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Xenobiotic induction of liver peroxisomes is associated with hypolipidemia. To test the involvement of the peroxisome proliferation with the hypolipidemia, male rats were inoculated in the groin with five different tumors: an aflatoxin-induced hepatoma, a lasiocarpine-induced hepatoma, an actinomycin-D-induced mesothelioma, a lasiocarpine-induced squamous cell carcinoma, and a methylnitrosourea-induced fibrosarcoma. After the tumours reached a suitable size, the rats were fed diets containing the peroxisome-proliferating hypolipidemic agents tibric acid (2-chloro-5-[3,5-dimethylpiperidinosulfonyl] benzoic acid) or Wy-14,643 ([4-chloro-6-(2,3-xylidino)-2-pyrimidinylthio] acetic acid) for 2 weeks. Liver and tumor tissues were then assayed for the peroxisome-associated enzymes, catalase and carnitine acetyltransferase, and correlated with serum levels of triglyceride and cholesterol. The presence of the tumors caused a predictable decrease in liver catalase and a slight elevation of liver carnitine acetyltransferase. Serum cholesterol was elevated slightly, while serum triglyceride levels were elevated, unchanged, or decreased in the tumor-bearing rats maintained on control diet. Inclusion of the xenobiotics in the diet caused increases in liver weight, catalase, and carnitine acetyltransferase. Serum triglycerides were decreased in the three groups which were not already decreased, but a decrease in serum cholesterol was only found in one group after only one of the treatments. The latter finding demonstrates that peroxisomal enzyme induction can be dissociated from the decrease in serum cholesterol. The data were further evaluated by testing for correlations between the changes in these components, comparing changes within groups and between groups. These correlations indicate an inverse biological association between liver catalase and serum cholesterol and between liver carnitine acetyltransferase and serum triglyceride. The latter correlation was inverse only for comparisons between groups, suggesting that carnitine acetyltransferase activity is associated with serum triglycerides only during the perturbational state.  相似文献   

Male rats were fed the plasticizers di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), di-(2-ethylhexyl) adipate (DEHA), di-(2-ethylhexyl) sebacate (DEHS), adipic acid, and diethyl phthalate at a dietary concentration of 2% for 3 weeks. Hepatic peroxisome proliferation in association with an increase in liver size, increase of hepatic activities of the peroxisome-associated enzymes catalase and carnitine acetyltransferase, and hypolipidemia were observed in animals treated with DEHP, DEHA, and DEHS but not in animals fed adipic acid and diethyl phthalate. To relate structure to biological activity, additional groups of rats were fed 2-ethylhexyl alcohol (a metabolite of DEHP), hexyl alcohol. 2-ethylhexanoic acid, hexanoic acid, 2-ethylhexyl aldehyde, hexylaldehyde, and 2-ethylhexyl amine at a 2% dose level. The changes induced by 2-ethylhexyl alcohol and 2-ethylhexanoic acid were comparable to those induced by DEHP, DEHA, and DEHS, suggesting that 2-ethylhexyl alcohol is the active part of the molecule responsible for peroxisome proliferation. 2-Ethylhexyl aldehyde induced a moderate increase in peroxisome population. No effect on hepatic peroxisomes or their associated enzymes was induced by the straight-chained analogs hexyl alcohol, hexanoic acid, and hexyl aldehyde. The hepatic effects of plasticizers capable of inducing peroxisome proliferation are similar to those resulting from treatment with clofibrate and other hypolipidemic drugs.  相似文献   

Chronic ethanol administration results in an increase in the ethanol metabolic rate (EMR), and this may be related to the production of alcoholic liver disease. Treatment with the antithyroid drug 6-n-propyl-2-thiouracil (PTU) for a 10-day period (20 mg·kg?1·day?1) reduced the EMR of chronically ethanol-treated rats, but had no effect on the EMR of control rats. This preferential inhibitory effect of PTU was observed either when PTU treatment was started after 20 days of ethanol consumption, or when ethanol and PTU administration were started at the same time. A single dose of PTU (20 mg/kg), given 1 hr before the experiment, had no effect on the EMR of rats treated chronically with ethanol, or on controls. Ten days of PTU treatment did not alter the hepatomegaly which had resulted from chronic ethanol treatment. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that thyroid hormones play a direct or permissive role in producing the increase in EMR seen after chronic ethanol treatment and are in agreement with an increased reoxidation of reducing equivalents in the liver of chronically ethanol-fed animals.  相似文献   

1-Methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) is a commercially available chemical reagent. Although little has been known about its biological effects, recently MPTP has been reported to cause irreversible Parkinson's disease-like symptoms in humans and in monkeys. We describe here another pharmacologic effect of MPTP, the ability to deplete cardiac norepinephrine in rats and mice. In mice, cardiac norepinephrine concentration decreased within 1 hr, was maximally depleted at 24 hr, and recovered by 4-7 days after i.p. injection of a 32 mg/kg dose of MPTP. The depletion was antagonized by desipramine pretreatment, as was norepinephrine depletion by tyramine. In rats, cardiac norepinephrine depletion by 10-30 mg/kg, i.p., doses of MPTP was accompanied by depletion of cardiac dopamine and of norepinephrine in the mesenteric artery. In rats and in mice, norepinephrine in brain was affected to a smaller degree than was norepinephrine in heart, and dopamine in brain was depleted very little if at all. In spontaneously hypertensive rats, the depletion of cardiac norepinephrine was associated with a marked antihypertensive effect. The p-hydroxy analog of MPTP did not deplete cardiac norepinephrine in rats, indicating that its possible formation as a metabolite of MPTP was not involved in the depletion of cardiac norepinephrine. These findings extend the spectrum of known pharmacologic effects of MPTP.  相似文献   

Adult male rats receiving 10 or 30 ppm chlordecone (Kepone) in the diet for 90 days exhibited decreased binding of [3H]spiroperidol in membranes prepared from the striatum. [3H]Muscimol and [3H]quinuclidinyl benzilate binding in the cerebellum were also depressed. The binding of [3H]diazepam and [3H]serotonin to cortical membranes was unaltered in treated animals. The areas of brain of exposed animals which exhibited a reduced ability to bind several ligands for specific neurotransmitter-receptor sites also possessed an increased amount of membrane protein. The frontal cortex of chlordecone-dosed rats where ligand binding was not altered, showed no significant change in membrane protein content. Thus chlordecone-induced alterations in receptor properties could be accounted for in terms of a region-specific hyperplastic increase in nonreceptor proteins. Thirty days after cessation of dosing ligand-binding properties and membrane protein from regions of treated animals did not differ significantly from controls, suggesting that these effects were reversible at the dose levels used. Male and female rats exposed indirectly throughout gestation and lactation showed no abnormal concentrations of membrane protein at 30 days of age after a maternal diet of 1 or 6 ppm chlordecone. No decrease in cerebellar binding of muscimol or quinuclidinyl benzilate, in frontal cortical binding of serotonin, or in striatal binding of spiroperidol was observed. At the 6-ppm dose level, male rats had an elevation of striatal dopamine binding. These data illustrate that gestational exposure to chlordecone can have effects that are in an opposite direction than those observed after exposure of adults to a higher dose level.  相似文献   

Ad lib. consumption of diets containing 5% tansy ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) for 1–4 weeks produced a 5- to 6-fold increase in hepatic microsomal epoxide hydrase and significant increases in cytosolic glutathione S-transferase activities in male Long-Evans rats. An enhancement of these enzyme activities was also observed when a diet containing 1% tansy ragwort was fed for a period of 3 weeks. Feeding a diet containing 0.5% pyrrolizidine alkaloid (PA) mixture extracted from tansy ragwort for 1 week produced a 5-fold increase in hepatic epoxide hydrase and a 73 per cent increase in glutathione S-transferase activities. In contrast, hepatic microsomal aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity (AHH) was reduced significantly by feeding diets containing 5% tansy ragwort or a 0.5% alkaloid mixture. Hepatic microsomal cytochrome P-450 content was lowered following consumption of the 0.5% alkaloid mixture but not by feeding a 5% tansy ragwort diet, the difference presumably being a result of the lowered PA intake by the latter animals. Exposure to the pyrrolizidine alkaloids, therefore, may influence significantly the capacity of animals to metabolize endogenous or foreign compounds and possibly also affect the subsequent biotransformation and toxicity of these plant constituents.  相似文献   

The tissue distribution and interaction with cellular nucleic acids and proteins of (2′-14C) streptozotocin and (3′-methyl-14C) streptozotocin has been investigated in the rat during the first hour following their intravenous injection. The investigations have been carried out with animals of two different age groups. With each labelled form of the drug, the injected radioactivity was cleared from the blood, most of it appearing in high activity in kidney and liver. Following the administration of (3′-methyl-14C) streptozotocin, in all animals relatively large amounts of injected radioactivity were associated with the nucleic acid and protein fractions of pancreas, liver and kidney. In contrast, only very small amounts of injected radioactivity were associated with these organs following the administration of (2′-14C) streptozotocin. The highest level of association of the methyl label was observed with pancreatic proteins. Between the two age groups, different radioactivity profiles for renal tissue were observed and some differences were detected in the association of the methyl label with the cellular macromolecules. These results are discussed in relation to the diabetogenic and tumourigenic properties of the drug.  相似文献   

Various 5-substituted-2'-deoxyuriclines (dUrd), inclucling 5-ethyl-,5-propyl-, 5-trifluoromethyl-, 5-hydroxymethyl-, 5-formyl-, 5-vinyl-, (E)-5-(2-chlorovinyl)-, (E)-5-(2-bromovinyl)-, 5-fluoro-. 5-chloro-. 5-bromo-. 5-iodo-, 5-cyano-, 5-thiocyano-, 5-nitro- and 5-amino-dUrd. were shown to be effective substrates for the thymidine (dThd) phosphorylase isolated from human blood platelets. Some of dUrd analogs, i.e. the highly potent and selective antiherpes agent (E)-5-(2-bromovinyl)-dUrd. were degraded more rapidly than the natural substrates, dUrd and dThd. All dUrd analogs were also readily catabolised by intact human blood platelets. The potent inhibitors of thymicline phosphorylase, 6-amino-thymine and 6-amino-5-bromo-uracil, strongly inhibited the phosphorolysis of (E)-5-(2-bromovinyl)-dUrd by both purified enzyme and intact platelets.  相似文献   

The induction of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase and ornithine decarboxylase by benz[a]-anthracene in the presence or absence of ornithine decarboxylase inhibitors was studied in three different cell culture systems. An almost complete abolishment of ornithine decarboxylase activity by 1,3-diamino-2-propanol or α-difluoromethyl ornithine before the addition of the inducer did not affect appreciably the induction of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase by benz[a]anthracene in human embryo, HeLa and Reuber H-II-4-E cells in culture. These results suggest that the induction of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase does not require ornithine decarboxylase activity per se and can be expressed in the absence of continuous polyamine synthesis.  相似文献   

Recent studies showing that the bronchiolar Clara cell and alveolar Type II cell are major loci of cytochrome P-450 monooxygenases in the lung suggested that measurement of xenobiotic metabolizing enzyme activity might provide a useful and sensitive index of injury to these cell types. Accordingly, an assay has been developed for quantitating the rate of formation of reactive bromobenzene metabolites in lung slices which is based upon measuring the rate of formation of bromobenzene glutathione adducts. To demonstrate that monitoring adduct formation would yield quantitatively similar data to the traditional covalent binding assay for measuring the formation of reactive bromobenzene intermediates, covalent binding and conjugate formation were assayed in incubations of phenobarbital-induced hepatic microsomes conducted in the presence of various cytochrome P-450 monooxygenase inhibitors. Incubation conditions which decreased the rate of covalent binding (incubations done in the absence of glutathione) resulted in similar decreases in conjugate formation (incubations done in the presence of glutathione). In lung slices, the metabolism of bromobenzene to glutathione conjugates was linear for 20 min and continued to increase with time over the entire 160 min of the study. The formation of bromobenzene glutathione adducts in lung slices from piperonyl butoxide-treated animals occurred at a significantly lower rate than control. Likewise, lung slices from animals treated with butylated hydroxytoluene or carbon tetrachloride, agents known to injure alveolar epithelial cells, metabolized bromobenzene to glutathione conjugates at significantly slower rates than control. In contrast, treatment with naphthalene or dichloroethylene, agents which damage the bronchiolar epithelial cells, had little or no effect on conjugate formation. Similarly, there were no significant differences in the rate of bromobenzene glutathione conjugate formation between lungs of air- and ozone-exposed (1.0 ppm × 4 hr) mice killed 2,24,48,72, or 120 hr after exposure. These studies suggest that monitoring the rate of bromobenzene glutathione conjugate formation in lung slices may be a useful and sensitive biochemical index of injury to certain cells of the lung but that severe damage to the nonciliated bronchiolar epithelial cells has little effect on the rate of metabolic activation of this aromatic hydrocarbon.  相似文献   

The NADH-dependent vitamin K-reductase activity of liver microsomes from three closely related rat strains has been studied. One strain (TAS) is susceptible and two strains (HW and HS) resistant to the anticoagulant and lethal effects of warfarin. The effects of cofactors, temperature, detergent and dithiothreitol on vitamin K1 reduction and solvent extraction of substrate and product have been investigated. Vitamin K-reductase activity was inhibited by approximately 13 and 8% respectively when microsomal preparations from TAS and HW animals were incubated with 50 microM vitamin K1 and 10 microM warfarin. In HS rat liver microsomes the enzyme was highly resistant to inhibition by warfarin. Evidence is presented and discussed that suggests that NADH-dependent vitamin K-reductase may be inhibited in the anticoagulant effect of warfarin and may be altered as a result of expression of the warfarin-resistance gene in HS rats. The enzyme activity studied was probably not a DT-diaphorase although both NADH and NADPH acted as cofactors for the reaction.  相似文献   

Sulphinpyrazone underwent both reduction to a sulphide and oxidation to a sulphone after parenteral administration to normal Wistar rats. Oral administration was associated with a bioavailability of about 75% and with a 3-fold greater formation of the sulphide. However, no sulphide was detected in the plasma after oral administration of sulphinpyrazone to germ-free (BD/X) rats or normal rats treated with oral antibiotics. In vitro studies showed that the major site of reduction of sulphinpyrazone was the contents of the hind gut with little activity detected in the liver or other tissues. The sulphide was oxidised in vivo to sulphinpyrazone and small amounts of sulphone, while the latter underwent only slight reduction to sulphinpyrazone, but did not give detectable levels of the sulphide. These data suggest that the gut microflora are the main site of reduction of sulphinpyrazone in the rat in vivo.  相似文献   

Inhibitors of purine nucleoside phosphorylase, C(8) and C(5') substitutions   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The C(8) and C(5') positions of base and nucleoside substrates of human erythrocytic purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP) are promising sites for the development of an inhibitor of this enzyme. The substrate analog, 8-aminoguanine (8-AG), has the lowest dissociation constant (Ki = 0.2–1.2 μM) of any compound reported to date and Vmax = 16 per cent (relative to guanine). Other C(8) substituents decreased the affinity for PNP and, with the exception of the methyl and sulfhydryl groups, abolished substrate activity. Halogens or a thiomethyl group at C(5') of inosine resulted in unchanged or improved affinities (Ki = 10–30 μM) and greatly decreased substrate activity (Vmax < 1 per cent relative to inosine). The Ki of formycin B was reduced from 100 μM to 10 μM or less by substitution of a halogen at C(5'). Phosphorolysis of purine nucleosides was inhibited significantly by 8-AG in intact human erythrocytes and murine Sarcoma 180, L1210 and L5178Y cells. Although a Ki value of 17 μM was determined for 8-aminoguanosine, it was equally effective in inhibiting PNP activity in intact cells. The nucleoside was cleaved to 8-AG which was not a substrate for guanase or hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase. Despite its low substrate activity (Vmax < 0.2%). 5′-deoxy-5′-iodoinosine was cleaved by intact L1210 and L5178Y cells.  相似文献   

The relations between serum transaminase activity and the hepatic contents of glutathione and lipid peroxide were examined following oral administration to rats of butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT; 500 or 1000 mg/kg). The glutathione level rapidly diminished and reached a minimum at 6 hr after BHT administration. The period of depletion was dependent on dose: restoration of the glutathione level took longer in high-dose rats than in low-dose rats. The content of hepatic lipid peroxide was not markedly changed by BHT throughout the experimental period. The activity of glutathione S-transferase was not affected until 12 hr after BHT administration but, thereafter, it increased with time and was accompanied by elevation of the glutathione level. Though the activities of serum glutamate-oxaloacetate transsminase and glutamate-pyruvate transaminase were not affected by low-dose BHT, they increased rapidly in the high-dose rates after a lag period of about 6 hr and reached a maximum at 24 hr after administration; at that time, the livers of the high-dose rats showed centrilobular necrosis. The results indicate that acute hepatic injury was induced by the high-dose BHT. Pretreatment with cobaltous chloride inhibited the increase in the activities of the serum transaminases produced by the high-dose of BHT accompanying the depletion of microsomal cytochrome P-450 content and the induction of glutathione content. These observations suggest that hepatic damage was associated with prolonged depletion of glutathione rather than with lipid peroxidation in the liver, and that the activated metabolites of BHT rather than the parent compound induced the tissue damage.  相似文献   

DNA degradation by a copper(II)-phenanthroline complex was studied in the presence of NADH, 2-mercaptoethanol or a mixture of hypoxanthine and xanthine oxidase, which generates the superoxide radical, O2-. In all cases degradation was prevented by catalase but not by scavengers of the hydroxyl radical, OH. It remains possible, however, that OH was generated in close association with DNA so that the scavengers could not remove it before it reacted. Superoxide dismutase inhibited DNA degradation at low copper (II) phenanthroline concentrations in the presence of NADH or hypoxanthine-xanthine oxidase, but not at higher complex concentrations. Superoxide dismutase had little effect on DNA degradation in the presence of 2-mercaptoethanol. The role of oxygen radicals in the DNA degradation induced by copper(II) phenanthroline is discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of thiamine deficiency on the metabolism of acetaminophen (paracetamol) was studied in male and female rats. Deficiency of thiamine enhanced the rate of disappearance of the drug from the plasma which resulted in the apparent decrease in the plasma half-life. The alteration in the rate of acetaminophen metabolism was, in part, due to an increase in the formation of the water soluble metabolites characterized as glucuronide and sulfate conjugates. The effect of thiamine deficiency could be overcome by supplementation with thiamine by intraperitoneal injection. A single large dose of thiamine (650 μg) could reduce the rate to the normal level within 24 hr. However, a series of 5 low doses (260 μg/dose/day) was required to produce the same effect.  相似文献   

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