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BACKGROUND: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional disorder affecting the quality of life of patients. In the Netherlands, mebeverine is currently the only medical treatment registered for IBS, although its efficacy is considered disputable. OBJECTIVE: To assess treatment patterns and associated health care cost in mebeverine users relative to matched controls. METHODS: A matched case-control study was performed using pharmacy data. Cases were mebeverine users as proxy for IBS patients. Controls were non-mebeverine users and matched to cases by age, gender and pharmacy. Prevalence and incidence of mebeverine use, concomitant drug use and hospitalizations were assessed in 3431 cases and 3431 controls. Concomitant drug use and hospitalizations was also assessed in a subgroup of 1222 users of mebeverine and laxatives (proxy for constipation-IBS) and their controls. RESULTS: Twelve per 1000 residents were ever-dispensed mebeverine in 1998. One-third of these mebeverine users used laxatives concomitantly. Concomitant drug use and hospitalizations were increased in mebeverine users. The odds ratio for hospitalizations for gastrointestinal reasons was increased predominantly in mebeverine users with concomitant laxative use (OR:8.7; 95%CI [4.3-17.3]). Excess yearly costs for all concomitant medications were 94 Euros [95%CI 79 Euros-109 Euros] and for hospital admissions 120 Euros [74 Euros-166 Euros] per mebeverine user. In mebeverine users with concomitant laxative use these costs were 136 Euros and 251 Euros respectively. CONCLUSIONS: In treated IBS patients, concomitant drug use and hospitalizations are increased relative to matched controls. Medical resource use and associated health care costs are particularly increased in mebeverine users using laxatives. The total mean excess cost per patient per year is 482 Euros.  相似文献   

Objective: To estimate the incremental healthcare utilization and costs associated with common non-infectious comorbid conditions among commercially and Medicaid-insured HIV-infected patients in the US.

Methods: US administrative claims were used to select adult HIV patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), cardiovascular disease (CVD) events, or fracture/osteoporosis, three common comorbidities that have been associated with HIV and HIV treatment, between 1 January 2004 and 30 June 2013. Propensity score matched controls with no CKD, no CVD events, and no fracture/osteoporosis were identified for comparison. All-cause healthcare utilization and costs were reported as per patient per month (PPPM).

Results: The commercial cohort comprised 381 CKD patients, 624 patients with CVD events, and 774 fracture/osteoporosis patients, and 1013, 1710, and 2081 matched controls, respectively; while the Medicaid HIV cohort comprised 207 CKD and 271 CVD cases, and 516 and 735 matched controls, respectively. There was insufficient Medicaid data for fracture analyses. Across both payers, HIV patients with CKD or CVD events had significantly higher healthcare utilization and costs than controls. The average incremental PPPM costs in HIV patients with CKD were $1403 in the commercial cohort and $3051 in the Medicaid cohort. In those with CVD events, the incremental costs were $2655 (commercial) and $4959 (Medicaid) for HIV patients compared to controls (p?Conclusions: The results suggested a considerable increase in healthcare utilization and costs associated with CKD, CVD and fracture/osteoporosis comorbidities among HIV patients in the past decade. Because these conditions have been associated with treatment, it is critical to consider their impact on costs and outcomes when optimizing patient care.  相似文献   


Over the past 75 years, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) has grown from 2 members to over 2 million members. AA and similar organizations (e.g., Narcotics Anonymous [NA]) are among the most commonly sought sources of help for substance-related problems in the United States. It is only relatively recently, however, that the scientific community has conducted rigorous studies on the clinical utility and health care cost-offset potential of mutual-help groups and developed and tested professional treatments to facilitate their use. As a result of this research, AA as an organization has experienced an “empirical awakening,” evolving from its peripheral status as a “nuisance variable” and perceived obstacle to progress to playing a more central role in a scientifically informed recovery oriented system of care. Also, professionally delivered interventions designed to facilitate the use of AA and NA (“Twelve-Step Facilitation” [TSF]) are now “empirically supported treatments” as defined by US federal agencies and the American Psychological Association. Under the auspices of health care reform, a rational societal response to the prodigious health and social burden posed by alcohol and other drug misuse should encompass the implementation of empirically based strategies (e.g., TSF) in order to maximize the use of ubiquitous mutual-help recovery resources.  相似文献   

目的:探讨家长口腔保健意识、掌握正确刷牙的方法及口腔卫生习惯与儿童龋齿发生的相关性。方法:对社区门诊和窝沟封闭的165名小学二年级学生及家长进行口腔卫生问卷调查,内容包括口腔卫生知识、卫生习惯及家长对口腔保健的态度。结果:165名小学生口腔保健知识合格率为46.10%,患龋率为52.12%,龋均为3.12只。具有良好口腔卫生知识和习惯的学生患龋率低,家长的文化程度与日常督促与患龋率有关。结论:培养儿童良好的口腔卫生习惯,加大对家长口腔健康教育的力度,是预防儿童龋齿的重要措施。  相似文献   

Objective: To examine the association of obesity with healthcare resource utilization (HRU) and costs among commercially insured individuals.

Methods: This retrospective observational cohort study used administrative claims from 1 January 2007 to 1 December 2013. The ICD-9-CM status codes (V85 hierarchy) from 2008 to 2012 classified body mass index (BMI) into the World Health Organizations’ BMI categories. The date of first observed BMI code was defined as the index date and continuous eligibility for one year pre- and post- index date was ensured. Post-index claims determined individuals’ HRU and costs. Sampling weights developed using the entropy balance method and National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data ensured representation of the US adult commercially insured population. Baseline characteristics were described across BMI classes and associations between BMI categories, and outcomes were examined using multivariable regression.

Results: The cohort included 9651 individuals with BMI V85 codes. After weighting, the BMI distribution was: normal (31.1%), overweight (33.4%), obese class I (22.0%), obese class II (8.1%) and obese class III (5.4%). Increasing BMI was associated with greater prevalence of cardiometabolic conditions, including hypertension, type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. The use of antihypertensives, antihyperlipidemics, antidiabetics, analgesics and antidepressants rose with increasing BMI. Greater BMI level was associated with increased inpatient, emergency department and outpatient utilization, and higher total healthcare, medical and pharmacy costs.

Conclusions: Increasing BMI was associated with higher prevalence of cardiometabolic conditions and higher HRU and costs. There is an urgent need to address the epidemic of obesity and its clinical and economic impacts.  相似文献   

Though patents are effective tools for promoting innovation and protecting intellectual property in the pharmaceutical sciences, there has been growing concern about 2 important ways that patents in this field can have a negative effect on patient care and the practice of medicine. First, inventors can seek and receive patents on pharmaceutical products or research tools that stretch the statutory requirements for patenting. Second, patent holders in the pharmaceutical market can use legal loopholes or aspects of the patent registration system to extend exclusivity for inventions beyond what was anticipated by the Patent Act or subsequent legislation. The monopoly control bestowed by such inappropriate patents or manipulation of the patent system can limit options available to patients, increase the cost of health care delivery, and make cooperative research more difficult. In response, several different government and market-based efforts have emerged to promote more equitable patent policy in health care that encourages dissemination of ideas while still supporting the development of innovative products.  相似文献   

The study investigated the relationship of substance use disorders, concurrent psychiatric disorders, and patient demographics to patterns of treatment use and spending in behavioral health and medical treatment sectors. We examined claims data for individuals covered by the same organization. Services spending and use were examined for 1899 individuals who received substance use disorder treatment in 1997. Medical and pharmacy spending was assessed for 590 individuals (31.1%). The most prevalent services were outpatient, intensive outpatient, residential, and detoxification. Average mental health/substance abuse (MHSA) care spending conditional on use was highest for those with concurrent alcohol and drug disorders ($5235) compared to those with alcohol ($2507) or drugs ($3360) alone; other psychiatric illness ($4463) compared to those without ($1837); and employees’ dependents ($4138) compared to employees ($2875) or their spouses ($2744). A significant minority also sought MHSA services in the medical sector. Understanding services use and associated costs can best be achieved by examining services use across treatment sectors.  相似文献   

目的:探讨缺血性卒中患者费用构成比及相关影响因素。方法:对缺血性卒中患者的总费用构成比及费用影响因素进行单因素及多元回归分析,并将轻症患者分为住院治疗组和非住院治疗组,比较预后并进行成本效益分析。结果:缺血性卒中患者总费用73%用于药费、影像费和化验费,影响费用的主要因素为抢救、付费方式、并发症、住院天数及治疗结果;成本效果分析显示非住院治疗组成本效果比优于住院治疗组患者。结论:降低总费用的关键是实施恰当的诊疗措施。  相似文献   

AIM: The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of a pharmacist-led pharmaceutical care programme, involving optimization of drug treatment and intensive education and self-monitoring of patients with heart failure (HF) within the United Arab Emirates (UAE), on a range of clinical and humanistic outcome measures. METHODS: The study was a randomized, controlled, longitudinal, prospective clinical trial at Al-Ain Hospital, Al-Ain, UAE. Patients were recruited from the general medical wards and from cardiology and medical outpatient clinics. HF patients who fulfilled the entrance criteria, and had no exclusion criteria present, were identified for inclusion in the study. After recruitment, patients were randomly assigned to one of two groups: intervention group or control group. Intervention patients received a structured pharmaceutical care service while control patients received traditional services. Patient follow-up took place when patients attended scheduled outpatient clinics (every 3 months). A total of 104 patients in each group completed the trial (12 months). The patients were generally suffering from mild to moderate HF (NYHA Class 1, 29.5%; Class 2, 50.5%; Class 3, 16%; and Class 4, 4%). RESULTS: Over the study period, intervention patients showed significant (P < 0.05) improvements in a range of summary outcome measures [AUC (95% confidence limits)] including exercise tolerance [2-min walk test: 1607.2 (1474.9, 1739.5) m.month in intervention patients vs. 1403.3 (1256.5, 1549.8) in control patients], forced vital capacity [31.6 (30.8, 32.4) l.month in the intervention patients vs. 27.8 (26.8, 28.9) in control patients], health-related quality of life, as measured by the Minnesota living with heart failure questionnaire [463.5 (433.2, 493.9) unit.month in intervention patients vs. 637.5 (597.2, 677.7) in control patients; a lower score in this measure indicates better health-related quality of life]. The number of individual patients who reported adherence to prescribed medications was higher (P < 0.05) in the intervention group (85 vs. 35), as was adherence to lifestyle advice (75 vs. 29) at the final assessment (12 months). There was a tendency to have a higher incidence of casualty department visits by intervention patients, but a lower rate of hospitalization. CONCLUSIONS: The research provides clear evidence that the delivery of pharmaceutical care to patients with HF can lead to significant clinical and humanistic benefits.  相似文献   



To quantify the economic burden of postpartum depression (PPD) that accrues to commercially insured households in the year following childbirth.  相似文献   


Objective: Acute coronary syndromes (ACS) are life-threatening disorders requiring intensive medical management or invasive cardiovascular procedures. Limited data exist on the costs and resource utilization associated with ACS.

Methods: This retrospective single-cohort study analyzed administrative claims data from employer-sponsored plans for patients with an ACS hospitalization in 2001–2002. A 1?year follow-up period was used, and patients who were under age 35 or had an ACS diagnosis in the 12 months before the hospitalization were excluded. Costs were reported in 2005 US dollars.

Results: We identified 16?321 patients hospitalized for ACS during the study period. Mean (±?SD) age was 55.6 (±?6.7) years, 66.7% were male, and 46.3% underwent a revascularization procedure during their initial hospital­ization. Mean length of stay for the initial hospitalization was 4.6 days (median: 3.0; IQR: 2.0–5.0), and per-patient expenditures averaged $22?921 (median: $13?960; IQR: $6839–28?588). During the follow-up period, 21% of patients were rehospitalized for ischemic heart disease (IHD), and the cost of rehospitalization averaged $28?637. Additionally, in the year following the inpatient admission, 50% of patients were prescribed antiplatelet or anti­coagulant medications, and 90% of patients were prescribed lipid-lowering, antihypertensive, or anti­arrhythmic medications. IHD-related expenditures after the initial inpatient stay averaged $9425 (median: $2800; IQR: $899–7577); 61% of these costs were due to rehospitalization. Total first-year costs averaged $32?345 (median: $21?653; IQR: $10?642–41?106).

Limitations: Diagnoses could not be verified through medical charts. Payments for Medicare patients were not assessed given our focus on the working-age population.

Conclusions: In this employer-sponsored health plan population, the costs of inpatient and outpatient IHD-related care were high. Future studies should evaluate the impact of improved patient management on post-discharge costs.  相似文献   

本文对天疱疮患者使用糖皮质激素、免疫抑制剂、静脉注射免疫球蛋白、抗感染药物治疗及合并有糖尿病、高血压等基础疾病时用药等情况下的药学监护内容进行逐一讨论,以优化临床治疗方案,保障患者的用药安全。并结合实例,协助医师对1例使用激素及环磷酰胺后出现肝功能异常的天疱疮患者进行了停用环磷酰胺,换用免疫球蛋白的用药方案调整及保肝治疗,结果患者病情好转出院;对1例合并糖尿病、冠心病的老年天疱疮患者在天疱疮治疗的方案选择、激素的用药剂量调整及其重点不良反应监护、降糖药物的选择及出现低血糖的对症处理、加强血钾及感染的监测、出现真菌感染的药物治疗方案制定等方面实行了药学监护,结果患者天疱疮病情好转,血糖、血钾等指标正常,感染得到控制。  相似文献   

目的:了解上海市嘉定区华亭镇农村妇女生活方式,为开展健康干预提供依据。方法:采用自制调查问卷,整群抽取501名联华村妇女进行健康生活方式问卷调查。结果:农村妇女在过去3个月内饮酒率为9.38%,不同文化程度间饮酒率存在统计学差异(x2=7.04,P=0.03);吸烟率为0.60%;饮食习惯荤素搭配占67.27%;参加锻炼占51.50%;每天静坐时间超过6小时的占36.32%,超过9小时占8.18%;偏重者占34.33%,肥胖者占8.98%。不同年龄组、文化程度和户籍间饮食习惯、静坐时间、参加身体锻炼和BMI指数情况均存在统计学差异。结论:本地区妇女的健康生活方式不容乐观,超重和肥胖问题较为严重。  相似文献   

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