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曾红  张丽  闫素英 《中国药房》2009,(4):314-315
目的:为提高药师药学服务的意识、能力和水平,保证患者用药安全、有效提供参考。方法:以基本理论、基础知识、基本技能训练为原则开展针对门诊药房工作人员的技术大练兵,采用闭卷答题和实际操作2种方式,对其进行培训和考核,并对考核结果进行分析。结果:基础知识中法律法规和专业知识考试分别有占总调查人数72.8%和36.4%的人员成绩为优,但基本技能中审查处方和特殊剂型药品使用方法掌握相对较差。结论:新型的开放式窗口服务模式,对药学人员的专业知识和技能水平提出了更高的要求,因此"三基"训练是新形势下医院建设的重要内容。  相似文献   

从医院药房的发展趋势看药师的重要性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韩荣慧 《天津药学》2006,18(4):83-84
20世纪40年代中期,美国人首先提出了“医院药学”的概念。医院药学是研究药学在医院领域中的应用以及药物制剂、药事管理、药学技术等学科,是探讨药物的合理使用,参与和指导临床安全、有效、合理、经济的使用药物的一门综合性的药学学科。医院药学涉及化学、生物学、药理学、药剂学、治疗学、临床医学、临床检验学、伦理学、信息学、心理学和管理学等多种学科的内容。医院药学在临床包括药品供应、药品调剂、药品检验、药物制剂、临床药学、临床药理、药物研究等多个专业科室,并平行归属于医院药剂科管理。1医院药学的发展医院药学的形成和…  相似文献   

张伟丽 《自我药疗》2014,(12):12-15
受传统观念影响,很多居民用药咨询还停留在“问医生”上,随着我国自我药疗人群的日益壮大,以及药店购买的经济性、便捷性的特点,选择药店购药并进行自我药疗逐渐成为现代人购药的首选。记者了解到,上海今年已效仿“家庭医生”制度,在全市推广“家庭药师”服务,让社区附近药店里的执业药师为社区居民,特别是老年居民介绍药学知识,科普合理用药和安全用药,老百姓大药房已经在全市率先开始试点,在成立十周年之际举行了“家庭药师”的启动,每名药师签约绑定100个家庭,提供私人订制化的上门服务。  相似文献   

从患者用药的依从性看执业药师指导用药的必要性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
当患者能遵守医师确定的治疗方案及执业药师对其服用药物方面的指导时,就认为这一患者具有依从性,反之为不依从性.产生不依从性的原因是多方面的,提高患者用药依从性的主要措施之一是执业药师对患者加强用药指导.  相似文献   

从患者用药的依从性看执业药师指导用药的必要性   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
刘进先  张晓萌  张华 《中国药师》2004,7(10):820-821
当病人能遵守医师确定的治疗方案及执业药师对其服用药物方面的指导时,就认为这一病人具有依从性,反之为不依从性.产生不依从性的原因是多方面的,有医师的因素、执业药师的因素及病人的因素,提高患者用药依从性的一个重要措施是执业药师对患者加强用药指导.  相似文献   

关于药品经营企业“药师不在岗”问题的思考与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
万照广 《齐鲁药事》2010,29(7):389-391
药品经营企业,包括单体零售药店和连锁门店,亦称社会药房,作为医疗机构药房的有效补充,给人们带来了很多方便。  相似文献   

郝岚 《中国药店》2003,(8):42-46
药店业在经历了连锁热、圈地热后,又迎来了大卖场热。  相似文献   

1 临床资料 患者,男,52岁。因前列腺肥大入院行前列腺电切术。手术当日即给予哌拉西林预防感染,但术后仍出现下腹胀痛及会阴部痛、尿频、尿急、尿痛等症状。15 d后尿中培养出细菌,自那时起,反复进行了十数次细菌培养均呈阳性,抗感染治疗达5个月之久。临床科请我科临床药师会诊,以指导使用抗菌药物。用药仅仅数天时间,感染即被有效地控制。2 讨论 2.1 临床药师先下临床调阅病历,了解病情,阅读了病人所有细菌培养的结果。发现病人感染后共做了13次15份标本的细菌培养和药敏试验。其中6份细菌鉴定为“臭鼻克雷伯菌”,尔后连续3次鉴定为“阴沟肠…  相似文献   

由中国药房杂志社主办、丽珠医药集团股份有限公司与广州中山医医药有限公司协办的“中国临床药师论坛——药师如何服务于临床”将于2008年6月20日~6月23日在广州举行。其目的在于通过这样的传统药学盛会,为临床药师这个新型职业探寻发展方向,也为临床药师之问、药师与医师之间架起一座沟通、交流的桥梁。届时,将邀请上海复旦大学附属中山医院药剂科吕迁洲主任作“临床药学与临床药师”的专题报告;第三军医大学大坪医院药学部孟德胜主任作“以临床药物配置中心为平台深化医院药学服务”的专题报告;  相似文献   

社区药学人员基本技能岗位培训和考核方法初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈芊  王育琴 《中国药房》2008,19(13):1024-1026
目的:探讨提高社区药学人员药学服务技能的岗位培训方法。方法:根据社区药学人员基本情况确定技能培训内容和方法并实施培训,通过技能考核和调查问卷了解技能培训和考核的效果。结果:绝大多数药学人员较好地掌握了规范化药品调剂、药物咨询和药品不良反应收集上报的基本技能,95%以上的人员认为参加药学技能培训对实际工作很有帮助。结论:建立社区药学人员定期岗位培训对于提高药学专业人员的知识水平和服务水平很有必要。  相似文献   

围手术期用药的管理已成为临床药师重要的日常工作,目前已有部分医院设立外科药师.随着外科药师队伍的逐步壮大,如何针对围手术期用药特点,规范外科药师培训成为当务之急.然而,当前尚未形成一套系统的、完整的知识体系.外科围手术期由于其独特的特点,药学所面对的问题不同于其它疾病治疗,在知识体系方面足以构建为学科,我们称之为"外科...  相似文献   

Objective. To evaluate the feasibility of an online training module, Certified Smoking Cessation Service Provider (CSCSP), developed for practicing pharmacists to equip pharmacy students with knowledge necessary for smoking cessation counseling and to assess the changes in student knowledge and skills regarding smoking cessation following training.Design. Sixty third-year and 80 fourth-year pharmacy undergraduates (N=140) were given access to an online module, the main intervention in the study. Two linkable questionnaires were administered to assess students’ preintervention and postintervention knowledge. For the third-year students, an additional role-play training component was incorporated, and student skills were assessed during week 14 with an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE).Assessment. Preintervention and postintervention knowledge assessments were completed by 130 (92.8%) students. Sixty-six students scored above 50% for the knowledge component postintervention, compared to 13 at preintervention, demonstrating significant improvement (x2(1, N=130)=32, p=0.003). All third-year students completed the intervention, and 66.7% were able to counsel excellently for smoking cessation, scoring more than 80%.Conclusion. The CSCSP online module developed for practicing professionals was found suitable for equipping pharmacy undergraduates with knowledge on smoking cessation topics. The module, along with role-play training, also equipped students with knowledge and skills to provide smoking cessation counseling.  相似文献   

我院门诊药房开展药物咨询服务的实践与体会   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
徐明霞  王军  李华 《中国药房》2007,18(1):74-75
目的:为促进药物咨询工作的科学、有效开展提供参考。方法:采用咨询窗口交谈、电话咨询、留言本等形式开展药物咨询服务,并结合典型实例进行分析。结果与结论:该项工作的开展提升了药学服务的技术含量,增进了患者满意度。  相似文献   

Objective. To conduct a survey of practicing pharmacists in which best-worst choice methodology was used to prioritize pharmacy practice skills for inclusion in a pharmacy curriculum in New Zealand.Methods. A literature search and review of pharmacy curricula were conducted, and the findings were used to develop a best-worst choice survey instrument regarding inclusion of pharmacy practice skills in the pharmacy curriculum. The survey was sent to registered pharmacists and intern pharmacists in New Zealand. Participants were asked to prioritize 16 skills in terms of their importance and relevance to pharmacy practice.Results. Of the 3836 pharmacists invited to participate in the survey, 388 completed the questionnaire. Comprehensive chronic disease management, specialty medications, and medicines use review were the top three prioritized skills. Injections, independent prescribing, and specialty compounding were the skills ranked as having the lowest priority. The pharmacists’ gender, age, practice setting, and ethnicity all influenced their skill prioritization. The pharmacists emphasized skills required in their current practice but deemphasized some skills that were emerging professional responsibilities.Conclusion. If curricular reform is to include new skills that are largely unfamiliar to or deemed unimportant by practicing pharmacists, quality assurance of students’ experiential education will be needed. Furthermore, preceptor education about changing expectations for pharmacy graduates’ skill sets must be adequately developed and implemented to ensure that preceptors provide students with opportunities to practice the full range of skills they will need in practice and provide them with accurate assessment and helpful feedback.  相似文献   

浅谈医院药师参与临床实践的必要性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
朱锦瑾 《中国药事》2001,15(4):243-244
本文针对目前医院临床药学工作的现状,分析和探讨了医,药两者之间相互作用,相互依存的紧密关系,阐述了医院药师参与临床实践的必要性。  相似文献   

Objective. To define essential skills for Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) graduates that are needed in the four most common sectors of pharmacy practice as determined by expert faculty who instruct within pharmacy skills laboratories.Methods. A three-round Delphi method was used to establish consensus. In the first round, participants were asked what skills were needed by students at entry to practice in community, health-system, ambulatory care, and managed care pharmacy settings. In rounds two and three, participants were asked to rate each skill with a level of importance using a 10-point Likert scale (1=not important to 10=very important).Results. In round one, participants produced a collective list of 289 essential skills. These skill statements were sent to participants in rounds two and three to assign a level of importance. After the third round, participants reached consensus using a mean level of importance for a final list of 69 community pharmacy skills, 47 health-system, 60 ambulatory care, and 15 managed care skills. These skills were then mapped to entrustable professional activities domains for schools and colleges pharmacy to use as a resource when assessing core competency development in the curriculum.Conclusion. The Delphi technique was used successfully with expert pharmacy skills laboratory faculty to identify laboratory-focused essential skills that recent PharmD graduates should have prior to entering community, health-system, ambulatory care, or managed care pharmacy practice. These essential skills can be used to guide curriculum development, develop milestone markers, and help ensure students are practice ready.  相似文献   

应用药房智能控制系统对门诊取药等候时间的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:对我院应用药房智能控制系统后的门诊患者取药等候情况进行调查,为减少患者等候时间和提高药房服务质量提供参考。方法:通过药房智能控制系统(PICS)收集我院门诊患者取药时间信息,对取药人数、取药等候时间等信息进行统计分析。结果:药房智能控制系统可有效缩短取药等候时间;取药高峰时段主要集中在上午9:01~11:00和下午14:01~16:00;72.87%的患者取药等候时间在10min内;90.08%的患者取药等候时间在15min内。结论:通过优化配药流程、增加专科药房、加强药师培训等措施,以期缩短患者取药等候时间,提高患者的满意程度。  相似文献   

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