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Community benefit is the measurable contribtution made by Catholic and other tax-exempt organizations to support the health needs of disadvantaged persons and to improve the overall health and well-being of local communities. Community benefit activities include outreach to low-income and other vulnerable persons; charity care for people unable to afford services; health education and illness prevention; special health care initiatives for at-risk school children; free or low-cost clinics; and efforts to improve and revitalize communities. These activities are often provided in collaboration with community members and other community organizations to improve local health and quality of life for everyone. Since 1989, the Catholic health ministry has utilized a systematic approach to plan, monitor, report, and evaluate the community benefit activities and services it provides to its communities. This approach, first described in CHA's Social Accountability Budget, was updated in the recent Community Benefit Reporting: Guidelines and Standard Definitions for the Community Benefit Inventory for Social Accountability. By using credible and consistent information, health care organizations can improve their strategic response to demands for information that demonstrates their worth. 相似文献
《The Quality letter for healthcare leaders》2002,14(2):10, 1
For Humana, one way to promote quality care is to provide choice among health care consumers by using online resources. Last fall, the plan began rolling out Emphesys, an new online interactive health insurance plan, in individual markets across the country. 相似文献
Will you and your employees be better or worse off under the Clinton Health Security Act? A national survey of nearly 2,000 large and small businesses finds that a few workers will pay a lot less and receive a lot more insurance coverage than they receive today, while those who lose ground will just be a little worse off. 相似文献
Patients' perceptions provide valuable insight into areas for improvement and opportunities for strategic planning. Using both quantitative and qualitative research methods, the topics of what drives patient satisfaction, what delights patients, and what disappoints patients were examined. A case study approach was used to develop strategic recommendations for two market segments. For primary care patients, recommendations revolve around "provider caring" and "choice." For specialty patients, recommendations concentrate on "provider caring," "provider competence," and "office wait time." 相似文献
In this paper, we combine revealed preference and survey data on attribute importance to estimate parameters that represent average perceived differences in the quality and convenience of competing health benefit plans. We find that consumers do not perceive differences in provider quality across options. though they do perceive differences related to waiting time and access to specialists. In order to validate our approach, we estimate parameters representing perceived premiums and compare the estimates to actual premium differences. The results suggest that consumers correctly perceive the high-premium option to cost more than the low-premium option. These results increase our confidence in the use of stated importance data to identify and interpret parameters measuring the effect of otherwise unobservable attributes of choice alternatives. 相似文献
Geldmacher DS 《Managed care (Langhorne, Pa.)》2005,14(12):44-6, 49-52, 54-5
Treatment of Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a major public health issue, with the potential for significant impact on MCOs. As the number of people affected with AD continues to rise, the importance of this problem will grow as well. This article reviews patient and caregiver outcomes associated with reduced health care costs and their implications for MCOs. Cholinesterase inhibitors (ChEIs) are effective in treating cognitive, functional, and behavioral symptoms for patients with mild to moderate and moderate to severe AD. Treatment with memantine, an N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist, has been shown to benefit patients with moderate to severe AD. Pharmacoeconomic studies indicate that donepezil and memantine treatment may reduce total costs of care for AD patients and their caregivers, with potential economic benefits to MCOs. 相似文献
《Profiles in healthcare marketing》1995,11(5):19-24
If you're planning a communitywide focus on healthcare, it's important to involve the entire community in the process. And that's exactly what Laurens County, S.C., did. Here's a detailed look at their blueprint. 相似文献
Kifmann M 《Journal of health economics》2002,21(5):719-737
This paper presents a model of a competitive health insurance market with two risk types and two health benefits. In the benchmark case, community rating insurers (CRIs) are only allowed to offer the basic benefit. The additional benefit is sold by risk rating insurers (RRIs). It is shown that low risk types can only be better off at the expense of high risk types if CRIs are allowed to offer the additional benefit and no additional measures are taken. However, high risk types can be made better off if CRIs must offer the additional benefit or if community rating health insurers offering the additional benefit are subsidized while those selling only the basic benefit are taxed. 相似文献