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The medical charts of 150 consecutive admissions of dually diagnosed substance abusing adolescents admitted to a psychiatric hospital were examined to determine the extent and characteristics of maltreatment. Results indicated that 61% of the sample experienced or had a history that warranted suspicion of past and/or current maltreatment. Physical abuse was the most frequent form of maltreatment, followed by sexual abuse and neglect. Thirty-seven percent of patients experienced multiple forms of maltreatment. Maltreated patients had significantly more hospitalizations than their nonmaltreated counterparts on the same unit. Moreover, the age of maltreated patients was significantly lower than nonmaltreated patients, perhaps indicating an earlier age of onset of psychiatric illness and/or substance abuse. Analyses of parental substance abuse and psychiatric history among the maltreated and nonmaltreated groups revealed no significant findings. Results are discussed in terms of the following: (1) increased risk of subsequent substance abuse in maltreated children; (2) need for systematic assessment of child maltreatment in psychological or psychiatric evaluations; and (3) importance of treatment to deal with abuse or neglect as part of a comprehensive substance abuse intervention strategy.  相似文献   

Axis II comorbidity in substance abusers   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
OBJECTIVE: To assess the complex relationship between substance abuse and personality disorders, the authors determined the prevalence of personality disorders in a group of middle-class substance abusers and compared the subjects who had personality disorders with those who did not. METHOD: The subjects were drawn from patients consecutively admitted to an inpatient substance abuse program in a private psychiatric hospital; they were the first 100 who agreed to participate. Substance dependence was diagnosed according to DSM-III-R, and the patients were assessed with the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R Personality Disorders, Alcohol Use Inventory, MMPI, Health and Daily Living Form, Shipley Institute of Living Scale, and measures of chemical use and life satisfaction. RESULTS: Of the 100 substance abusers, 57 had personality disorders. These patients differed significantly from the 43 patients without personality disorders in several ways: they had greater involvement with illegal drugs, had different patterns of alcohol use, had greater psychopathology, were less satisfied with their lives, and were more impulsive, isolated, and depressed. CONCLUSIONS: Because of the marked differences between the substance abusers with and without personality disorders, a uniform approach to substance abuse treatment may be inadequate.  相似文献   

Psychiatric syndromes in adolescent substance abusers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Conduct disorder, major depressive episode, and the combination of attention deficit, hyperactivity, and impulse disorder were the most prevalent diagnoses after detoxification among 57 adolescents consecutively referred to an inpatient facility for treatment of substance abuse and other concurrent psychiatric disorders.  相似文献   

Adolescent substance abuse appears to have its foundations in a distortion of perceived events at an age prior to involvement with substances. Substances are used as a compromise in an attempt to establish a lifestyle which has meaning to the individual. Because the individual's involvement with a substance has taken place during the crucial developmental phase of adolescence, and because the use of drugs alters one's perception of one's social, emotional and cognitive state, any experience during this time must, by necessity, be distorted. At the same time, other experiences, necessary for natural development into adulthood, are forsaken . Thus, certain learned skills are replaced by those learned whilst under the influence of substances or as a reaction to the substance abusing lifestyle. The latter two often being inappropriate in drug-free situations. As the abuse of substances severely hampers the individual's natural development, a model of Developmental Habilitation is the essence of change.  相似文献   

An increase of intoxications in persons using alkaloid-containing ornamental plants (mainly angel's trumpet) for their hallucinogenic effects and easy and cheap availability is registered. It is mainly adolescents who are experimenting with these plants. In addition to severe vegetative anticholinergic symptoms, the clinical picture is often dominated by a toxic psychosis with hallucinations, disturbances of orientation, and psychomotoric agitation, aggression, or anxiety. Three cases of severe psychotic pictures with only mild or completely missing vegetative symptoms after ingestion of angel's trumpet tea are reported. Caused by the increasing spreading of angel's trumpet shrubberies in Europe and North America, intoxications with large numbers of fatalities have to be expected in the future. The taxonomical, pharmacological, and clinical aspects of angel's trumpet-induced disorders are discussed. Knowledge of the clinical picture is important for correct diagnosis and treatment. Prevention by mass media should mainly focus on the medical fatalities of abuse and not emphasize the hallucinogenic effects, presumably increasing unwanted interest for these plants among youths.  相似文献   



To assess comorbid DSM-IV-TR Axis I disorders in adolescent inpatients referred for treatment of substance use disorders.  相似文献   

A retrospective study of forty-one consecutively admitted adolescent psychiatric patients who were not referred for substance abuse problems revealed a 71 percent rate of diagnosable abuse. Clinical interview, drug screening, and family history were assessed for their relative contribution to diagnoses. A conduct disorder diagnosis was found to be highly correlated with substance abuse. Both clinical interview and drug screening were found to be useful in diagnosing covert substance abuse. Covert drug abuse is a problem which can be uncovered by a clinical evaluation approach, including systematic clinical interviews and urine drug screening.  相似文献   

Many clinical and epidemiologic studies have shown a high frequency of co-occurrence of substance abuse and psychiatric disorders, with important consequences from health and social perspective. However, the identification of reliable and valid diagnosis of psychiatric comorbidity in substance abusers is problematic, mainly because the acute or chronic effects of substance abuse can mimic symptoms of many other mental disorders, making difficult to differentiate psychiatric symptoms that represent effects of acute or chronic substance use or withdrawal, of those that represent an independent disorder. While DSM-IIII-R and earlier nomenclatures were unclear in differentiating independent from other psychiatric disorders, DSM-IV and DSM-IV-TR provided clearer guidelines in diagnosing psychiatric disorders in heavy users of alcohol and drugs, providing three categories: "primary" psychiatric disorders, "substance-induced" disorders, and "expected effects" of the substances, meaning expected intoxication and/or withdrawal symptoms that should not be diagnosed as symptoms of a psychiatric disorder. The use of the "Psychiatric Research Interview for Substance and Mental Disorders (PRISM)", a structured interview developed to improve the diagnosis of co morbidity in drug abusers according DSM-IV, supplies new opportunities in the clinical research in this field.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Increasing illicit use of anabolic steroids in adolescent and young adult populations has been reported. To determine the scope of this problem and its relationship to psychoactive substance abuse, we evaluated the prevalence of anabolic steroid use among individuals seeking inpatient treatment for substance abuse. METHOD: A randomized mail survey of 175 inpatient substance abuse treatment directors elicited information regarding the prevalence of anabolic steroid use for inpatients treated in 1989 and the first half of 1990. Additionally, directors were surveyed for experience with DSM-III-R psychoactive substance dependence criteria for anabolic steroid use. RESULTS: Only 19% of centers responding had treated at least one individual using anabolic steroids. Facilities encountering anabolic steroid users reported a prevalence of less than 1% among all admissions. Anabolic steroid users were seen more commonly in privately funded facilities. Directors reported a majority of anabolic steroid users had at least three DSM-III-R psychoactive substance dependence criteria for anabolic steroid use. Treatment directors rarely found anabolic steroid use acknowledged as a problem by users and rarely found anabolic steroid use a primary reason for treatment. CONCLUSION: Users of illicit anabolic steroids may have significant clinical differences compared with users of other psychoactive substances of abuse and dependence.  相似文献   

儿童少年情感性精神障碍42例临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了42例儿童少年情感性精神障碍的临床资料。发现男:女为2.23:1,以双相情感障碍最多;多有精神病家族史,其性格特征多偏内向;发病多在春季,起病有一定的精神因素;临床症状及治疗与成人相仿,成人的诊断标准稍加修改可以用于儿童少年。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Variables that have been identified as predictors of outcome of substance abuse treatment--coping style, addiction severity and addiction-related problems, psychopathology, and treatment motivation--were examined as predictors of outcome of inpatient detoxification. METHODS: A cohort of 175 drug abuse patients consecutively admitted to an inpatient detoxification clinic in the Netherlands were assessed. Baseline data were obtained on psychopathology using the Symptom Checklist-90, on severity and addiction-related problems using the Addiction Severity Index (ASI), on personal coping style using the Utrecht Coping List, on motivation using the CMRS scales, and on sociodemographic background. Positive detoxification outcome was defined as transfer to inpatient rehabilitation treatment. RESULTS: Of the 175 admissions, 81 (46 percent) had a positive outcome, and 94 (54 percent) had a negative outcome. Severe drug use and severe medical problems, as measured by the ASI, were the best predictors of a negative outcome of detoxification. Self-rated suitability of postdetoxification treatment was also a predictor of positive outcome, although to a lesser degree than the ASI variables. Established predictors of residential drug abuse treatment outcome, such as psychopathology, coping style, and sociodemographic variables, did not predict outcome of detoxification. CONCLUSIONS: Caution is necessary when applying results of inpatient treatment outcome studies to inpatient detoxification programs. Different factors may play a role in the outcome of detoxification. To improve the rate at which patients in detoxification programs are transferred to longer-term rehabilitation, more attention should be paid to medical conditions and to the direct consequences of drug use, such as withdrawal symptoms and craving during detoxification.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence for structural differences in the brains of patients with affective disorders. Recent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies have reported focal signal hyperintensities in the deep white matter of bipolar patients. These previous reports had focused on adult patients with prior episodes of illness. In this case report, the authors discuss a young adolescent patient during her first episode of mania and the finding of subcortical focal signal hyperintensities on brain MRI. The etiology, pathophysiology, and clinical correlates of these lesions will be reviewed.  相似文献   

Diagnoses of comorbid disorders were determined in a sample of 54 patients with panic disorder as defined in DSM-III-R. The sample was divided into the following three groups: (1) uncomplicated panic disorder (PDU); (2) panic disorder with mild agoraphobia (PDM); and (3) panic disorder with moderate to severe agoraphobia (PDA). In comparison with patients with PDU, patients with PDA had higher comorbidity rates in general, received multiple comorbid diagnoses more frequently, had a higher prevalence of major depression, dysthymia, social phobia, generalized anxiety disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder, and scored higher on most measures of self-rated psychopathology. These findings support the notion that PDA may be a disorder essentially different from PDU.  相似文献   

Information processing deficits are consistently reported for schizophrenics. The present study evaluated if the longer duration required by schizophrenics to visually recognize a target may qualify, as proposed by previous studies, as a vulnerability and/or trait biological marker. Critical stimulus duration (CSD) was used as the index of initial target registration and recognition. The CSD is the minimal duration, in ms, to meet task criterion, which in the present study was seven consecutive identifications of the target letter 'T' or 'A'. There were 13 normal controls, 11 methadone maintenance experimental controls, 21 chronic schizophrenics and 12 subacute schizophrenics. Analysis of variance revealed that the CSDs of normal controls and subacute schizophrenics were not statistically different (p > 0.05); the CSDs of chronic schizophrenics were not statistically different from methadone controls (p > 0.05), while the chronic schizophrenics and the methadone controls' CSDs were statistically different from the normal controls and the subacute schizophrenics. The results support earlier reports of long target duration required by chronic schizophrenics for feature recognition. Since retarded CSDs were obtained for methadone control but not for acute schizophrenics, the CSD does not qualify as a specificity or a vulnerability index for schizophrenia. A neurophysiological explanation is proposed for the findings.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Examine hypotheses concerning the negative impact of lifetime psychiatric comorbidity on participation in, and benefit from, a cognitive-behavioral group treatment for depression in adolescents (e.g., greater severity at intake, less recovery and more recurrence, less participation in treatment). METHOD: Across two previous studies conducted between 1986 and 1993, 151 depressed adolescents (aged 14-18) were randomly assigned to one of three treatment conditions (two active treatments and a waitlist control) and followed for 24 months posttreatment. Forty percent of participants had one or more lifetime comorbid diagnoses at intake. RESULTS: Comorbid anxiety disorders were associated with higher depression measure scores at intake and greater decrease in depression scores by posttreatment. Overall lifetime comorbidity was unrelated to diagnostic recovery, but lifetime substance abuse/dependence was associated with slower time to recovery. Participants with attention-deficit and disruptive behavior disorders were more likely to experience depression recurrence posttreatment. Associations between comorbidity and participation or therapy process measures were nonsignificant. CONCLUSIONS: Although some outcomes were worse for some comorbid diagnoses, the reassuring overall conclusion is that the presence of psychiatric comorbidity is generally not a contraindication for the use of structured group cognitive-behavioral interventions for depressed adolescents.  相似文献   

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