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目的 描述人群中假性湿疣的分布 ,探讨其影响因素。方法 对 34 7名健康体检妇女和182名卖淫妇女进行了调查。结果 在被调查的 5 2 9名妇女中 ,16 .8%患有假性湿疣。城市妇女(2 6 .3% )高于农村妇女 (9.2 % )。不同年龄妇女假性湿疣阳性率间差异有显著性。不同职业、文化的妇女假性湿疣阳性率间差异无显著性。妇科体检妇女的阳性率 (2 0 .5 % )高于卖淫妇女 (9.9% ,P <0 .0 1) ,假性湿疣阳性率与性交频率无关 ;与白带量、颜色或气味、外阴是否瘙痒及阴道感染也无关。结论 假性湿疣是妇女人群中较常见的阴部疣样丘疹 ,与阴部感染及性传播疾病无关。  相似文献   

为探讨女性假性湿疣的流行因素,按照1∶2配比方法,对88例女性假性湿疣和176例对照进行了条件Logistic回归分析,发现阴道感染、避孕措施、性生活频度、使用月经带与女性假性湿疣有联系,但无显著性意义(P>005)。提示在妇科门诊中,对女阴部疣样丘疹者,要结合病史、流行病学资料、认真做好鉴别诊断,不要轻易诊断为STD。  相似文献   

为探讨女性假性湿疣的流行因素,按照1:2配比方法,对88例女性假性湿疣和176例对照进行了条件Logistic回归分析,发现阴道感染、避孕措施、性生活频度、使用月经带与女性假性湿疣有联系,但无显著性意义(P〉0.05)。提示在妇科门诊中,对妇阳部疣样丘疹者,要结合病史、流行病学资料、认真做好鉴别诊断、不要轻易诊断为STD。  相似文献   

马艳姝 《工企医刊》1994,7(4):21-21
假性湿疣是生育年龄妇女的常见病、多发病。本文通过34例假性湿疣的临床治疗观察,取得了良好疗效,现报告如下。  相似文献   

吕斌 《健康必读》2004,(3):10-10
她今年30岁,以前身体一直比较健康。两个月前,她无意中发现阴道口外右边的粘膜上有两个绿豆大的小疙瘩,不痛不痒。到医院一查,医生说是假性湿疣,是性病,要她照激光。她吓坏了,也不敢告诉丈夫,每个星期偷偷跑去治疗。快两个月了,病情一点不见好,医生说,不好就要一个疗程一个疗程地照下去。她想,这家医院大概水平不高,就换了家医院。不料,那里的医生对她说,假性湿疣不是性病,照什么激光!还说长期照激光,会引起色素、瘢痕什么的,具体她也听不懂,反正医生的意思是说她的情况不算病,根本不用治疗。现在她左右为难,两个都是医生,说的却是完全相反…  相似文献   

刘经理的妻子小张在一所学校任教,三个月前,小张到外地参加一个学术会议,回来不久就发现阴部长了几个小疙瘩。这小疙瘩是什么?肯定是患性病了,很可能是患了尖锐湿疣,因为小张平时看过不少医学科普书,自认为对此有一定的了解。  相似文献   

尖锐湿疣是因不洁性交、感染乳头瘤病毒而引起的性传染病。女阴假性湿疣病因目前尚不明了,患者多无婚外性生活史.不属性病范围。但因其发病部位和形态与尖锐湿疣有相似之处.给患者及家庭造成不应有的后果。笔者据临床所见,就其鉴别要点报告如下。  相似文献   

许娟  徐海燕 《现代养生》2015,(6):295-296
妊娠是一般女性所经历的特殊生理过程,这期间的生理变化,各种不适反应,社会、家庭诸因素都可能对她们的心理造成影响。焦虑与抑郁是最常见的反应,孕期焦虑与抑郁不利于胎儿和母体的健康,可引起多种妊娠并发症,对分娩结局以及子代产生不利影响。因此,研究越来越受到人们的重视。本研究从基层出发,通过问卷调查法对本地区农村孕妇的抑郁、焦虑状况进行调查,旨在了解农村地区妊娠期女性的抑郁、焦虑现状,为孕期保健提供相关的心理支持。  相似文献   

  目的  了解系统性红斑狼疮(systemic lupus erythematosus,SLE)女性患者精神障碍现状,探究其影响因素。  方法  以症状自评量表(symptom check list-90,SCL-90)作为判断精神障碍的依据,疾病活动度、社会支持、贬低-歧视是可能的影响因素,采用量表进行了调查,应用多因素非条件Logistic回归模型对精神障碍的影响因素进行分析。  结果  女性SLE患者SCL-90总分为(136.39±48.66)分,高于常模(129.96±38.76)分(t=2.247,P=0.025),289例SLE患者经过SCL-90检出有精神障碍的人数为128例(44.3%)。高月收入(OR=0.770,95%CI:0.604~0.981,P=0.034)是精神障碍的保护因素;高疾病活动度(OR=1.792,95%CI:1.023~3.138,P=0.042)、高贬低-歧视(OR=1.100,95%CI:1.035~1.169,P=0.002)是精神障碍的危险因素。  结论  女性SLE患者比一般人群具有更高精神障碍的风险,消除自我贬低、减少社会歧视、积极的就业、提高月收入、进行规范治疗、降低疾病活动度可能有效减轻SLE患者的精神障碍。  相似文献   

目的 探明河南省农村女性对慢性非传染性疾病(慢性病)知识掌握的现状,为制定健康教育规划和策略提供科学依据.方法 采用多阶段抽样的方法在全省内共抽取农村女性4 193人,采用自制调查问卷对调查对象进行现场调查.结果 研究对象慢性病知识平均标化知晓率为56.58%,其中糖尿病最低为48.82%;35岁以下各年龄组知晓率稍高,35岁及以上各组随着年龄的增大逐渐降低(P<0.01);随着受教育程度的提高,知晓率随之增高(P<0.01);学生知晓率高于非学生(P<0.01);医疗人员知晓率高于非医疗人员(P<0.01).结论 研究结果提示,农村高年龄组、低学历女性是健康教育的重点人群.糖尿病健康教育普遍不足,需要重点加强.  相似文献   

三万名大、中学生吸烟状况的调查研究   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
1989~1990年作者对福州、厦门、沈阳、成都四城市的16所中学和7所大学3万名学生中的吸烟状况进行调查的结果表明:男生吸烟率初中为4.17%、高中为12.65%、大学为30.48%;女生吸烟率初中为0.18%、高中为0.21%、大学为2.19%。吸烟率随年龄和学龄的增长而上升,男生吸烟率远比女生高。开始吸烟年龄,初中男生主要为12~14岁、高中男生为14~16岁、大学为17~20岁。开始吸烟的主要原因是伙伴劝吸、生活无聊和消除紧张,家人吸烟对学生也有很大影响。调查结果与1984年全国吸烟调查结果相比,5年间男生吸烟率初中上升1.7个百分点、高中上升9.6个百分点、大学上升9.1个百分点,呈上升趋势。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cigarette smoking during pregnancy is a significant health risk to the developing fetus. In order to develop and implement an appropriate preconceptional and prenatal smoking cessation program a national pregnancy risk survey was done. METHODS: The survey was conducted through the Public Health Service's, Mother and Child Health Clinics (MCHC). The nursing staff initiated structured interviews with pregnant women and mothers of newborn infants. Questions included in the survey addressed folic acid utilization, smoking habits, onset of prenatal care and demographic characteristics. RESULTS: Overall, of the 1613 questionnaires received with smoking data, 12.8% of the women had smoked either in the 3 months preceding their current pregnancy and/or during their pregnancy. The smoking prevalence in Jewish women, was significantly greater then that found among Arab women (17.2 and 3.0%, P<.001, OR=7.5, CI=4.2-13.4). The prevalence of smoking for the duration of the pregnancy was 8.0% among Jewish women and 1.8% among Arab women. Among Jewish women, smoking prevalence was significantly associated with education, women who had completed 12 years of education were more likely to be nonsmokers (P=.034, OR=1.8, CI=1.0-3). CONCLUSION: Smoking in the preconceptional and prenatal period is a significant problem among Jewish women. Since less years of education is a significant risk factor, smoking cessation programs should focus on this subgroup of Jewish women.  相似文献   

上海市某地居民代谢综合征患病率调查   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
代谢综合征(MS)是一组包括多种代谢异常的疾病。随着社会经济的发展,MS的患病率逐年递增。上海一项40岁以上社区人群的调查表明,该人群的MS患病率为13%。本课题采用流行病学现况调查设计,调查上海市浦东新区陆家嘴社区隧成居委55岁以上居民MS的患病率,为进一步制定社区慢性病防治策略、更好提供社区卫生服务提供依据。  相似文献   

Marked and increasing socioeconomic gradients in cigarette smoking are well established. Tracking these differentials among women requires appropriate measures of their socioeconomic position (SEP) which are equivalent across older and younger age groups. This study examines socioeconomic gradients in cigarette smoking by age among women aged 20-34, using a standard indicator of SEP (age left full-time education) and alternative indicators which take account of changes in women's educational levels across age cohorts. The study is based on a large cross-sectional British data set (n = 12,398), the Southampton Women's Survey, conducted 1998-2002. Poisson log-linear regression with adjusted variance was used to predict smoking status (ever smoked > or =1 cigarette a day for 1 year, currently smoking > or =1 cigarette a day, and ex-smoker - ever-smoker not currently smoking > or =1 cigarette a day) in models which controlled for SEP, age and year of interview. Socioeconomic gradients in ever-smoking were marked but stable across age groups. With quitting more prevalent in the higher than lower socioeconomic groups, gradients in current smoking steepened across age groups, with significant age/SEP interactions. The socioeconomic patterning of ever, ex and current smoking was similar using both the standard and alternative measures of education, but interactions were less pronounced with the alternative measures. Socioeconomic indicators which take account of the recent and rapid increase in women's educational participation rates may provide a more reliable indication of age-related differentials in smoking status than standard measures. Nonetheless, both conventional and alternative measures point to stable socioeconomic differentials in rates of ever-smoking and widening differentials in current smoking across age groups. Our study confirms that addressing the link between socioeconomic disadvantage and tobacco use remains a major challenge for the tobacco control community.  相似文献   

上海市虹口区496名护士职业压力现状调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,护理人员的心理健康问题已经越来越受到医务界有关部门的重视。护士职业不仅需要健康的体魄,更要有健康向上的心态和充沛的精力。据调查,工作在临床一线的护士都存在不同程度的身心耗竭,导致护士身体素质下降。从心理学角度分析,此现象与护士的工作压力、社会支持以及护士的心理特征等方面有密切联系。到目前为止,国内对造成护士群体职业倦怠和身心耗竭的各种因素及应对策略的研究报道较少,本文通过对496名护士的调查,了解护士职业倦怠的情况,探讨组织压力管理策略和提高个人应对问题的能力对消除护士职业倦怠的作用。  相似文献   

In a survey of 796 undergraduates at six New England colleges and universities, 15% of the females and 10% of the males reported some type of sexual experience involving a sibling. Fondling and touching of the genitals were the most common activities in all age categories. One-fourth of the experiences could be described as exploitative either because force was used or because there was a large age disparity between the partners. Reactions to the experiences were equally divided among those who considered them positive and those who considered them negative. Females were more likely than males to have been exploited and feel badly about it. Few participants of either sex ever told anyone. The research finds evidence that such experience may have long-term effects on sexual development. Females who report sibling sexual experiences, both positive and negative, have substantially higher levels of current sexual activity. Their level of sexual self-esteem may also have been affected, but more selectively. Those with positive sibling experiences after age 9 have more sexual self-esteem. However, experiences with much older siblings taking place before age 9 are associated with generally lower levels of self-esteem and no increase in current sexual activity.  相似文献   

[目的 ] 调查机关公务员的患病特点 ,并与商业人群比较 ,为预防和控制疾病提供依据。 [方法 ] 采用工作能力指数表对上海市部分机关公务员 114 5人和商业人群 2 0 92人的患病情况进行调查分析。 [结果 ] 公务员现患疾病的前 5位顺序为 :消化、心血管、骨骼肌肉、呼吸和生殖系统疾病。且随着年龄、工龄的增长 ,现患率呈上升趋势。机关公务员男性患病率除心血管系统外其余 4类疾病患病率明显高于商业人群 ;女性心血管系统和呼吸系统患病率明显高于商业人群 ,其他 3类疾病略高于商业人群。 [结论 ] 不同职业人群患病与所从事的职业有关 ,且不同人群患病特点有所不同  相似文献   

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