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P. Hammond  B. Ahmed  A.T. Smith   《Brain research》1986,386(1-2):93-104
This paper presents the second stage of an investigation into the relative motion sensitivity of complex cells in the striate cortex of lightly anaesthetized adult cats. Relative motion between an oriented bar and a background of random visual texture was generated by moving both stimuli, in-phase or in antiphase, with dissimilar speed. Three configurations were compared: motion of both foreground bar and background texture in preferred directions for either (a) the bar or (b) the background, and also (c) where background motion was other than orthogonal to bar orientation. Providing foreground stimuli elicited substantial responses, sensitivity to relative motion was qualitatively but not quantitatively predictable from discrete responses to foreground or background alone, whatever the angular inclination between their respective directions, suggestive of strongly non-linear interactions between the two. Where the foreground evoked no response, or depressed firing, the pattern of sensitivity to relative motion could not be predicted.  相似文献   

Huang L  Chen X  Shou T 《Brain research》2004,998(2):194-201
The feedback effect of activity of area 21a on orientation maps of areas 17 and 18 was investigated in cats using intrinsic signal optical imaging. A spatial frequency-dependent decrease in response amplitude of orientation maps to grating stimuli was observed in areas 17 and 18 when area 21a was inactivated by local injection of GABA, or by a lesion induced by liquid nitrogen freezing. The decrease in response amplitude of orientation maps of areas 17 and 18 after the area 21a inactivation paralleled the normal response without the inactivation. Application in area 21a of bicuculline, a GABAa receptor antagonist caused an increase in response amplitude of orientation maps of area 17. The results indicate a positive feedback from high-order visual cortical area 21a to lower-order areas underlying a spatial frequency-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

The present investigation is aimed at studying the influence of the striate cortex (area 17 or V1) upon responses of area 18a. Electrical activity was recorded from neurons in area 18a through glass micropipettes. At the same time lidocaine hydrochloride was injected in the same retinotopic register of area 17. Forty eight cells were tested to diffuse stroboscopic flashes and to localized stationary or moving slits in the receptive field. In addition, orientation selectivity was analyzed in 15 units. Blockade of area 17 produced the following results: discharges to stroboscopic light were unaltered while responses to stationary, localized targets were diminished in about half of the cells. Fifty percent of movement evoked responses were decreased. The orientation properties were particularly sensitive to blockade of area 17. Out of 15 units, 13 had their orientation tuning curves altered by the treatment. These results seem to suggest that the degree of trigger feature complexity depends upon lateral interactions betweens areas V1 and V2.  相似文献   

Projections of the pupillo-constrictor area in the postero-medial lateral suprasylvian area (PMLS) to that in cortical area 20 was studied using electrophysiological and anatomical methods. Cats were injected with wheatgerm agglutinin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase in the latter area, which was located by intracortical stimulation. Retrogradely labeled cells were found in the PMLS pupillo-constrictor area. It was concluded that the pupillo-constrictor area in the PMLS has direct projections to that in area 20.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The present study examined the effect of electrical kindling on the interictal temporal response properties of single units recorded from primary auditory cortex (AI) of the adult cat. METHODS: Cats were permanently implanted with electrodes in AI, kindled twice daily for 40 sessions, and the contralateral AI was subsequently mapped. Kindling stimulation consisted of 1-s trains of biphasic square-wave pulses applied at a frequency of 60 Hz, 100 microA above the afterdischarge (AD) threshold. The EEG activity was recorded during each kindling session, and the behavioral manifestation was scored. Subsequent to kindling, multiple single-unit responses were recorded under ketamine anesthesia in response to 1-s-long periodic click trains, with click rates between 2 and 64 Hz. Neuronal responses were characterized according to their ability to respond in time-locked fashion to the clicks. RESULTS: Kindling stimulation resulted in progression of the AD characteristics and seizure behavior, with six of 10 kindled cats reaching a fully generalized state. In the fully kindled cats, the best modulation frequencies and limiting following rates for the single-unit responses were significantly lower compared with those of naive and sham controls. CONCLUSIONS: Repeated epileptiform activity interferes with temporal processing in cat auditory cortex in the interictal state. This may have implications for people with epileptic foci in auditory-related areas.  相似文献   

Aged humans exhibit severe deficits in visual motion perception and contrast sensitivity under various levels of spatial and temporal modulation. Previous studies indicated that many of these deficits are probably mediated by the neural degradation of the central visual system. To clarify the neuronal response mechanisms underlying the visual degradation during aging, we examined the spatial and temporal frequency tuning properties of neurons from anesthetised and paralysed aged monkeys at the middle temporal area (area MT), which is downstream of the primary visual cortex in the visual processing pathway and thought to be critical for motion perception. We found that the preferred spatial and temporal frequencies, spatial resolution and high temporal frequency cutoff of area MT neurons were reduced in aged monkeys, and were accompanied by the broadened tuning width of spatial frequency, elevated spontaneous activity, and decreased signal‐to‐noise ratio. These results showed that, for neurons in area MT, aging significantly changed both the spatial and temporal frequency response tuning properties. Such evidence provides new insight into the changes occurring at the electrophysiological level that may be related to the aging‐related visual deficits, especially in processing spatial and temporal information.  相似文献   

We have investigated the dependence of cortical oscillations on the type of visual stimulus. Single unit recordings were performed in areas 17 and 18 of the cat visual cortex. Among 217 cortical neurons oscillations in the frequency range of 22–102 Hz were found in 29 cells (13%). The proportion of oscillating cells was higher (16%) if both bar and grating stimuli were used to stimulate cortical neurons. It was found that gratings are more effective than bars in triggering oscillatory patterns in cortical cells. Among 21 oscillating cells which were stimulated with both bar and grating stimuli, oscillations evoked with gratings were found in 17 neurons (81%) while oscillations evoked with bar stimuli were triggered in 7 cells (33%). The distributions of oscillation frequencies were statistically different for oscillations evoked with bars and gratings. Frequencies of oscillations evoked with bars were in the lower and higher range than frequencies of oscillations evoked with gratings. In 3 cells (14%), rhythmic patterns could be evoked with both bar and grating stimuli. However, the oscillations were of different frequencies. No significant correlation was found between the strength of oscillations and firing rate of cortical neurons. Both simple and complex cells manifested the same dependence on stimulus type. However, complex cells mostly exhibited oscillations in the lower frequency range while simple cells did so when neurons were stimulated with bars. The results suggest that various classes of visual stimuli can be coded by a temporal pattern of cortical responses.  相似文献   

Intracortical inhibition mediated by the neurotransmitter gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA) plays a crucial role in the formation of the physiological response properties of neurons in mammalian visual cortex. Using a potent antibody developed against the amino acid neurotransmitter. GABA (Immunoclear Co., USA), we have identified GABA-immunoreactive neuronal somata and processes in area 18 of the cat. The GABA-positive neurons included multipolar, bipolar and bitufted but not pyramidal cell types. The density of GABA-immunoreactive neurons was higher in Layers I-IV (range 182-205 cells/mm2) than in Layers V-VI (range 78-92 cells/mm2). The mean areal measurement of GABA-immunoreactive somatic profiles was 135 micron2 (s.d. = 66). We observed numerous GABA-immunoreactive fiber fragments predominantly in Layers I, III, IV and V. Most of the fibers were oriented with their long axis tangential to the cortical surface, but, vertically-oriented fibers were observed as well. Many of the fibers were axonal-like and appeared beaded in Layer I and occasionally in II, while most of the fibers in the other layers appeared myelinated. A dense GABA-immunoreactive neuropil was present in Layer V. Results from our studies provide immunohistochemical evidence for a system of GABA-immunoreactive neurons and axonal collaterals which presumably mediate inhibition in the visual cortex. Since many of the GABA-immunoreactive fibers were oriented tangential to the cortical surface, the structural elements required for inhibition between functional columns are present. GABA-mediated inhibition both within and between functional columns likely assists in the formation of receptive field properties in the visual cortex.  相似文献   

Information about the responses of neurons to the spatial and temporal frequencies of visual stimuli is important for understanding the types of computations being performed in different visual areas. We characterized the spatiotemporal selectivity of neurons in the middle temporal area (MT), which is deemed central for the processing of direction and speed of motion. Recordings obtained in marmoset monkeys using high-contrast sine-wave gratings as stimuli revealed that the majority of neurons had bandpass spatial and temporal frequency tuning, and that the selectivity for these parameters was largely separable. Only in about one-third of the cells was inseparable spatiotemporal tuning detected, this typically being in the form of an increase in the optimal temporal frequency as a function of increasing grating spatial frequency. However, most of these interactions were weak, and only 10% of neurons showed spatial frequency-invariant representation of speed. Cells with inseparable spatiotemporal tuning were most commonly found in the infragranular layers, raising the possibility that they form part of the feedback from MT to caudal visual areas. While spatial frequency tuning curves were approximately scale-invariant on a logarithmic scale, temporal frequency tuning curves covering different portions of the spectrum showed marked and systematic changes. Thus, MT neurons can be reasonably described as similarly built spatial frequency filters, each covering a different dynamic range. The small proportion of speed-tuned neurons, together with the laminar position of these units, are compatible with the idea that an explicit neural representation of speed emerges from computations performed in MT.  相似文献   

Blindsight subjects are typically better at discriminating rapid, transient visual events than those with gradual on/off-sets. Surprisingly, the detailed investigation of temporal characteristics of mechanisms mediating blindsight is only reported in one subject (GY). It is of interest to establish whether these characteristics are similar to those in other cases of blindsight. Here, we report on a systematic study of spatio-temporal properties of mechanisms mediating blindsight in a subject VN. VN has a lower right quadranopia following surgical removal of the left occipital cortex above the calcarine sulcus, therefore, there are no remaining islands of intact visual cortex within this area. Similar to GY, the blindsight mechanisms in VN have narrowly tuned band-pass temporal characteristics with a peak sensitivity at 20Hz and above chance performance at temporal frequencies >/=10 and 相似文献   

The representation of the lower quadrant in area V4 is presently thought to extend along the prelunate gyrus from a foveal representation laterally all the way to the dorsal end of the superior temporal sulcus. However, several studies suggest the possibility of a more complex organization. To see if the visuotopic organization on the crown of the gyrus was relatively homogeneous or instead contained inhomogeneities indicative of more complex organization, we recorded from a grid of points over the prelunate gyrus. Receptive-field size and scatter in the region are large, making it difficult to infer topography from simple inspection of receptive-field sequences. We developed an averaging procedure using data from all recording sites to detect an inhomogeneity in topography with respect to the vertical meridian. With this procedure, we found a vertical meridian representation just medial to the medial end of the lateral sulcus. We also found a significant difference in the incidence of orientation sensitivity on either side of the meridian representation. The results show that the crown of the prelunate gyrus cannot be described as a single homogeneous region, but instead contains at least two different sub-regions adjoining along a shared representation of the vertical meridian.  相似文献   

The visual system demonstrates significant differences in information processing abilities between the central and peripheral parts of the visual field. Optical imaging based on intrinsic signals was used to investigate the difference in stimulus spatial and temporal frequency interactions related to receptive field eccentricity in the cat area 18. Changing either the spatial or the temporal frequency of grating stimuli had a significant impact on responses in the cortical areas corresponding to the centre of the visual field and more peripheral parts at 10 degrees eccentricity. The cortical region corresponding to the centre of the gaze was tuned to 0.4 cycles per degree (c/deg) for spatial frequency and 2 Hz for temporal frequency. In contrast, the cortical region corresponding to the periphery of the visual field was tuned to a lower spatial frequency of 0.15 c/deg and a higher temporal frequency of 4 Hz. Interestingly, when we simultaneously changed both the spatial frequency and the temporal frequency of the grating stimuli, the responses were significantly different from those estimated with an assumption of independence between the spatial and temporal frequency in the cortical region corresponding to the periphery of the visual field. However, in the cortical area corresponding to the centre of the gaze, spatial frequency showed significant independence from temporal frequency. These properties support the notion of relative specialization of visual information processing for peripheral representations in cortical areas.  相似文献   

Purpose:   High frequency oscillations (HFOs) >200 Hz are believed to be associated with epileptic processes. The spatial distribution of HFOs and their evolution over time leading up to seizure onset is unknown. Also, recording HFOs through conventional intracranial electrodes is not well established. We therefore wished to determine whether HFOs could be recorded using commercially available depth macroelectrodes. We also examined the spatial distribution and temporal progression of HFOs during the transition to seizure activity.
Methods:   Intracranial electroencephalography (EEG) recordings of 19 seizures were obtained from seven patients with temporal lobe epilepsy using commercial depth or subdural electrodes. EEG recordings were analyzed for frequency content in five spectral bands spanning DC-500 Hz. We examined the spatial distribution of the different spectral bands 5 s before and 5 s after seizure onset. Temporal changes in the spectral bands were studied in the 30-s period leading up to seizure onset.
Results:   Three main observations were made. First, HFOs (100–500 Hz) can be recorded using commercial depth and subdural grid electrodes. Second, HFOs, but not <100 Hz oscillations, were localized to channels of ictal onset (100–200, 400–500 Hz, p < 0.05; 300–400 Hz, p < 0.001). Third, temporal analysis showed increased HFO power for approximately 8 s prior to electrographic onset (p < 0.05).
Conclusions:   These results suggest that HFOs can be recorded by depth macroelectrodes. Also, HFOs are localized to the region of primary ictal onset and can exhibit increased power during the transition to seizure. Thus, HFOs likely represent important precursors to seizure initiation.  相似文献   

In the cortex of 6 anesthetized cats, the anterior auditory field (AAF) was defined by microelectrode maps of its frequency organization, and the responses to monaural and binaural tonal stimuli of single neurons in that field were examined qunatitatively. AAF neurons were sharply tuned to tonal frequency, had intensity dynamic ranges of less than 30–40 dB at best frequency, and had minimum response latencies generally in the order of 10–15 ms. The binaural interactions of AAF neurons were qualitatively similar to those of AI cells, with the possible exception of a relatively greater proportion of AAF neurons receiving stronger excitatory input from the ipsilateral ear. On the basis of these data and recent anatomical evidence, the proposal that AAF and AI function as parallel processors of ascending acoustic information is discussed.  相似文献   

This study in cat examines the synaptic relationship of vagal afferents to parabrachial projecting neurons in the area postrema (AP) using anterograde and retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Wheat germ agglutinin-HRP injected into the parabrachial nucleus (PBN) produced retrograde neuronal labeling in the AP and in the nucleus of the tractus solitarius bilaterally, but with an ipsilateral predominance. Labeled neurons were confined mainly to the caudal 2/3's of the AP. Following injection of WGA-HRP into the PBN and HRP into the nodose ganglion in the same animal, examination of sections of the AP with the electron microscope revealed anterogradely labeled axon terminals in apposition to retrogradely labeled somata and dendrites. In some instances, labeled terminals were observed to form synaptic contacts with retrogradely labeled neurons. We conclude that in the cat a vagal input to neurons in the AP is monosynaptically relayed to the PBN.  相似文献   

The distributions of thalamic neurons projecting to the motor cortex and cortical area 3a were studied in cat by means of the retrograde double-labeling technique using Nuclear Yellow (NY) and Fast Blue (FB) as tracers. Following injection of NY and FB into the motor cortex and area 3a respectively, the NY-labeled neurons were found to be mainly located in ventrolateral (VL) nucleus and FB-labeled neurons in ventro-posterolateral nucleus (VPL). However, these two kinds of neurons were intermingled with each other in the border area between VL and VPL. A small number of neurons were double-labeled by both NY and FB. They were also distributed in the border area. Some of them could often be found in centromedian and parafascicular nuclei.  相似文献   

The organization of efferent neurons in area 19 of the cat was examined by bulk injections of retrograde tracers, WGA-HRP and CTX-Au, into extrastriate area 21a. In one case, the cortex was cut coronally and retrogradely labeled cells in area 19 were present in columnar register throughout layers 2 to 6, with the majority of labeled cells in layers 2/3. The number of columns per tissue section ranged from 0 to 4 and had a centre-to-centre spacing ranging from 0.6 to 0.9 mm. A few lightly labeled cells were found between the columns. In six other cases, the visual cortex was flattened, and cut in the tangential plane to reveal a pattern of irregular, widely spaced bands that were elongated in the mediolateral direction with a mean centre-to-centre spacing of 2.6 mm. The density of labeled cells within these bands fluctuated such that dense aggregates of cells were found, on average, at 0.9 mm intervals along the bands. This tangential heterogeneity in density, along with the patchy columnar staining witnessed in the coronal plane, suggests that the widely spaced efferent projection bands may have a patchy substructure with a spacing of approximately 1 mm. The pattern of efferent projection bands and its substructure in area 19 is reminiscent of the stripe-like organization of V2 found in primates.  相似文献   

Frequency sensitivities of auditory neurons in the cerebellum of the cat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Threshold tuning curves were obtained from neurons in the cerebellar auditory area of the cat. The threshold of the brainstem auditory evoked response was also measured in each animal as a function of sound frequency in order to monitor the overall frequency sensitivity of the auditory periphery. Cerebellar auditory neurons responded to sound stimuli with little discrimination for the sound frequency. The values of Q10dB (a measure of the sharpness of tuning) were less than 2 for most of the neurons in this study. There was no significant difference in the sharpness of tuning for neurons in the various layers of the cerebellar auditory area. Electrophysiological mapping showed that the frequency sensitivity of single neurons did not appear to vary as a function of location within the cerebellar auditory area which includes lobules VI and VII of Larsell. Broad tuning was observed in long-latency (greater than 11 ms) neurons which responded to binaural sound stimuli as well as in short-latency (less than 6 ms) neurons which only responded to monaural sound stimuli. Within each animal, tuning curves of single cerebellar neurons were essentially superimposable onto each other and matched well with the overall frequency sensitivity of the animal as shown by brainstem auditory evoked response. Since the frequency tuning of these neurons appeared to reflect the overall frequency sensitivity of the auditory periphery, auditory neurons in the posterior vermis may receive inputs that involve convergence and integration from the entire length of the cochlea.  相似文献   

Twenty Golgi tendon organs (GTOs) from the tibial anterior muscle of the cat were investigated under a ramp-and-hold stretch of the passive muscle. The stretch rate was varied between 1 and 100 mm/s, the stretch amplitude between 0.1 and 7 mm, the prestretch of the muscle between 0 and 12 mm. The action potential sequences of the GTOs were recorded, and discharge patterns derived from them. The basic discharge frequencies, namely the initial frequency, the peak dynamic discharge, the maximum static value, and the final static value, were read from each discharge pattern. The tension of the muscle was determined at the same points in time at which one of the basic discharge frequencies was read from a discharge pattern. The static and dynamic properties of the GTOs were determined from the basic discharge frequencies. Two groups of GTOs were identified. Four GTOs discharged with an initial frequency and at the same time had static properties of small magnitude. Sixteen GTOs showed no initial activity and had static properties of large magnitude. The two groups of GTOs did not differ in their dynamic properties. The number of alpha-fibers activating a single GTO was determined from a further 11 GTOs. Eight GTOs without initial activity were activated by a mean number of 9.7 alpha-fibers. Three GTOs discharging with initial activity were activated by a mean number of 15.3 alpha-fibers. The two mean values were significantly different (p=0. 02). The identification of two groups of GTOs is explained by the GTOs being positioned differently within the muscle and its tendon.  相似文献   

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