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Effects of chlordecone (kepone) and mirex on cytotoxicity and intercellular communication were studied in a cell culture system with Chinese hamster V79 cells. Metabolic cooperation between cocultivated 6-thioguanine-sensitive and resistent Chinese hamster V79 cells was used as a measure of intercellular communication. Under the experimental in vitro conditions, kepone was more cytotoxic than mirex. Although both pesticides inhibited intercellular communication between 6-thioguanine-resistant and sensitive cells, their pattern of response was quite different. These data suggest that the reported carcinogenic and teratogenic potentials of these pesticides might be mediated by their action as inhibitors of intercellular communication rather than as mutagens.  相似文献   

Barbiturate-induced anesthesia is a complex mechanism that probably involves several ligand-gated ion channel superfamilies. One of these superfamilies includes the archetypical nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR), in which barbiturates act as noncompetitive antagonists. In this regard, we used the Torpedo californica nAChR and a series of barbiturate analogs to characterize the barbiturate binding site(s) on this superfamily member. [(14)C]Amobarbital binds to one high-affinity (K(d) = 3.7 microM) and several (approximately 11) low-affinity (K(d) = 930 microM) sites on the resting and desensitized nAChRs, respectively. Characteristics of the barbiturate binding site on the resting nAChR include: (1) a tight structure-activity relationship. For example, the barbiturate isobarbital [5-ethyl-5'-(2-methylbutyl) barbituric acid] is >10-fold less potent than its formula isomer amobarbital [5-ethyl-5'-(3-methylbutyl) barbituric acid] in inhibiting [(14)C]amobarbital binding. (2) A binding locus within the pore of the nAChR ion channel. Each of the barbiturate analogs inhibited the binding of [(3)H]tetracaine or photoincorporation of 3-trifluoromethyl-3-(m-[(125)I]iodophenyl) diazirine in a mutually exclusive manner. (3) Stereoselective binding. The R(+)-enantiomers of isobarbital and pentobarbital are approximately 2-fold more potent in inhibiting 3-trifluoromethyl-3-(m-[(125)I]iodophenyl) diazirine photoincorporation than the S(-)-enantiomers. Finally, molecular modeling suggests that within the channel, the pyrimidine ring of the barbiturate is located just above the highly conserved leucine ring (M2--9; e.g., delta Leu-265), whereas the 5' side chain projects downward, and depending upon its conformation, introduces steric hindrance to binding because of the restriction in the lumen of the channel introduced by the leucine side chains.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that liver is the site of the previously demonstrated chlordecone alcohol formation in man was tested. Human bile obtained from chlordecone-poisoned factory workers contained substantial amounts of free chlordecone, but little free chlordecone alcohol. However, when the same bile specimens were pretreated with beta-glucuronidase before analysis by gas-liquid chromatography, large amounts of chlordecone alcohol appeared, accounting for 75% of total organochlorine compounds. Confirmation of the identity of chlordecone and chlordecone alcohol was made by using gas liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Whereas biliary chlordecone alcohol was present predominantly as its glucuronide conjugate (93%), chlordecone was excreted primarily as the unaltered compound (72%) with only a small portion conjugated with glucuronic acid (9%). The remaining fraction of the total chlordecone measured in bile appeared to be a stable polar metabolite resistant to beta-glucuronidase. This unidentified metabolite could be converted to free chlordecone only by acid hydrolysis under harsh conditions. In contrast to human bile, rat bile contained only trace amounts of chlordecone alcohol (less than 0.5% of total chlordecone), thus indicating that hepatic metabolism of chlordecone is species-specific. We conclude that in man, the major metabolic route for chlordecone is its reduction in the liver followed by glucuronidation.  相似文献   

N和M胆碱能受体拥有同一种内源性配基ACh ,并且在多种组织中两种受体共存 ,两者之间存在着多种相互作用。如副交感神经节后N受体可通过刺激胆碱能神经纤维末梢释放ACh来调节组织中M受体的功能 ;而胆碱能神经元突触后N受体的活性也可被突触前膜上M和N的自受体通过反馈调控节前纤维ACh的释放来调节 ;另外 ,N受体被阻断或失敏后不同组织中M受体的功能会发生不同的变化 ,以将机体胆碱能神经系统维持在一个稳定状态  相似文献   

Several wasp venoms contain philanthotoxins (PhTXs) that act as noncompetitive inhibitors (NCIs) on cation-selective ion channels including the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR). In the search for a ligand with high affinity and specificity for the nAChR we tested a series of newly developed PhTX analogues. Modulation of the structural elements of PhTXs can significantly influence their binding affinities. This approach resulted in the development of the photolabile compound MR44. In photoaffinity labelling studies 125I-MR44 was used to map the ligand-binding site at the Torpedo californica nAChR. Upon UV irradiation of the receptor-ligand complex, 125I-MR44 was mainly incorporated into the receptor alpha-subunit. Proteolytic mapping and microsequencing identified the site of 125I-MR44 cross-linking within the sequence alphaHis-186 to alphaLeu-199 that in its C-terminal region partially overlaps with the agonist-binding site. Since bound agonists had only minor influence on 125I-MR44 photocrosslinking, the site where the hydrophobic head group of 125I-MR44 binds must be located outside the zone that is sterically influenced by agonists bound at the nAChR. A possible site of interaction of 125I-MR44 would be the N-terminal region of the labelled sequence, in which aromatic amino-acid residues are accumulated. We suggest that the polyamine moiety of 125I-MR44 interacts with the high affinity non-competitive inhibitor site deep in the ion channel, while the aromatic ring of this compound binds in the vestibule of the nAChR to a hydrophobic region on the alpha-subunit that is located close to the agonist binding site.  相似文献   

The nAChR is a membrane-bound allosteric protein which carries several categories of topologically distinct binding sites and mediates interactions between these sites by characteristic allosteric transitions. Significant progress has been achieved in defining the regions of the molecule which form the two major functional domains-the acetylcholine binding sites and the agonist-gated ion channel. Jean-Pierre Changeux and colleagues briefly review recent experimental results which provide new insights into the functional architecture of the nAChR which, in addition, appear to be shared by a whole family of neurotransmitter-gated ion channels.  相似文献   

The novel tricyclic alkaloid, gephyrotoxin ( GyTX ), found in the skin secretions of the frog Dendrobates histrionicus , potentiates and blocks the indirectly elicited muscle twitch in a concentration-dependent manner. GyTX prolongs the falling phase of the muscle action potential and decreases delayed rectification, supporting the idea that the alkaloid blocks the voltage-sensitive potassium conductance of the electrically excitable membrane. The peak amplitude of the end-plate currents (EPC) and miniature end-plate currents ( MEPC ) were depressed, but no significant deviation from linearity relative to control was seen in the current-voltage relationship. The decay time constant of the EPC (tau EPC) was markedly shortened by GyTX , the effect being greater at 10 degrees than at 22 degrees. The relationship between the log of tau EPC and membrane potential disclosed a linear relationship at all concentrations tested, but a progressive loss of voltage sensitivity of tau EPC was seen when GyTX concentrations were increased. Also, the plot of 1/tau EPC against GyTX concentration revealed a linear relationship. The lack of voltage and time dependence suggests that GyTX has little effect on the ACh receptor-ionic channel complex in the closed conformation. Single-channel conductance studied by means of fluctuation analysis did not change after GyTX application, but the channel lifetime decreased by about 40% at clamp potentials of -105 mV and at a toxin concentration of 7.5 microM. Repetitive nerve stimulation led to a pronounced " rundown " in the EPCs which was frequency-dependent. These findings were taken as evidence that GyTX interacts with the acetylcholine receptor complex, causing a blockade of its channel mainly in the open conformation.  相似文献   

The actions of the tricyclic alkaloid gephyrotoxin ( GyTX ) on the extrajunctional and junctional acetylcholine (ACh) sensitivity and desensitization were studied in the chronically denervated rat soleus muscle and cutaneous pectoris muscle of the frog. At low concentrations, GyTX greatly depressed the extrajunctional ACh sensitivity of the chronically denervated soleus muscles. In addition, GyTX produced a strong inhibition of junctional end-plate potentials evoked by ACh. Junctional and extrajunctional desensitizations induced by microiontophoretically applied ACh were greatly enhanced by the alkaloid in a frequency-dependent manner. These effects were readily reversible. The interaction of GyTX with binding sites on the acetylcholine receptor-channel (AChR) complex was studied on electroplax membranes from Torpedo californica. GyTX binds to the AChR complex at a site distinct from the ACh binding site, as revealed by its lack of inhibition of [125I]alpha-bungarotoxin ( [125I]BGT) binding. On the other hand, GyTX at a concentration range between 1 microM and 100 microM significantly increased the potency of the agonist carbamylcholine as an antagonist of binding of [125I]BGT. At low micromolar concentrations, GyTX inhibited the binding of [3H]perhydrohistrionicotoxin and [3H] phencyclidine to sites associated with the ionic channel of the AChR complex. The affinity of GyTX for these sites was increased 3- to 5-fold by carbamylcholine. Results of electrophysiological and binding studies indicate that GyTX not only blocks the open channel of the AChR but also enhances desensitization of the AChR complex by increasing receptor affinity for agonists.  相似文献   

Using biochemical and patch-clamp techniques, we investigated the pharmacology of S- and R-epimers of N-methylanatoxinol, which are analogs of the semi-rigid, stereoselective, nicotinic agonist (+)-anatoxin-a. In contrast to (+)-anatoxin-a, both isomers had poor ability to inhibit the binding of 125I-alpha-bungarotoxin or to open acetylcholine channels, and they were unable to elicit contracture of frog rectus abdominis muscles. However, both isomers were able to demonstrate significant concentration-dependent blockade of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor ion channel. The R-isomer was approximately 4-fold more potent in causing inhibition of [3H]H12HTX binding than was the S-isomer, in the absence of carbamylcholine. In the presence of carbamylcholine, the affinity of the R-isomer of N-methylanatoxinol for the ion channel sites was further enhanced, so that its affinity became much greater than that of the S-isomer. Refinement of voltage- and concentration-dependent terms for the ion channel blocking and unblocking rates yielded functions that were able to predict the channel open times and short closed times well. The S-isomer bound and dissociated from the ion channel site of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor more rapidly and with greater voltage sensitivity than the R-isomer. The present characterization of the antagonistic properties of these new analogs of (+)-anatoxin-a introduces a new aspect to the molecular pharmacology of (+)-anatoxin-a analogs; the semi-rigid compounds could be useful in describing the allosteric binding sites of the acetylcholine receptor, as well as in delimiting the agonist binding site.  相似文献   

Adult male rats receiving 10 or 30 ppm chlordecone (Kepone) in the diet for 90 days exhibited decreased binding of [3H]spiroperidol in membranes prepared from the striatum. [3H]Muscimol and [3H]quinuclidinyl benzilate binding in the cerebellum were also depressed. The binding of [3H]diazepam and [3H]serotonin to cortical membranes was unaltered in treated animals. The areas of brain of exposed animals which exhibited a reduced ability to bind several ligands for specific neurotransmitter-receptor sites also possessed an increased amount of membrane protein. The frontal cortex of chlordecone-dosed rats where ligand binding was not altered, showed no significant change in membrane protein content. Thus chlordecone-induced alterations in receptor properties could be accounted for in terms of a region-specific hyperplastic increase in nonreceptor proteins. Thirty days after cessation of dosing ligand-binding properties and membrane protein from regions of treated animals did not differ significantly from controls, suggesting that these effects were reversible at the dose levels used. Male and female rats exposed indirectly throughout gestation and lactation showed no abnormal concentrations of membrane protein at 30 days of age after a maternal diet of 1 or 6 ppm chlordecone. No decrease in cerebellar binding of muscimol or quinuclidinyl benzilate, in frontal cortical binding of serotonin, or in striatal binding of spiroperidol was observed. At the 6-ppm dose level, male rats had an elevation of striatal dopamine binding. These data illustrate that gestational exposure to chlordecone can have effects that are in an opposite direction than those observed after exposure of adults to a higher dose level.  相似文献   

Various histrionicotoxins tested on frog nerve-muscle preparations showed a qualitative family resemblance to one another. They blocked the nerve-evoked muscle twitch and depressed both the peak amplitudes and the decay time constants of end-plate currents. During repetitive stimulation they progressively decreased the rate of rise and prolonged the falling phase of muscle action potentials, the latter resulting, at least in part, from blockade of voltage-sensitive potassium channels. These results indicated that the histrionicotoxins act at three membrane channels: the channel associated with the acetylcholine receptor, the sodium channel, and the potassium channel. Closer study of perhydrohistrionicotoxin suggested either two topographically distinct sites of action at the acetylcholine receptor-ion channel complex, or one site and two ion channel complex conformations. One site or conformation only alters the kinetics of channel closure. As these sites become saturated, the end-plate current decay time constant asymptotically approaches a limiting value. The other site or conformation prevents the channel from opening altogether. Further analysis indicated that the binding site for perhydrohistrionicotoxin that alters the kinetics of channel closure has an affinity constant of 0.1 microM-1 at -90 mV and that this affinity may be sensitive to the membrane potential. The lipid protein interface is a suggested site of histrionicotoxin action, common to the three channels studied here as well as to other intrinsic membrane proteins affected by histrionicotoxins.  相似文献   

3-(Trifluoromethyl)-3-(m-[(125)I]iodophenyl)diazirine ([(125)I]TID) and [(3)H]tetracaine, an aromatic amine, are noncompetitive antagonists (NCAs) of the Torpedo species nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR), which have been shown by photoaffinity labeling to bind to a common site in the ion channel in the closed state. Although tetracaine and TID bind to the same site, the amine NCAs phencyclidine (PCP) and histrionicotoxin (HTX), which are also believed to bind within the ion channel, interact competitively with tetracaine but allosterically with TID. To better characterize drug interactions within the nAChR ion channel in the closed state, we identified the amino acids photoaffinity labeled by [(125)I]TID in the presence of tetracaine, PCP, or HTX. In the absence of other drugs, [(125)I]TID reacts with alphaLeu-251 (alphaM2-9) and alphaVal-255 (alphaM2-13) and the homologous residues in each of the other subunits. None of the NCAs shifted the sites of [(125)I]TID labeling to other residues within the ion channel. Tetracaine inhibited [(125)I]TID labeling of M2-9 and M2-13 without changing the relative(125)I incorporation at these positions, whereas PCP and HTX each altered the pattern of [(125)I]TID incorporation at M2-9 and M2-13. These results indicate that tetracaine and TID bind in a mutually exclusive manner to a common site in the closed channel that is spatially separated from the binding sites for PCP and HTX.  相似文献   

The effect of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) challenge on several parameters of hepatic injury was determined in chlordecone (CD)-pretreated male rats. Following a 15-day feeding of 0 or 10 ppm CD, rats received a single intraperitoneal challenge of 0, 25, 50, 100, or 200 μl CCl4/kg. Twenty-four hours after CCl4, biliary excretion of phenolphthalein glucuronide (PG), bile secretion, and serum transaminase (SGPT, SGOT) activities were examined as functional indices of hepatic injury. Feeding of 10 ppm CD alone resulted in decreased biliary excretion of PG (59% of control) but had no effect on bile flow or on serum transaminases. Twenty-four hours after CCl4 alone, the two high doses caused decreased biliary excretion of PG in the absence of any effect on bile flow and doubled serum transaminases at the highest dose (200 μl/kg). A single challenge of CCl4 to CD-fed rats resulted in a dose-dependent impairment of PG excretion at a dose of 50 μl/kg and higher. Bile secretory function was severely impaired in the CD-fed animals receiving CCl4 at the doses of 100 and 200 μl/kg. Decreased bile flow was not seen in any other groups. Greatly potentiated hepatotoxicity was reflected in the form of elevated SGPT and SGOT activities which increased in excess of 30- and 10-fold, respectively, in CD-fed rats challenged with CCl4 at 100 and 200 μl/kg. Parenchymal liposis (cytoplasmic sudanophilic droplets) developed in all CD-fed rats receiving CCl4, while necrosis occurred after CCl4 at 50 μl/kg and increased in a dosedependent manner. CCl4 controls exhibited parenchymal liposis and limited centrilobular necrosis only at the two highest doses of CCl4. These data indicate a great potential for production of severe liver damage resulting from interactions of CCl4 and CD exposure at levels which may be independently nontoxic.  相似文献   

Phenobarbital (PB) or SKF-525A were injected ip into adult male rats prior to administration of 1.6 microCi [14C] chlordecone (CD) by gavage. Effects of these liver function modulators on tissue distribution of CD was assessed. In all cases, animals were sacrificed at 24 h following [14C]CD gavage. The timing and number of injections of PB or of SKF-525A were varied. Doses of PB (65 mg/kg) or of SKF-525A (75 mg/kg) were used except as noted, and controls received saline. Specific radioactivities of major tissues were assayed by scintillation counting. Rats pre-treated with a single dose of SKF-525A at 6, 12, or 24 h prior to [14C]CD distribution. Similarly, PB administered at 6 h prior to [14C]CD gavage was without effect on distribution. Rats pretreated 12 or 14 h before [14C]CD with PB appeared to have increased liver specific activities and had reduced [14C]CD levels in several other tissues. These trends were more marked in a second study, in which multiple doses of PB (3 consecutive daily doses of 65 mg/kg, the final dose 24 h prior to [14C]CD or SKF-525A (1 dose of 75 mg/kg 90 min prior to [14C]CD, followed by a second dose of 38 mg/kg at 6.5 h after [14C]CD) were given. Tissue [14C]CD levels were assayed as before; urine and feces samples were also counted and reported as percent of [14C]CD administered. SKF-525A animals had significantly high [14C] levels in digestive system, while fecal and urinary levels were significantly low. No other significant alterations were observed in these animals, except that testes levels were reduced. Livers of rats receiving multiple doses of PB had significantly elevated [14C]CD levels, and all other tissues examined had levels significantly below controls. Fecal and urinary excretion of [14C]CD was significantly depressed. Studies indicate that an inducer of hepatic metabolism can dramatically alter the distribution and hence the relative toxicity of CD.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to assess the ability of the thymic polypeptide hormone thymopoietin (TPO) to interact with proto-typical ganglia-type or muscle-type nicotinic acetylcholine receptor ion channels (nAcChoR). Also investigated were interactions of TPO with neuronal nicotinic alpha-bungarotoxin binding sites (nBgtS), which share many features with nAcChoR and may belong to an extended nAcChoR family but do not appear to function as simple ligand-gated ion channels. TPO and alpha-bungarotoxin (Bgt) share the capacity for high affinity (IC50 values in the nanomolar range) interaction with nBgtS, which are expressed as high affinity radioiodinated Bgt binding sites by cells of the SH-SY5Y or IMR-32 human neuroblastomas. TPO and Bgt also share the capacity for high affinity interaction with muscle-type nAcChoR, which are expressed as high affinity binding sites for radioiodinated Bgt or tritium-labeled acetylcholine by cells of the TE671/RD human clone or the BC3H-1 mouse muscle cell line or on membrane preparations from Torpedo electroplax. TPO and Bgt act acutely as high affinity antagonists of muscle-type nAcChoR functional responses, which are measured using an isotopic rubidium ion efflux assay, on TE671/RD or BC3H-1 cells. In contrast, neither TPO nor Bgt are effective, at doses of up to 1 microM, as antagonists of ganglia-type nAcChoR function on SH-SY5Y or IMR-32 cells, nor are they potent as inhibitors of high affinity tritium-labeled acetylcholine binding to sites on putative ganglia-type nAcChoR expressed by SH-SY5Y or IMR-32 cells. These data indicate that some members of the extended nAcChoR family, including nBgtS and functional muscle-type nAcChoR but not ganglia-type nAcChoR, can interact with either Bgt or TPO. The results suggest that TPO may be an endogenous ligand active in both the nervous and immune systems and that some of its actions may be mediated via nBgtS or via functional blockade of muscle-type nAcChoR.  相似文献   

Patch clamping of myoballs to record single channels was performed to examine the interaction of the anticholinesterase agent pyridostigmine (Pyr) with the acetylcholine (ACh) receptor-ion channel complex. Single ACh channel currents were recorded from tissue-cultured muscle cells of neonatal rats (myoballs). Pyr (50-100 microM) decreased the frequency of channel-opening events activated by ACh, and induced a modified form of the ACh channel currents. Channel conductance was lower in the presence of Pyr, and channel lifetime remained unaltered or only slightly prolonged. In addition, channel openings were frequently interrupted by fast flickers in the presence of Pyr. Higher concentrations (200 microM-1 mM) of the drug induced irregular waves of bursting activity during the initial phase of the application, and, subsequently, significantly reduced the frequency of channel openings. Infrequent channel openings with low conductance were observed in the patch when the micropipette was filled with Pyr alone. These results suggest that, in addition to its anticholinesterase activity, Pyr reacts with the ACh receptor, and both alone or in combination with ACh induces an altered, desensitized species of the nicotinic receptor-ion channel complex.  相似文献   

1. Acetaminophen toxicity, as measured by leakage of intracellular enzymes, was increased by chlordecone and mirex with mirex having the greater effect. 2. These effects were confirmed by histological examination and by studies of enzyme leakage from isolated hepatocytes.  相似文献   

(1) Atropine, a classical muscarinic antagonist, has been reported previously to inhibit neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). In the present study, the action of atropine has been examined on alpha3beta4 receptors expressed heterologously in Xenopus oocytes and native nAChRs in medial habenula neurons. (2) At concentrations of atropine often used to inhibit muscarinic receptors (1 micro M), responses induced by near-maximal nicotine concentrations (100 micro M) at negative holding potentials (-65 mV) are inhibited (14-30%) in a reversible manner in both alpha4 and alpha3 subunit-containing heteromeric nAChRs. Half-maximal effective concentrations (IC(50) values) for atropine inhibition are similar for the four classes of heteromeric receptors studied (4-13 micro M). (3) For alpha3beta4 nAChRs in oocytes, inhibition by atropine (10 micro M) is not overcome at higher concentrations of agonist, and is increased with membrane hyperpolarization. These results are consistent with non-competitive antagonism--possibly ion channel block. (4) At low concentrations of both nicotine (10 micro M) and atropine (<10 micro M), potentiation ( approximately 25%) of alpha3beta4 nAChR responses in oocytes is observed. The relative balance between potentiation and inhibition is dependent upon membrane potential. (5) In rat medial habenula (MHb) neurons, atropine (0.3-3.0 micro M) inhibited nicotine-induced responses in both a concentration and membrane potential-dependent manner (at -40 mV, IC(50)=4 micro M), similar to the effects on alpha3beta4-nAChRs in oocytes. However, unlike heterologously expressed receptors, potentiation was barely detectable at depolarized membrane potentials using low concentrations of nicotine (3-10 micro M). Conversely, the weak agonist, choline (1-3 mM) was observed to augment responses of MHb nAChRs.  相似文献   

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