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It is apparent that the importance of the limbic system is essentially for survival. The inability to discriminate enemy from friend as well as loss of the proper affective response to what is dangerous or safe to the organism may be thought of as more central to survival than what is described as "other higher intellectual functions." The case described is a dramatic expression of such a transient limbic dementia originally described by Klüver and Bucy in their syndrome. Since Klüver and Bucy originally described their syndrome, the structural and functional understanding of the limbic system has been greatly increased. Although a rare occurrence in man, the Klüver-Bucy syndrome serves as a demonstration of an unusual brain syndrome whose theoretical and experimental basis has been greatly enlarged since first described.  相似文献   

The development of community psychiatry as a recognized subspecialty of psychiatry and the concomitant growth of community mental health programs have once again brought into focus the role of the psychiatrist-administrator in the practice of public psychiatry. This paper explores the principal conflicts that the psychiatrist-administrator faces in his multiple roles as a physician, psychiatrist, administrator, community services planner, and clinician. Unless he can work toward a resolution of the conflicts and problems that arise, he is in danger of becoming the "odd man out"--the psychiatrist-adminstrator who does not have complete acceptance from any of the groups to which he belongs and within which he is trying to define his combined and complex role.  相似文献   

Paul Bergman 《Psychiatry》2013,76(3):265-278
Objective: The effects of televised trauma on the emotional well-being of television viewers has received some scientific attention in recent years, suggesting that the general public is placed at risk of developing distress and possibly posttraumatic psychopathology as a result of secondary exposure via mass media. At the break of a recent war in Gaza, we assessed the psychological effects of the extensive news broadcasting. Method: An omnibus survey was performed two weeks into Operation Protective Edge with a sample of 500 participants representing the adult (> 18) Jewish population of Israel. Results: The results suggest that a vast majority (87.2%) of the population tuned in to the newscasts and the majority (76.7%) of viewers increased their news consumption compared to normal. Increased frequency of viewing newscasts was associated with reported anxiety reflected in uncontrolled fear, physiological hyperarousal, sleeping difficulties, and fearful thoughts. A regression model revealed that viewers watching the constant newscasts more than usual are 1.6 times more likely to report at least one anxiety symptom compared to those watching at the same frequency or less, standardized to gender and age. Conclusions: Increased viewing patterns of televised traumatic content, as well as negative perception of such broadcasts, are associated with the report of anxiety symptoms or psychopathology. The public health implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   


Beneath Donald Trump’s repudiation of democratic values and practically all vestiges of Obama’s legacy (which has spurred a clamor to repudiate Trump) lies a repudiation of the feminine. It underwrites Trump’s cult of hypermasculinity and enables his exploitation of masculine insecurity, along with the gutting of climate protections and reproductive rights. Freud believed the repudiation of femininity was “psychological bedrock” (for both sexes); this article argues that, on the contrary, we have no fundamental need to repudiate the feminine. In fact, to embrace the feminine, in both material and symbolic ways, would be to open an important space for a more democratic polity. But claiming the feminine is so threatening that some, perhaps most, would prefer to lock it up and deny its vast and elemental erotic power and democratizing possibility. #MeToo unleashes the feminine potential for an emancipatory politics beyond patriarchy.  相似文献   

The 150th birthday of Sigmund Freud has triggered widespread interest and media coverage on his unique contribution and impact on society. Recent evidence from neuroscience and advanced imaging technology has provided support for some of his major concepts including the unconscious and the key role of early life events. In this perspective, we attempt to write on his behalf an updated version of a Freudian way of thinking focused on the current high rates of obesity and depression.  相似文献   

Möbius syndrome (OMIM#157900) is an extremely rare congenital entity involving bilateral or unilateral palsy of the facial nerve, usually with dysfunction of other cranial nerves (second, third, fifth, sixth, ninth, tenth and twelfth). It was estimated that Möbius syndrome occurs in 1 of 50 000 live births. The aetiology and the pathogenesis of the syndrome remain unknown. The majority of published cases were sporadic.We report on the natural history of a 32-year-old man with de novo Möbius syndrome. The diagnosis was established at the age of 9 months due to partial bilateral facial and abducent nerve palsy. Additionally, the patient demonstrated failure to thrive during infancy and childhood, many dysmorphic features, lower limb anomalies, and hypogonadism in adulthood, but his intelligence was in the normal range. The low quality of life of the patient with Möbius syndrome is emphasized.  相似文献   

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a serious disease of the immune system caused by a virus which is transmitted by body fluids, especially through sexual intercourse and blood infusion. Not all information about it has been entirely accurate. This has resulted in confusion about who is at risk and how the disease is spread. An update on cause, epidemiology, clinical features, treatment and prevention is presented.  相似文献   

Psychiatric Quarterly -  相似文献   

Experimental neurochemical provocation of panic attacks in susceptible human subjects has considerably expanded our knowledge of the pathophysiology and psychopharmacology of panic disorder. Some panicogens also elicit short-lived panic-like states in healthy man. This offers the opportunity to assess the anti-panic action of drugs in proof-of-concept studies. However, from current data it is still unclear whether experimental panic in healthy man is a valid translational model. Most such studies in healthy volunteers have been performed using a cholecystokinin tetrapeptide (CCK-4) challenge. While CCK-4 panic was blocked by alprazolam pretreatment, escitalopram showed negative results in healthy man. Preliminary findings on novel investigational drugs and a few problematic results will be reviewed. Small sample sizes in many panic provocation studies, lack of dose-response aspects, and still-insufficient knowledge about the biological underpinning of experimental and spontaneous panic limit the interpretation of existing findings and should inspire further research.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In den letzten Jahren hat sich ein zunehmender Ärztemangel entwickelt, und viele Kliniken müssen mittlerweile um geeignete Mitarbeiter werben. Um Stellenanzeigen effektiver gestalten zu können, wurden 60 Medizinstudenten, 60 psychiatrisch-nervenärztlich tätige Ärzte und 60 Ärzte aus somatischen Fachgebieten nach dem Stellenwert befragt, den einzelne Informationen und Angebote für ihre Bewerbungsentscheidung haben. Potenzielle Stelleninteressenten messen dabei neben einem guten Arbeitsklima vor allem Aspekten der Weiterbildung und der Unterstützung durch nichtärztliches Personal bei Dokumentation und Administration eine besonders hohe Bedeutung bei. Wesentliche Unterschiede zwischen der Bewertung durch psychiatrisch-nervenärztlich tätige Ärzte und ihren somatisch tätigen Kollegen bestehen vor allem in den Bereichen eigenes Arztzimmer und Nebentätigkeitserlaubnis. Die Studie zeigt auf, wie Stellenanzeigen spezifischer und wirkungsvoller formuliert werden können.  相似文献   

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