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The physical behaviour of the intact lungs and of lung extracts from rats affected by alveolar lipo-proteinsosis as a consequence of silica inhalation, was studied by means of pressure volume relations and surface tension area loops. Air inflation of diseased lungs occurred at a lower pressure and collapse was less on deflation than in control specimens, although there appeared to be little change in elastic forces. When saline was used dusted rat lungs showed at higher lung volumes a peculiar hysteresis effect which is attributable to consolidation of alveoli by the lipid material. Extracts from affected lungs showed differences from controls in respect of maximum and minimum surface tensions and stability index but all the values fell within the accepted limits of normal. However, with extracts from pathological lungs the area of the hysteresis loop increased, the shape of the surface tension area curve was abnormal and the percentage compression required to reduce the surface tension to 120 muN/cm fell. Extracts from diseased lungs depressed the maximum surface tension of normal lung extracts and increased the hysteresis area but had little effect on the minimum tension, the stability index or the % compression to achieve 120 muN/cm. The response was thus mainly that of an extract from a dusted rat. The surface activity of phospholipids may be affected by neutral lipid, cholesterol and the products of cell breakdown, all of which occur in the alveolar material. The occurrence within the same lung of compunds which reduce surface tension and others which modify the same lung of compounds which reduce surface tension and others which modify this property suggests that their relative concentrations may determine the overall effectiveness of the lung lining.  相似文献   

Small blood vessels within areas of chronic inflammation which contain large numbers of lymphocytes develop unusually thick walls. Combined histological and electron microscope study shows that the thickening is due to hypertrophy of endothelial cells which come to resemble the endothelium of post-capillary venules in lymphoid tissue. Vessels of this type have been found in experimental granulomas induced by injection of Freund's adjuvant or killed tubercle bacilli and in human biopsy material from cases of rheumatoid arthritis and Hashimoto's disease of the thyroid. Comparison with the developing Peyer's patch in young rats shows that the unusual vessels in granulomas are very similar in endothelial cell size, pattern of distribution, extent of lymphocyte migration and degree of carbon leakage to post-capillary venules of the immature Peyer's patch. Study of the time at which lymphocytes appear in large numbers within the granuloma or developing Peyer's patch and the time at which thickened vessels are first seen suggest tha the endothelial changes are a consequence and not a cause of lymphocyte emigration. The stimulus to endothelial hyperthrophy appears to be massive sustained migration of lymphocytes, but the functional significance of this change in vascular structure is not clear.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence implicating activated macrophages in the pathogenesis of interstitial and other lung diseases. We investigated whether there was a unique pattern of cell surface expression that constituted a disease-specific phenotype on alveolar macrophages from patients with interstitial lung disease (ILD). Macrophage cell surface receptor expression of 19 selected markers was assessed by indirect immunofluorescence and flow cytometry in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluids from patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF, n = 4), scleroderma (SCL-ILD, n = 14), mild asthma (n = 7), allergy without asthma (n = 2), and normal subjects (n = 9). There was increased expression of adhesion receptors (CD11c, CD29, CD36, CD44, CD49e, CD54), receptors involved in signal transduction and/or inflammation (CD13, CD45, CD53), and other markers (CD9, CD52, CD71, CD98, HLA Class I) on macrophages from ILD patients compared to the non-ILD group. Most markers upregulated on macrophages in ILD were significantly inversely correlated with clinical parameters of disease activity such as FEV(1), FVC, and DL(CO) and positively correlated with numbers of BAL neutrophils and eosinophils. Increased expression of several cell surface markers suggests that activated alveolar macrophages may contribute to the pathophysiology of IPF and SCL-ILD.  相似文献   

Inflammation in progress at one site decreases edema formation at a second and separate inflammatory focus. This clinically important phenomenon is known as counter-irritation. Since its effect on leukocyte responses has not been defined, we investigated in rats the systemic anti-inflammatory effect of local irritant injection on cellular emigration, particularly monocytes. Macrophage accumulation at a subcutaneous inflammatory site was severely depressed by prior intraperitoneal irritant injection despite continued macrophage accumulation in the peritoneal cavity and normal circulating monocyte levels. The phenomenon also existed in the peritoneal cavity to subcutaneously administered irritants and involved PMNs as readily as macrophages. Anti-inflammation occurred only when the counter-irritant was injected before or simultaneously with the measured inflammatory response while the degree and duration of inhibition depended upon the nature and amount of counter-irritant injected. These studies demonstrate that local inflammation inhibits leukocyte reactivity. Transplantation of syngeneic tumor but not normal cells also produced a depression in macrophage inflammatory responses. This inhibition differed from counter-irritation by not affecting granulocytes and by being transient despite tumor persistence.  相似文献   

Within 45 minutes after mating in the rabbit, numerous heterophil leukocytes adhere to the endothelium of venules in the vagina. Initial association appears to occur via small protuberances from the leukocyte which fit into small indentions in the endothelial cell. Following adherence, leukocytes flatten and pass between endothelial cells. A regular intercellular space separates the leukocyte from the endothelial cells. Leukocytes subsequently migrate through the connective tissue to the epithelium. By three hours postcoitus, the region beneath the basement lamina of the vaginal epithelium is crowded with numerous juxtaposed leukocytes. Leukocytes subsequently migrate between epithelial cells into the vaginal lumen where they actively engulf spermatozoa. Spermatozoa appear to be ingested head first. Numerous small filaments are observed in the leukocyte cytoplasm in the region adjacent to the sperm head. Degranulation of azurophyl granules follows sperm uptake. The leukocyte response can be elicited either by spermatozoa (from the epididymis) or by semen (from vasectomized bucks), but is not elicited by ovulation (with human chorionic gonadotropin). It is suggested that the response may be initiated because the vagina does not distinguish between semen, spermatozoa and bacterial infection.  相似文献   

The binding of the lectins concanavalin A (Con A) and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) to the luminal surface of lung alveolar epithelial cells was compared in normal rats and rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes and their offspring. Lung tissue was lavaged, then fixed in situ with 3% glutaraldehyde. Buffer-rinsed slices of lung were incubated in Con A, WGA, or various control media. Lectin binding sites were visualized by the use of the peroxidase method. Normal neonates and those that were the results of diabetic pregnancies showed a hexose-specific Con A and WGA binding pattern qualitatively similar to that of normal and diabetic adults, respectively. In the normal animals, Con A binding sites were masked by sialic acid residues and were removable with alpha-mannosidase after neuraminidase treatment. In the diabetic adults and their offspring, one the other hand, Con A binding sites were readily accessible and were totally removed only by sequential treatment with alpha-mannosidase and alpha-glucosidase. WGA binding was essentially eliminated with neuraminidase in all animals except in the neonates from diabetic pregnancies, where N-acetyl-glucosaminidase was also required. The effects of maternal diabetes were reversible and occurred about Day 7 postpartum in the neonate. The effects were also reversible following insulin replacement in the diabetic adult.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To review the role of distal lung inflammation in asthma. DATA SOURCES AND STUDY SELECTION: Selected peer-reviewed research publications retrieved from MEDLINE search. Search was restricted to English-language publications only. Included articles were selected for their relevance to pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment. Bibliographies of selected papers served as an additional source of considered publications. RESULTS: Inflammation in the small airways and alveolar tissue plays an important role in the clinical manifestations of asthma. Diagnostic modalities such as transbronchial biopsy and evolving radiologic techniques such as high-resolution computed tomography are improving our ability to evaluate this portion of the lung. New ultra-fine particle size metered-dose inhalers and oral agents such as cysteinyl leukotriene receptor antagonists offer new opportunities for treating small airways inflammation and need to be fully evaluated for their ability to target and treat distal lung inflammation. CONCLUSIONS: Distal lung inflammation is an important component of airway inflammation in asthma. New modalities for evaluating distal airway inflammation and for targeting the distal lung with inhaled and systemic drugs are rapidly expanding our knowledge of the clinical importance of distal lung inflammation and may ultimately be of critical importance in asthma therapy.  相似文献   

In the acute respiratory distress syndrome, recruitment of peripheral blood monocytes results in expansion of the total pool of resident alveolar macrophages. The fate of resident macrophages, or whether recruited monocytes are selectively eliminated from the alveolar airspace or differentiate into resident alveolar macrophages during the resolving phase of inflammation, has not been determined. Here, we analyzed the kinetics of resident and recruited macrophage turnover within the alveolar airspace of untreated and LPS-challenged mice. Using bone marrow chimeric CD45.2 mice that were generated by lethal irradiation of CD45.2 alloantigen-expressing recipient mice and bone marrow transplantation from CD45.1 alloantigen-expressing donor mice, we employed a flow cytometric approach to distinguish recipient from donor-type macrophages in bronchoalveolar lavage fluids. Our data show that resident alveolar macrophages of untreated chimeric CD45.2 mice are very slowly replaced by constitutively immigrating CD45.1 positive monocytes, resulting in a replacement rate of approximately 40% by 1 yr. In contrast, more than 85% of the resident CD45.2 positive alveolar and lung homogenate macrophages were exchanged by donor CD45.1-expressing macrophages within 2 mo after treatment with Escherichia coli endotoxin (LPS). Importantly, fluorescence-activated cell sorter analysis of increased annexin V binding to both recipient and donor-type macrophages revealed increased apoptotic events to underlie this endotoxin-driven inflammatory macrophage turnover. Collectively, the data show that under baseline conditions the alveolar macrophage turnover exhibits very slow kinetics, whereas acute lung inflammation in response to treatment with LPS triggers a brisk acceleration of recruitment of monocytes that replace the resident alveolar macrophage population.  相似文献   

Leukocytes, inflammation, and angiogenesis in cancer: fatal attractions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Leukocytes are cells of defense. Their main function is to protect our body against invading microorganisms. Some leukocytes, in particular, polymorphonuclear and monocytes, accumulate at sites of infection and neutralize pathogens through innate mechanisms. The blood and lymphatic vascular system are essential partners in this defensive reaction: Activated endothelial cells promote leukocyte recruitment at inflammatory sites; new blood vessel formation, a process called angiogenesis, sustains chronic inflammation, and lymphatic vessels transport antigens and antigen-presenting cells to lymph nodes, where they stimulate naive T and B lymphocytes to elicit an antigen-specific immune response. In contrast, leukocytes and lymphocytes are far less efficient in protecting us from cancer, the "enemy from within." Worse, cancer can exploit inflammation to its advantage. The role of angiogenesis, leukocytes, and inflammation in tumor progression was discussed at the second Monte Verità Conference, Tumor Host Interaction and Angiogenesis: Basic Mechanisms and Therapeutic Perspectives, held in Ascona, Switzerland, October 1-5, 2005. (Conference chairs were K. Alitalo, M. Aguet, C. Rüegg, and I. Stamenkovic.) Eight articles reporting about topics presented at the conference are featured in this issue of the Journal of Leukocyte Biology.  相似文献   

The authors examined the role of leukocytes in mediating the increase in lung vascular permeability induced by trypsin infusion in the sheep lung lymph preparation. One group of sheep was challenged with an intravenous infusion of trypsin (4.5 mg/kg/hr). A second group was depleted of 80% of circulating granulocytes and of 48% of circulating lymphocytes by repeated injections of hydroxyurea several days prior to the trypsin infusion. Pulmonary lymph flow and transvascular protein clearance increased twofold without changes in pulmonary vascular pressures in the control group, suggesting that trypsin resulted in an increase in pulmonary vascular permeability. The hydroxyurea-induced leukopenia prevented the increases in pulmonary lymph flow and protein clearance after the trypsin infusion, indicating that leukocytes are required for increase in lung vascular permeability. Because neutrophil activation may mediate the trypsin-induced increase in lung vascular permeability, we assessed the effect of trypsin on superoxide anion (O2-) generation by isolated neutrophils. Trypsin (0.09 mg/ml) added to isolated sheep neutrophils did not increase O2- generation more than neutrophils in buffer. The supernatant obtained after incubation of trypsin with citrated whole blood increased O2- generation from isolated neutrophils, this response was greater than with trypsin alone. Therefore, neutrophil activation occurs as a result of the action of trypsin on whole blood. Neutrophil activation may contribute to the leukocyte-dependent increase in lung vascular permeability after trypsin.  相似文献   

The lung is continuously exposed to bacteria and their products, and has developed a complex defense mechanism, including neutrophil recruitment. In mice, keratinocyte cell-derived chemokine and macrophage inflammatory protein-2 are the major chemokines for neutrophil recruitment into the lung. We have previously described a role for C-X-C chemokine (CXCL5) in neutrophil trafficking during lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced lung inflammation in mice. The aims of the present study were to identify the cellular origin of CXCL5 and to determine the signaling cascades that regulate its expression in the lung during LPS-induced inflammation and in isolated LPS-stimulated CXCL5-expressing cells. Our immunohistochemical analysis indicates that alveolar epithelial type II (AEII) cells are the primary source of CXCL5 in the rodent lung. These in vivo observations were confirmed with primary AEII cells. In addition, our data indicate that the Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) signaling cascade involving TLR4, myeloid differentiation factor 88, and Toll-IL-1R domain-containing adapter protein is required to induce CXCL5 expression in the lung. Furthermore, p38 and c-Jun N-terminal kinases are involved in lung CXCL5 expression. Similarly, TLR4, and p38 and c-Jun N-terminal kinases, are associated with LPS-induced CXCL5 expression in AEII cells. These novel observations demonstrate that activation of AEII cells via TLR4-dependent signaling is important for the production of CXCL5 in the lung exposed to LPS.  相似文献   

Vascular oxidant stress and inflammation in hyperhomocysteinemia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Elevated plasma levels of homocysteine are a metabolic risk factor for atherosclerotic vascular disease, as shown in numerous clinical studies that linked elevated homocysteine levels to de novo and recurrent cardiovascular events. High levels of homocysteine promote oxidant stress in vascular cells and tissue because of the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which have been strongly implicated in the development of atherosclerosis. In particular, ROS have been shown to cause endothelial injury, dysfunction, and activation. Elevated homocysteine stimulates proinflammatory pathways in vascular cells, resulting in leukocyte recruitment to the vessel wall, mediated by the expression of adhesion molecules on endothelial cells and circulating monocytes and neutrophils, in the infiltration of leukocytes into the arterial wall mediated by increased secretion of chemokines, and in the differentiation of monocytes into cholesterol-scavenging macrophages. Furthermore, it stimulates the proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells followed by the production of extracellular matrix. Many of these events involve redox-sensitive signaling events, which are promoted by elevated homocysteine, and result in the formation of atherosclerotic lesions. In this article, we review current knowledge about the role of homocysteine on oxidant stress-mediated vascular inflammation during the development of atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

A method has been developed for studying granulocyte kinetics in inflammation. Autologous granulocytes isolated from whole blood and labelled with 111indium, without separation from plasma enriched media, localized rapidly in intra-abdominal abscesses and inflammatory bowel disease following intravenous reinjection. Utilizing a gamma camera interfaced to a computer for dynamic imaging, uptake of activity in the site of inflammation could be demonstrated from 10 min following injection. A quantitative estimate of the rate of granulocyte uptake in inflammatory foci, (early granulocyte accumulation index EGAI) was made by subtracting the gradient of the time activity profile, recorded over the inflammatory focus from that of the profile recorded over a similar sized control region, and expressing the difference in relation to the zero time intercept of the profile over the inflammatory focus. The EGAI showed a positive correlation with the ESR (sigma = 0.574; P less than 0.05) and, in the single patient studied twice, decreased following steroid therapy. This technique should prove useful in studying granulocyte kinetics in inflammation in man.  相似文献   

The acute inflammatory process is characterized by an orderly progression of events; an initial phase of early neutrophil accumulation and a later phase of mononuclear cell (including monocyte) accumulation. The mechanisms which control the transition from one phase to the other are largely unknown. We present a rabbit model of C5 fragment (C5f)-induced lung inflammation in which purified radiolabeled peripheral blood neutrophils and monocytes were used as probes to monitor the retention and emigration of these leukocytes into well localized areas of inflammation. Neutrophil preparations (greater than 95% pure) were isolated by discontinuous plasma-Percoll density gradients, and monocyte preparations (greater than 91% pure) were isolated by counterflow cell elutriation, labeled with 111Indium-tropolonate, and intravenously infused into separate recipient animals. The monocytes circulated with a half-life of approximately 30 hours. The retention of labeled monocytes or neutrophils within the lung was monitored scintigraphically. C5f-induced monocyte lung retention was delayed 2 to 4 hours compared with neutrophil lung retention. Radiolabeled neutrophils were selectively retained in the area of C5f-induced inflammation (right cranial lung lobe, RCL) as early as 20 minutes after the induction of the inflammatory response, reached a maximum by 2 hours, and were not retained by 48 hours after C5f instillation. The signal inducing C5f-induced monocyte lung retention was shown to be transient. Monocytes were selectively retained in the RCL if the area of inflammation was induced 2 to 4 hours but not 15 minutes or 16 hours before their infusion. The time course of C5f-induced monocyte migration into the alveolar space determined by lavage analysis was delayed 2 to 3 hours compared with neutrophil migration. Neutrophils selectively migrated into the RCL 1 to 2 hours after the induction of the inflammatory response, reached a maximum by 4 hours, and had disappeared by 48 hours. Radiolabeled monocytes selectively migrated into the RCL 3 to 4 hours after the induction of the inflammatory response, reached a maximum by 4 hours, and remained present through 48 hours. The total number of labeled and unlabeled mononuclear cells present in the C5f-treated RCL lavage at 48 hours was significantly increased above controls. The signal for this monocyte migration (as for lung retention) was shown to be transient in that radiolabeled monocytes did not migrate when infused 16 hours after the induction of the inflammatory response. C5f did not induce monocyte lung retention nor monocyte migration into the alveolar space of animals rendered neutropenic.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

To investigate the relationship between granulocyte emigration and epithelial injury in specific airway generations of the tracheobronchial tree following short-term ozone exposure, we exposed rhesus monkeys for 8 h to 0.00 (controls) or 0.96 ppm ozone with post-exposure periods of 1, 12, 24, 72, and 168 h in filtered air before necropsy. There were five control and three exposed monkeys for each of the post-exposure times for a total of 20 monkeys. Neutrophils isolated from peripheral blood and labeled with 111In-tropolonate were infused in the cephalic vein in unanesthetized monkeys (except the 1-h group) 4 to 5 h before necropsy. The trachea and microdissected bronchi (fourth and ninth generations) and respiratory bronchioles (fifteenth generation) from the right upper lobe of each monkey were examined by electron microscopy. Labeled neutrophil influx into lung tissue and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) was maximal at 12 h and returned to baseline by 24 h after exposure. This was in contrast to total neutrophils (labeled and unlabeled) in BALF, which were significantly elevated through 24 h after exposure but returned to baseline by 72 h. Lavage protein was significantly elevated at 24 h after exposure but was at control levels at all other times. Morphometric observations showed epithelial necrosis at 1 and 12 h in the trachea and bronchioles but continued to be observed in significant numbers at 24 h after exposure in bronchi. A significant increase in the labeling index of epithelial cells was observed at 12 h only in bronchi. Epithelial necrosis and repair was associated with the presence of granulocytes in the epithelium and interstitium of all airway levels. However, eosinophils were maximally increased in the epithelium and interstitium of bronchi at 24 h after exposure when epithelial necrosis was maximal in these airways and when lavage protein was significantly elevated.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

To better understand asthma pathogenesis, we characterized airway responsiveness, lung inflammation, and mediator production of alveolar macrophages (AM) after allergen sensitization and challenge in two strains of rats showing different susceptibilities in developing airway allergic reactions. Airway responsiveness to acethylcholine was measured 24 h after ovalbumin (OVA) challenge, whereas bronchoalveolar lavages were performed 5 min, 8 h, and 24 h after challenge. Brown Norway rats showed airway hyperresponsiveness after challenge, whereas lung resistance remained unchanged in Sprague-Dawley rats. Interestingly, Sprague-Dawley rats developed a neutrophilic inflammation, whereas both neutrophils and eosinophils were increased in Brown Norway rats. AM mediator production varied with time with a lower tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interleukin (IL)-10 release at 8 h after challenge. OVA challenge stimulated spontaneous TNF and IL-10 release by AM isolated 24 h after challenge in both strains of rats, although AM from Brown Norway rats released significantly more IL-10 and TNF. Furthermore, nitric oxide production was increased only in OVA-challenged (24 h) Brown Norway rats. Our results suggest that AM may participate to the expansion of Th2 inflammation in Brown Norway rats and that differences in AM mediator production may explain, in part, distinct allergic susceptibilities in these two strains of rats.  相似文献   

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