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Jack B 《Nurse researcher》2002,10(2):66-76
The viva examination is the culmination of the PhD process. However, it is important to prepare carefully for this final and important hurdle. In this paper, Barbara Jack looks at the different stages of the viva examination, which include undertaking a careful and systematic preparation. This preparation involves gaining a comprehensive awareness of the university procedure for the viva, researching examiners, and considering the value of having a mock viva. The paper explores the actual viva and makes suggestions to deal effectively with questioning from the examiners. Finally, the results of the viva and steps needed to address corrections are discussed.  相似文献   

男护士的临床使用实践与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着急救医学、创伤医学的发展和科技进步,品种繁多的医疗仪器、设备被临床护士广泛应用,护理学的范畴已经不是单纯的病情观察、执行医嘱和健康指导等内容,以女性为特质的临床护理工作正逐步被男护士所替代,男护士的优势打破了综合性医院护士以女性为主的格局。我院从2004年7月-2006年5月共招聘男护士5名,  相似文献   

周晓清 《国际护理学杂志》2008,27(10):1009-1011
介绍了临床常用不同人工气道的护理方法 ,并阐述了不同人工气道护理之间的差异.强调在人工气道的护理中整体护理思维的重要性.  相似文献   

A vital element of the assessment process is critical thinking; that is, linking assessment data to knowledge. Making links or constructing knowledge is difficult for students because of the complex skill and cognitive load that the assessment process generates and because of students' limited view of the clinical environment. Viewing learning from the cognitive psychological perspective provides insight into knowledge construction and offers suggestions for faculty who teach nursing students.  相似文献   

This paper explores some of the ideas emanating from recent literature in clinical problem solving and applies it to the nursing process. The aim is to demonstrate that there is congruence between ideas developed in the medical educational literature that support and expand the somewhat'looser'nursing process model. The conclusion is that the nursing process is further validated by the current literature, particularly the work of Elstein et al. (1978).  相似文献   

A tool to measure clinical performance was required by a college-based programme for undergraduate nursing students. Multiple tools currently exist, but after extensive literature review the researchers decided that no tool exactly fitted the requirements of this nursing course. The tool developed by Bondy (1983) was most aligned to our purposes and was used as the basis for the ongoing development of the Clinical Performance Assessment instrument. The CPA measures four dimensions of clinical performance against a 5-point rating scale. Each Likert point has specific criteria for the level relating to the dimensions. The clinical facilitator compares student behaviours against the performance levels of the dimensions for a variety of nursing procedures which are determined by the stage of the program the student has reached. Scores are given for the four dimensions and immediate student feedback is available. Measures were taken on six separate clinical occasions across 2 years on over 100 students in an attempt to determine validity and reliability indices. Relations between variables that appeared to have logical/theoretical connections with the clinical scores were assessed. The findings indicated that scores lacked reliability across the six occasions of measurement and hence validity could not be established. The need to improve the specificity of critical dimensions in clinical performance for the purposes of providing reliable measurement and accurate student feedback was acknowledged by academic staff and the researchers.  相似文献   

目的:鉴于目前基层医院临床康复工作薄弱的现状,通过对临床进修医师康复医学知识调查,以了解临床进修医师对康复医学的认识和探讨继续教育的必要性及可能的方法。方法:对2002-03/2004-03在大坪医院进修的186名医师进行问卷调查。共采用13个项目,提供多项选择+开放式问答形式,答卷者可单选、复选、开放式问答。收集问卷并进行分析。结果:在进修前对康复医学知识多数仅粗略了解,占71.5%,多数人仅认为康复医学知识与自己从事的专业有一定联系,占76.3%,同时对康复医学知识的认识存在一些误区。通过学习后,多数人对康复医学知识认识上有明显改变,认为重要的占86.6%。而且大多数愿意在今后工作中开展康复医学工作。绝大多数愿意今后参加康复医学的继续教育,占93.0%.认为目前中国基层开展工作不好的原因主要与经费、医疗水平及认识不够有关,而且在心理、语言康复方面是薄弱环节。多数人认为在中国开展康复服务的方式应以社区为主。结论:针对国情,利用多种手段开展康复医学继续教育非常必要。  相似文献   

The clinical assessment of pain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
W B Loan  J W Dundee 《The Practitioner》1967,198(188):759-768

AIM: This paper reports a study to develop further the existing assessment form and to capture new aspects of assessment for the nursing profession of the future for inclusion in the form. BACKGROUND: Since nursing education became part of the higher education system, the assessment of clinical periods of the programme has become more complicated and requirements are more demanding. Changes in the health care sector, such as demographic changes and shorter hospitalization, create demands upon the independent nursing role of the future. Many educational documents, such as an assessment form, must continuously be up-dated and adapted to changes in society. METHOD: A Delphi study concerning the content of this assessment form was carried out using two rounds. Through this process, an expert panel gave their opinions about the form and possible changes to it. RESULTS: There was general acceptance of the content in the current assessment form. Suggested changes were the addition of two factors concerning collaboration with the family and society, and development of the student's independence. Two new area headings were suggested: one about ability to use the nursing process, and the other about development of a professional stance. CONCLUSIONS: The suggested changes in the assessment form match expected changes in the health care sector and the demands of an academic nursing education.  相似文献   

目的应用卡尔·罗杰斯教育思想观探讨我国临床护理教学模式的内涵。方法注重理论联系实践,培养护生的创新能力,运用多样化的临床护理教学模式。结果保证了教学质量,提高了护生的综合能力。结论罗杰斯的人本主义学习理论重视护生在各方面的发展,使人性化的教学得以体现,提高了教学质量。  相似文献   

Lipp A 《Nursing times》2003,99(49):28-31
Questioning whether a 'sterile' material is actually sterile is something that many clinicians may not have considered. The equipment that comprises a sterile field for a major surgical or invasive procedure may also be taken for granted as the sterile pack would normally include sterile drapes. Under discussion is whether using sterile drapes is more effective than not using them. In furthering the debate, examination of the literature is centred on the degree of effectiveness of sterile drapes.  相似文献   

目的探讨临床教学反思日记对临床护理教师评判性思维能力的影响。方法将78名临床带教教师,按照所在病区分为两组,试验组在带教期间书写临床教学反思日记并定期召开小组讨论会。干预前后采用评判性思维能力量表对两组教师进行问卷调查。结果试验组评判性思维的开放思想、分析能力、系统化能力、求知欲、认知成熟度维度得分及总分高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论临床教学反思日记有助于提高临床护理教师的评判性思维能力。  相似文献   

Although clinical critical thinking skills and behaviors are among the most highly sought characteristics of BSN graduates, they remain among the most difficult to teach and assess. Three reasons for this difficulty have been (1) lack of agreement among nurse educators as to the definition of critical thinking, (2) low correlation between clinical critical thinking and existing standardized tests of critical thinking, and (3) poor reliability in scoring other evidences of critical thinking, such as essays. This article first describes a procedure for teaching critical thinking that is based on a consensus definition of 17 dimensions of critical thinking in clinical nursing practice. This procedure is easily taught to nurse educators and can be flexibly and inexpensively incorporated into any undergraduate nursing curriculum. We then show that students' understanding and use of these dimensions can be assessed with high reliability (coefficient alpha between 0.7 and 0.8) and with great time efficiency for both teachers and students. By using this procedure iteratively across semesters, students can develop portfolios demonstrating attainment of competence in clinical critical thinking, and educators can obtain important summary evaluations of the degree to which their graduates have succeeded in this important area of their education.  相似文献   

Mun MS. International Journal of Nursing Practice 2010; 16 : 75–80
An analysis of narratives to identify critical thinking contexts in psychiatric clinical practice
The development of students' critical thinking abilities is one of the greatest challenges facing contemporary nursing educators. Nursing educators should know about what kind of contents or situations need critical thinking. The research was undertaken to identify the critical thinking contexts that nursing students confront in psychiatric clinical practices. Students were asked to document their everyday experience. The narratives were analysed and interpreted from the philosophical notion of hermeneutics. Four themes emerged as critical thinking contexts: anxiety, conflict, hyper-awareness, dilemmas. Writing narratives appear to provide opportunities for reflection in addition to facilitating critical thinking and communicative skills in students. Also, for the instructor, students' clinical narratives could provide insight to understand how students are thinking and to share student's personal difficulties.  相似文献   

评判性思维在健康评估中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
健康评估是护理过程的第一步 ,并贯穿于整个护理过程 ,在健康评估中运用评判性思维 ,能对评估对象作出完整、全面和正确的评估 ,为护理决策提供可靠的依据 ,提高护理质量  相似文献   

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