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Voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) is an integral part of South Africa’s HIV prevention programme. School-going males, in particular, are considered a cost-effective target population. However, ambitious policy targets have not been achieved due to the plateau in demand for VMMC. This study documents the factors influencing demand for VMMC amongst school-going males. Data were collected from 750 learners (251 circumcised and 499 uncircumcised) from 42 secondary schools in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. There was a positive association between the perceived benefit of VMMC and the likelihood of undergoing circumcision (AOR: 1.41, p = 0.01). There was a negative association between self-efficacy to use condoms and likelihood of undergoing VMMC (AOR: 0.75, p < 0.01). Learners who perceived VMMC as having a number of health benefits, including reducting of the chances of contracting HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), increasing penile hygiene and the belief that VMMC allows them to use condoms less frequently, were more likely to undergo VMMC. Of concern, learners who were confident in their ability to access condoms and t use a condom with their partner were less likely to undergo VMMC.  相似文献   

Voluntary medical male circumcision is one of the most effective measures in preventing male acquisition of HIV during heterosexual intercourse. In Kenya, the voluntary medical male circumcision programme was launched in the year 2008 as part of a comprehensive national HIV prevention strategy. With the global challenge of funding HIV intervention programs, the sustainability of the programme beyond the donor periods need to be assessed. The purpose of this study was to determine the household ability and willingness to pay for voluntary medical male circumcision as an alternative method of funding the programme. The findings show that 62.2% of the households were “able” to pay for medical circumcision. However, 60.4% of them were not “willing” to pay for the service regardless of the cost. The findings indicate that ability to pay is not a significant predictor of willingness to pay for voluntary medical male circumcision within Kisumu County. Knowledge on the role of medical circumcision is a more important factor in determining willingness to pay for the service.  相似文献   

Voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) has been demonstrated to reduce the transmission of HIV by 60%. Scaling up VMMC services requires that they be of high quality, socially accepted, and effective. We evaluated an intervention aimed at improving VMMC standards adherence and patient follow-up rates in nine facilities in Uganda. We also qualitatively explored why some men return for follow-up care and others do not. The completeness and quality of clinical documentation was poor at baseline, but significantly improved at endline. We observed significant improvements in management systems; supplies, equipment, and environment; and monitoring and evaluation. Due to the volume of missing data, results were less clear for registration, group education, and information, education and communication; individual counselling and HIV testing; and infection prevention. Significant improvements were also observed in follow-up rates at 48 hours and 7 days, and 6 weeks. Interviews revealed the importance of peers, including female partners, in deciding to get circumcised and in seeking follow-up care. Among the men who did not return for follow-up services, most reported they had no problems and did not see it as necessary. For those who did have mild or moderate adverse events, follow-up care was often sought at a facility closer to the patients’ home rather than the circumcising facility. However, information systems were unable to capture this. Applying improvement approaches to VMMC services can promote improved standards adherence and follow-up rates and should be integrated into scale-up plans.  相似文献   

Zixin Wang  Tiejian Feng 《AIDS care》2016,28(10):1332-1337
Risk compensation was an important concern of voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) promotion campaigns. No study investigated risk compensation following VMMC among male sexually transmitted diseases patients (MSTDP). A cross-sectional survey interviewed 308 uncircumcised MSTDP in Shenzhen, China. 26.9% of them intended to perform at least one of the five types of risk compensation behaviors following VMMC. In the summary stepwise model, provision of incorrect response to HIV/sexually transmitted diseases knowledge items (multivariate odds ratios (ORm)?=?2.30), genital herpes infection (ORm?=?3.19), Risk Reduction Score for Unprotected Sex, and Negative Condom Attitudes Scale (ORm?=?1.13) were significantly associated with behavioral intention to perform at least one type of risk compensation behavior following VMMC. The results provided a framework for developing related interventions. Prevention of risk compensation should be an essential component of VMMC promotion for all MSTDP, irrespective of their intention for VMMC.  相似文献   

Voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) prevalence in priority countries in sub-Saharan Africa, particularly among men aged ≥20 years, has not yet reached the goal of 80% coverage recommended by the World Health Organization. Determining novel strategies to increase VMMC uptake among men ≥20 years is critical to reach HIV epidemic control. We conducted a systematic review to analyze the effectiveness of economic compensation and incentives to increase VMMC uptake among older men in order to inform VMMC demand creation programs. The review included five qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods studies published in peer reviewed journals. Data was extracted into a study summary table, and tables synthesizing study characteristics and results. Results indicate that cash reimbursements for transportation and food vouchers of small nominal amounts to partially compensate for wage loss were effective, while enrollment into lotteries offering prizes were not. Economic compensation provided a final push toward VMMC uptake for men who had already been considering undergoing circumcision. This was in settings with high circumcision prevalence brought by various VMMC demand creation strategies. Lottery prizes offered in the studies did not appear to help overcome barriers to access VMMC and qualitative evidence suggests this may partially explain why they were not effective. Economic compensation may help to increase VMMC uptake in priority countries with high circumcision prevalence when it addresses barriers to uptake. Ethical considerations, sustainability, and possible externalities should be carefully analyzed in countries considering economic compensation as an additional strategy to increase VMMC uptake.  相似文献   

Local beliefs and practices about voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) may influence uptake and effectiveness. Data were gathered through interviews with 40 people from four ethnically mixed fishing communities in Uganda. Some men believed that wound healing could be promoted by contact with vaginal fluids while sex with non-regular partners could chase away spirits – practices which encouraged unsafe sexual practices. Information given by providers stressed that VMMC did not afford complete protection from sexually-transmitted infections, however, a number of male community members held the view that they were fully protected once circumcised. Both men and women said that VMMC was good not just for HIV prevention but also as a way of maintaining hygiene among the men. The implementation of VMMC in high-HIV prevalence settings needs to take account of local beliefs about circumcision, working with local religious/social group leaders, women and peers in the roll-out of the intervention.  相似文献   


Using a deterministic compartmental modeling procedure to fit prevalence from 2005–2015, we projected new HIV cases during 2016–2026 under different coverage rates ranging from 0.0001 (at baseline) to 0.15 (an optimistic assumption) with simulations on varying transmission rates, model calibration to match historical data, and sensitivity analyses for different assumptions. Compared with the baseline (λ?=?0.0001), we found the new HIV cases would reduce with the increase of coverage rates of the voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) among men who have sex wtih men (MSM). The higher the coverage rate, the lower the new HIV incidence would be. As one of the first studies to model the potential impact of VMMC among MSM in China, our model suggested a modest to the significant public health impact of VMMC. Even at just 15% VMMC annual uptake rate, the reduction in new infections is substantial. Therefore, there is a strong need to determine the efficacy of VMMC among MSM, to improve the evidence base for its potential use among MSM in low circumcision settings. Only then can policymakers decide whether to incorporate VMMC into a package of HIV prevention interventions targeting MSM.  相似文献   

Veena Kamath 《AIDS care》2015,27(8):986-989
A number of programs have focused on scale-up and implementation research regarding voluntary medical male circumcision; however, there is limited research with regard to factors and strategies related to abstinence compliance and the effects of resuming sex during the wound healing period (42-day post-circumcision). We searched the literature for peer-reviewed articles examining early resumption of sex during this period. This review identifies factors that may predispose a client to engage in sex during the 42-day postoperative period, examines how early resumption of sex can inhibit wound healing and increase seroconversion, and reviews strategies that may increase adherence to abstinence during the wound healing period. We found that the most common factor that may predispose a client to engage in sex before the end of the postoperative period is marriage or cohabitation with a sexual partner. With regard to the effect of sex during the postoperative period on wound healing and seroconversion, we found that adverse events incurred were mild, and there was an increased risk of seroconversion. The only strategy studied to increase compliance to abstinence during the postoperative period utilized text messaging, and the trial results indicate that text messaging did not increase abstinence compliance.  相似文献   

In 2007, the World Health Organization endorsed voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) as part of comprehensive HIV-prevention strategies. A major challenge facing VMMC programs in sub-Saharan Africa remains demand creation; there is urgent need for data on key elements needed to trigger the decision among eligible men to seek VMMC. Using qualitative methods, we sought to better understand the circumcision decision-making process in Botswana related to VMMC. From July to November 2013, we conducted 27 focus group discussions in four purposively selected communities in Botswana with men (stratified by circumcision status and age), women (stratified by age) and community leaders. All discussions were facilitated by a trained same-sex interviewer, audio recorded, transcribed and translated to English, and analyzed for key themes using an inductive content analytic approach. Improved hygiene was frequently cited as a major benefit of circumcision and many participants believed that cleanliness was directly responsible for the protective effect of VMMC on HIV infection. While protection against HIV was frequently noted as a benefit of VMMC, the data indicate that increased sexual pleasure and perceived attractiveness, not fear of HIV infection, was an underlying reason why men sought VMMC. Data from this qualitative study suggest that more immediate benefits of VMMC, such as improved hygiene and sexual pleasure, play a larger role in the circumcision decision compared with protection from potential HIV infection. These findings have immediate implications for targeted demand creation and mobilization activities for increasing uptake of VMMC among adult men in Botswana.  相似文献   

The World Health Organisation and the Joint United Nations Programme on AIDS recommend male circumcision (MC) as an additional intervention against HIV infection. Various sub-Saharan African countries are at different stages of rolling out MC programmes. Despite initial fears, studies conducted among traditionally non-circumcising communities in Africa have shown that MC is widely accepted as a biomedical intervention. However, little is known on how traditionally circumcising communities where MC carries considerable social meaning and significance would respond to such programmes. This study was conducted among a traditionally circumcising community in Tarime district in Tanzania as part of a national situation analysis prior to initiating a national MC programme. It employed key informant interviews and focus group discussions for data collection. Results show that the Kurya ethnic group practice MC as a rite of passage from childhood to adulthood. Each clan organises its own circumcision ceremony, which takes place every even numbered years. Clan leaders and traditional circumcisers are central to its organisation. Among the Kurya, there is high regard for traditional MC as it is perceived as upholding cultural practice and identity. It also embodies notions of bravery since anaesthetics are not used. On the other hand, medical MC is not viewed as prestigious since anaesthetics are used to suppress pain. Social pressure for traditional MC is applied through ridiculing of those uncircumcised or circumcised at health facilities. In general, there are positive attitudes towards MC as it is perceived as enhancing personal hygiene and having a protective effect against sexually transmitted infections. For the success of nation-wide MC programmes, there is need to develop programmes that incorporate both clinical and sociocultural interests.  相似文献   

Objective To explore male circumcision (MC) prevalence, knowledge, attitudes and intentions among rural Zimbabweans. Methods Representative survey of 18–44 year olds in two provinces, as part of an evaluation of the Zimbabwe National Behaviour Change Programme. We conducted univariate, bivariate and multivariate analyses. Linear regression was employed to predict knowledge of MC (composite index) and logistic regression to predict knowledge that MC prevents HIV, willingness (oneself or one’s partner) to undergo MC, and willingness to have son circumcised. Results Two thousand seven hundred and forty‐six individuals participated in the survey (87% of eligibles). About two‐thirds were women (64%). Twenty per cent of men reported being circumcised, while 17% of women reported having a circumcised partner. Knowledge of MC and its health benefits was low. Attitudes towards MC were relatively positive. If it could prevent HIV, 52% of men reported that they would undergo MC and 58% of women indicated that they would like their partners to be circumcised. Seventy‐five per cent of men who reported being HIV positive were willing to undergo MC, against 52% of those who reported HIV negative status. Reported acceptability of neonatal circumcision was high with 58% of men and 60% of women reporting that they would have their sons circumcised if it protected them against HIV. Fear of adverse effects was highlighted as a barrier to MC acceptability. Conclusion More knowledge about MC’s health benefits positively affects people’s attitudes towards MC. The relatively high MC acceptability suggests an enabling environment for the scale‐up programme.  相似文献   


Uganda adopted voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) in 2010, but uptake remains disproportionately low in the Northern region despite implementing several demand creation strategies. This study explored the socio-cultural and structural enhancers and barriers to uptake of VMMC services in Gulu, a district in Northern Uganda where uptake is lowest. In September 2016, we conducted 19 focus group discussions, 9 in-depth interviews, and 11 key informant interviews with 149 total participants. Data were collected and analyzed thematically using both inductive and deductive approaches, then framed in four levels of the social ecological model. Enhancers included adequate knowledge about VMMC services, being young and single, partner involvement, peer influence, perceived increased libido after circumcision, and availability of free and high-quality VMMC services. Barriers included sexual abstinence during wound healing, penile appearance after circumcision, religion, culture, and misconceptions. Optimizing enhancers and addressing barriers could increase VMMC service uptake in northern Uganda.  相似文献   


Swaziland has the highest prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in the world at 26% of the adult population. Medical male circumcision (MMC) has been shown to reduce the risk of acquiring HIV from heterosexual sex by up to 60% and the Government of Swaziland has been promoting adult male circumcision. Infant circumcision commenced in 2013 so it is important to understand the knowledge and views of women as potential mothers, around infant circumcision for medical purposes to inform the development of the service. This study interviewed 14 women of reproductive age attending the outpatient department of Good Shepherd Mission Hospital (GSMH), a rural district hospital, on their knowledge of and attitudes to early infant male circumcision (EIMC). Participants were highly knowledgeable about the health benefits of medical circumcision, although knowledge of the comparative risks and benefits of EIMC to adult circumcision was poor. All participants would have a son circumcised; the preferred age varied from early infancy to adolescence. Complications and pain were the main barriers whilst religious and cultural reasons were mentioned both for and against circumcision. A variety of family members are important in the decision to circumcise a young boy. Acceptability of medical circumcision was high in this study, but concerns about safety, pain, autonomy and cultural factors reduce the acceptability of infant circumcision more specifically. It will be important to provide accurate, culturally sensitive information about infant circumcision to mothers, fathers and grandparents using existing hospital and community services provided at GSMH and throughout Swaziland. Where possible services for MMC should be available to males of all ages so that families and young men may choose the most favourable age for circumcision.  相似文献   

South Africa promotes male circumcision (MC) as an HIV prevention method and implemented a national plan to scale-up MC in the country from 2012 to 2016. Literature has suggested that female risk compensatory behaviours (RCBs) are occurring in countries where these programmes have been implemented. Behaviours such as decreased condom use, concurrent sexual partners and sexual activity during the circumcision wound-healing period have the potential to jeopardise the campaigns’ objectives. Literature has shown that directly providing women with MC information results in correct knowledge however, previous studies have not directly sought women’s views and ideas on engagement with the information. This study aims to identify and explore female RCBs in relation to MC campaigns in South Africa, and to identify interventions that would result in greater female involvement in the campaigns. Snowball sampling was used to conduct twelve qualitative vignette-facilitated semi-structured interviews with women residing in a municipal housing estate in Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. Interviews were audio-recorded, verbatim transcribed and analysed using framework analysis. MC knowledge and understanding varied, with some participants mistaking MC as direct HIV protection for females. Despite a lack in knowledge, the majority of women did not report signs of RCBs. Even with a lack of evidence of RCBs, misinterpretation of the MC protective effect has the potential to lead to RCBs; a concept acknowledged in the literature. Several women expressed that MC campaigns are directed to males only and expressed a keenness to be more involved. Suggested interventions include couple counselling and female information sessions in community clinics. Exploring women’s attitude towards involvement in MC campaigns fills in a research knowledge gap that is important to international health, as women have a vital role to play in reducing the transmission of HIV.  相似文献   

Neonatal circumcision in patients with severe haemophilia has not been well studied. We performed a survey of paediatric haematologists from Hemophilia Treatment Centers (HTC) across the United States to better understand the attitudes toward and management of neonatal circumcision in haemophilia patients. Response rate to our survey was 40% (= 64/159). Thirty‐eight percent of respondents (= 24) said that they would allow this procedure in the newborn period but in many cases this was against medical advice. The most reported concern regarding neonatal circumcision in haemophilia patients was the risk of development of an inhibitor (= 25; 39%) followed by the concern for bleeding (= 22; 34%) and issues related to vascular access in the neonate (= 11; 17%). All respondents recommended at least one preprocedure dose of factor replacement. Twenty‐two percent (= 14) of respondents did not use more than one dose of factor replacement but 32% (= 21) used 1–2 postoperative doses. The remainder of paediatric haematologists surveyed recommended between 3–5 (16%; = 10) and 6–10 (3%, = 2) additional days postoperatively. There was wide variation in both techniques of circumcision as well as adjuvant haemostatic agents used. Only 22% of respondents said that they had an established protocol for management of circumcision in the newborn haemophilia patient. These survey results highlight the need for evidence‐based guidelines regarding the optimal management of circumcision in neonates with severe haemophilia.  相似文献   

A compelling case for promoting male circumcision (MC) as an intervention for reducing the risk of heterosexually acquired HIV infection was made by dissemination of the results of three studies in Africa. The WHO/UNAIDS recommendation for MC for countries like India, where the epidemic in concentrated in high-risk groups, advocates MC for specific population groups such as men at higher risk for HIV acquisition. A multicentre qualitative study was conducted in four geographically distinct districts (Belgaum, Kolkata, Meerut and Mumbai) in India during June 2009 to June 2011. Two categories of health care providers: Registered Healthcare Providers (RHCPs) and traditional circumcisers were interviewed by trained research staff who had received master's level education using interview guides with probes and open-ended questions. Respondents were selected using purposive sampling. A comparative analysis of the perspectives of the RHCP vs. traditional circumcisers is presented. Representatives of both categories of providers expressed the need for Indian data on MC. Providers feared that promoting circumcision might jeopardize/undermine the progress already made in the field of condom promotion. Reservation was expressed regarding its adoption by Hindus. Behavioural disinhibition was perceived as an important limitation. A contrast in the practice of circumcision was apparent between the traditional and the trained providers. MC should be mentioned as a part of comprehensive HIV prevention services in India that includes HIV counselling and testing, condom distribution and diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted infections. It should become an issue of informed personal choice rather than ethnic identity.  相似文献   

AIMS: To assess whether receipt of primary medical care can lead to improved outcomes for adults with addictions. DESIGN: We studied a prospective cohort of adults enrolled in a randomized trial to improve linkage with primary medical care. METHODS: Subjects at a residential detoxification unit with alcohol, heroin or cocaine as a substance of choice, and no primary medical care were enrolled. Receipt of primary medical care was assessed over 2 years. Outcomes included (1) alcohol severity, (2) drug severity and (3) any substance use. FINDINGS: For the 391 subjects, receipt of primary care (> or = 2 visits) was associated with a lower odds of drug use or alcohol intoxication (adjusted odds ratio (AOR) 0.45, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.29-0.69, 2 d.f. chi(2)P = 0.002). For 248 subjects with alcohol as a substance of choice, alcohol severity was lower in those who received primary care [predicted mean Addiction Severity Index (ASI) alcohol scores for those reporting > or = 2, 1 and 0 visits, respectively, 0.30, 0.26 and 0.34, P = 0.04]. For 300 subjects with heroin or cocaine as a substance of choice, drug severity was lower in those who received primary care (predicted mean ASI drug scores for those reporting > or = 2, 1 and 0 visits, respectively, 0.13, 0.15 and 0.16, P = 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Receipt of primary medical care is associated with improved addiction severity. These results support efforts to link patients with addictions to primary medical care services.  相似文献   

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