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目的 了解"停课不停教、停课不停学"背景下,护理高职生居家进行线上学习期间的 自主学习能力现状及影响因素.方法 采用一般资料问卷、自主学习能力量表、个体和环境因素调查问卷,对福建省某高职院校护理系1943名居家进行线上学习的学生进行调查.结果 护理高职生的自主学习能力得分为(68.87±9.75)分;个体因素、是否喜欢...  相似文献   

Clinical education increasingly includes opportunities for interprofessional (IP) placements but few opportunities for students and supervisors to adequately prepare for such placements. The aim of this project was to further develop and evaluate an online multidisciplinary resource that was originally designed to prepare students for single-discipline placements. The revised resource aimed to prepare health students and their supervisors for IP placements. The resource was trialled in host organisations with participants from naturopathy, nursing, osteopathy and pharmacy. The resource used language that was common to all participants and comprised activities that had broad relevance such as orientating students to specific placements, developing learning plans, clarifying roles, rights and responsibilities, and clinical scenarios that raised ethical and professional issues. The effectiveness of the resource as an IP learning tool was evaluated using an E-survey, focus groups and feedback from the project team. According to participants, the resource afforded insights into what other disciplines do and opportunities for cross-disciplinary interactions, which helped break down stereotypes and misconceptions. Cross-disciplinary commonalities such as those pertaining to patient care, communication and ethics became evident. Collaborative projects involving academics, clinical supervisors and students from multiple disciplines provided an opportunity for culture change in an education organisation from single discipline to a more collaborative interdisciplinary one.  相似文献   

A clinical education model was developed and implemented by nursing faculty in the Oregon Consortium for Nursing Education undergraduate curriculum to improve clinical learning for preparation of nurses to practice in the 21st century. This clinical education model, developed though collaborative work by nursing practice and education representatives throughout the state, moves away from a “random access opportunity” model of clinical education reliant on “total patient care” experiences to an intentional design of clinical learning activities based on course competencies appropriate to student level. Five elements of the model were proposed: case-based, concept-based, intervention skill-based, focused direct client care and integrative experiences. Different elements are dominant in early, middle and late clinical experiences to best support the developmental level of the student. Expectations for faculty, students and clinical staff were also developed to enhance best practices in clinical learning. Preparation of clinical partners for a change in clinical learning and student accountability are essential for optimal learning. This paper provides an overview of the model with clinical application examples for each element with a particular emphasis on case-based, concept-based and integrative clinical experiences.  相似文献   

This paper outlines efforts to improve the teaching and learning methods for research on a second year pre-registration nursing programme in one university in Wales, UK. This focussed on experiential approaches supported by electronic learning resources.A subsequent evaluation aimed to elicit participating students’ and lecturers’ perceptions of the success of the experiential approaches and the supporting resources.A questionnaire was distributed to 53 student nurses who participated in the experiential learning and this was supplemented with an informal qualitative ‘graffiti board’ evaluation with the cohort; and a group interview with 4 of the lecturers who had acted as group facilitators during the experiential research sessions. The findings revealed that similar issues were pertinent for both lecturers and students and these were contained within three distinct themes relating to the structure, process and outcomes of the teaching and learning approaches. The student-led approach to evaluation offers a fresh outlook which ensures that the emic perspective is included through the study. The study sheds light on the strengths and limitations of experiential approaches to research teaching and suggest that this is a challenging approach both for students and lecturers, which should not be entered into lightly.  相似文献   

The need for interprofessional education is now firmly embedded in undergraduate healthcare curricula frameworks in Northern Ireland and has a role to play in preparation for professional practice. A questionnaire determining students' “readiness” for interprofessional education has been widely used and reported in the literature but there are other factors that contribute to students' abilities to learn in an interprofessional context. Pre-qualification healthcare education can be viewed as having three inter-related components, intra-professional, interprofessional and intra-personal learning; the third of these underpinning the other two. Understanding more about personal learning needs can contribute to preparation for interprofessional interaction. A Studying and Learning Preferences Inventory (SALPI) was developed and validated for use with a range of healthcare professionals to assist in this process.  相似文献   

目的探讨应用自我导向学习方法提高护理本科实习生循证护理能力的效果。方法在临床实习阶段,74名护理本科生通过研究组编写的学习资料包和学习目标的提示,借助网络图书馆等资源,与同伴合作,应用自我导向学习方法,学习循证护理基本知识和实践方法。采用自行设计的问卷,调查学生应用自我导向学习方法前后循证护理基础知识水平和学习效果。结果应用自我导向学习方法后,学生的循证护理知识自评得分从(11.51±2.5)分提高到(17.11±3.3)分,差异有统计学意义(t=-11.64,P<0.01);72名(97.3%)学生对自我导向学习过程持满意态度。结论应用自我导向学习方法有利于激发护理专业学生的学习动机,提高其循证基础知识水平和自主学习能力。  相似文献   

The advent of eLearning has seen online discussion forums widely used in both undergraduate and postgraduate nursing education. This paper reports an Australian university experience of design, delivery and redevelopment of a distance education module developed for Vietnamese nurse academics. The teaching experience of Vietnamese nurse academics is mixed and frequently limited. It was decided that the distance module should attempt to utilise the experience of senior Vietnamese nurse academics - asynchronous online discussion groups were used to facilitate this. Online discussion occurred in both Vietnamese and English and was moderated by an Australian academic working alongside a Vietnamese translator. This paper will discuss the design of an online learning environment for foreign correspondents, the resources and translation required to maximise the success of asynchronous online discussion groups, as well as the rationale of delivering complex content in a foreign language. While specifically addressing the first iteration of the first distance module designed, this paper will also address subsequent changes made for the second iteration of the module and comment on their success. While a translator is clearly a key component of success, the elements of simplicity and clarity combined with supportive online moderation must not be overlooked.  相似文献   

目的 通过调查分析实习护生自主学习准备度现状及影响因素,为制订更有针对性的临床教学方法和课程体系提供依据.方法 采用问卷调查法对郑州大学、北京协和医学院护理专业本专科生共240名进行横断面调查;采用定量分析法,进一步精确实习护生自主学习准备度得分;通过文献研究法,分析对影响实习护生自主学习准备度因素问题的研究现状及方向.结果 实习护生自主学习准备度总分为(116.59±21.79)分,影响实习护生自主学习准备度的因素主要包括:是否喜欢护理专业、有无自我感知“学习困难”、有无“小组学习”经历、对临床教师的满意度,课程体系优化度.结论 当前实习护生自主学习准备度相对较低,有多方面的影响因素,院校应采取多种措施提高护生的自主学习准备度,并结合实习护生的特点采用适合、有效的临床教学方法,优化课程体系.  相似文献   

目的调查高职高专护理专业学生自主学习能力的现状。方法采用护理专业大学生自主学习能力测评量表对419名高职高专护理专业学生进行问卷调查。结果学生自主学习能力得分为(3.10±0.39)分;条目"我对新信息源感兴趣"得分最高,为(3.79±0.80)分,条目"我熟悉国内主要护理期刊"得分最低,为(2.37±1.02)分;信息能力维度得分城市生源的学生高于农村(t=2.10,P=0.04);自主学习能力得分独生子女高于非独生子女(t=2.23,P=0.03)。结论高职高专护理专业学生的自主学习能力有待提高,教学中应制订相应策略,培养学生的自主学习能力。  相似文献   

Community nursing needs to expand its workforce in the United Kingdom in the immediate future, to accommodate the requirements of an ageing population and the rationalisation of care delivery to community settings resulting from Sustainability and Transformation Plans. It has been reported internationally that student nurses do not always value or learn from their community placements and that this may contribute to an apprehension regarding working in the sector after graduation. This mixed methods study, using a survey and a focus group, investigated students’ views of their community placement experiences in relation to the learning environment, their clinical facilitator and the use of a structured learning package to prepare and guide development of skills and knowledge. The triangulated data indicate that students enjoyed their community placements as learning environments, had excellent relationships with their clinical facilitators, and would welcome a more structured information package as an approach to preparation and placement learning.  相似文献   

AimThe purpose of this study was to promote students’ clinical reasoning (CR) and self-directed learning (SDL). The specific aims were: (1) to examine effectiveness of the e-STORY App in promoting nursing students’ CR and SDL; and (2) to explore the relationships between levels of learning motivation and suitability of the e-STORY App.BackgroundCR and SDL are core competencies for nursing students. However, new graduates tend to be in adequately prepared in these competencies. Humanoid diagram uses diagrams to guide students in gaining a comprehensive view of the patient issues, which may promote attainment of these competencies. The Z generation students favor learning through smart devices for the feature of no time and spatial limitations. The e-STORY App was developed to overcome the setbacks of creating hard-copy drawings to promote learning effectiveness.DesignThis quasi-experimental study used two-group repeated measure design with a convenience sample.MethodsA total of 77 students from two sections of the “Seminar for Clinical Case Studies” course participated in the study (experimental group: 39 students; control group: 38 students). Data were collected before, one week after and four weeks after the teaching intervention. The instruments used were demographic information sheet, Huang et al.’s (in press) Clinical reasoning scale and Cheng et al. (2010) Self-directed learning instrument.ResultsThere were no significant differences in the CR and SDL scores between the experimental and control groups one week after the intervention (p>.05). Analyses of the delay effects four weeks after the intervention found significantly higher CR scores in the experimental group than the control group (p < .05). However, there were no significant differences in the SDL scores between groups (p>.05). Analysis of the findings from the experimental group found that students with moderate and low learning motivation showed significantly higher CR scores on the posttest and follow-up test (p < .05).ConclusionsApplication of the e-STORY App as a supplementary teaching strategy promoted nursing students’ CR ability, especially in students with moderate or low learning motivation. It is recommended to use the App in students with moderate or low learning motivation to promote learning effectiveness.  相似文献   

Retention of students in nursing programs is a costly concern that affects the supply and demand of nurses to the healthcare system. Successful retention strategies require consideration of social and academic institutional systems with attention to student integration in a program. This systematic review explores implemented retention strategies in nursing programs worldwide and provides guidance for nursing programs and researchers considering the retention question. Joanna Briggs Institute scoping review methods informed this review. CINAHL, ERIC, PsychINFO, and MEDLINE, databases were searched from January 1998 to December 2019. Data was extracted from 112 full text papers and dissertations. Papers were of varying quality and inconsistently evaluated, usually lacking theoretical grounding. Student participants in strategies were preselected by racial minority status or through various markers of academic performance. Retention strategies described in the literature are single program and multifactorial, with mentorship, study skills, literacy and language approaches, and tutoring the most common components. Reports of graduation rates or attrition rates through comparison with a pre-strategy time period or a comparison group were the most informative evaluations. Whole-program strategies that provided pathway options to students based on reading assessments or other academic criteria were the most comprehensive and effective strategies presented in the literature.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of adopting problem-based learning (PBL) and concept mapping (CM) in the educational programs for Taiwanese registered nursing (RN) students. We used a quasi-experimental design with experimental and control groups to evaluate the effectiveness of PBL-CM in three time schedules: before the course began (pre-test), at the end of the course (post-test), and six months after the end of the course (follow-up test). A convenience sample of 120 RN students participated, 51in the experimental group and 69 in the control group. Finding showed that the experimental group had higher scores than the control group for the Critical-Thinking Scale, Self-Directed Learning Scale, and Students' Performance in PBL Tutorial Sessions Questionnaire at the post-test and follow-up test stages. The PBL-CM increased students' critical-thinking skills and personal accountability for self-directed learning, and it would enhance the skills of independent study, reasoning, group interaction and active participation. This study offers guidelines for new nurse-training programs and continuing nursing education in clinical practice.  相似文献   

Aims. To explore the expectations of final year nursing students before they start employment and to describe the experiences of newly graduated nurses during their first six months of employment as registered nurses. Background. Nursing shortages are at crisis point world wide with registered nurses leaving the profession at a high rate and changing occupations. Thus, there is a need to reflect on new graduate nurses experiences in relation to retention and support. Design. Husserl’s phenomenological approach was used to gain insight and understanding into the lived experiences of new graduate nurses. Methods. Students enrolled in a Bachelor of Nursing programme at an Australian University were interviewed in their final semester and during employment in the hospital setting. Semi‐structured interviews were used to gather data from 13 participants. Data were collected at three intervals: prior to commencing employment, one month and six months postemployment and the results were analysed thematically. Results. As students, the participants held positive perceptions surrounding their impending role as a registered nurse and what it would encompass. However, after one month of employment, it became apparent that nursing comprised of a culture that embraced cliques which excluded them. The graduates were unprepared for ‘bitchiness’ and the limited amount of assistance with unfamiliar tasks they received from registered nurses. Participants also found rotating to different wards recreated the feelings they experienced on commencing employment. Conclusions. Nursing curricula should prepare new graduates for foreseeable stressors and oppressive practices so that graduates can become proactive in preventing and responding to factors such as silence and aggression. Moreover, nursing courses need to ensure that socialisation issues are addressed to assist in the eradication of oppressive practices. Finally, organisations need to address socialisation issues such as hostility within the workplace to address the attrition of new graduates from the profession. Relevance to clinical practice. Individuals in clinical practice settings need to be cognisant of the significant role that experienced registered nurses and nurse unit managers occupy in the socialisation of new graduate nurses. Additionally, there needs to be increased awareness that nursing culture can influence recruitment and retention of new graduates. Further, health care organisations need to evaluate the benefits of new graduates rotating through clinical areas in the first 12 months of employment.  相似文献   

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