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目的调查了解浙江省高校临床医学专业与护理学专业有关老年医学与护理课程的设置情况、继续医学教育项目,为老年医学教育和老年医护人才培养模式的构建提供依据。方法采用自行设计的调查问卷对浙江省14所设置临床医学专业和护理学专业的医学类院校进行书面或官网数据调查,同时取样浙江省继续医学教育网近4年老年医学类项目。结果在本科和专科教育阶段,仅有1所高校开设老年医学选修课程,5所院校开设老年护理课程;在硕士研究生教育阶段,有3所高校招收老年医学相关方向的硕士研究生,1所高校招收老年护理方向的硕士研究生,继续教育项目占比仅为3.4%。结论老年医学与护理教育现状堪忧,严重背离社会发展的需求,应当尽快增设老年医学与老年护理专业,建立老年医学与护理教育体系,完善老年医学人才培养模式。  相似文献   

针对基层医院年轻口腔医师队伍现状,在分析其原因的基础上,从加强教学改革,重视实践操作技能培养;加强人文素质教育;建立城市医院与基层医院技术支持与协作机制;做好继续教育以及形成家庭、学校、社会三者共同关心学生成长等方面,提出了加强基层医院年轻医师队伍建设的措施。  相似文献   

随着社会不断发展,我国已进入老龄化社会,培养熟练全面掌握老年医学知识的人才也显得日益重要。在老年病学教学工作中采取了医学基础知识教学和实践技能培养相结合的全方位教学方法,引进国外老年病课程内容,将老年病的特殊性、老年人的心理特点、老年患者的临终关怀等相关内容贯穿到整个教学过程中,取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

美国老年医学教育对我国老年医学教育的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面对人口老龄化的趋势,发展现代老年医学和教育在我国势在必行。美国老年医学和教育相对完善,通过对美国老年医学和教育的发展现况简要介绍,如老年病房、老年髋部骨折专诊、亚急性和过渡性医疗、全面的老年人服务项目、退休养老社区实施老年医疗,以及老年医学教育课程设置、研究生培养方法、老年病医师资质证明等,分析其特点和优势,探讨对于我国老年医学、老年医疗保健和老年医学教育的启示,为促进我国老年医学和老年医学教育的发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Many students planning to apply to medical school take undergraduate courses (for example, biochemistry, embryology, histology, and vertebrate anatomy) covering concepts that are taught within the medical school curriculum. Do these students perform better in similar courses in medical school than students without prior exposure? In the study reported here of 310 medical students, approximately 50 percent had taken biochemistry, 50 percent had taken a course dealing with vertebrate anatomy, 25 percent had taken embryology, and 25 percent had taken histology as undergraduates. In comparisons of the students with prior exposure to these courses and those without prior exposure, no statistical difference was noted in cumulative grade-point averages for the first year in medical school or in the students' scores in three of the four individual medical courses examined. In addition, there was no significant difference in the academic performances in the four courses between the students in the upper and the lower quartiles of the class. Implications regarding undergraduate preparation of medical school applicants are discussed.  相似文献   

在临床医学本科教育阶段,英国的老年医学教学目标以了解或描述老年医学相关内容为主,能力性要求较少。绝大多数医学院校将老年医学内容整合到精神医学和内科学等临床课程中。老年医学的教学方法主要分为正式和非正式两类,具有多样化趋势,并在模拟教学、跨学科教学和学生主导式教学等方面有一定创新。借鉴英国相关经验,建议我国研究制定本科临床医学专业老年医学教学要求,以规范并推动相关工作;医学院校可将老年医学知识更好地整合到现有课程体系中;不断创新老年医学教学方法,积极使用模拟教学、学生主导式教学等,以提升授课效果。  相似文献   

医学实验动物学是医学院校一门非常重要的基础课程,医学实验动物学课程建设对于医学生认识实验动物学科以及科学研究具有重要意义。本文查阅国内外实验动物学在医学院校的开设现状,并对川北医学院医学实验动物学教学设计、教学内容和考核方式进行叙述,再设计问卷调查不同年级学生学习该课程后对该课程的了解情况和建议。旨在为医学实验动物学课程的设计、创新提供依据,为医学院实验动物学课建设和发展提供一定的参考和思路。  相似文献   

为培养适合我国医疗卫生事业需要的创新型医学人才,中山大学依据全球医学教育最基本要求(GMER),结合具体校情,针对传统医学学科式课程“前后期割裂,内容交叉多”的缺陷,组建了“243”型课程体系,并以文化素质教育平台与实践创新教育平台为抓手,构建隐性课程环境,实施全人教育。围绕这一教学理念,继续深化医学教育教学改革,推进医学教育质量工程建设,打造临床实践教育平台,促进学生专业知识与专业技能发展。本文简述了“243”型课程体系与医学创新人才培养模式的构建及实施内容。  相似文献   

Multiple regression analyses were employed to determine the relationships between achievement variables as predictors of the performance on Part I of the National Board of Medical Examiners examinations (NBME-I) of 366 medical students. The students' examination score averages in first- and second-year basic science courses were sequentially added to a composite Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) score to investigate the increases in prediction accuracy. Four prediction equations were cross validated on two subsequent medical school classes. While the multiple correlation between the predicted NBME-I score and the actual score significantly increased as first- and second-year course examination scores were added to the equations, the overall accuracy in predicting passing or failing did not substantially increase. The most useful equation employed a combination of the MCAT score and the first semester anatomy course examination score. The NBME-I predictions were given by letter to the 1984 and 1985 students approximately a year before they were to take the NBME-I examination so that students at risk of failure could undertake remedial study.  相似文献   

人口老龄化社会的到来,迫切需要加强老年医学教育。目前,我国对于医学本科生的老年医学教育尚无统一的教学大纲。本文通过文献复习,借鉴和总结国际上老年医学教育的先进经验,提出医学本科生的老年医学教育的教学目的和要求、教学实施及教学评估建议,希望能引起更多的医学教育工作者参与讨论,以推动我国医学本科生的老年医学教学大纲的制订。  相似文献   

国内医学信息学专业课程结构调查分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
收集我国28所院校医学信息学和信息管理与信息系统(医学)专业的课程表并整理出112门必修课,采用学科分类与代码国家标准对课程进行分类,获得我国医学信息学教育课程内容的覆盖面、核心课程及课程类等信息,与IMIA推荐的BMHI课程设计模块相比较,以了解我国医学信息教育与国际标准的符合度。  相似文献   

选修课程是高等医学教育课程体系的重要组成部分,也是培养高素质医学人才的必要补充。本文分析了医学院校开设选修课程的现状,并以此为切入点,阐述了选修课程开设过程中面临的问题,依据以学生为本的全人教育理念,提出了加强医学院校选修课程体系建设的具体建议。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess teaching about cancer in medical schools in Australia and New Zealand. DESIGN AND SETTING: Postal survey of all 12 Australian and New Zealand medical schools in 1997. PARTICIPANTS: The Dean (or a nominee) of each medical school and the representative of each university on the Oncology Education Committee (OEC) of the Australian Cancer Society. OUTCOME MEASURES: Curriculum content, clinical placements and forms of teaching and assessment related to cancer; presence and composition of cancer curriculum planning, and assessment groups. RESULTS: 22 responses were received from 10 medical schools (from nine Deans or nominees and 13 OEC representatives). Implementation of cancer teaching and overall course structure varied considerably between schools. Nine of these 10 schools had a "cancer planning group", and four were using problem-based learning. Only five schools could readily provide detailed curriculum maps. Courses covered most areas of basic and clinical sciences outlined in the ACS ideal curriculum; chemotherapy and palliative care were taught in all courses, but other subjects were covered less often (e.g., clinical staging, radiation oncology and pain management were taught in nine schools, critical evaluation of medical literature in seven, and economic evaluation in five). Teaching on cancer in clinical placements also varied considerably (e.g., one school devoted no time to palliative care). DISCUSSION: There has been some improvement in delivery of cancer education in medical schools since 1993, but considerable variation in teaching practice and implementation remains. Difficulty in determining details of course content led directly to difficulty in assessing the quality of teaching about cancer.  相似文献   

Undergraduate medical education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
H S Jonas  S I Etzel  B Barzansky 《JAMA》1990,264(7):801-809
The number of applicants to US medical schools, which declined steadily between 1985 and 1988, increased slightly for the class entering in 1989. The profile of entering students showed a small decline from last year in the percentage of students with grade point averages categorized as "A" (3.5 or above on a 4-point scale) and slight declines in four of the six MCAT subtest scores. The percentage of both women and minority students in the entering class increased from the previous year. An interesting observation is the large percentage increase this year in students transferring to LCME medical schools from graduate and professional degree programs and from osteopathic medical schools. While the number of full-time faculty members in medical schools continues to increase, significant vacancy rates exist in some departments. More than 5% of full-time faculty positions are vacant in genetics, pathology, dermatology, family medicine, neurology, obstetrics-gynecology, orthopedics, otolaryngology, pediatrics, and surgery departments. Along with faculty vacancies, there has been a considerable turnover of medical school deans. The curriculum in most medical schools includes some innovative instructional formats, such as problem-based learning and computer-assisted instruction. However, current data do not allow a generalization about the extent to which these are being utilized. It seems that, at least in some institutions, multiple methods are being used to assess the clinical competence of medical students (observation by faculty members and residents, written and oral examinations, and multiple station examinations), including the use of standardized patients. About half of the medical schools require students to pass the NBME Part I examination and about one third require passage of Part II. The subject examinations provided by the NBME seem to be used widely, at least in the clinical disciplines. Within the past year, about 14% of medical schools have reported the presence of students or residents who have been diagnosed with human immunodeficiency virus infection, and 12% have had students or residents diagnosed with hepatitis B virus infection. It is critical that medical schools teach students how to prevent occupational exposure to these infections, as well as ensuring that adequate health insurance coverage be provided for these conditions.  相似文献   

以85所高校为样本,通过比较综合类院校?经济类院校与医药类院校国贸专业(方向)课程体系设置的差异,发现三类高校国贸专业在课程模块设计?整体特色?主干课程?选修课程?发展阶段等方面存在较大差异?医药院校要保持国贸专业的经济学性质和发挥医药院校的特色,应在加强师资力量?深化交叉学科的研究?明确办学特色?整合课程资源等方面完善措施?  相似文献   

阐述军队医学院校医学文献信息检索网络课程建设依据,以第四军医大学医学文献信息检索网络课程为例,介绍教学内容和课程设计思路,开发网络课程教学平台,包括课程规划模块、资源准备模块、课程质量模块、教学组织模块及评价分析模块。本课程适用于军队医学院校不同专业的学员学习,使学习时间和内容不受时空所限。  相似文献   

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