.71%,20岁以下年龄组最低为7.89%;个体私营人群感染率最高为20.25%,学生及儿童感染率最低为8.28%;初中文化程度人群感染率最高为18.17%,大专及以上文化程度最低为10.08%;不同性别、不同年龄组、不同职业和文化程度人群感染率差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。危险因素Logistic分析表明:男性、文化程度较低、吃鱼生是食源性寄生虫感染的危险因素,而生熟砧板分开、饭前便后洗手及知晓寄生虫病健康危害为食源性寄生虫感染的保护性因素。结论深圳市居民食源性寄生虫感染有上升趋势,文化程度和饮食习惯是重要原因,要发挥现代传媒手段,大力倡导健康饮食行为。  相似文献   

1资料来源从2003年开始在全国各地以县为基本单位推行的新型农村合作医疗试点,是顺应广大农民的迫切需要而开展起来的,得到试点地区农民的普遍欢迎。随着新型农村合作医疗发展的不断深入,在新型农  相似文献   

张芳娣  杨铭 《中国辐射卫生》2021,30(2):177-179,184
目的 通过对某单位出现外照射个人剂量监测结果异常的岗位的现场剂量水平以及辐射来源进行调查,调查工作人员实际所受到的外照射个人剂量.方法 用BH3103A便携式X、γ辐射剂量率测量仪对工作现场存放容器表面剂量率进行测量,调查辐射来源;在外照射个人剂量异常岗位工作现场放置热释光个人剂量计一个月后,用RGD3型热释光剂量仪对...  相似文献   

邵娟  李伟  钟杰 《中国公共卫生》2010,26(3):269-270
目的 了解山东省潍坊市城乡居民高血压患病情况及影响因素,为制定相应的对策及高血压防治工作提供依据。方法 采用分层抽样方法,用问卷调查方式,对潍坊市3 546户、11 425名15岁~居民进行调查。结果 潍坊市15岁~居民高血压患病率为8.40%,30岁~者患病率为12.45%;不同年龄、职业、体质指数的人群高血压患病率差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);吸烟与不吸烟人群的高血压患病率差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 潍坊市居民高血压患病率低于全国水平,应加强对肥胖者、老年人、生活压力大及吸烟人群的健康教育,降低高血压患病风险。  相似文献   

This paper describes a modeling framework for estimating the acute effects of personal exposure to ambient air pollution in a time series design. First, a spatial hierarchical model is used to relate Census tract-level daily ambient concentrations and simulated exposures for a subset of the study period. The complete exposure time series is then imputed for risk estimation. Modeling exposure via a statistical model reduces the computational burden associated with simulating personal exposures considerably. This allows us to consider personal exposures at a finer spatial resolution to improve exposure assessment and for a longer study period. The proposed approach is applied to an analysis of fine particulate matter of <2.5?μm in aerodynamic diameter (PM(2.5)) and daily mortality in the New York City metropolitan area during the period 2001-2005. Personal PM(2.5) exposures were simulated from the Stochastic Human Exposure and Dose Simulation. Accounting for exposure uncertainty, the authors estimated a 2.32% (95% posterior interval: 0.68, 3.94) increase in mortality per a 10?μg/m(3) increase in personal exposure to PM(2.5) from outdoor sources on the previous day. The corresponding estimates per a 10?μg/m(3) increase in PM(2.5) ambient concentration was 1.13% (95% confidence interval: 0.27, 2.00). The risks of mortality associated with PM(2.5) were also higher during the summer months.  相似文献   

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