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Detailed molecular-cytogenetic studies combined with thorough clinical characterization are needed to establish genotype-phenotype correlations for specific chromosome deletion syndromes. Although many patients with subtelomeric deletions have been reported, the phenotype maps for many of the corresponding syndromes, including the terminal deletion 14q syndrome, are only slowly emerging. Here, we report on five patients with terminal partial monosomy of 14q32.3 and characteristic features of terminal deletion 14q syndrome. Four of the patients carry de novo terminal deletions of 14q, three of which have not yet been reported. One patient carries an unbalanced translocation der(14)t(9;14)(q34.3;q32.3). Minimum deletion sizes as determined by molecular karyotyping and FISH are 5.82, 5.56, 4.17, 3.54, and 3.29?Mb, respectively. Based on our findings and a comprehensive review of the literature, we refine the phenotype map for typical clinical findings of the terminal deletion 14q syndrome (i.e., intellectual disability/developmental delay, muscular hypotonia, postnatal growth retardation, microcephaly, congenital heart defects, genitourinary malformations, ocular coloboma, and several dysmorphic signs). Combining this phenotype map with benign copy-number variation data available from the Database of Genomic Variants, we propose a small region critical for certain features of the terminal deletion 14q syndrome which contains only seven RefSeq genes.  相似文献   

The imprinted region on chromosome 14q32 harbors several maternally or paternally expressed genes as well as two DMRs (differentially methylated regions), the IG-DMR and the MEG3-DMR, which both act as imprinting control centers. Genetic aberrations affecting the imprinted gene cluster in 14q32 result in distinct phenotypes, known as maternal or paternal uniparental disomy 14 phenotypes (upd(14)mat, upd(14)pat). In both syndromes, three types of molecular alterations have been reported: uniparental disomy 14, deletions and epimutations. In contrast to uniparental disomy and epimutations, deletions affecting regulatory elements in 14q32 are associated with a high-recurrence risk. Based on two single deletion cases a functional hierarchy of the IG-DMR as a regulator for the methylation of the MEG3-DMR has been proposed. We have identified two novel deletions of maternal origin spanning the MEG3-DMR, but not the IG-DMR in patients with upd(14)pat syndrome, one de novo deletion of 165 kb and another deletion of 5.8 kb in two siblings. The 5.8 kb deletion was inherited from the phenotypically normal mother, who carries the deletion in a mosaic state on her paternal chromosome 14. The methylation at both DMRs was investigated by quantitative next generation bisulfite sequencing and revealed normal methylation patterns at the IG-DMR in all patients with the exception of certain CpG dinucleotides. Thus, we could confirm that deletions of the MEG3-DMR does not generally influence the methylation pattern of the IG-DMR, which strengthens the hypothesis of a hierarchical structure and distinct functional properties of the two DMRs.  相似文献   

Multiple myeloma (MM) is a malignancy of the plasma cells (PCs) characterized by a wide variety of genetic and chromosomal abnormalities. In recent years, major attention was drawn to the significance of chromosomal aberrations involving chromosome arm 13q and the IGH region on chromosome band 14q32 as a prognostic indicator in MM. In this study we applied a combined cell morphology and FISH method for the analysis of coexistence of t(11;14)(q13;q32) with deletions of the long arm of chromosome 13 (Δ13) in PCs from 51 MM patients using several probes for the 13q14, 11q13, and IGH regions. We found 15 different variants of the t(11;14) that are the consequence of different 11q13 breakpoints and various deletions of Variable (del IGH Var) or Constant (del IGH Const) IGH segments and also duplications and losses of the IGH gene on the normal nontranslocated chromosome 14 as well as IGH/Cyclin D1 (CCND1) fusion on der(14) and CCND1/IGH fusions on der(11). A strong association between Δ13 and specific variants of t(11;14) was found: variants with deletion of the IGH gene or its segments were found only in MM cases with deleted chromosome 13, while the common translocation t(11;14) was found only in the MM cases with normal chromosome arm 13q. In contrast, we did not find any association between Δ13 and deletions of the IGH gene or its segments in the MM patients with t(4;14)(p16;q32). © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We report on a detailed phenotypic characterization of two patients with novel de novo deletions involving 15q13q14, a chromosomal region immediately distal to the Prader-Willi/Angelman syndrome critical interval. Both cases were detected by the clinical array-based comparative genomic hybridization (array-CGH) and were precisely delineated through the high-density Agilent 244 K oligonucleotide array. The comparison of our patients with previously reported deletion cases involving the 15q13q14 region demonstrated a recurrent pattern of developmental anomalies including mild dysmorphic features, cleft palate/bifid uvula, congenital heart defects (PFO or ASD), developmental delay, and learning disabilities. The potential role of the genes within the deleted region in the pathogenesis of these various phenotypic abnormalities is discussed.  相似文献   

We report on 2 unrelated patients who had chromosome analysis performed because of psychomotor delay, Failure to thrive, and minor anomalies. Each patient had a novel proximal 14q deletion (q11.2 to q21.1 in patient 737 and q12 to q22 in patient 777). Polymorphic (C-A)n microsatellite markers distributed along the length of chromosome 14q were examined in both patients and their parents in order to determine which marker loci were deleted. The deletion in patient 737 was found to be paternal in origin, based on the analysis of 2 marker loci (D14S54 and D14S70), thus assigning these loci to the deleted interval q11.2 q21.1. Furthermore, 3 loci were not deleted (TCRD, D14S50, and D14S80), suggesting that they are within or proximal to 14q11.2. In the other family (patient 777), none of the markers were fully informative, but the deleted chromosome was determined to be paternally derived based on cytogenetic heteromorphisms. Despite having overlapping proximal 14q deletions, these 2 patients shared few phenotypic similarities except for failure to thrive, micrognathia, and hypoplasia of the corpus callosum. Therefore, a distinct proximal 14q deletion syndrome is not yet apparent. However, the molecular analyses facilitated the localization of several 14q DNA markers to the deletion regions in these 2 patients, while excluding other markers from each deletion. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Among previously reported cases of 14q terminal deletions, only 11 have dealt with pure terminal deletion of 14q (14q3-14qter) and the break points were mapped by fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) or genotyping in only four of them. Thanks to a collaborative study on behalf of the 'Association des Cytogeneticiens de langue Fran?aise'(ACLF), we report two patients with terminal deletion of the long arm of chromosome 14, del(14)(q32.2) and del(14)(q32.32), diagnosed by subtelomere screening. In the two cases, a thick nuchal skinfold was detected by early ultrasound with normal prenatal karyotype. Their postnatal phenotype included large forehead, narrow palpebral fissures, epicanthic folds, upturned tip of the nose, narrow mouth and thin upper lip, microretrognathia, prominent earlobes, hypotonia, delayed psychomotor development and hypoplastic corpus callosum. By physical mapping using FISH, the size of the deletions was measured for patients 1 and 2: 6.55+/-1.05 and 4.67+/-0.10 Mb, respectively. The paternal origin of the deleted chromosome 14 was established by genotyping of microsatellites for patient 1 and the phenotype of terminal del(14)(q32) was compared to maternal uniparental disomy 14.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that the accumulation of alterations in several oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes plays a role in the initiation and progression of esophageal carcinoma. However, to our knowledge, very few studies have described the molecular genetic changes of chromosome arm 14q in esophageal carcinoma. In this study, we examined 35 primary esophageal carcinomas for allelic imbalance on 14q32. Analysis of four polymorphic microsatellite markers identified 13 (37%) tumors exhibiting allelic imbalance on 14q32 in at least one locus. In particular, the allelic imbalance of the D14S267 marker that has been reported in various tumors as having a high frequency of deletion was observed in 10 of 26 informative cases (38.5%). The commonly deleted regions were delineated by markers D14S65 and D14S250 on 14q32. In regard to the macroscopic features of tumor, the 14q allelic imbalance rate of protruding type tumors was higher than that of the ulcerative type. These data suggest that potential suppressor loci on 14q32 are related to the development and progression of esophageal carcinoma.  相似文献   

The t(14;18)(q32;q21) involving the MALT1/MLT and IGH genes has been identified recently as a recurrent abnormality in mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphomas. The frequency of secondary chromosomal aberrations in MALT lymphomas harboring the t(14;18) is largely unknown. We therefore analyzed six t(14;18)-positive MALT lymphomas (five parotid, one conjunctiva) by interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization for aneuploidies of chromosomes 3, 7, 12, 18, and X, gains or disruption of the CMYC/8q24 and BCL6/3q27 genes, as well as deletions of the retinoblastoma and TP53 tumor suppressor genes. Except for one MALT lymphoma of the parotid with trisomy 3, neither aneuploidies nor deletions were detected in any of our cases.  相似文献   

We studied 14 individuals with partial deletions of the long arm of chromosome 18, including terminal and interstitial de novo and inherited deletions. Study participants were examined clinically and by brain MRI. The size of the deletion was determined by segregation analysis using microsatellite markers. We observed that the phenotype was highly variable, even in two families with three 1st degree relatives. Among the 14 individuals, general intelligence varied from normal to severe mental retardation. The more common features of 18q-deletions (e.g., foot deformities, aural atresia, palatal abnormalities, dysmyelination, and nystagmus) were present in individuals lacking only the distal portion 18q22.3-qtel. Interstitial deletions exerted very heterogeneous effects on phenotype. In individuals with distal 18q22.3-q23 deletions, brain MRI was very distinctive with poor differentiation of gray and white matter on T2-weighted images.  相似文献   

DICER1 encodes an RNase III endonuclease protein that regulates the production of small non-coding RNAs. Germline mutations in DICER1 are associated with an autosomal dominant hereditary cancer predisposition syndrome that confers an increased risk for the development of several rare childhood and adult-onset tumors, the most frequent of which include pleuropulmonary blastoma, ovarian sex cord-stromal tumors, cystic nephroma, and thyroid gland neoplasia. The majority of reported germline DICER1 mutations are truncating sequence-level alterations, suggesting that a loss-of-function type mechanism drives tumor formation in DICER1 syndrome. However, reports of patients with germline DICER1 whole gene deletions are limited, and thus far, only two have reported an association with tumor development. Here we report the clinical findings of three patients from two unrelated families with 14q32 deletions that encompass the DICER1 locus. The deletion identified in Family I is 1.4?Mb and was initially identified in a 6-year-old male referred for developmental delay, hypotonia, macrocephaly, obesity, and behavioral problems. Subsequent testing revealed that this deletion was inherited from his mother, who had a clinical history that included bilateral multinodular goiter and papillary thyroid carcinoma. The second deletion is 5.0?Mb and was identified in a 15-year-old female who presented with autism, coarse facial features, Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor, and Wilms’ tumor. These findings provide additional supportive evidence that germline deletion of DICER1 confers an increased risk for DICER1-related tumor development, and provide new insight into the clinical significance of deletions involving the 14q32 region.  相似文献   

We report on 14 patients with partial deletions of chromosome 13q. These patients exhibit a wide spectrum of phenotypes. Deletions limited to proximal bands q13–q31 are associated with growth retardation but not with major malformations. We review the literature since 1975 and summarize 13q deletion cases which have a phenotype involving one or more major malformations and mental retardation. Analysis of the breakpoints of these cases, as well as those reported by us, supports the hypothesis that only deletions involving at least part of band q32 are associated with major malformations and digital abnormalities. Patients with more distal deletions have severe mental retardation but do not have major malformations or growth retardation. A group of patients in whom the breakpoint is stated to be within q32 has had an intermediate phenotype. This suggests that it may be possible to define subregions within q32 whose deletion is associated with particular developmental defects. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Significant evidence for linkage of febrile seizures to chromosome 5q14-q15   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
Febrile seizures (FSs) represent the most common form of childhood seizure. In the Japanese population, the incidence rate is as high as 7%. It has been recognized that there is a significant genetic component for susceptibility to this type of seizure. Two putative FS loci, FEB1 (chromosome 8q13-q21) and FEB2 (chromosome 19p), have been mapped. Furthermore, a mutation in the voltage-gated sodium (Na(+))-channel beta1 subunit gene ( SCN1B ) at chromosome 19q13.1 was identified in a family with a clinical subset, termed generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus (GEFS(+)). These loci are linked to some large families. In this study, we conducted a genome-wide linkage search for FS in one large family with subsequent linkage confirmation in 39 nuclear families. Significant linkage was found at D5S644 by multipoint non-parametric analysis using GENEHUNTER ( P = 5.4 x 10(-6)). Estimated lambda(s)at D5S644 was 2.5 according to maximum likelihood analysis. Significant linkage disequilibria with FS were observed at the markers D5S644, D5S652 and D5S2079 in 47 families by transmission disequilibrium tests. These findings indicate that there is a gene on chromosome 5q14-q15 that confers susceptibility to FSs and we call this gene FEB4.  相似文献   

Translocation (14;14)(q11;q32) was associated with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in a child. The B-cell lineage of the leukemic cells led us to perform FISH studies, which showed that the chromosomal breakpoints were telomeric to TCRA/D and IGH loci. These findings show that FISH analyses are necessary when unusual features are associated with a recurrent translocation.  相似文献   

14q32 translocations [t(14q)] represent critical but not universal events in multiple myeloma (MM). Gains of chromosome arms 1q, 9q, and 11q (+1q, +9q, and +11q) have recently been identified as frequent aberrations in this disease, but their pathogenetic significance remains unclear. We studied a series of 108 MM patients using fluorescence in situ hybridization and DNA probes mapping to chromosome bands 1q21, 9q34, 11q25, 13q14, and 14q32. Three subsets of tumors were defined: (1) MM+/+ (detection of +9q and +11q; 43.5% of cases), (2) MM+/- (+9q or +11q; 21.3%), and (3) MM-/- (neither +9q nor +11q; 35.2%). The incidence of t(14q) was significantly different in these subgroups: 23% in MM+/+, 56% in MM+/-, and 89% in MM-/-. Deletion of 13q (13q-) also was significantly less frequent in MM+/+ (23%) than in MM+/- and MM-/- (36% and 63%, respectively). The nonrandom distribution of chromosomal aberrations in the present series of MM tumors points to a novel, 14q32 translocation-independent pathogenetic pathway in plasma cell neoplasms.  相似文献   

Juvenile nephronophthisis (NPH) is a genetically heterogeneous disorder representing the most frequent inherited cause of chronic renal failure in children. We recently assigned a gene (NPH1) to the 2q13 region which is responsible for approximately 85% of cases. Cloning this region in a yeast artificial chromosome contig revealed the presence of low copy repeats. Large-scale rearrangements were detected in 80% of the patients belonging to inbred or multiplex NPH1 families and in 65% of the sporadic cases. Surprisingly, these rearrangements seem to be, in most cases, large homozygous deletions of approximately 250 kb involving an 100 kb inverted duplication. This suggests a common genetic disease-causing mechanism, which could be responsible for the highest frequency of large rearrangements reported in an autosomal recessive trait. Our findings are also of major clinical interest, as they permit the diagnosis in the majority of sporadic cases without the need for kidney biopsy.   相似文献   

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