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中国医药企业市场行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以SCP框架分析中国医药企业市场行为的现状,研究探讨医药企业的市场行为,提出转变市场行为对策,旨在完善影响企业行为的相关产业政策,调整医药企业的市场行为,有利于医药产业的发展.  相似文献   

该文根据并购理论对我国医药企业并购行为的动因、特点进行分析,指出我国医药企业并购行为中的问题.提出必须加快政策法规建设、转变政府职能、明确并购主题、培育和发展中介机构、建立和完善现代企业制度、提升企业的核心竞争力的建议.  相似文献   

徐荣周 《中国药业》2002,11(7):26-27
众所周知,中国OTC市场具有巨大的潜力。据有关机构对中国OTC市场的研究认为,1996年我国OTC药品市场销售总额为13亿美元,1998年销售总额为20亿美元,2000年销售总额为30亿美元,平均年增长率为30%-36%。若我国医药市场保持目前稳定的增长速度,2005年OTC药品销售总额可达到600亿元人民币。预计到2010年,中国有可能成为世界最大的药品市场之一,其OTC销售额占药品销售总额的比例从现在的15%提高到32%。面对这个巨大的市场,全球性跨国公司已作好抢占我国OTC市场的准备。我国制药企业所面对的竞争压力是相当大的。同时,在入世、医疗卫生体制改革、医疗保险制度全面推行等形势下,如果我国企业不及时研究OTC市场趋势,开发OTC产品,尽快占领市场,将难以在国内、国际竞争中取胜。为此,笔者认为必须从以下几方面着手:  相似文献   

严明  黄泰康 《医药导报》2008,27(8):1015-1017
我国加入WTO后,医药保护政策逐步开放,大量外资企业进入我国市场,给医药企业带来巨大压力,开拓国际市场刻不容缓。非洲药品市场潜力巨大,进入非洲市场是我国医药企业开拓海外市场的首选目标。该文通过对非洲的市场环境进行分析,对我国医药企业开发非洲市场的途径提出了建议。  相似文献   

中小型医药企业开发农村药品市场的策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王海帆 《中国药业》2009,18(14):14-15
该文从人口、经济、自然、监管等方面分析了农村药品市场的宏观环境,从中小型医药企业的状况、营销网络和消费者特点等方面分析了农村药品市场的微观环境,提出了中小型医药企业开发农村药品市场的策略。  相似文献   

医药企业如何面对OTC市场的无限商机   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
汤少梁  王高玲 《上海医药》2002,23(10):440-442
随着我国医疗制度的改革,以及信息化时代的到来,人们的医药知识日渐丰富。自购药品治病逐渐成为一种趋势,各地街头日益增多的药店正是在这种势头下应运而生的。非处方药市场的发展与社会和经济的多方面因素有关,下文就非处方药市场的发展趋势作一分析。1国家法规和政策鼓励非处方药市场的发展医疗卫生体制改革和基本医疗保健制度的建立将使民众特别是3亿左右城镇职工树立现代的医药卫生消费观念,基本医疗保险制度使医疗保险范围扩大一倍,使药品消费总量扩大,其中相当一部分是非处方药的消费。药品分类管理制度的逐步建立将使非处方药品种越…  相似文献   

邱家学  刘丽娜 《中国药业》2006,15(19):20-21
阐述医药企业市场势力的经济学含义.分析医药企业市场势力对药价虚高的影响,提出对医药企业市场势力进行有效监督和约束的建议。  相似文献   

郭文峰  丁晓红 《齐鲁药事》2014,(10):607-608
目的对我国制药机械行业的发展现状、存在的问题及发展机遇与趋势进行综述,为制药机械行业的发展提供参考。方法查阅国内外近几年的文献,进行归纳总结。结果与结论我国制药机械行业的发展虽然存在一定问题,但随着制药行业的快速发展和新版GMP的实施,将给制药设备行业带来前所未有的发展机遇,只要能正确认识和应对存在的问题,我国制药机械行业将会有广阔的发展空间。  相似文献   

王振海  冯国忠 《齐鲁药事》2010,29(6):373-375
目的讨论模仿创新在我国制药企业发展中的应用。方法通过对模仿创新内涵的阐释和我国制药企业现状的描述,分析目前我国制药企业发展中应用模仿创新战略的必要性,并在此基础上提出现阶段具体可行的模仿创新策略。结果及结论我国制药企业现阶段更适合模仿创新战略。在具体的应用中应着重考虑积极的跟随策略、合理的专利利用策略、资源的集中投入策略三大战略。  相似文献   

目的:对制药工业废水脱色处理的工艺进行研究。方法以 COD、BOD5、SS、总氮含量等为考察指标,采用复合法(混凝-兼氧-好氧法)对制药工业废水进行脱色处理,并评价其脱色效果。结果经复合法处理的制药工业废水,水质澄清,含氮量大大降低,COD、BOD5明显减少,完全达到排放标准。结论该方法实用性强,成本较低,操作简单,可应用于实际生产。  相似文献   

Background: In Saudi Arabia there is an estimated need of more than 100,000 pharmacy graduates to cover all present sectors. The shortage of pharmacists has affected many of these sectors especially the pharmaceutical industry. The contribution of Saudi pharmacists to local pharmaceuticals industry would be extremely beneficial and important for shaping the future of the drug industry within the Kingdom. It is not clear whether future Saudi pharmacists are willing to contribute to local pharmaco-industrial fields. Methods: A cross-sectional, questionnaire-based survey was conducted on all final-year pharmacy students in King Saud University (KSU), Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Results: Out of a total of 130 students registered in the final-year of the pharmacy program in KSU, 122 (93.8%) were able to complete the questionnaire. The results showed that the majority (83%) of Saudi pharmacy students indicated that they had not received practical training in the pharmaceutical companies, while only 17.2% of the students felt that they had the knowledge and the skills to work in the pharmaceutical industry after graduation. The majority of the students (66.7%) chose clinical pharmacy as their future career field while only 10.9% indicated willingness to work in a pharmaceutical industry career. Only 8.2% selected working in the pharmaceutical industry. The significant predictor of possibly choosing a career in the local drug industry is a student with a bachelor’s degree (compared to Pharm D degree) in pharmacy (OR = 2.7 [95% CI 1.1–6.3]). Conclusion: Pharmacy students who are enrolled in the capital city of Riyadh are not properly trained to play an influential role in local drug companies. As a result, their level of willingness to have a career in such important business is not promising (more among Pharm D program). Future research in other pharmacy colleges within Saudi Arabia is needed to confirm such results.  相似文献   

为定量系统评估新版药品GMP制度对中国医药产业的影响,本研究在借鉴政策评估理论和产业组织理论等的基础上,应用文本研究、关键人物访谈、多次Delphi、实地调查等方法,制定了本次评估指标体系的构建原则,梳理了新版GMP制度的政策目标,分析了新版GMP制度对医药企业的影响路径,构建了"结构-行为-绩效"三维评价指标体系。本指标体系得到了相关专家和医药行业相关人员认可,表明本研究构建的"结构-行为-绩效"三维评价指标体系可以用于定量系统评估新版药品GMP制度对中国医药产业的影响。  相似文献   

陈晶  李野  刘皓 《中国药房》2007,18(10):725-727
目的:为我国制药企业提升市场营销竞争力提供参考。方法:从目前我国药品消费者特征分析出发,提出我国制药企业市场营销创新的策略。结果与结论:我国制药企业应针对药品消费者特征采用理念创新、市场创新、产品创新、服务创新、组织创新等多种营销策略。  相似文献   

Healthcare policies are often evaluated using empirical analysis methods. In this study, we summarized the hypothesis test, segmented regression analysis of interrupted time series, autoregressive integrated moving average model, difference in difference model, pooled regression model, fixed effect model, random effect model, propensity score matching method, cost-benefit analysis, and cost-effectiveness analysis. We also established a flow chart to demonstrate the process of selection of empirical analysis methods based on the purpose of policy evaluation, whether there is a control group, the type of data, and whether the data is linear.  相似文献   

There is a shortfall between output from universities and demand by the pharmaceutical and health care industries for science and engineering graduates able to rapidly contribute to success in the business environment. Against a changing infrastructure of pharmaceutical research, the development of new chemical entities by major companies accounts for a high proportion of R&D expenditure. Allocation of staff is divided fairly evenly between discovery, non-clinical and clinical research activities and in all categories the new sciences are likely to be used extensively.In dealing with the shortfall the challenge comes from balancing education in basic science with training in the emerging areas of science and technology. There is a need for a ‘partnership’ that includes not only industry and academia but also government, since these three bodies have both synergistic and diverging interests in scientific education.On the education-training continuum, industry should recognise what it most values from academia and provide as much input and support as possible. At the same time universities must question their ability to fulfil their traditional educational role in the face of current rates of adoption of new sciences and technology. While disciplinary excellence remains vital for PhD students, multi-disciplinary programmes are becoming increasingly important to enable graduates to function effectively in the modern, globalised pharmaceutical industry.  相似文献   

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