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Despite the many efforts to integrate psychoanalysis with CBT, many loyal therapists of each school have consistently refused to ‘open their gate’ to the other's influence. We explain this resistance as a way to preserve a strong professional identity through the Us–Them distinction. Any attempt to encourage loyal therapists to be influenced by the other school must guarantee that the other will not threaten their identity. We use Derrida's notion of hospitality to facilitate mutual influence between the schools while overcoming the other's threatening encounter. According to Derrida, hospitality, in response to the law of ethics, opens the home's threshold to the foreigner; in this law, the other is always welcome. At the same time, hospitality prevents a hostile takeover – by the law of politics, which ensures the owner's ongoing control over his house. By thus keeping the tension between openness and control over who enters, hospitality makes listening and learning between the psychotherapeutic schools possible. We discuss practical ways to put the concept of hospitality to work between the two schools, offer illustrations, and argue for this model's advantages.  相似文献   

This paper explores the significance and meaning of a first dream brought into once a week psychotherapy. A variety of analytic models relating to the function of dreams is briefly described in order to provide a background to the general theory and practice of dream analysis and, more specifically, as aids in the understanding of this particular dream.  相似文献   

Hansen, Lambert, and Forman (this issue) find that clinicians cannot be fully effective in treatment because they are deprived access to a sufficient number of sessions. Using clinical significance methodology, they found that only 35% of patients were better at treatment completion, most often after only three sessions. Although their recommendation to extend treatment length may be appropriate for many patients, other patients can be successfully treated in a few sessions. Before changing practices, we will need individualized, subjective outcomes data that identify specific markers of poor prognosis that can be easily assessed early in treatment. Lacking these data, in most cases, I still prefer to empower patients to decide when treatment is complete.  相似文献   

The paper reviews what I have called Marion Milner's ‘experimental autobiographical quartet’ of books ‘written under the sign of self‐analysis’, A Life of One's Own (1934), An Experiment in Leisure (1937), Eternity's Sunrise: A Way of Keeping a Diary (1987) and Bothered by Alligators (2012). It explores the relationship between self‐analysis and psychoanalysis in Milner's complex, unclassifiable texts built around diary‐keeping, diary reading and diary interpretation. It situates them in the context of the modernist notion of what Virginia Woolf called ‘moments of being’, reading Milner's various meta‐diaries as ‘experiments’ in relation to the work of other modernist women diarists like Woolf, Nin and Mansfield, as well as the writings of British psychoanalysis. It argues that Milner's project is based on a unique commitment to multiple versions of ‘experiment’, literary and psychological, as well as a conflict between the urge to integration and disintegration played out in psychic and aesthetic terms.  相似文献   

问题解决疗法是以认知心理学关于问题解决的理论研究为基础,于20世纪80年代创立的一套完整的心理治疗技术,旨在增进来访者的问题解决能力、良好的人际关系和积极的社会适应,是一种理论精致、结构严谨、短时高效的心理疗法。它由6个部分组成:界定问题,确立目标,创想方案,评估方案,执行方案,评估初效。  相似文献   

Some of the important and interesting developments in psychotherapy that have occurred over the past 50 years are discussed. Included are the increased number and variety of individuals engaged inn psychotherapy, the prominent role and contribution of psychologists with reference to psychotherapy research, the proliferation of the forms of psychotherapy as well as the more recent movement for integration, the current popularity of brief forms of psychotherapy, and some practical future issues.  相似文献   

Holmes' discussion of the clinical implications of attachment theory is critically discussed. It is argued that the use of interpretation presented by Holmes to explain Bowlby's dispute with the psychoanalytic establishment is inappropriate and that the differences between psychoanalytic ideas and those proposed by Bowlby and arising from later observational studies of early development are substantial. Finally it is suggested that neither Bowlby nor psychoanalysis pay sufficient attention to the child's organisation of meaning in the early interaction with caretakers.  相似文献   

目的了解海洛因戒断者对毒品的态度,探讨其对复吸行为的意义。方法分别采用内隐联想测验和自陈式量表对戒断者和普通人对毒品的内隐态度和外显态度状况及其关系进行研究。结果①戒断者内隐态度取向的IAT效应显著(t=14.096,P<0.001),其将毒品与积极的词联系的反应时短;②普通人内隐态度取向的IAT效应显著,其将毒品与消极词语联系的反应时短;③戒断者与普通人的外显态度没有显著差异(t=1.041,P>0.05);④内隐态度和外显态度的相关系数为0.003。结论戒断者与普通人各自存在不同的内隐效应,戒断者对毒品的内隐态度为肯定倾向,普通人对毒品的内隐态度为否定倾向;戒断者与普通人对毒品的外显态度一致均为否定倾向;戒断者的内隐态度和外显态度倾向分离;内隐态度和外显态度相互独立。  相似文献   

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