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Gold compounds are used clinically in rheumatoid arthritis therapy. Acute renal toxicity is observed in some patients receiving chrysotherapy. The present study addresses morphofunctional and biochemical changes in rat kidneys during the first 8 days following a single ip injection of gold sodium thiomalate (AuTM), one of the gold compounds presently in clinical use. Compared to controls, AuTM pretreatment resulted in increased urine output and elevated serum creatinine and urea nitrogen concentrations. Also, by Day 8, treated rats had decreased body weights and increased kidney weights. Postmortem examination on Day 1 showed pale and mottled kidneys and diffusely pale inner cortex. Microscopically, there was severe coagulative necrosis of the proximal tubular epithelium. Epithelial regeneration was prominent by Day 4 and was nearly complete by Day 8. The regenerating epithelium was hyperplastic with basophilic cytoplasm and pleomorphic nuclei. Alterations in renal heme biosynthesis and drug metabolism paralleled the morphologic changes. The activity of delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase and benzo[a]pyrene hydroxylase were inhibited on Days 1, 2, and 4 following AuTM administration. Decreases in monooxygenase activity were accompanied by decreases in renal cytochrome P-450 levels. In contrast, renal microsomal heme oxygenase activity was elevated 9.5-fold on Day 1 and 2.5-fold on Day 2. By Day 8, all renal enzymatic activities assayed for were similar to those obtained with untreated rats.  相似文献   

The protective effects of various chelating agents such asD-penicillamine (d-PEN), 2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA), 2,3-dimercaptopropane sulphonate (DMPS), and N-(2-mercapto-2-methylpropanoyl)-l-cysteine (bucillamine), on the renal damage induced by gold sodium thiomalate (AuTM) in rats were studied. Rats were injected i. v. with AuTM at doses of 0.026, 0.066, 0.132, and 0.198 mmol/kg. Urinary excretion of protein, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and glucose in rats injected with AuTM significantly increased compared to the control levels within 1 day after the injection and thereafter decreased nearly to the control levels at 3 or 7 days. Gold was excreted rapidly during the first day after AuTM injection and excreted gradually thereafter. The concentrations of gold in the kidney and liver at 1 or 7 days after AuTM administration were approximately dose dependent. Treatment withd-PEN, DMSA, DMPS, and bucillamine (1.2 mmol/kg) significantly prevented increases in the urinary excretion of protein, AST, and glucose and the BUN level after AuTM (0.026 mmol/kg) injection. The injection of the chelating agents after AuTM administration showed thatd-PEN, DMSA, and DMPS enhanced mainly the urinary excretion of gold and that bucillamine enhanced mainly the fecal excretion of the metal. These chelating agents significantly decreased the gold concentrations in the kidney and liver. The findings suggest that the chelating agents tested can ameliorate the renal damage induced by AuTM.  相似文献   

Gold was characterized in the urine and bile of rats treated with D-penicillamine (D-PEN), 2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA), 2,3-dimercaptopropane sulphonate (DMPS), or N-(2-mercapto-2-methylpropanoyl)-L-cysteine (bucillamine) immediately after gold sodium thiomalate (AuTM) injection by both gel chromatographic and electrophoretic methods. It is suggested that the gold in the urine and bile after AuTM administration was predominantly bound to high molecular weight compounds. The characterization of gold in the urine after administration of AuTM with D-PEN, DMSA, or DMPS showed that most of the gold was bound to the chelating agents. In the treatment with the chelating agents such as D-PEN and DMPS, the gold was mainly excreted as a gold-chelating agent compound in the bile and a minor portion of the gold was present in the form of a gold-L-cysteine compound and high molecular weight compounds. DMSA treatment showed that a major portion of the gold was bound to high molecular weight compounds in the bile and a minor portion of the gold was present in the forms of gold-DMSA and gold-L-cysteine compounds. The administration of AuTM and bucillamine indicated that the gold was mainly present as a gold-Me-bucillamine compound in the urine and a gold-bucillamine compound in the bile.  相似文献   

In order to study the effect of gold compounds on the action of thrombin in vivo, experiments were performed to measure platelet survival and the weight of thrombus formation in experimental models of intra-aortic thrombosis by two indwelling aortic catheter methods. We have called these the long and short catheter methods. Platelet survival was reduced in all gold-treated and control animals which had indwelling aortic catheters. In the long catheter model, New Zealand White male rabbits were treated with one of the following: gold sodium thiomalate, sterile water, gold thioglucose, gold sodium thiosulfate, disodium thiomalate. Gold sodium thiomalate-treated rabbits had a reduced weight of experimentally induced intra-aortic thrombi compared with animals treated with sterile water or equimolar concentrations of gold thioglucose, gold sodium thiosulfate, or disodium thiomalate. This reduction in thrombus weight in the animals treated with gold sodium thiomalate was not reflected by changes in platelet survival or fibrinolysis. The serum gold levels achieved in these in vivo experiments was in the range of 5.0 X 10(-5) to 1.0 X 10(-4) M. These values are comparable to levels which can be achieved in human subjects immediately after a gold injection. In the short catheter model, New Zealand White male rabbits were treated with either gold sodium thiomalate, gold thioglucose, disodium thiomalate, or auranofin. Controls were given either water or 0.05% chlorocresol. Water-treated and gold sodium thiomalate-treated animals were also given 51Cr-labeled platelets and 125I-fibrinogen before insertion of the catheter.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Inhibition of human granulocyte elastase by gold sodium thiomalate   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Activation of lymphoid cells by both T and B cell mitogens was inhibited by gold sodium thiomalate (GST). The action of GST did not appear to be exerted at early stages of lymphocyte activation. Inhibition by GST was sustained throughout 4 days of culture. The inhibitory effect of GST was reduced at low serum concentrations. Sodium thiomalate and sodium chloroaurate were also able to inhibit lymphocyte activation.  相似文献   

Two rat liver cytosolic aldehyde dehydrogenases, ALDH1 and ALDH3c, are of particular interest because they are inducible by different classes of xenobiotics. ALDHI is mainly increased by phenobarbital-type inducers; polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), such as 3- methylcholanthrene (3MC), increase ALDH3c enzyme activity in all rat species currently tested. In addition, ALDH3c has been found to reflect the subfamily CYPIA of cytochrome P-450, as well as other enzymes functionally related to the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (the "Ah-receptor enzyme battery"), which is activated by the same type of inducers. In the present study we investigated whether the induction of ALDH3c might be connected with a chemically produced aseptic inflammation of the hepatocyte. To answer this question, we examined the relationship between the induction of ALDH3c by 3MC and the arachidonic acid cascade. Different non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) were tested in combination with 3MC and in post-treatment. The 3MC-induced ALDH3c activity was significantly diminished by the co-administered anti-inflammatory agents. Two microsomal enzyme activities (ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase, EROD; aryl-hydrocarbon-hydroxylase, AHH) were also decreased. Similar results were obtained with NSAIDs administered to animals pre- treated with 3MC, as far as the ALDH3c activity was concerned, but not for the microsomal enzyme activity (EROD and AHH). In conclusion, the induction of ALDH3c, after PAH treatment, may be related to an aseptic inflammation of the hepatocytes. This effect is reduced by commonly used steroid and non-steroid anti- inflammatory drugs, and although the mechanism of inhibition has not yet been elucidated, it appears likely that ALDH3c and CYP1A activities are associated with the "acute phase" response.  相似文献   

Treatment of rats with 25 or 50 mg/kg cyclosporin A for 6 days elicited vastly different responses in hepatic and renal heme and drug metabolism activities. In the liver, cytochrome P-450 concentration was decreased significantly (to 70-75% of the control). This was accompanied by a marked reduction in benzo[a]pyrene hydroxylase activity (to 20-28% of the control). Aniline hydroxylation was also decreased, but to a lesser extent (to 77% of the control). In contrast, in the kidney cytochrome P-450 concentration was significantly increased to (145-170% of the control), along with a modest decrease in benzo[a]pyrene hydroxylation activity. In this organ, the concentration of porphyrins was severely decreased (to 30% of the control). Also, the activities of delta-aminolevulinate (ALA) synthetase and ALA dehydratase, as well as that of heme oxygenase, were inhibited. It is suggested that in the kidney the inhibition of degradation, rather than an enhanced rate of synthesis of the heme molecule, contributes to the observed increase in cytochrome P-450 concentration. In the liver, the decrease in the cytochrome concentration could not be explained in terms of an alteration in the rate of heme biosynthesis or degradation. Therefore, the observed decrease in cytochrome P-450 concentration could reflect the direct inactivation of the hemoprotein or regulation of apoprotein production by cyclosporin and/or its metabolite(s). The possible relevance of the observations to cyclosporin nephrotoxicity is discussed.  相似文献   

Four normal male volunteers participated in a study designed to examine the disposition of gold given intramuscularly as gold sodium thiomalate. Blood samples were collected for 32 days following the administration of 10 mg of gold sodium thiomalate. Plasma gold concentrations were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry. A triphasic decay pattern in plasma gold concentrations was observed. Terminal log-linear phases corresponded to a mean disposition half-life of 25 days. Apparent total body clearance of gold was 7.0 +/- 0.6 ml kg-1 day-1 and the apparent volume of distribution was 0.26 +/- 0.051 kg-1. These pharmacokinetic data are in contrast to previous data from other investigators who have reported half-lives of approximately 5 days. Data from the current study provide a sound rationale for the currently used empiric dosing regimens.  相似文献   

Rat liver and kidney tissue uptake of gold and its localization in the cytosol was studied following various doses of gold sodium thiomalate (GST). The timecourse of gold incorporation into intracellular gold-binding ligands following repeated injections of GST was also investigated (11 injections, one dose/week). Results show that between 30 and 60% of the hepatic and renal gold was localized in the cytosol over a wide range of GST doses. This was also true following repeated doses. In the kidney, the binding of gold to high molecular weight (HMW) proteins was saturated after the third GST dose, while incorporation into the metallothioneins (MT) continued to increase, accounting for as much as 50% of cytosolic gold. On the other hand the binding to hepatic MT was about 10x lower, and the proportion of cytosolic gold incorporated into the MT, decreased from 30% (after first 3 GST injections) to about 15% (following the last 3 injections). The results show that the stimulation of MT biosynthesis in different tissues as a response to the injected GST is not the same and varies within each organ with the dose and/or the duration of repeated exposure. In the liver, the ability of gold to induce MT synthesis was limited and the importance of MT in the cellular uptake and disposition of gold may largely be confined to the kidneys. It is suggested that besides playing a possible role in the detoxification of cellular gold, particularly in the kidney, MT may also contribute towards the retention and localization of gold in the tissues.  相似文献   

It has been shown that gold accumulates in macrophages. In vitro studies have also shown that long-term anti-inflammatory and immuno-regulatory effects on these cells may be responsible for the effectiveness of gold in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. However, the relevance of this information to the in vivo circumstance is largely untested. In this study, the effect of gold sodium thiomalate (AuTM) on rat alveolar macrophage (AM) lysosomal enzymes, bacterial killing, and metabolic activities associated with phagocytosis were assessed after in vivo administration. The activities of beta-glucuronidase, acid phosphatase, and lysozyme were inhibited 1 day following a single AuTM injection (50 mg/kg, subcutaneous). However, lysozyme returned to normal, while the activities of beta-glucuronidase and acid phosphatase were elevated from 4 to 12 days thereafter. When AuTM was administered weekly for 8 weeks, the activities of acid phosphatase and beta-glucuronidase were elevated throughout, while lysozyme was largely unaffected. The increased lysosomal enzyme activities were not due to contamination of polymorphonuclear leukocytes. These long-term effects of AuTm on enzyme activity were in marked contrast to its in vitro effect which inhibited the activities of beta-glucuronidase and acid phosphatase. No effect of AuTM administration on the release of beta-glucuronidase upon phagocytosis of opsonized zymosan was observed. At 1 day following a single AuTM injection or 3 days after a second weekly injection, in vivo bactericidal activity of AM toward S. aureus was diminished. This bacterial killing defect was not due to decrease phagocytosis; the in vivo binding and ingestion of bacteria were normal. The defect correlated with imparied metabolic activities associated with phagocytosis, namely a significant decrease in the reduction of nitroblue tetrazolium and the stimulation of the hexose monophosphate shunt. This may be an attractive anti-inflammatory effect in light of the destructive potential of the reactive oxygen species produced by macrophages in an arthritic circumstance.  相似文献   

We have studied the distribution of gold in platelets from patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) undergoing chrysotherapy and, in vitro, in platelets reacted with gold sodium thiomalate. In vitro, electron dense fibrillar particles within membrane bound structures were detected in preparations containing 50 μg/ml or more of Au. Energy dispersive spectroscopy confirmed the presence of gold and sulphur in these particles. Gold was detected in platelets from RA patients by neutron activation analysis, but not by electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Serum cyclosporin levels, hepatic drug metabolism and renal tubulotoxicity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The present study was designed to examine inter-relationships between serum cyclosporin (CsA) levels, hepatic drug metabolising enzyme activity and CsA induced nephrotoxicity. CsA (25 mg/kg p.o.) was administered daily to male Sprague-Dawley rats: groups of animals were killed on days 0, 4, 7, 10 and 14 and thereafter at weekly intervals over the 7-week course of the experiment. Nephrotoxicity was evaluated by measuring tubular enzymuria and by light microscopy and serum CsA levels (parent drug plus certain metabolites) were determined by radioimmunoassay. The hepatic microsomal mono-oxygenase enzyme system was monitored by measurement of cytochrome P-450, aminopyrine N-demethylase and NADPH-cytochrome c reductase. Nephrotoxicity appeared within 4 days of starting treatment and continued for 4 weeks. Between weeks 4 and 6 there was a period of complete remission followed by the return of renal damage. Aminopyrine N-demethylase activity fell during the first 4 weeks. During the period of remission, however, N-demethylase activity rose to a point significantly higher than pretreatment values and serum CsA levels fell to their lowest concentration. With relapse, hepatic N-demethylase activity again fell below normal and serum drug levels rose to their pre-remission values. From the third week onward, changes in NADPH-cytochrome c reductase activity paralleled those in N-demethylase activity. The hepatic microsomal concentration of cytochrome P-450 did not, however, change significantly during the 7-week period of CsA treatment. Our results suggest that the spontaneous remission of CsA-induced nephrotoxicity is due to a reduction in circulating drug levels caused by increased hepatic CsA metabolism.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that tumor-bearing rats have significantly decreased hepatic microsomal cytochrome P-450 content and NADPH-cytochrome c reductase activity with, consequently, significantly decreased capacity for microsomal oxidative drug metabolism. Subsequent investigations have revealed that the rates of hepatic cytochrome P-450 apo-protein synthesis and degradation are decreased significantly and hepatic microsomal heme oxygenase activity is increased significantly in rats bearing an extra-hepatic tumor. Further studies have been done to attempt to clarify the pathogenesis and significance of these observations. Hepatic delta-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) synthetase activity in male Wistar rats declined to a nadir of 162 ± 34 (S.E.) pmoles ALA per mg protein per 30 min 6 days following i.m. transplantation of Murphy-Sturm lymphosarcoma (vs control = 218 ± 36 pmoles per mg per 30 min). Turnover of 3H-labeled heme in microsomal CO-binding particles (i.e. cytochrome P-450 heme) was increased significantly 8 days following i.m. transplantation of Murphy-Sturm lymphosarcoma with a T12 of 5.5 hr for the fast phase of hepatic cytochrome P-450 heme disappearance in tumor-bearing rats as compared with a T12 of 7 hr in control rats. Hepatic cytochrome P-450 apo-protein concentration was slightly, but not significantly, increased in Murphy-Sturm lymphosarcoma-bearing rats as compared with control rats up to 10 days following tumor transplantation. These results suggest that, in Murphy-Sturm lymphosarcoma-bearing rats, decreased microsomal cytochrome P-450 concentration is the result of both decreased cytochrome P-450 apo-protein synthesis and increased cytochrome P-450 heme turnover. Apo-cytochrome P-450 concentration was not appreciably altered because increased cytochrome P-450 heme turnover and decreased cytochrome P-450 apo-protein degradation were balanced by decreased cytochrome P-450 apo-protein synthesis. Because of their effects on cytochrome P-450 concentration and action, these alterations in heme and hemoprotein metabolism may be of importance in regulating oxidative drug metabolism in the tumor-bearing state.  相似文献   

The selective release of beta-glucuronidase (beta-Gluc) and beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase (beta-Glm) from human polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMN), initiated with bovine serum albumin/anti-bovine serum albumin (BSA/anti-BSA) immune complex (15 micrograms/ml-1) was significantly reduced by increasing concentrations (10(-7) M, 10(-6) M and 10(-5) M) of D-penicillamine (D-PEN) in a dose-dependent fashion. These effects upon the exocytosis of the lysosomal enzymes studied are in accordance with the results obtained previously in rats with adjuvant arthritis. In contrast, Dichlofenac Sodium (DICHL), which has been found to exert inhibitory activity upon extracellular release of beta-Gluc and beta-Glm in adjuvant arthritic rats in previous studies, had no significant in vitro effect on the exocytosis of these enzymes at the concentrations identical to those of D-PEN. Also, Gold Sodium Thiomalate (GST), in the same concentrations ranging from 10(-7) M-10(-5) M, failed to inhibit selective release of beta-Gluc and beta-Glm in the present investigations. Additionally, BSA/anti-BSA, D-PEN, DICHL and GST did not significantly produce the extracellular release of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) indicating that under experimental conditions described the cell remained intact. Moreover, neither D-PEN, DICHL, GST or BSA/anti-BSA significantly changed the activities of lysosomal enzyme markers used in these experiments. The possible mechanism(s) of the observed phenomena are discussed.  相似文献   

This article reviews the metabolic pharmacokinetic drug-drug interactions with the systemic antifungal agents: the azoles ketoconazole, miconazole, itraconazole and fluconazole, the allylamine terbinafine and the sulfonamide sulfamethoxazole. The majority of these interactions are metabolic and are caused by inhibition of cytochrome P450 (CYP)-mediated hepatic and/or small intestinal metabolism of coadministered drugs. Human liver microsomal studies in vitro, clinical case reports and controlled pharmacokinetic interaction studies in patients or healthy volunteers are reviewed. A brief overview of the CYP system and the contrasting effects of the antifungal agents on the different human drug-metabolising CYP isoforms is followed by discussion of the role of P-glycoprotein in presystemic extraction and the modulation of its function by the antifungal agents. Methods used for in vitro drug interaction studies and in vitro-in vivo scaling are then discussed, with specific emphasis on the azole antifungals. Ketoconazole and itraconazole are potent inhibitors of the major drug-metabolising CYP isoform in humans, CYP3A4. Coadministration of these drugs with CYP3A substrates such as cyclosporin, tacrolimus, alprazolam, triazolam, midazolam, nifedipine, felodipine, simvastatin, lovastatin, vincristine, terfenadine or astemizole can result in clinically significant drug interactions, some of which can be life-threatening. The interactions of ketoconazole with cyclosporin and tacrolimus have been applied for therapeutic purposes to allow a lower dosage and cost of the immunosuppressant and a reduced risk of fungal infections. The potency of fluconazole as a CYP3A4 inhibitor is much lower. Thus, clinical interactions of CYP3A substrates with this azole derivative are of lesser magnitude, and are generally observed only with fluconazole dosages of > or =200 mg/day. Fluconazole, miconazole and sulfamethoxazole are potent inhibitors of CYP2C9. Coadministration of phenytoin, warfarin, sulfamethoxazole and losartan with fluconazole results in clinically significant drug interactions. Fluconazole is a potent inhibitor of CYP2C19 in vitro, although the clinical significance of this has not been investigated. No clinically significant drug interactions have been predicted or documented between the azoles and drugs that are primarily metabolised by CYP1A2, 2D6 or 2E1. Terbinafine is a potent inhibitor of CYP2D6 and may cause clinically significant interactions with coadministered substrates of this isoform, such as nortriptyline, desipramine, perphenazine, metoprolol, encainide and propafenone. On the basis of the existing in vitro and in vivo data, drug interactions of terbinafine with substrates of other CYP isoforms are unlikely.  相似文献   

Different kinds of experimental liver damage in rats are evaluated as to associated changes in breakdown of natural estrogens. Acute or chronic treatment of rats with ethanol does not influence aromatic hydroxylation of estradiol, as indicated by liver microsomal replacement of tritium from 2,4,6,7-3H-estradiol. More severe liver damage by CCl4 or thioacetamide, which lowers hepatic cytochrome P-450, causes impairment of estrogen degradation: CCl4 dosage leads to a marked decrease in aromatic hydroxylation of estradiol. Whereas thioacetamide in a chronic application schedule has been previously reported to a decrease microsomal aromatic estrogen hydroxylation, a single dose of 300 mg/kg thioacetamide in rats causes increased microsomal formation of estrone from estradiol, which is regarded to be a better (i.e., more lipophilic) substrate for the microsomal estrogen 2-hydroxylase than is estradiol. The data show that hepatotoxic agents may act differentially on hepatic metabolism of endogenous steroids.  相似文献   

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