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Cifor A  Bai L  Pitiot A 《NeuroImage》2011,56(1):197-211
This paper tackles two problems: (1) the reconstruction of 3-D volumes from 2-D post-mortem slices (e.g., histology, autoradiography, immunohistochemistry) in the absence of external reference, and (2) the quantitative evaluation of the 3-D reconstruction. We note that the quality of a reconstructed volume is usually assessed by considering the smoothness of some reconstructed structures of interest (e.g., the gray-white matter surfaces in brain images). Here we propose to use smoothness as a means to drive the reconstruction process itself. From a pair-wise rigid reconstruction of the 2-D slices, we first extract the boundaries of structures of interest. Those are then smoothed with a min-max curvature flow confined to the 2-D planes in which the slices lie. Finally, for each slice, we estimate a linear or flexible transformation from the sparse displacement field computed from the flow, which we apply to the original 2-D slices to obtain a smooth volume. In addition, we present a co-occurrence matrix-based technique to quantify the smoothness of reconstructed volumes. We discuss and validate the application of both our reconstruction approach and the smoothness measure on synthetic examples as well as real histological data.  相似文献   

3-D correlation-based speckle tracking   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Widely-used 1-D/2-D speckle tracking techniques in elasticity imaging often experience significant speckle decorrelation in applications involving large elevational motion (i.e., out of plane motion). The problem is more pronounced for cardiac strain rate imaging (SRI) since it is very difficult to confine cardiac motion to a single image plane. Here, we present a 3-D correlation-based speckle tracking algorithm. Conceptually, 3-D speckle tracking is just an extension of 2-D phase-sensitive correlation-based speckle tracking. However, due to its high computational cost, optimization schemes, such as dynamic programming, decimation and two-path processing, are introduced to reduce the computational burden. To evaluate the proposed approach, a 3-D bar phantom under uniaxial compression was simulated for benchmark tests. A more sophisticated 3-D simulation of the left ventricle of the heart was also made to test the applicability of 3-D speckle tracking in cardiac SRI. Results from both simulations clearly demonstrated the feasibility of 3-D correlation-based speckle tracking. With the ability to follow 3-D speckle in 3-D space, 3-D speckle tracking outperforms lower-dimensional speckle tracking by minimizing decorrelation caused by pure elevational translation. In other words, 3-D tracking can push toward solely deformation-limited, decorrelation-optimized speckle tracking. Hardware implementation of the proposed 3-D speckle tracking algorithm using field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) is also discussed.  相似文献   

High-definition freehand 3-D ultrasound   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper describes a high-definition freehand 3-D ultrasound (US) system, with accuracy surpassing that of previously documented systems. 3-D point location accuracy within a US data set can be achieved to within 0.5 mm. Such accuracy is possible through a series of novel system-design and calibration techniques. The accuracy is quantified using a purpose-built tissue-mimicking phantom, designed to create realistic clinical conditions without compromising the accuracy of the measurement procedure. The paper includes a thorough discussion of the various ways of measuring system accuracy and their relative merits; and compares, in this context, all recently documented freehand 3-D US systems.  相似文献   

In this study, we developed a new method to perform 3-D measurements between the recorded B-scans using the corresponding spatial location and orientation of each B-scan, without the need to create a 3-D volume. A portable ultrasound (US) scanner and an electromagnetic spatial locator attached to the US probe were used. During data collection, the US probe was moved over the region-of-interest. A small number of B-scans containing interesting anatomical information were captured from different body parts and displayed in a 3-D space with their corresponding locations recorded by the spatial locator. In the B-scan planes, the distance between any two points, as well as the angle between any two lines, could be calculated. In validation experiments, three distances and three angles of a custom-designed phantom were measured using this method. In comparison with the results measured by a micrometer, the mean error of distance measurement was −0.8 ± 1.7 mm (−2.3 ± 3.6%) and that of angle measurement was −0.3 ± 2.9° (−0.1 ± 4.1%). The lengths of the first metatarsals and the angles between the first metatarsals and the middle part of the tibias of three subjects were measured in vivo using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and the US method by two operators before and after MRI scanning. The overall percentage differences of the length and angle measurements were 0.8 ± 2.2% and 2.5 ± 3.6%, respectively. The results showed that this US method had good repeatability and reproducibility (interclass correlation coefficient values > 0.75). We expect that this new method could potentially provide a quick and effective approach for the 3-D measurement of soft tissues and bones in the musculoskeletal system.  相似文献   

Freehand 3-D ultrasound (3DUS) system is a promising technique for accurately assessing muscle morphology. However, its accuracy has been validated mainly in terms of volume by examining lower limb muscles. This study was aimed at validating 3DUS in the measurements of 3-D surface shape and volume by comparing them with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measurements while ensuring the reproducibility of participant posture by focusing on the shoulder muscles. The supraspinatus, infraspinatus and posterior deltoid muscles of 10 healthy men were scanned using 3DUS and MRI while secured by an immobilization support customized for each participant. A 3-D surface model of each muscle was created from the 3DUS and MRI methods, and the agreement between them was assessed. For the muscle volume, the mean difference between the two models was within –0.51 cm3. For the 3-D surface shape, the distances between the closest points of the two models and the Dice similarity coefficient were calculated. The results indicated that the median surface distance was less than 1.12 mm and the Dice similarity coefficient was larger than 0.85. These results suggest that, given the aforementioned error is permitted, 3DUS can be used as an alternative to MRI in measuring volume and surface shape, even for the shoulder muscles.  相似文献   

Providing visual information to validate 2-D to 3-D registration   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This paper addresses a key issue of providing clinicians with visual information to validate the accuracy of 2-D/3-D registration for robot-assisted total hip replacement (THR) surgery. Although numerous registration approaches have been presented, the topic of registration validation has scarcely been addressed in the literature. In practice, clinicians rely on post-operative X-rays to assess the accuracy of implant placement. Motivated by this, we simulate a set of post-operative X-ray images by superimposing the implant positioned pre-operatively onto the intra-operatively collected and calibrated images of the femur, through a transformation computed by the 2-D/3-D registration. With these images, a judgment on the registration accuracy can be made. In addition, this paper introduces methods for superimposing pre-operative data on intra-operative X-ray images that were not corrected for distortion, by applying the same image distortion to the data. This paper also introduces a new framework for incorporating surface normals in the objective function for registration. A comparison between marker-based and image-based registration is conducted. The advantage of our approach is that the simulated post-operative X-ray images are very familiar to clinicians and, therefore, easy for them to interpret. As an added benefit, this technique provides new means for comparing the marker-based and image-based registration for robot-assisted THR surgery. This approach can be extended to other interventions where intra-operative images are used for registration.  相似文献   

We describe and compare several methods for recovering endocardial walls from 3-D transesophageal echocardiography (3-D TEE), which can help with diagnostics or providing input into biomechanical models. We employ a segmentation method based on 3-D level sets that maximizes enclosed volume while minimizing surface area and uses a growth inhibition function that includes 3-D gradient magnitude (to locate the endocardial walls) and a thin tissue detector (for the mitral valve leaflets). We also study delineation using a graph cut method that performs automated seeding by leveraging a fast radial symmetry transform to determine a central axis along which the 3-D volume is warped into a cylindrical coordinate space. Finally, a random walker approach is also used for automated delineation. The methods are used to estimate clinically relevant cardiovascular volumetric parameters such as stroke volume and left ventricular ejection fraction. Experiments are performed on clinical data collected from patients undergoing cardiothoracic surgery. Performance evaluation includes comparisons of the automated delineations against expert-defined ground truth using a number of error metrics, as well as errors between automatically computed and expert-derived physiologic parameters.  相似文献   

The advent of real-time 3-D echocardiography (RT3DE) promised dynamic 3-D image acquisition with the potential of a more objective and complete functional analysis. In spite of that, 2-D echocardiography remains the backbone of echocardiography imaging in current clinical practice, with RT3DE mainly used for clinical research. The uptake of RT3DE has been slow because of missing anatomic information, limited field-of-view (FOV) and tedious analysis procedures. This paper presents multiview fusion 3D echocardiography, where multiple images with complementary information are acquired from different probe positions. These multiple images are subsequently aligned and fused together for preserving salient structures in a single, multiview fused image. A novel and simple wavelet-based fusion algorithm is proposed that exploits the low- and high-frequency separation capability of the wavelet analysis. The results obtained show that the proposed multiview fusion considerably improves the contrast (31.1%), contrast-to-noise ratio (46.7%), signal-to-noise ratio (44.7%) and anatomic features (12%) in 3-D echocardiography, and enlarges the FOV (28.2%). This indicates that multiview fusion substantially enhances the image quality and information.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional ultrasound has been increasingly considered as a safe radiation-free alternative to radiation-based fluoroscopic imaging for surgical guidance during computer-assisted orthopedic interventions, but because ultrasound images contain significant artifacts, it is challenging to automatically extract bone surfaces from these images. We propose an effective way to extract 3-D bone surfaces using a surface growing approach that is seeded from 2-D bone contours. The initial 2-D bone contours are estimated from a combination of ultrasound strain images and envelope power images. Novel features of the proposed method include: (i) improvement of a previously reported 2-D strain imaging-based bone segmentation method by incorporation of a depth-dependent cumulative power of the envelope into the elastographic data; (ii) incorporation of an echo decorrelation measure-based weight to fuse the strain and envelope maps; (iii) use of local statistics of the bone surface candidate points to detect the presence of any bone discontinuity; and (iv) an extension of our 2-D bone contour into a 3-D bone surface by use of an effective surface growing approach. Our new method produced average improvements in the mean absolute error of 18% and 23%, respectively, on 2-D and 3-D experimental phantom data, compared with those of two state-of-the-art bone segmentation methods. Validation on 2-D and 3-D clinical in vivo data also reveals, respectively, an average improvement in the mean absolute fitting error of 55% and an 18-fold improvement in the computation time.  相似文献   

目的:探讨儿童髓母细胞瘤手术治疗三维适形放疗及预后。方法:29例髓母细胞瘤患儿均行头部CT或MRI检查,全部病例行手术切除肿瘤,病理证实。术后均接受三维适形放疗,使用CT定位技术,Picker公司PQS-CT和AcQsim,Cadplan三维治疗计划系统作剂量计算,并做剂量体积直方图DVHs,通过放射治疗信息管理和验证系统Varis(放疗科局域网)将治疗信息传至带多叶准直器(MLC)的直线加速器(Varian2100C/D)。结果:本组术后症状均获得明显改善,无死亡病例,1例术后合并颅内感染经治疗痊愈,肿瘤全切除23例,次全切除6例;术后3年无瘤生存28例,1例因脊髓椎管内复发死亡;23例(79.3%)出现了白细胞计数下降。结论:小脑髓母细胞瘤应尽量做到手术全切除,解除脑脊液循环梗阻;三维适形放射治疗能提高放射治疗的准确性和精确性,减少正常组织的照射剂量,从而能提高治愈率。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate how accurately a portable three-dimensional (3-D) scanner and a multipurpose two-dimensional (2-D) real-time scanner determined bladder volumes. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective, controlled clinical trial, single-blind, crossover design. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: Twenty-three inpatients with permanent bladder catheters participated voluntarily in this study. METHODS: The bladders of 20 patients were filled through an indwelling catheter with 60, 110, 160, 210, and 260 mL sterile normal saline. Volumes were measured twice with each device. Measurements were compared with the actual bladder volumes. RESULTS: The 2-D device showed better reproducibility, particularly at lower bladder volumes. The 3-D scanner showed a significant difference between the two measurements at 160 mL (p<.05) and had poor reproducibility at 110, 210, and 260 mL. Both devices overestimated actual bladder volume at fillings of <160 mL and underestimated it at fillings of > or =160 mL. The range between the 25th and 75th percentiles was always larger for the 3-D scanner, except for the 210 mL reading. CONCLUSION: Both devices showed sufficient accuracy for clinical practice. Ultrasound measurements of >110 mL should be followed by catheterization to detect potentially harmful bladder volumes.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND STUDY AIMS: Experienced endoscopic surgeons have adapted to the absence of depth perception while using two-dimensional (2-D) visualization. However, three-dimensional (3-D) vision may prove useful at least at the beginning of the learning curve in celioscopic training. METHODS: In a pelvitrainer with a fixed camera, two skill tests were designed to assess the performance of three groups of operators: "non-surgeons", "non-celioscopist surgeons", and "trained celioscopists". In the first test, the candidate had to touch with a needle a sequence of dots distributed on a 7.1-cm2 area. In the second test, a 6-0 C-1 needle had to be passed consecutively through two 1-mm holes made in a thin vertical plastic wall. Each test was performed ten times, using either 2-D vision (five times) or 3-D vision (five times) interspersed in a random manner. RESULTS: In both tests and within each group, performance was related to the experience of the operator, with the trained celioscopists' group obtaining the best results and the non-surgeons the worst. In every situation, including the trained celioscopists' group, 3-D vision significantly improved performances. No significant difference was observed between the results of the non-celioscopist surgeons' group using 3-D vision and those of the trained celioscopists' group using 2-D vision. CONCLUSIONS: 3-D vision improves the performance and accuracy of endoscopic surgeons. It provides a visual perception "close to reality", and helps celioscopic beginners to accelerate their training.  相似文献   

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