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Targeting the EGFR pathway for cancer therapy   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Clinical studies have shown that HER-2/Neu is over-expressed in up to one-third of patients with a variety of cancers, including B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL), breast cancer and lung cancer, and that these patients are frequently resistant to conventional chemo-therapies. Additionally, in most patients with multiple myeloma, the malignant cells over-express a number of epidermal growth factor receptors (EGFR)s and their ligands, HB-EGF and amphiregulin, thus this growth-factor family may be an important aspect in the patho-biology of this disease. These and other, related findings have provided the rationale for the targeting of the components of the EGFR signaling pathways for cancer therapy. Below we discuss various aspects of EGFR-targeted therapies mainly in hematologic malignancies, lung cancer and breast cancer. Beside novel therapeutic approaches, we also discuss specific side effects associated with the therapeutic inhibition of components of the EGFR-pathways. Alongside small inhibitors, such as Lapatinib (Tykerb, GW572016), Gefitinib (Iressa, ZD1839), and Erlotinib (Tarceva, OSI-774), a significant part of the review is also dedicated to therapeutic antibodies (e.g.: Trastuzumab/Herceptin, Pertuzumab/Omnitarg/rhuMab-2C4, Cetuximab/Erbitux/IMC-C225, Panitumumab/Abenix/ABX-EGF, and also ZD6474). In addition, we summarize, both current therapy development driven by antibody-based targeting of the EGFR-dependent signaling pathways, and furthermore, we provide a background on the history and the development of therapeutic antibodies.  相似文献   

Targeting the VEGF signaling pathway in cancer therapy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
INTRODUCTION: Angiogenesis was first proposed as a possible target for the treatment of human cancer several decades ago. During recent years, the discovery of VEGF as the main mediator of tumor angiogenesis enabled the specific and successful inhibition of angiogenesis in several experimental and clinical studies. AREAS COVERED: This review discusses recent data regarding the molecular mechanisms of VEGF signaling in cancer development, the response of various types of human cancer to anti-VEGF treatment, reasons for a failure of therapy and possible biomarkers for the prediction of therapeutic response. The literature discussed is based on a systematic analysis using PubMed and MEDLINE databases for articles presented in 2000 - 2011. EXPERT OPINION: Although anti-VEGF therapy has improved the treatment of several types of cancer during recent years, several questions still remain unanswered. For instance, in some patients, cancer develops resistance to anti-VEGF therapeutics following initially successful therapy, whereas others never show a response. Therefore, a more detailed knowledge of the molecular mechanisms involved in VEGF signaling and predictive biomarkers for a response to anti-VEGF therapy are among the most important challenges for VEGF research today.  相似文献   

Targeting the MAPK-RAS-RAF signaling pathway in cancer therapy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
INTRODUCTION: The MAPK pathway comprises several key signaling components and phosphorylation events that play a role in tumorigenesis. These activated kinases transmit extracellular signals that regulate cell growth, differentiation, proliferation, apoptosis and migration functions. Alteration of the RAS-RAF-MEK-ERK-MAPK (RAS-MAPK) pathway has been reported in human cancer as a result of abnormal activation of receptor tyrosine kinases or gain-of-function mutations mainly in the RAS or RAF genes. These pathways are considered potential therapeutic targets for cancer treatment. Recently, several small-molecule inhibitors targeting this pathway have been developed and are currently being tested in clinical trials. AREAS COVERED: The biological role of the RAS-MAPK pathway, the consequence of its disregulation and the development of small-molecule inhibitors. The rationale for targeting the RAS-MAPK pathway and the application and the results of various inhibitory molecules as anticancer agents in clinical trials. EXPERT OPINION: Inhibitors of MEK and particularly of RAF kinases have shown effectiveness in clinical trials with manageable side effects. RAS and BRAF genes need to be analyzed for mutations as markers of response to treatments and to avoid paradoxical effects. Further characterization of the RAS-MAPK molecular mechanisms regulation in malignant cells or underlying the acquired resistance to RAF inhibitors will facilitate development of novel combination therapies.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Hedgehog (Hh) signaling pathway plays key roles in embryonic development, formation and maintenance of cancer stem cells (CSCs) and acquisition of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Since CSCs and EMT are important biological factors responsible for cancer cell invasion, metastasis, drug resistance and tumor recurrence, the Hh signaling pathway is believed to be an important target for cancer therapy. AREAS COVERED: In recent years, small-molecule inhibitors of Hh signaling have been synthesized for cancer treatment. Clinical trials using these inhibitors are being conducted to determine their toxicity profiles and efficacies. In addition, nutraceuticals (such as isoflavones, curcumin, vitamin D, etc) have been shown to inhibit cancer growth through downregulation of Hh signaling. EXPERT OPINION: Inhibition of Hh signaling is important for suppression of cancer growth, invasion, metastasis and recurrence in cancer therapy. However, targeting only one molecule in Hh signaling may not be sufficient to kill cancer cells because cancers show deregulation of multiple signals. Therefore, utilizing new technologies to determine alterations in Hh and other signals for individuals and designing combination strategies with small-molecule Hh inhibitors, nutraceuticals and other chemotherapeutics in targeted personalized therapy could have a significant effect on improving the overall survival of patients with cancers.  相似文献   

Background: In many human cancers, c-MET is activated via receptor overexpression, amplification, mutation and/or a ligand-dependent autocrine/paracrine loop. These biochemical and genetic abnormalities have been correlated with poor clinical outcomes and drug resistance in cancer patients. Preclinical studies suggest that targeting aberrant c-MET signaling could be an attractive therapy in cancer, but this notion has only recently been tested in the clinic. Objectives: To describe the biological aspects of the c-MET signaling pathway and to discuss recent progress and possible future trends in the development of agents that target the c-MET pathway, with an emphasis on small-molecule c-MET kinase inhibitors. Method: A review of relevant publications, including published articles in literature, reports at scientific meetings, and information available through the Internet. Results/conclusion: The dysregulated c-MET pathway represents a promising target for cancer drug development. The agents that target the c-MET pathway have demonstrated impressive evidence of early clinical activity and may have a significant therapeutic potential.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: The Fas/FasL system plays a significant role in tumorigenesis. Research has shown that its impairment in cancer cells may lead to apoptosis resistance and contribute to tumor progression. Thus, the development of effective therapies targeting the Fas/FasL system may play an important role in the fight against cancer. AREAS COVERED: In this review the recent literature on targeting the Fas/FasL system for therapeutic exploitation at different levels is reviewed. Promising pre-clinical approaches and various exceptions are highlighted. The potential of combined therapies is also explored, whereby tumor sensitivity to Fas-mediated apoptosis is restored, before an effective targeted therapy is employed. EXPERT OPINION: The success of the Fas/FasL system targeting for therapeutics will require a better understanding of the alterations conferring resistance, in order to use the most appropriate sensitizing chemotherapeutic or radiotherapeutic agents in combination with effective targeted therapies.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: The PI3K signaling pathway is involved in the regulation of cancer cell growth, motility, survival and metabolism. The pathway is frequently active in many different types of cancer-e.g., breast, bladder, prostate, thyroid, ovarian and NSCLC. Targetable genetic aberrations in this pathway give us many opportunities for development of targeted therapies for different types of cancer. AREAS COVERED: The genetic alterations in the PI3K/mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)/Akt pathway, as well as the drugs that target this pathway, either alone, in combination with other targeted agents or in chemotherapy. Targeted inhibitors of the PI3K pathway currently being tested in clinical trials in different types of human cancer. EXPERT OPINION: Small-molecule inhibitors targeting the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway show some success with these agents in current clinical trials. For further improvement in response, molecular correlates that can be used for patient selection, need to be determined. A more efficient and effective way to screen for patients to determine which patients are most likely to benefit from PI3K pathway inhibitors is also needed.  相似文献   

Introduction: Under normal conditions, hepatocyte growth factor (HGF)-induced activation of its cell surface receptor, the Met tyrosine kinase (TK), is tightly regulated by paracrine ligand delivery, ligand activation at the target cell surface, and ligand-activated receptor internalization and degradation. Despite these controls, HGF/Met signaling contributes to oncogenesis and tumor progression in several cancers and promotes aggressive cellular invasiveness that is strongly linked to tumor metastasis.

Area covered: The prevalence of HGF/Met pathway activation in human malignancies has driven rapid growth in cancer drug development programs. The authors review Met structure and function, the basic properties of HGF/Met pathway antagonists now in preclinical and clinical development, as well as the latest clinical trial results.

Expert opinion: Clinical trials with HGF/Met pathway antagonists show that as a class these agents are well tolerated. Although widespread efficacy was not seen in several completed Phase II studies, promising results have been reported in lung, gastric, prostate and papillary renal cancer patients treated with these agents. The main challenges facing the effective use of HGF/Met-targeted antagonists for cancer treatment are optimal patient selection, diagnostic and pharmacodynamic biomarker development, and the identification and testing of optimal therapy combinations. The wealth of basic information, analytical reagents, and model systems available concerning HGF/Met oncogenic signaling will continue to be invaluable in meeting these challenges and moving expeditiously toward more effective disease control.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Under normal conditions, hepatocyte growth factor (HGF)-induced activation of its cell surface receptor, the Met tyrosine kinase (TK), is tightly regulated by paracrine ligand delivery, ligand activation at the target cell surface, and ligand-activated receptor internalization and degradation. Despite these controls, HGF/Met signaling contributes to oncogenesis and tumor progression in several cancers and promotes aggressive cellular invasiveness that is strongly linked to tumor metastasis. AREA COVERED: The prevalence of HGF/Met pathway activation in human malignancies has driven rapid growth in cancer drug development programs. The authors review Met structure and function, the basic properties of HGF/Met pathway antagonists now in preclinical and clinical development, as well as the latest clinical trial results. EXPERT OPINION: Clinical trials with HGF/Met pathway antagonists show that as a class these agents are well tolerated. Although widespread efficacy was not seen in several completed Phase II studies, promising results have been reported in lung, gastric, prostate and papillary renal cancer patients treated with these agents. The main challenges facing the effective use of HGF/Met-targeted antagonists for cancer treatment are optimal patient selection, diagnostic and pharmacodynamic biomarker development, and the identification and testing of optimal therapy combinations. The wealth of basic information, analytical reagents, and model systems available concerning HGF/Met oncogenic signaling will continue to be invaluable in meeting these challenges and moving expeditiously toward more effective disease control.  相似文献   

Introduction: The treatment of patients with advanced colorectal cancer still remains challenging, and identification of new target molecules and therapeutic avenues remains a priority. The great majority of colorectal cancers have mutations in one of two genes involved in the Wnt signaling pathway: the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) and β-catenin (CTNNB1) genes. Up to now, however, no therapeutics for targeting this pathway have been established.

Areas covered: This review article begins with a brief summary of Wnt signaling from the viewpoints of genetics, cancer stem cell biology, and drug development. We then overview current attempts to develop drugs directed at various components of the Wnt signaling pathway.

Expert opinion: APC is a tumor suppressor, and therefore only downstream signal transducers of the APC protein can be considered as targets for pharmaceutical intervention. TRAF2 and NCK-interacting protein kinase (TNIK) was identified as the most downstream regulator of Wnt signaling by two independent research groups, and several classes of small-molecule inhibitors targeting this protein kinase have been developed. TNIK is a multifunctional protein with actions that extend beyond Wnt signaling regulation. Such TNIK inhibitors are expected to have a large variety of clinical applications.  相似文献   

The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) is frequently activated in epithelial ovarian cancer, and is regarded as an attractive therapeutic target for therapy. Preclinical investigations using rapamycin and its analogs have demonstrated significant growthinhibitory effects on the growth of ovarian cancer both in the setting of monotherapy and in combination with cytotoxic agents. Based on promising preclinical data, mTOR inhibitors are currently being evaluated in several phase I/II trials in patients with ovarian cancer. In an effort to overcome resistance to rapamycin and its analogs, the novel ATP-competitive mTOR inhibitors have recently been developed. In this report, we review the scientific rationale and evidence for the potential clinical benefits provided by mTOR inhibitor therapy for patients with epithelial ovarian cancer.  相似文献   

The ubiquitin-proteasome pathway plays a central role in the degradation of proteins involved in several pathways including the cell cycle, cellular proliferation and apoptosis. Bortezomib is the first proteasome inhibitor to enter clinical use, and received approval by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of patients with multiple myeloma, therefore validating inhibition of the proteasome as an anticancer target. The approval of Bortezomib was based on a large, international, multicenter phase III trial showing its efficacy and safety compared with conventional therapy. Preclinical data also demonstrates the synergistic effect of bortezomib with other chemotherapeutic agents and its ability to overcome drug resistance. Since then several other proteasome inhibitors have been developed. The anti-tumor activities of bortezomib have been attributed to its effect on pro-apoptotic pathways including the inhibition of NF-kappaB and induction of endoplasmic reticulum stress. However, the molecular mechanisms are not fully understood. In this review, we will summarize the molecular mechanism of apoptosis by bortezomib.  相似文献   

Introdcution: Over the past decade, several anti-angiogenic strategies have been devised to target a wide spectrum of malignancies. The most widely utilized approach involves abrogation of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor signaling through either consumption of ligand (i.e., with the monoclonal antibody bevacizumab) or through direct inhibition of the receptor tyrosine kinase domain (i.e., with small molecules such as sunitinib or sorafenib). While these agents do appear to delay cancer progression in the clinic, they are not curative approaches.

Areas covered: A novel anti-angiogenic strategy involves inhibition of signaling along the Ang/Tie-2 axis, a pathway critical for mediating endothelial and perivascular cell interactions. While several agents (i.e., AMG-386 and regorafenib) have reached late stages of clinical development, others (i.e., ARRY614 and CEP-11981) are in their relative infancy. Herein, we will outline the clinical trajectory of wide spectrum Ang/Tie-2 inhibitors, with attention to data evaluating combinations with cytotoxic therapy or other targeted agents.

Expert opinion: Provided that these approaches to not drastically augment toxicity, they may represent the ideal path for further development of this class of agents.  相似文献   

Targeting mTOR signaling for cancer therapy   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), an atypical serine/threonine kinase, plays a central role in the regulation of cell proliferation, growth, differentiation, migration and survival. Dysregulation of mTOR signaling occurs in diverse human tumours, and can confer higher susceptibility to inhibitors of mTOR. Rapamycin and its derivatives, CCI-779 and RAD001 (designated rapamycins), specifically inhibit the function of mTOR, leading to inactivation of ribosomal S6K1 and inhibition of cap-dependent translation initiation through the 4E-BP1/eIF4E pathway. The overall effect is an accumulation of cells in the G1 phase of the cell-cycle, and potential apoptosis. Preclinical studies indicate that rapamycins are potent inhibitors of the proliferation of numerous tumour cell lines in culture and of murine syngeneic tumour models or human xenografts. RAD001 and CCI-779 are in phase I and II trials, respectively, as anti-cancer agents. These trials have demonstrated promising anti-cancer activity and relatively mild side effects of CCI-779. Emerging results suggest that inhibition of mTOR signaling can be exploited as a potential tumour-selective therapeutic strategy.  相似文献   

Introduction: The embryonic signaling pathways (ESP), Hedgehog, Notch and Wnt, are critical for the regulation of normal stem cells and cellular development processes. They are also activated in the majority of cancers. ESP are operational in putative cancer stem cells (CSC), which drive initial tumorigenesis and sustain cancer progression and recurrence in non-CSC bulk subpopulations. ESP represent novel therapeutic targets. A variety of inhibitors and targeting strategies are being developed.

Areas covered: This review discusses the rationale for targeting ESP for cancer treatment, as well as specific inhibitors under development; mainly focusing on those approaching clinical use and the challenges that lie ahead. The data sources utilized are several database search engines (PubMed, Google, Clinicaltrials.gov), and the authors' involvement in the field.

Expert opinion: CSC research is rapidly evolving. Expectations regarding their therapeutic targeting are rising quickly. Further definition of what constitutes a true CSC, proper validation of CSC markers, a better understanding of cross-talk among ESP and other pathways, and interactions with tumor non-CSC and the tumor microenvironment are needed. The appropriate patient population, the right clinical setting and combination strategies to test these therapies, as well as the proper pharmacodynamic markers to measure, need to be further established.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: The embryonic signaling pathways (ESP), Hedgehog, Notch and Wnt, are critical for the regulation of normal stem cells and cellular development processes. They are also activated in the majority of cancers. ESP are operational in putative cancer stem cells (CSC), which drive initial tumorigenesis and sustain cancer progression and recurrence in non-CSC bulk subpopulations. ESP represent novel therapeutic targets. A variety of inhibitors and targeting strategies are being developed. AREAS COVERED: This review discusses the rationale for targeting ESP for cancer treatment, as well as specific inhibitors under development; mainly focusing on those approaching clinical use and the challenges that lie ahead. The data sources utilized are several database search engines (PubMed, Google, Clinicaltrials.gov), and the authors' involvement in the field. EXPERT OPINION: CSC research is rapidly evolving. Expectations regarding their therapeutic targeting are rising quickly. Further definition of what constitutes a true CSC, proper validation of CSC markers, a better understanding of cross-talk among ESP and other pathways, and interactions with tumor non-CSC and the tumor microenvironment are needed. The appropriate patient population, the right clinical setting and combination strategies to test these therapies, as well as the proper pharmacodynamic markers to measure, need to be further established.  相似文献   

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